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Online:Black Gull Dialogue
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
The Black Gull slavers of South Guard Ruins have ambient banter.
- "Hey, I'll tell you when I've had enough to drink!"
- "Damn this humidity! Mauloch's jawbone, I miss Wrothgar."
- "Calling me fat? Hrmph. I'll make him a head's weight lighter …."
- "Baan Dar's arse, it's quiet. This one needs a good fight!"
- "Just one more job, then it's back to the Alik'r. Just one more …."
- "Laugh if you want, but I swear that catfish was as big as a senche-raht!"
- "Sure, I skim a little off the top. But you'd better keep that to yourself!"
- "If that slave mouths off one more time, I'm fetching my shears and cutting his tongue out."
- "I don't know what to tell you. If you don't want rats in your pockets, don't keep hunks of cheese in there."
- "Could have sworn I heard something. Just the damn rats again."
- "This one would kill for a sweetroll. Seriously—who should I kill?"
- "Got to watch your step in the shallows nowadays. One of those salamanders almost got me!"
- "Wharf rat? Fetching nchow. Nobody calls me a wharf rat. Nobody!"
- "Oblivion take that son of a guar. I'll point a knife at whoever I damn well please!"
- "Just let those slaves try to escape. This one could use the target practice."
- "Shields of Senchal? Heh. Just let them try to block us."
- "Where are all the would-be heroes? We need some excitement around here!"
- "Where's the damn grog? You better not have drunk it all!"
- "Salted pork, salted pork, always salted pork! Can we get some greens around here?"
- "Scrawny jekosiits …. Eat a steak for Mara's sake."
- "Guard duty. Hmph. What a waste of time."
- "Cats and their sugar. Where can a man find a decent kabob around here?"
- "Dragons … feh. I dare one of those lizards to come tangle with us."
- "Ugh. I don't even want to know what the cook put in that stew."
- "More moldy bread? That does it. I'm on the next ship to Summerset."
- "Rats aren't so bad. Sure, they carry diseases, but who here doesn't?"
- "Keep a sharp eye, mate. Too many newcomers prowling about."
- "Who's got the water skin? It's too damned hot down here …."
- "Never seen a dragon before. Way I hear it, they could swallow a whale in one gulp!"
- "Ugh. One more hour till my shift's over. One more hour …."
- "Heard there's a hurricane bearing down on us. Make sure everything's tied down, eh?"
- "Fifteen gold says this one can strike a frog's eye at fifty paces. Any takers?"
- "Bastard wants to eyeball me? This one's got two arrows to fix that problem."
- "Slaves, mudcrabs, lazy hackwings …. I need a real challenge!"
- "Anybody up for a game of dice? I'm falling asleep here …."