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Online:Crown Store/Dyes/Nuptial

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First FrostForestNecroticShadowsAutumnHarvestWitchesHoarfrostAlchemicalObliviousMercifulFrostedMistyDarkeningElegiacMagnanimousGoldenMoltenRadiantMetallicSanguinaryBlushingPassionateFlourishingSeedlingSproutingBurgeoningSpringLordlyInsectileBlossomingRainingFledglingEuphoricPastelIntenseOpaqueCeruleanCoastalOceanicCloudyUnfetteredTorridSaucySunnyRustyNuptialDuskyDarklingDawningRipeVivid

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Amethyst Adept.png Nuptial: Amethyst Adept 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Adept PurpleAdept Purple
Birch WhiteBirch White
Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue

Contains the colors "Adept Purple", "Birch White", and "Motif Pattern Blue".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Azure Mists.png Nuptial: Azure Mists 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue
Expert GrayExpert Gray
Birch WhiteBirch White

Contains the colors "Motif Pattern Blue", "Expert Gray", and "Birch White".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Blue Spouse in Motley.png Nuptial: Blue Spouse in Motley 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue
Adept PurpleAdept Purple
Telvanni BrownTelvanni Brown

Contains the colors "Motif Pattern Blue", "Adept Purple", and "Telvanni Brown".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Blue Wedding.png Nuptial: Blue Wedding 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue
Adept PurpleAdept Purple
Birch WhiteBirch White

Contains the colors "Motif Pattern Blue", "Adept Purple", and "Birch White".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Bridesmaid in Plum.png Nuptial: Bridesmaid in Plum 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Adept PurpleAdept Purple
Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue
Birch WhiteBirch White

Contains the colors "Adept Purple", "Motif Pattern Blue", and "Birch White".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Connubial Blue.png Nuptial: Connubial Blue 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue
Birch WhiteBirch White
Expert GrayExpert Gray

Contains the colors "Motif Pattern Blue", "Birch White", and "Expert Gray".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Dark Lavender Wedlock.png Nuptial: Dark Lavender Wedlock 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Adept PurpleAdept Purple
Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue
Telvanni BrownTelvanni Brown

Contains the colors "Adept Purple", "Motif Pattern Blue", and "Telvanni Brown".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Lilac and White.png Nuptial: Lilac and White 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Adept PurpleAdept Purple
Birch WhiteBirch White
Ash'abah Hood GrayAsh'abah Hood Gray

Contains the colors "Adept Purple", "Birch White", and "Ash'abah Hood Gray".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Magenta Mage.png Nuptial: Magenta Mage 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Adept PurpleAdept Purple
Telvanni BrownTelvanni Brown
Birch WhiteBirch White

Contains the colors "Adept Purple", "Telvanni Brown", and "Birch White".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Matrimony in Mammoth.png Nuptial: Matrimony in Mammoth 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Birch WhiteBirch White
Mammoth Fur BrownMammoth Fur Brown
Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue

Contains the colors "Birch White", "Mammoth Fur Brown", and "Motif Pattern Blue".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Pale and Purple.png Nuptial: Pale and Purple 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Birch WhiteBirch White
Adept PurpleAdept Purple
Expert GrayExpert Gray

Contains the colors "Birch White", "Adept Purple", and "Expert Gray".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Robin's Egg and Nest.png Nuptial: Robin's Egg and Nest 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue
Telvanni BrownTelvanni Brown
Mammoth Fur BrownMammoth Fur Brown

Contains the colors "Motif Pattern Blue", "Telvanni Brown", and "Mammoth Fur Brown".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Sky Down the Aisle.png Nuptial: Sky Down the Aisle 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue
Birch WhiteBirch White
Adept PurpleAdept Purple

Contains the colors "Motif Pattern Blue", "Birch White", and "Adept Purple".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Somber Blue Espousal.png Nuptial: Somber Blue Espousal 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue
Ash'abah Hood GrayAsh'abah Hood Gray
Adept PurpleAdept Purple

Contains the colors "Motif Pattern Blue", "Ash'abah Hood Gray", and "Adept Purple".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Wedded in White.png Nuptial: Wedded in White 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Birch WhiteBirch White
Expert GrayExpert Gray
Adept PurpleAdept Purple

Contains the colors "Birch White", "Expert Gray", and "Adept Purple".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial White Satin and Blue.png Nuptial: White Satin and Blue 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Birch WhiteBirch White
Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue
Mammoth Fur BrownMammoth Fur Brown

Contains the colors "Birch White", "Motif Pattern Blue", and "Mammoth Fur Brown".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial White, Cool, and Conjugal.png Nuptial: White, Cool, and Conjugal 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Birch WhiteBirch White
Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue
Adept PurpleAdept Purple

Contains the colors "Birch White", "Motif Pattern Blue", and "Adept Purple".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Nuptial Wine-Stained White.png Nuptial: Wine-Stained White 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Birch WhiteBirch White
Adept PurpleAdept Purple
Motif Pattern BlueMotif Pattern Blue

Contains the colors "Birch White", "Adept Purple", and "Motif Pattern Blue".
Nuptial Week
10 August 2017
3 August 2017