Online:An Unhealthy Fate
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Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Leramil the Wise
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
The situation is growing very grim. Vaermina has invaded Apocrypha, Blightcrown is poisoning it, and Torvesard has learned the first third of your memory. The quest begins in the middle of the conversation you were having with Leramil the Wise:
- "Secret and forbidden knowledge. Something so terrible that Hermaeus Mora wiped the very memory of it from all existence. But now Torvesard has plucked a thin sliver from the darkness, urging us to remember.
Though it pains me, we cannot allow that." - Hermaeus Mora sent me to check on the glyphic that held the first part of the memory. I saw it, too.
- "You did? I … I am unsure how I feel about that. I want to ask you a thousand questions, but the corruption plaguing Apocrypha grows worse with every passing moment and Vaermina is still roaming free. I am torn as to what to do."
- The rest of the forgotten memory is contained in two more glyphics.
- "Hmm. An opportunity, perhaps? It shall take Vaermina time to locate the remaining glyphics. That gives us a chance to end the corruption and restore Hermaeus Mora's power.
Are you willing to hunt down Blightcrown while I try to locate Vaermina?" - I'll help you find Blightcrown, Leramil.
- "What started in the Panopticon has spread beyond into other parts of Apocrypha. Gadayn and I have seen its effects here among the stacks.
While you investigate the corruption in Cipher's Midden, I shall try to determine where to find Vaermina." - What do we know about this corruption?
- "We know it is a vile combination of dream and disease developed by Blightcrown from concepts provided by Vaermina and Peryite. Master Shelreni helped to perfect it and her rite increased its strength.
It hides Vaermina and weakens Hermaeus Mora." - Does it do anything else?
- "As we have seen, it drives the inhabitants of Apocrypha mad and turns even allied Daedra violent. Scruut could sense the agony of the realm back on Nirn. Here, I fear she may eventually succumb as the other natives have.
Even I am not immune." - Do you think I'm in danger?
- "No. Despite your status as fate's proxy, you seem resistant. Now explore Cipher's Midden and try to track down Blightcrown or determine how the affliction spreads. I shall attempt to locate Vaermina.
Remember, they used censers in the Panopticon."
Meln the Mouthless will volunteer to help you, not that he had a choice as you are holding his soul gem:
- "I'll go with you. It's not like I have anywhere else to be."
If you speak to Scruut she will confess she is starting to suffer like the other Daedra:
- "You'll have to do this on your own, mortal. I can feel the affliction beginning to take hold. I'll pose a danger to you if I succumb as the other Daedra have."
- Is there anything we can do about that?
- "Find Blightcrown and beat him with a stick?
How should I know? I'm an auditor of fate, not a Watchling of action. That's for you and Leramil to figure out."
Curate Gadayn will also stay back:
- "I think I'll stay with Leramil. See if I can be of any help with her research.
You tend to get into fights, and that's not something I'm very good at." - If this is too much for you, Gadayn, we can get you to the portal back to Necrom.
- "No, no. Just thinking out loud. I need to see this through. I promised to recover the other half of the Fulcrum Obscura, and I really want to help Leramil. Oh, and you, too, friend.
The end of reality as we know it is not something to take lightly."
Search around Cipher's Midden and you will find a censer of corruption to destroy, which helps to explain why even this settlement is suffering. Meln will comment on it:
- One of Blightcrown's censers! And not even hidden. Destroy it!"
You can also find a dead Seeker that the Cipher's killed in self-defense. Search its body for evidence of the corruption:
- Cipher Deze-Ska: Poor Hulnan! The Seeker just swooped in, struck him down, flew off. They've never attacked the settlement before!"
- Meln the Mouthless: "Let's return to her study and tell Leramil what we found.
Return to Leramil's Study, and the situation has gotten worse. Leramil and Scruut have both collapsed. You need to speak to Scruut to continue, but can talk to all of your other allies first:
- Curate Gadayn: "Shortly after you departed, both Leramil and Scruut fell ill. It has to be the corruption. It's growing stronger.
Check on Scruut while I see if there's anything I can do to ease Leramil's suffering." - Leramil the Wise: "I … I thought I could resist it … the corruption. But here in Apocrypha … it is too much."
- Meln the Mouthless: "It seems our little Watchling and Leramil have finally succumbed to Blightcrown's corruption. The next stage, as we have seen, involves a massive amount of violence.
Let's try to help them before it comes to that, yes?"
Talk with Scruut, who is lying on a table:
- "Flee, mortal. The pain overwhelms me. Soon I won't be able to tell friend from foe.
And my many beguiling eyes … each blinks out and goes dark in turn. Soon I'll be totally … blind!" - What can I do to help, Scruut?
- "I—I don't know. But the pain and the blindness … is this what caused the Great Eye to disconnect from his realm? To allow Vaermina's dream to envelop him in order to escape the suffering?
You don't suppose she has a dream for me, do you?" - Gadayn's a monk. Maybe he'll come up with something.
- "The other mortal? Oh, to have my fate rest in such fragile hands! Really, you should go. Apocrypha is no longer safe. And I don't want to hurt you.
Wait. A barely perceptible ripple in the threads. Someone approaches!" - Who's coming, Scruut?
Torvesard will demonstrate his ability to appear and disappear at will by walking out of the other room:
- Torvesard: "Your allies suffer needlessly, mortal. Allow me to aid them."
- Curate Gadayn: "This affliction is beyond my skills, friend. See what the Dremora has to offer."
You can speak will all four of your allies before speaking with Torvesard, all who will give you a short reply:
- Curate Gadayn: "This affliction is beyond my meager healing talents. If Torvesard has a solution, we at least need to hear what he's offering. We can't let the corruption take Leramil and Scruut. We just can't."
- Leramil the Wise: "I concur with Gadayn. I sense no deception from Torvesard. Strange … I sense nothing at all. An effect of the corruption, perhaps?
Speak with him. What other choice do we have?" - Meln the Mouthless: "I've certainly made a deal or two with a Daedra in my day. And it's not like we have much choice. I don't think Scruut and Leramil can hold themselves together much longer."
- Scruut: "I'm in agony, mortal. It's like curtains are drawn across my many eye sockets. Did I hear Torvesard? Why can I barely sense him? And do you smell sweetrolls baking in the distance?"
When you are ready, speak with Torvesard:
- "Vaermina and Peryite have gone too far with their corruption. It works its way into the very fabric of Apocrypha. You only need to look to your two allies to see the harm it causes.
I can ease their suffering, mortal." - You've been working with Vaermina and Peryite the whole time. Why should I trust anything you say?
- "It was an alliance of necessity. I needed their assistance to recover that which was taken from us in ancient times. Hermaeus Mora did what he thought right, as have I. I have no desire to punish him for following his nature."
- So what exactly are you offering?
- "Because I also require help. I offer a trade. An end to this assault on Apocrypha for the assistance of fate's chosen.
Decide, mortal. Blightcrown even now works his way toward the core of this realm. Soon it will be too late to reverse the damage." - All right. Tell me where to find Blightcrown.
- "I will mark a location on your map. Here we can open a path to the place Hermaeus Mora calls the Mythos. Not to a memory this time, but to the here and now.
Then you can stop Blightcrown before the corruption becomes irreversible." - What do you mean, open a path?
- (?)
After this, Torvesard will make good on his promise to heal your friends:
- Torvesard: "It will take all of us to reach the Mythos. Allow me to ease the suffering of your allies."
- Scruut: "I can see again!"
- Leramil the Wise: "Go, proxy. I shall join you at the location."
Before you depart, you can once again talk to everyone again, including Torvesard:
- Curate Gadayn: "I don't like this any more than you do, but Torvesard went out of his way to show good faith. At least for a Dremora. And he helped Leramil. I appreciate that.
I wonder if I can get him to tell me where to find the other half of the Fulcrum Obscura." - Leramil the Wise: "The twists of fate can be confusing at times, but if Torvesard speaks true. We have to try, proxy. I shall meet you at the Mythos entrance. You shall have my assistance for as long as I am able.
I just … I want to thank Gadayn for his concern." - Meln the Mouthless: "Not to look a gift nix-ox in the mandible, but Torvesard's arrival is a little too convenient. That said, when two Daedric Princes oppose you, accept whatever help comes your way.
But don't worry. I'll keep an eye out for any sign of treachery." - Scruut: "Whatever Torvesard did, it certainly helped. But I can still feel the constant throb of Apocrypha's pain. It won't be long before it incapacitates me again—or worse."
- Torvesard: "I, too, shall meet you at the Mythos. It will take all of us working together to end the threat posed by Blightcrown and Vaermina.
Just know that the relief I granted your allies is fleeting. As long as the corruption persists, they are in danger."
Torvesard's directions will take you to a circular stone platform. Leramil and Torvesard will already be there, and will work together to open the path to the Mythos:
- Leramil the Wise: "Torvesard spoke true. We can reach the Mythos from here. But first we must align the threads of fate. Assist me, proxy. I can align the threads through your capacity as fate's chosen. Touch each thread in turn. Align each of the threads of fate and I shall weave them together to open the path to the Mythos. Hurry, proxy. Already I can feel the corruption once again taking hold of me."
You can question Torvesard before continuing:
- "Mortals manipulating the very strands of fate. How unlike Hermaeus Mora to put such power in your hands. He must be truly desperate to keep us in the dark concerning the crimes he perpetrated so long ago."
- If we're going to help each other. I need to know what you're really after.
- "I assumed my intentions were quite clear. I seek to restore that which was wiped from existence in the ancient past by Hermaeus Mora. The memories that I only suspected were real because of the dream that haunted me."
- Why do you think this dream was so important?
- "Because Daedra do not normally dream. And this one was relentless. Recurring night after night. A vision of a statue of Vaermina and the ever present gaze of Hermaeus Mora.
I originally sought out the Prince of Dream's help to make sense of it all." - So that's how you got involved with Vaermina and the Hidden Kindred?
- "Obviously. But all Vaermina was able to do was determine that she and Peryite shared the barest recollection of the same memory. That knowledge bound us together. We pooled our resources and planned to recover the stolen memory from Apocrypha."
- But who are you? You have no clan and Hermaeus Mora called you one of the Unseen.
- "I cannot answer those questions. I have no memory of life before I lost my clan. I don't even know where I originally come from. A part of my past is missing. A part of me. And I won't rest until I recover it.
Some memory returns, but not enough."
There will be three points where you can align the threads to open the path to the Mythos. Once you align the threads, you will then have to help Leramil and Torvesard open the portal as well. Your companions will comment after each thread you align:
- Leramil the Wise: "Fate shifts in our direction. Good."
- Torvesard: "Another layer aligns. The way is opening."
- Meln the Mouthless: "Nicely done! Now let's return to Leramil and see if everything aligned correctly."
- Leramil the Wise: "Do as Leramil says, mortal. Bringing these disparate threads into alignment is no easy task!"
- Torvesard: "Another layer aligns. The way is opening."
- Leramil the Wise: "I need your help to align the last threads of fate or the portal shall not open."
- Leramil the Wise: "The way into the Mythos is opened."
- Hermaeus Mora: "Chosen of fate, speak with me."
Just as you get the portal open, Hermaeus Mora will appear. He will immediately ask you to speak with him, but you can check in with Leramil and Torvesard first:
- Leramil the Wise: "The One Who Knows has requested your presence, proxy. Do not spurn such an honor."
- Torvesard: "Your master beckons, mortal.
Tell him I have no wish to continue the assault on his realm. In fact, I wish to end it."
Whenever you are ready to speak to Hermaeus Mora, he will say:
- "The corruption wreaks havoc with my realm, chosen. Any relief I experienced after breaking free of Vaermina's dream has left me. My connection to Apocrypha grows ever more tenuous and the vile poison debilitates me.
The Great Eye … is blind." - Is there anything I can do?
- "While Vaermina hides from me, I glimpsed Peryite's lapdog break into the Mythos before my sight faded. He spreads corruption into the realm's foundation. As Apocrypha succumbs, the realm will crumble. Such destruction will ripple throughout reality."
- We were about to enter the Mythos to deal with Blightcrown.
- "Good. Once inside, you will be my eyes. I will not be able to assist you directly, nor show you where to find the invaders."
- Torvesard says he can help us with that.
- "Torvesard? Of course. The Unseen. I cannot sense his presence.
The Black Book you carry. Use it if you need my strength. Just do not look directly into the pages. Even fate's chosen can be harmed by the briefest of exposures to forbidden knowledge." - I'll remember that.
Hermaeus Mora will then assemble the fully party before sending you into the Mythos:
- Hermaeus Mora: "I call forth all whose fates are intertwined with yours, chosen. Only together can you save reality."
- Curate Gadayn: "Have I mentioned how much I detest teleportation?"
- Meln the Mouthless: "You certainly do tend to collect an odd assortment of companions."
- Torvesard: "The path to the Mythos awaits, mortal. Let us not linger too long."
You will have an optional objective to converse with your allies before going in. Leramil will say:
- "While the corruption still threatens me, I shall not turn away from my obligation. I started this with you. I plan to finish it with you, as well.
But we cannot understate the danger. If Scruut or I succumb, turn to Torvesard to aid you." - You trust Torvesard that much, Leramil?
- "Of course not. There is something unusual about that Dremora. Not the least of which is the fact that the One Who Knows cannot detect his presence.
But Torvesard obviously requires something from you. Use that to your advantage." - Isn't it just the masking effect of the corruption that keeps Torvesard hidden?
- "Perhaps. But the One Who Knows seems to think something more is at play, and I agree. Torvesard requires further investigation. But later, when reality is no longer in imminent danger.
Remember what Hermaeus Mora told you. Remember the Black Book." - Do you know what I do with the Black Book?
- "Just what Mora told you. Use it when you need to call on his strength. Do not look too deeply into the pages, though. I know from experience what gazing upon such knowledge can do to a mortal mind.
I just wish Gadayn did not insist on going with us." - You're worried about Curate Gadayn?
- "I am concerned about all my allies, but … yes, Gadayn's safety worries me. I fear that his heart is too pure, too inexperienced, to survive what we shall experience in the Mythos.
If I falter, keep him safe, proxy. Please."
Scruut will have this to say:
- "I suffer, just as the Great Eye suffers. But I'll float alongside you into the very depths of Apocrypha. Which just happens to be where we're going.
Just don't blame me if my tentacles fall off or I attack you or something." - Are you sure you're up to this, Scruut?
- "What choice do I have, mortal? The Great Eye commands and I obey.
Besides, whatever Torvesard did to me, it seems to be holding back the worst effects of the corruption. At least for now."
Meln the Mouthless will say this:
- "They say the dead have nothing to fear. Then why am I filled with a sense of unease?
Well, as long as you carry my soul gem, I'll go where you go. Even if we're probably marching straight to our doom." - You really think we're doomed, Meln?
- "Truthfully, I have no idea. I've seen you accomplish some amazing feats. And Hermaeus Mora has faith in you. But this is the Mythos we're going into. To face the champions of two enemy Princes. Maybe even the Princes themselves.
Not my usual fare." - So you think we should turn back?
- "I didn't say that. The fate of reality hangs in the balance. That's not something to walk away from. Not if we have the slightest chance of preserving existence.
No, I'll help you as I can. The spirit of a Telvanni magister and his surrogate body." - What did Hermaeus Mora mean about using the Black Book?
- "That's an excellent question. I had to employ numerous wards to barely study the thing without being whisked away to Apocrypha.
But if the Prince of Fate says you can use it to aid your mission, take him at his word. He has no reason to lie to you."
Curate Gadayn will confess he is worried, but will refuse to abandon you, or Leramil:
- "When I embarked on this quest with you, I never expected to be working alongside Daedra—let alone be marching into the very heart of Apocrypha.
I admit I'm afraid, but I'll stand by you. By you and Leramil both. You have my word." - You don't have to do this, Gadayn.
- "Are you offering me a way out? Thank you, friend, but I'll pass. I promised the abbot I'd recover the Fulcrum Obscura, and Torvesard assured me Blightcrown has the relic."
- Is that the only reason?
- "Well, how can I turn my back on saving reality? Or abandon Leramil? As long as the corruption threatens her, she's going to need someone to lean on.
Wait a moment … what are you implying?"
Torvesard will confess he does not know how long you can count him as an ally:
- "An odd collection of allies for someone so formidable. You may count me among them. At least until our paths once again diverge.
I am ready to enter the Mythos when you are, mortal." - Why can't Hermaeus Mora snese your presence, Torvesard?
- "The Prince of Fate has his secrets and I have mine.
The truth is, however, I do not know. That is one of the things I hope to learn when I recover the stolen memory from the ancient past." - You think the memory is about you?
- "I believe the lost memory concerns us all. But yes, I think it holds a special significance for myself. What that is, I can only imagine. Not knowing, though … it drives me to reveal what was hidden. No matter the cost."
Going through the portal will begin the final battles of this quest series, do any necessary preparations you need to beforehand. On the other side of the portal you will appear within sight of Blightcrown and Vaermina possessing Master Shelreni's body. Torvesard will immediately break off on his own. Gadayn and Scruut will head off to destroy the Blightcrown's manufactories through the western portal, while you, Meln, and Leramil go through the eastern portal to handle the manufactories on that side:
- Vaermina: "Fate's champions pursue us, Blightcrown. Deal with them while I locate the glyphics."
- Blightcrown: "Oh, my manufactories of corruption will keep them busy, Prince Vaermina."
- Torvesard: "Disable Blightcrown's manufactories and the corruption will dissipate. Just shatter the dream crystal that binds them to the Mythos. Save Apocrypha while I pursue Vaermina."
- Scruut: "Come, Gadayn. We'll take the west portal and leave the east to Leramil and fate's chosen."
- Leramil the Wise: "Good thinking, Scruut. This way, proxy."
If you speak to Leramil the Wise, she will remind you of the current situation:
- "Torvesard has departed, but not before he indicated what we need to do.
While Scruut and Gadayn handle the corruption manufactory to the west, let us find the one to the east and destroy the crystal that tethers it to this realm."
The section of the Mythos is a gigantic cavern, with broken pieces showing the sky above and an abyss below. Structures appear on every surface, but there is a giant central tower which shares your orientation.
- Meln the Mouthless: "The Mythos appears endless, but I sense a huge concentration of corruption to the right."
You will encounter Hidden Kindred and crazed Daedra in your path. The manufactory itself is protected by a diseased Ogre [verification needed — Is this accurate?]. Deal with this manufactory, and Leramil will direct that your group rejoins Gadayn and Scruut.
- "This edifice of corruption has been dealt with. Let us traverse to the western side. Now to find the western manufactory. It looks like the path has been shattered. Let me see what I can do. Simple enough to rectify …. There! That … took more out of me than I expected. Follow the path, proxy. I sense something has gone awry."
- "Blightcrown must have shattered the path."
- "Go. I sense that Gadayn and Scruut are in danger. I … shall catch up as soon as I can."
Leramil will once again be sidelined from exhaustion from pushing her magical abilities. Meln will comment on this:
- "Leramil can't keep pushing herself like that. The corruption is wearing her down."
Leramil was right, Gadayn and Scruut are in danger. You will find them surrounded by Spider Daedra, only still alive thanks to a protective barrier thanks to Leramil's gift to Gadayn. There is also a shifted Spider Daedra with them that would have ensured they would not have been able to fight them without you, giving Meln's ghost sight another chance to save the day:
- Scruut: "Here comes fate's chosen. Probably going to gloat."
Scruut will explain that there is no path to the western manufactory from here, and open a portal to take you to it. However, this will also push her to her own limits, sidelining her as well:
- Curate Gadayn: "Thank goodness you showed up. We were set upon as soon as we arrived."
- Scruut: "We never reached the manufactory. The way is blocked. Let me summon a portal. Ugh … I'm exhausted! Here comes Leramil. You and Gadayn go on ahead. I'll stay with her."
- Leramil the Wise: "Stay safe, proxy. And you, too, Gadayn."
- Curate Gadayn: "Leramil, when this is over—"
- Leramil the Wise: "Now is not the time, Gadayn. Go!""
You can speak with your three physical companions before crossing through the portal:
- Curate Gadayn: "Another portal, ah well. I guess if it gets us to the foul device we must destroy, so be it. Lead on, my friend."
- Scruut: "If Leramil feels anything like I do, no wonder she's moving slowly. I'll stay with her while you and the curate go on ahead."
- Leramil the Wise: "Do not wait for Scruut and I. The corruption … it weakens us as it once again takes hold.
Watch out for Gadayn, proxy. Please."
Through this portal, you will be much closer to the central tower.
- Meln the Mouthless: "Behold, the very heart of the Mythos! Just looking at it makes my head spin."
This manufactory is guarded by a Peryite's Glory. Once it is slain, Meln will announce that there is a third one:
- Meln the Mouthless: "Nicely done, but don't get complacent. I sense another of these vile contraptions nearby."
- Curate Gadayn: "I have no idea where we're going. I'm just following you.
If you're lost, too, I'd rather you keep it to yourself, all right?"
Pass through another portal, and you will come across the final manufactory, and Blightcrown. This evasive foe will finally decide it is time to fight you himself. He will use all of the powers of pestilence he has at his disposal. This will include summoning skeevers, vomiting on you and vomiting up Peryite's Glory, and eventually transforming into a plagued Ogre. Curate will help you through the fight, which is rather appropriate as his personal quest was to retrieve the Fulcrum Obscura that he stole:
- Meln the Mouthless: "Blightcrown! Time to end that plague dog, I think."
- Blightcrown: "Come, fool of fate, face Peryite's high priest!"
- Blightcrown: "Not feeling well, chosen?"
- Curate Gadayn: "Blightcrown has the Fulcrum Obscura!"
- Blightcrown: "I need power! What harms Apocrypha makes me stronger!"
- Blightcrown: "You … die!"
- Blightcrown: "No! Must … win …."
- Meln the Mouthless: "Well done! Of course, it may take a week of hot baths to get his stink off you."
- Curate Gadayn: "The Fulcrum Obscura, just as Torvesard said! Now I can return it to the abbey."
With Blightcrown finally dead, and his manufactories destroyed, Leramil and Scruut will catch up with you. While the poisoning of Apocrypha has been stopped, the greater threat is still ahead, Vaermina. Gadayn, Leramil, and Scruut will stay behind, as they would either stand no chance or are still clearly very winded from the journey so far. However, Meln will accompany you.
- Scruut: "Look, Leramil! We found them!"
- Leramil the Wise: "When you are ready, proxy, this portal shall take you to Vaermina."
- Curate Gadayn: "Leramil! Thank the ancestors you're all right!"
You can discuss the challenge that awaits you with your companions before continuing forward. In your conversation with Meln, you will give him an opportunity to back out:
- "I'll never understand why I waited until I was dead to face a Daedric Prince. Oh, I know—because it's the stupidest thing I've ever done!
But have no fear. I'll go with you. I've stood beside you this long. What's one more epic battle?" - Are you certain, Meln? I could give your gem to Gadayn or Leramil.
- "As tempting as that sounds, no. I'll see this through. You're going to need the skill of a Telvanni magister to win this battle. And you're carrying my Black Book. If you need to use it, I can help with that.
Face it. You're stuck with me."
Scruut will advise you about Vaermina herself:
- "Leramil and I used every resource at our disposal to find Vaermina. This portal should get you close, but maybe not too close.
A word of caution, mortal. The Dreamweaver is a nasty Prince. She'll scramble your mind before she destroys your body." - How are you feeling, Scruut?
- "Are you asking me about my current state of existence? No one has ever done that before. Interesting.
Leramil and I will continue to feel weak and tired until the corruption fully dissipates. With the manufactories destroyed, we'll recover in time." - Any advice before I go to face a Daedric Prince?
- "Nothing springs immediately to mind. But I can feel the fabric of fate churning like a storm-wracked sea. Something major will be decided here. Something … significant.
Try not to muck it up, mortal."
Leramil will explain why the rest of the party will not be useful in the coming fight:
- "The threads of fate converge ahead of you, proxy. Now is the moment for which the One Who Knows selected you. You must face Vaermina alone. Gadayn will be no use, and Scruut and I still suffer from the effects of the lingering corruption."
- Do you really think I can face Vaermina by myself?
- "Hermaeus Mora believes you can save Apocrypha and I have no reason to doubt him. Besides, I have seen you accomplish amazing things. And you carry the Black Book.
Just remember, you must destroy the shell she wears to remove her protective spells." - Should I leave Meln's gem behind?
- "Magister Meln. I had almost forgotten about him.
No, keep the soul gem with you. While the rest of us might not be in any condition to assist you, having the power of a Telvanni magister in your pocket could be the edge you need to defeat Vaermina."
Curate Gadayn will say:
- "You ended that disgusting Blightcrown and I recovered the other half of the Fulcrum Obscura. Now you must face Vaermina. She's still wearing Master Shelreni's body, right?
Good luck, my friend. I'll watch over Leramil and Scruut until you return."
Confronting Vaermina[edit]
Through the portal you will arrive at the same location you saw within the memory of Hermaeus Mora. Vaermina will be directly ahead of you.
- Meln the Mouthless: "The power I sense up ahead … it must be Vaermina."
- Vaermina: "Torvesard tells me fate chose you. Well, he chose poorly. Time to die, mortal!"
- Vaermina: "While I wear Shelreni's mortal shell, Mora cannot find me. You must face me alone, mortal!"
- Vaermina: "I can grant your dreams or feed your nightmares!"
- Vaermina: "Now you die!"
You do not have any real means to defeat Vaermina, but you can destroy the body she is puppeting, which will allow Hermaeus Mora to intervene. Vaermina will use teleportation, summon nightmare clones of herself, create beams that cross the length of the battle arena, and shield herself from all damage. This will give ghost sight another chance to shine. By destroying her nightmare clones, you can use ghost sight to attack Shelreni's body directly.
You will eventually destroy Shelreni's body and force Vaermina to exit it, leaving beind nothing but a bloody puddle in the middle of the arena. From it, Vaermina will emerge in the form of a Nightmare. You will once again need ghost sight to finish her off.
- Vaermina: "You destroyed my mortal shell! Now face a true nightmare!"
- Vaermina: "Ah, what perfect terror!"
- Meln the Mouthless: "Without Shelreni's body, Vaermina takes on a more nightmarish form."
- Vaermina: "What nightmare can I draw from your darkest dreams?"
- Vaermina: "The more you struggle, the faster you lose!"
- Meln the Mouthless: "You're stronger than her dreamstuff!"
Defeat her nightmare form, and Vaermina will finally be forced to fight you with her full might, and Hermaeus Mora will still not have appeared. With no options remaining, Meln will tell you to use the Black Book to slow her down:
- Meln the Mouthless: "This can't be good."
- Vaermina: "You don't like my nightmares? Then face me in my true form!"
- Meln the Mouthless: "We're out of options. Use the Black Book!"
You will use the book to fire a beam at Vaermina:
- Vaermina: "Mora's trinket can't harm me!"
- Hermaeus Mora: "No, but it helped me locate a loathsome intruder."
- Vaermina: "Hermaeus Mora has found me? No!"
- Hermaeus Mora: "I am here, chosen. Unleash my power as you will! Wield the book again! Together we'll expel this common thief!"
With Hermaeus Mora's presence, your beam will have much more punch to it. He will also assist you by attacking her directly as well, causing her to dissipate:
- Vaermina: "No! I was so close! Curse you, Prince of Fate, and curse your damn mortal!"
- Hermaeus Mora: "Vaermina has been cast out and Peryite's contamination wanes. Well done, chosen. Now, enter the second vault and make sure the glyphic is secure."
You may have successfully dealt with Blightcrown and Vaermina, but Torvesard has been unaccounted for this whole time, and he said he was heading this way at the very start. Torvesard will have used his ability to avoid perception to reach the vault, and steal the glyphic for himself.
- Torvesard: "And now our deal is done, mortal. I helped you save Apocrypha, and you helped me enter this vault. I will unlock this glyphic and recover the second part of the lost memory!"
- Hermaeus Mora: "Torvesard? He fooled us both, chosen. Emerge from the Mythos and speak with me."
You will be given a portal to the surface layer of Apocrypha, where Hermaeus Mora will be waiting for you:
- "We must discuss what happened, chosen."
- "Peryite's plague-dog defeated, Vaermina expelled. You did well, mortal. Fate chose wisely when it selected you to aid me."
- But Torvesard acquired the second glyphic. He escaped with it.
- "What has occurred is what was meant to be. All the potential futures, coalesced into a single point in time to render a moment in fate absolute.
It was inevitable. Torvesard has the ability to avoid detection—even from my all-seeing gaze." - What kind of Dremora is Torvesard?
- "For one who knows everything, I can only speculate. Odd, I find that refreshing. It relates to the forgotten memory, but unless I look into the glyphics, those details are lost … even to me."
- So what now, Hermaeus Mora?
- "Now I must restore my realm. The Hidden Kindred linger, but without leaders they are merely a nuisance.
You, however, are still fate's chosen. Return to your allies in Cipher's Midden. When the time comes, you will find Torvesard and deal with him." - All right, I'll return to Cipher's Midden.
- "Do not despair, chosen. Through your efforts, the lost memory was denied Vaermina and Peryite, thus preserving reality. That Torvesard saw part of the secret is regrettable but not catastrophic.
Now return to Leramil's study in Cipher's Midden." - I thought you chose me to stop this from happening.
- "Fate selected you to save Apocrypha and preserve reality. You have accomplished all that and more. Destiny followed the exact path that I foretold.
But we are not yet done. You have more to do before our contract is fulfilled." - But if Torvesard and I saw part of the secret, why isn't reality unraveling? Did you lie to me?
- "The Prince of Fate does not lie!
Two beings now remember a small part of a greater whole. There is still time and opportunity to correct this before the memory spreads." - Isn't even two people with that knowledge dangerous?
- "Danger exists in every corner of fate, chosen. Such is the nature of existence. But the entirety of what was hidden in the distant past remains sealed away. The threads it connects to have frayed, but they have not broken. Reality can still be saved."
- "Return to Cipher's Midden. We will speak again."
Return to Leramil's Study, and you will be reunited with your allies:
- Leramil the Wise: "Proxy, I am glad to see you unharmed. I look forward to hearing about your encounter with Vaermina."
- Meln the Mouthless: "Oh, let me! We defeated Vaermina!"
- Scruut: "I didn't get to see you beat the Dreamweaver? How unfair is that?"
- Curate Gadayn: "So we can relax now? Ah, friend? You have that look. What terrible news are you about to tell Leramil?"
If you check in with everyone but Leramil first, they will say:
- Meln the Mouthless: "Glad I was able to help back there. But sorry Torvesard got away.
Go on, talk to Leramil. I'm sure we're not finished yet. At least, reality still seems to be stable. For the moment." - Scruut: "My many ocular orbs appreciate what you did in the Mythos. That foul corruption was worse than forgetting to blink during a firestorm in the Deadlands.
But I really wanted to see you beat Vaermina with a stick. Sorry I missed that." - Curate Gadayn: "I don't like the looks on your and Meln's faces. Something went wrong, didn't it? There's still some terrible danger that needs to be dealt with?
Well, don't tell me about it! Talk to Leramil!"
Report your success to Leramil to complete the quest:
- "What happened after you entered the portal, proxy? Scruut tells us the One Who Knows has reconnected with his realm, but beyond that we are in the dark."
- I used the Black Book to help Hermaeus Mora expel Vaermina from Apocrypha.
- "Of course. He needed you to lead him to Vaermina. Guide him to where she was lurking because she was hidden inside the body of Master Shelreni.
And what of the second glyphic? Is the secret memory secure?" - Torvesard reached the glyphic before me. He took it and escaped.
- "Unfortunate but not unrecoverable. Now that Hermaeus Mora is restored, he can locate Torvesard and deal with him once and for all—unless ….
Does Torvesard still have some way to elude the One Who Knows? Even without Blightcrown's corruption?" - Yes. But Hermaeus Mora said that everything that was supposed to happen occurred just as he foresaw.
- "Torvesard's nature, he is unlike any Dremora I have ever encountered. He helped us to help himself, but I believe him when he said he meant no harm. He just does not realize the danger this memory poses.
I suppose that means we need to find him." - We have time. It will take Torvesard awhile to unlock the glyphic.
- "Then let us take a moment to remember all we accomplished … all you accomplished, proxy. You defeated Blightcrown, expelled Vaermina, and saved Apocrypha, thereby saving Nirn.
Take this. The One Who Knows insists you accept this reward."
This will finish this quest, and lead to the final portion of this quest series, Chronicle of Fate.
Quest Stages[edit]
An Unhealthy Fate | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I should meet Leramil the Wise in Cipher's Midden to discuss our next course of action.
Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise
While Leramil attempts to locate Vaermina and Torvesard, she tasked me with tracking down Blightcrown and finding out how he's spreading the corruption. I should start by investigating Cipher's Midden.
Objective: Investigate Cipher's Midden
Hidden Objective: Investigate the Corruption in Cipher's Midden
Hidden Objective: Align the Threads of Fate
Hidden Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise
Hidden Objective: Talk to Curate Gadayn
Hidden Objective: Talk to Meln the Mouthless
Hidden Objective: Talk to Scruut
Hidden Objective: Talk to Torvesard
Hidden Objective: Find the Western Manufactory
Hidden Objective: Disable the Western Manufactory
The corruption has definitely taken hold in Cipher's Midden. Hopefully by destroying the censer, things here will improve. I should return to Leramil's study and tell them what I found.
Objective: Return to Leramil's Study
Leramil and Scruut seem to be adversely affected by the corruption spreading throughout Apocrypha. While Gadayn tries to help Leramil, I should check on Scruut.
Objective: Talk to Scruut
Torvesard appeared and offered a way to stop the corruption spreading throughout Apocrypha. I should talk to him and hear what he has to say.
Objective: Talk to Torvesard
Torvesard revealed that Blightcrown has entered the Mythos, the very core of Apocrypha. I need to meet him and Leramil at the location he marked on my map so we can find a way into the core of Apocrypha.
Objective: Rendezvous with Leramil and Torvesard
I arrived at the location and Leramil needs my help with a ritual to open a path into the Mythos. I should do as she directs me.
Objective: Align the Threads of Fate
Optional Step: Talk to Torvesard
Optional Step: Talk to Your Allies
I did as Leramil asked and helped with her ritual. Now I should return to her and see if the path to the Mythos has opened.
Objective: Return to Leramil the Wise
Leramil asked me to help align the portal that's almost open. I should do that.
Objective: Bring the Portal Into Alignment
Hermaeus Mora appeared and asked to speak with me. I should talk to him before we enter the Mythos.
Objective: Talk to Hermaeus Mora
The way to the Mythos is open. I should enter it and look for Blightcrown.
Objective: Enter the Mythos
Hidden Objective: Talk to Scruut
Hidden Objective: Talk to Torvesard
I entered the Mythos. Now to look around and try to find Blightcrown, Vaermina, or the Hidden Kindred.
Objective: Find Blightcrown
Blightcrown has driven huge manufactories into the core of Apocrypha. These giant versions of his censers of corruption are spreading the debilitating plague throughout the realm. I need to disable the eastern manufactory by destroying its crystal.
Objective: Disable the Eastern Manufactory
I disabled the huge manufactory that was spewing corruption in the eastern Mythos. Now I should head to the western side and see how Scruut and Gadayn are doing.
Objective: Find the Western Manufactory
We reached the western Mythos to find Curate Gadayn and Scruut under attack. I need to help them.
Objective: Defend Your Allies
Blightcrown has driven huge manufactories into the core of Apocrypha. These giant versions of his censers of corruption are spreading the debilitating disease throughout the realm. I need to disable the western manufactory by destroying the crystal.
Objective: Disable the Western Manufactory
I disabled two of the corruption manufactories, but Meln senses a third one somewhere up ahead. I need to find it and disable it as well.
Objective: Find the Next Manufactory
Blightcrown stands before me. Time to end his threat once and for all.
Objective: Kill Blightcrown
Leramil and Scruut arrived and opened a portal. I need to enter it to reach Vaermina, who's still inside the body of Master Shelreni and seeking the next glyphic.
Objective: Enter the Portal
Vaermina should be nearby, wearing the body of Master Shelreni. I need to find her and destroy the mortal shell she wears.
Objective: Find Vaermina
Vaermina, the Prince of Dreams and Nightmares has possessed the body of Master Shelreni. I need to destroy the body of Master Shelreni to expose Vaermina and defeat her.
Objective: Defeat Vaermina
I destroyed the body of Master Shelreni. Now Vaermina has transformed into a terrible nightmare creature. I need to destroy it.
Objective: Defeat Vaermina's Nightmare
Meln suggested I use the Black Book against Vaermina. It's worth a try.
Objective: Use the Black Book
The power of the Black Book has been called forth. I should direct it against Vaermina.
Objective: Use the Black Book
Hermaeus Mora has come in response to my use of the Black Book. Together we can end this. I need to utilize the power of the Black Book once again.
Objective: Use the Black Book
We banished Vaermina from Apocrypha. Now Hermaeus Mora wants me to enter the vault and make sure the second glyphic is secure.
Objective: Secure the Glyphic
Torvesard acquired the second glyphic before I could stop him. I should leave the Mythos and consult with Hermaeus Mora.
Objective: Leave the Mythos
I emerged from the Mythos and Hermaeus Mora wants to talk to me about what happened with Vaermina and Torvesard. I should see what he has to say.
Objective: Talk to Hermaeus Mora
Hermaeus Mora instructed me to return to Cipher's Midden and check on my allies before tracking down Torvesard.
Objective: Go to Cipher's Midden
Now that I'm back with my allies at Leramil's study, I should tell them what happened.
Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise
I should speak to Leramil and see what she thinks we need to do next. |
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.