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Online:An Experiment with Peace
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Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
A strange malady is affecting the patients of Steadfast Manor. The healers are lost on how to treat it. If I find the cause, perhaps they can determine a solution.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
1) Head to Steadfast Manor, or, Travel to Steadfast Manor Wayshrine.
2) Talk to Armin Demalle to begin the quest.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Quest Stages[edit]
An Experiment with Peace | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I spoke to Mender Senna, one of the healers at the manor. She suggested I find Armin Demalle and ask him about this malady. I can find him at the manor's southern gate.
Objective: Find Armin Demalle
I went to the manor's southern entrance and found a soldier there. He looks like the person Mender Senna said I should talk to.
Objective: Talk to Armin Demalle
Armin Demalle suggested I start by speaking with Steadfast Manor's afflicted patients. He recommended I talk to Erebil Vules, Milagi, and Mender Teliel to gather information.
Objective: Talk to Steadfast Manor Patients
Objective Hint: Talk to Erebil Vules
Objective Hint: Talk to Mender Teliel
Objective Hint: Talk to Milagi
Objective Hint: Find Mender Ardvar
Objective Hint: Talk to Master Healer Viralaine
Objective Hint: Pick the Lock to the Dispensary
After asking around, I learned that a healer named Roslenn is missing. She works in the dispensary, and is the only healer capable of easing the affliction's effects. I should find Armin Demalle to tell him what I learned.
Objective: Find Armin Demalle inside Steadfast Manor
I overheard Armin Demalle arguing with someone about access to the manor's dispensary. I should talk to Armin to find out what's going on.
Objective: Talk to Armin Demalle
I need to find a way into the dispensary. It's currently locked.
Objective: Gain Entry to the Dispensary
I should look around the dispensary for anything that might shed light on what Mender Roslenn was working on.
Objective: Search the Dispensary
I found Mender Roslenn's journal in the manor's dispensary. I should examine it.
Objective: Read Mender Roslenn's Journal
Mender Roslenn's notes indicate that the affliction troubling the soldiers could be vampiric in nature. I should tell Armin Demalle what I found.
Objective: Leave the Dispensary
I found Armin Demalle waiting outside the dispensary. I should speak to him about what I found.
Objective: Talk to Armin Demalle
Mender Roslenn's notes make it clear she left the manor to gather harpy feathers. Armin Demalle thinks I should search for her around the nearby harpy nests.
Objective: Search for Mender Roslenn
I found a pair of gloves near the harpy nests. They might have belonged to Mender Roslenn.
Objective: Take the Discarded Gloves
It looks like Mender Roslenn came this way. The trail continues to the west. I should keep looking.
Objective: Search for Mender Roslenn
I found a discarded backpack by the entrance to a cave. I should see what's in it.
Objective: Search the Backpack
The backpack contained harpy feathers. It seems likely that Mender Roslenn either fled into the cave or was dragged inside. I should search the cave.
Objective: Search the Cave for Mender Roslenn
Hidden Objective: Kill the Bloodknight
I found a vampire imprisoned in the cave. She's asking for help. I should speak with her.
Objective: Talk to Seraphyne
The vampire Seraphyne is a victim of Master Healer Viralaine's mad experiments. She promised to help save Roslenn by giving me her blood if I release her. I should get the vial of blood.
Objective: Take Blood Vial
I found Seraphyne's blood vial. I should examine the master healer's notes. They might be valuable evidence against him.
Objective: Examine Master Healer Viralaine's Notes
I created the cure. I should use it on Roslenn to wake her.
Objective: Wake Mender Roslenn
The cure worked on Mender Roslenn and woke her up. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Mender Roslenn
Mender Roslenn said she may be able to cure Seraphyne's vampirism. I should talk to Seraphyne and decide what can be done.
Objective: Talk to Seraphyne
I freed Mender Roslenn and Seraphyne from Master Healer Viralaine's secret laboratory. I should return to Steadfast Manor and find Armin Demalle.
Objective: Return to Steadfast Manor
I returned to Steadfast Manor. I should confront Master Healer Viralaine with what I found.
Objective: Talk to Master Healer Viralaine
Mender Roslenn, Seraphyne, and I confronted Master Healer Viralaine about his horrible experiments. I should talk to Armin Demalle. | |
I have the components I need to make the cure. I should create it at the alchemy table nearby.
Objective: Mix the Cure
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.