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Online:A Breach Beyond the Crags

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: not written

Walkthrough: written by TheRealLurlock, Gune, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Gune, not checked
Seal the time breaches which have opened throughout Upper and Lower Craglorn.
Faction: Psijic Order
Quest Giver: Loremaster Celarus in the Ceporah Tower's main hall
Location(s): Ceporah Tower, Craglorn
Prerequisite Quest: Time in Doomcrag's Shadow
Next Quest: The Towers' Fall
Reward: Unidentified Summerset Chest Armor
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience
"There's a breach here, mate. I'm seeing a bridge ... or maybe a flat sideways tower people can walk on? I guess they're kind of the same thing."
Loremaster Celarus feels confident that the threat posed by the Staff of Towers is nearly dealt with. Unfortunately, there is one final cluster of time breaches in the land of Craglorn. I need to seal them.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Loremaster Celarus in the main hall of Ceporah Tower.
  2. Talk to Josajeh and take the Psijic Map of Craglorn.
  3. The map with red crosses on it will lead you to the time breaches to seal them. The map remains in your inventory, under Quest category.
  4. Travel back to Artaeum and talk to Loremaster Celarus.
  5. Talk to Loremaster Celarus.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Talk to Loremaster Celarus in the main hall of Ceporah Tower to start the quest.

"Are you prepared for one last journey to Tamriel? I believe our final success is nearly at hand."
Yes, I am prepared, Loremaster.
"Now that we can labor over the staff without the ... complications Josajeh introduced, I am confident we will render the artifact harmless soon.
Unfortunately, one cluster of time breaches remains. This time, in the barren land of Craglorn."
So I should travel to Craglorn and seal these breaches?
"Yes. Precisely.
Josajeh will provide the items you need. I was hesitant to give her this task at first. But keeping her involved to some degree seemed prudent ... and perhaps humane? You should go speak with her. She need friendly counsel."
All right. I will speak with Josajeh and seal these breaches in Craglorn.

You now receive The Augur of the Obscure. Celarus continues:

"Safe travels, ceruval. Let us both hope that when you return, this business of the Staff of Towers will be concluded."
Are you absolutely certain Josajeh interfered with your research?
"I am.
Magic is an intensely personal excercise, initiate. No two mages weave their spells in exactly the same way. Like painting or sculpting, each artist has their own distinctive style. Josajeh's style is difficult to miss."
What kind of spell did she use?
"I will not bore you with the finer details. Perhaps an analogy?
Imagine an elaborate lock with thousands of tumblers. The master locksmith must learn their sequence and sensitivity before they can devise a key. Josajeh switched the tumblers."
Will she be punished?
"Removing her from the project is punishment enough.
In truth, the order finds the idea of punishment repugnant. The road to justice often leads to a place of vengeance. Too often. Punishment should serve as an opportunity for growth. Nothing more."

Talk to Josajeh.

"Oh, it's you. I assume the Loremaster sent you to collect your things for the trip to Craglorn?"
Yes. Are you all right, Josajeh?
"No, I'm not. Do I look—?
It's ... it's not your fault. I'm sorry. I'm not proud of what I did. But ... I was so close. I found Anumaril's journals in the stacks. There was a binding ritual in there. If I could get to the White-Gold Tower ..."
You'd have used the staff, despite the Loremater's warnings?
"It's just a tool! Can you even imagine all the good we could do? Knahaten Flu—never happened. Planemeld—never happened. My father's death—never happened. My family's lives destroyed! Never happened.
Just ... just tell me you understand."
I understand
"I know it's not right. I know it's oegnithir. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of this.
Be careful in Craglorn. We'll meet again soon, I promise."
Meddling with time is too dangerous, Josajeh.
"Really? Even you? I thought ... never mind.
For what it's worth, I'm sorry. For all of this. Be safe in Craglorn. We'll meet again soon."

If you speak to her again, she'll say:

"I just need some time, initiate. To think. Be safe, all right?"

You receive Psijic Map of Craglorn and 6 Psijic Seals from Josajeh. Examine the map in your inventory.

click to enlarge

The following table lists the locations of the breaches, and the quotes from the Augur of the Obscure when you get near.

Location Map Quote
Northeast of Ogondar's Winery, west of Rkundzelft (map) Breach ahead. Say, you think Josajeh's all right? I can't always tell. Your weird little faces scrunch up when you're upset, but then you bare your teeth when you're happy. It's a puzzler.
Outside the northwest corner of Elinhir (map) I can't believe this is our last outing! I feel like we've really bonded, you know? Not on a strictly alchemical level, or anything. That would be very weird. You know what I mean. I'm going to miss this!
In a crevice at the south end of Scorpion Ravine (map) Ah, Craglorn. Ever seen this many crags in one place? Its cup runneth over with crags. Not as many lorns as you'd expect, though. Biped naming habits could use some work, mate.
North of Hel Ra Citadel, east of Mtharnaz (map) Plenty of history hereabouts. Perfect place for a breach. Just look out for gargoyles, eh? Ugly squatters. Always cluttering up the place—ruining the timeword aesthetic. They're an eyesore, you know?
In front of Dragonstar Arena (map) Watch your step around here, mate. This arena is what we in the dimension-hopping community call a "really bad idea door". Daedric mischief for sure. Let's find this breach and go, all right?
On the bridge to Skyreach Hold (map) There's a breach here, mate. I'm seeing a bridge ... or maybe a flat sideways tower people can walk on? I guess they're kind of the same thing. Only having three dimensions does make things simpler.

After closing all breaches a projection of Loremaster Celarus appears, urging you to return to Artaeum as something terrible has happened.

"Initiate, something terrible has occurred. Return to Artaeum at once."

Return to Artaeum and talk to Loremaster Celarus to complete the quest.

"Thank you for returning so quickly, initiate. Our situation is dire.
Shortly after you left, the fragments of the Staff of Towers disappeared. Stolen, I'm afraid, by one of our own."
"Regrettably, yes. The lion's share of the blame falls upon me—for not recognizing the depths of her despair. Pushing her away from the task when I should have kept her close at hand.
But guilt and penance will have to wait. We have much to do."
What will happen if she tries to use the staff?
"Difficult to say. She mentioned an Ayleid binding ritual she discovered. If it's successful, the catastrophe might be more limited in scope. But make no mistake, there will be a catastrophe if we do not act quickly to stop her."
Then we need to stop her.
"Indeed we do. And quickly.
Take this, initiate. You will need it during the trials ahead."


  • For some reason you receive 9 Psijic Seals from Josajeh to seal time breaches, even though you only need to seal 6 in this quest.



Quest Stages[edit]

A Breach Beyond the Crags
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I should talk to Josajeh. She can give me the equipment I need, and she probably has a lot to say about our current situation.
Objective: Talk to Josajeh
I should review the map of Time Breaches in Craglorn and plan my route.
Objective: Examine the Psijic Map
I must explore the land of Craglorn and seal any time breaches I find.
Objective: Seal Breaches in Craglorn: 0 / 6
As soon as I sealed the final time breach in Craglorn, Loremaster Celarus appeared. He urged me to return to Artaeum at once. I should hurry back and find out what's happened.
Objective: Talk to Loremaster Celarus
Finishes quest☑ I should talk to Loremaster Celarus to receive my reward.
Objective: Talk to Loremaster Celarus
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.