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Online:Black Gull Dialogue

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The Black Gull slavers of South Guard Ruins have ambient banter.

"Hey, I'll tell you when I've had enough to drink!"
"Damn this humidity! Mauloch's jawbone, I miss Wrothgar."
"Calling me fat? Hrmph. I'll make him a head's weight lighter …."
"Baan Dar's arse, it's quiet. This one needs a good fight!"
"Just one more job, then it's back to the Alik'r. Just one more …."
"Laugh if you want, but I swear that catfish was as big as a senche-raht!"
"Sure, I skim a little off the top. But you'd better keep that to yourself!"
"If that slave mouths off one more time, I'm fetching my shears and cutting his tongue out."
"I don't know what to tell you. If you don't want rats in your pockets, don't keep hunks of cheese in there."
"Could have sworn I heard something. Just the damn rats again."
"This one would kill for a sweetroll. Seriously—who should I kill?"
"Got to watch your step in the shallows nowadays. One of those salamanders almost got me!"
"Wharf rat? Fetching nchow. Nobody calls me a wharf rat. Nobody!"
"Oblivion take that son of a guar. I'll point a knife at whoever I damn well please!"
"Just let those slaves try to escape. This one could use the target practice."
"Shields of Senchal? Heh. Just let them try to block us."
"Where are all the would-be heroes? We need some excitement around here!"
"Where's the damn grog? You better not have drunk it all!"
"Salted pork, salted pork, always salted pork! Can we get some greens around here?"
"Scrawny jekosiits …. Eat a steak for Mara's sake."
"Guard duty. Hmph. What a waste of time."
"Cats and their sugar. Where can a man find a decent kabob around here?"
"Dragons … feh. I dare one of those lizards to come tangle with us."
"Ugh. I don't even want to know what the cook put in that stew."
"More moldy bread? That does it. I'm on the next ship to Summerset."
"Rats aren't so bad. Sure, they carry diseases, but who here doesn't?"
"Keep a sharp eye, mate. Too many newcomers prowling about."
"Who's got the water skin? It's too damned hot down here …."
"Never seen a dragon before. Way I hear it, they could swallow a whale in one gulp!"
"Ugh. One more hour till my shift's over. One more hour …."
"Heard there's a hurricane bearing down on us. Make sure everything's tied down, eh?"
"Fifteen gold says this one can strike a frog's eye at fifty paces. Any takers?"
"Bastard wants to eyeball me? This one's got two arrows to fix that problem."
"Slaves, mudcrabs, lazy hackwings …. I need a real challenge!"
"Anybody up for a game of dice? I'm falling asleep here …."