Online:Colovian Crossing

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Colovian Crossing
Map of Colovian Crossing

Colovian Crossing is a small-scale PvP battleground featured at the Elder Scrolls Online booth at several gaming conventions in 2014 and 2015, prior to the release of the Battlegrounds game mode. Similar to Battlegrounds, participants were divided into three teams of four, although they were Alliance teams rather than the Fire Drakes, Pit Daemons, and Storm Lords. Gameplay consisted of a battle between the teams for control over a central flag, with each team spawning in its own fort and dropping down into the largely open arena to fight it out.

Though neither the Crossing nor its Battleground rules were ever released as part of the game, Istirus Outpost appears in roughly the same location, while the Land Grab gamemode uses similar mechanics.

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