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Online:Crown Store/Dyes/First Frost

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First FrostForestNecroticShadowsAutumnHarvestWitchesHoarfrostAlchemicalObliviousMercifulFrostedMistyDarkeningElegiacMagnanimousGoldenMoltenRadiantMetallicSanguinaryBlushingPassionateFlourishingSeedlingSproutingBurgeoningSpringLordlyInsectileBlossomingRainingFledglingEuphoricPastelIntenseOpaqueCeruleanCoastalOceanicCloudyUnfetteredTorridSaucySunnyRustyNuptialDuskyDarklingDawningRipeVivid

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Alit Hide Green.png First Frost: Alit Hide Green 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns
0007575 Crowns
Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Silvenar GreenSilvenar Green
Sergeant's CharcoalSergeant's Charcoal
Soul Shriven GraySoul Shriven Gray

Contains the colors "Silvenar Green", "Sergeant's Charcoal", and "Soul Shriven Gray".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Battleaxe Brown.png First Frost: Battleaxe Brown 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns
0007575 Crowns
Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Pact Vanquisher BrownPact Vanquisher Brown
Soul Shriven GraySoul Shriven Gray
Sergeant's CharcoalSergeant's Charcoal

Contains the colors "Pact Vanquisher Brown", "Soul Shriven Gray", and "Sergeant's Charcoal".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Burnt Rosewood.png First Frost: Burnt Rosewood 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns
0005050 Crowns
Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Clothier PurpleClothier Purple
Murder MahoganyMurder Mahogany
Telvanni BrownTelvanni Brown

Contains the colors "Clothier Purple", "Murder Mahogany", and "Telvanni Brown".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Cranberry Cake.png First Frost: Cranberry Cake 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns
0007575 Crowns
Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Clothier PurpleClothier Purple
Soul Shriven GraySoul Shriven Gray
Sergeant's CharcoalSergeant's Charcoal

Contains the colors "Clothier Purple", "Soul Shriven Gray", and "Sergeant's Charcoal". This Dye Stamp was released early before the cycle system was put in place.
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
15 September 2016
Console: 16 August 2016
PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Dessert for Dinner.png First Frost: Dessert for Dinner 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Pact Vanquisher BrownPact Vanquisher Brown
Silvenar GreenSilvenar Green
Clothier PurpleClothier Purple

Contains the colors "Pact Vanquisher Brown", "Silvenar Green", and "Clothier Purple".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Emerald and Leather.png First Frost: Emerald and Leather 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns
0005050 Crowns
Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Silvenar GreenSilvenar Green
Murder MahoganyMurder Mahogany
Telvanni BrownTelvanni Brown

Contains the colors "Silvenar Green", "Murder Mahogany", and "Telvanni Brown".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Falkreath Fir Forest.png First Frost: Falkreath Fir Forest 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Silvenar GreenSilvenar Green
Clothier PurpleClothier Purple
Pact Vanquisher BrownPact Vanquisher Brown

Contains the colors "Silvenar Green", "Clothier Purple", and "Pact Vanquisher Brown".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Fall Forest Tints.png First Frost: Fall Forest Tints 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Clothier PurpleClothier Purple
Pact Vanquisher BrownPact Vanquisher Brown
Silvenar GreenSilvenar Green

Contains the colors "Clothier Purple", "Pact Vanquisher Brown", and "Silvenar Green".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Fir Green and Stone Gray.png First Frost: Fir Green and Stone Gray 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns
0007575 Crowns
Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Silvenar GreenSilvenar Green
Soul Shriven GraySoul Shriven Gray
Sergeant's CharcoalSergeant's Charcoal

Contains the colors "Silvenar Green", "Soul Shriven Gray", and "Sergeant's Charcoal".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Heartland Forest.png First Frost: Heartland Forest 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns
0005050 Crowns
Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Silvenar GreenSilvenar Green
Telvanni BrownTelvanni Brown
Murder MahoganyMurder Mahogany

Contains the colors "Silvenar Green", "Telvanni Brown", and "Murder Mahogany".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Pines and Cocoa.png First Frost: Pines and Cocoa 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Silvenar GreenSilvenar Green
Pact Vanquisher BrownPact Vanquisher Brown
Clothier PurpleClothier Purple

Contains the colors "Silvenar Green", "Pact Vanquisher Brown", and "Clothier Purple".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Plum Orchard.png First Frost: Plum Orchard 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Clothier PurpleClothier Purple
Silvenar GreenSilvenar Green
Pact Vanquisher BrownPact Vanquisher Brown

Contains the colors "Clothier Purple", "Silvenar Green", and "Pact Vanquisher Brown".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Rust and Mulberry.png First Frost: Rust and Mulberry 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Pact Vanquisher BrownPact Vanquisher Brown
Clothier PurpleClothier Purple
Silvenar GreenSilvenar Green

Contains the colors "Pact Vanquisher Brown", "Clothier Purple", and "Silvenar Green".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Sepia and Cinnamon.png First Frost: Sepia and Cinnamon 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns
0005050 Crowns
Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Pact Vanquisher BrownPact Vanquisher Brown
Telvanni BrownTelvanni Brown
Murder MahoganyMurder Mahogany

Contains the colors "Pact Vanquisher Brown", "Telvanni Brown", and "Murder Mahogany".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Shadow Jam.png First Frost: Shadow Jam 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns
0007575 Crowns
Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Clothier PurpleClothier Purple
Sergeant's CharcoalSergeant's Charcoal
Soul Shriven GraySoul Shriven Gray

Contains the colors "Clothier Purple", "Sergeant's Charcoal", and "Soul Shriven Gray".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Tooled Leather.png First Frost: Tooled Leather 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns
0005050 Crowns
Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Pact Vanquisher BrownPact Vanquisher Brown
Murder MahoganyMurder Mahogany
Telvanni BrownTelvanni Brown

Contains the colors "Pact Vanquisher Brown", "Murder Mahogany", and "Telvanni Brown". This Dye Stamp was released early before the cycle system was put in place.
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
15 September 2016
Console: 16 August 2016
PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Undertaker Boysenberry.png First Frost: Undertaker Boysenberry 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns
0005050 Crowns
Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Clothier PurpleClothier Purple
Telvanni BrownTelvanni Brown
Murder MahoganyMurder Mahogany

Contains the colors "Clothier Purple", "Telvanni Brown", and "Murder Mahogany".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016
ON-icon-dye stamp-First Frost Walnut and Lead.png First Frost: Walnut and Lead 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns
0007575 Crowns
Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Pact Vanquisher BrownPact Vanquisher Brown
Sergeant's CharcoalSergeant's Charcoal
Soul Shriven GraySoul Shriven Gray

Contains the colors "Pact Vanquisher Brown", "Sergeant's Charcoal", and "Soul Shriven Gray".
First Frost Week
21 September 2017
14 September 2017
22 September 2016
15 September 2016