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General:Zeb Cook

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Zeb Cook
GEN-developer-Zeb Cook.jpg
Role(s) Designer
Zenimax Online Studios tenure 2009–Nov 2024[1]
Alias(es) ZOS_ZebCook

David "Zeb" Cook (b. 1956) was a Zone Lead at ZeniMax Online Studios throughout the late 2000s into the 2020s.[1]

As Zone Lead, Cook was in charge of coordinating between the different disciplines needed to build the content and make sure all the assets come together, in addition to working out the zone story and quest objectives, and reviewing, approving, and improving everything, as well as playing and polishing the final experience.[2] For the base game, Cook and his team worked on most of the Daggerfall Covenant zones, including: Glenumbra, Stormhaven, Bangkorai, Alik'r Desert, as well as the Deshaan zone.[2] After launch, Cook worked as the Zone Lead of Wrothgar, and was also the co-Zone Lead on the Vvardenfell and Summerset zones.[2] After the Summerset chapter, Cook moved on to ZeniMax Online's next unannounced project.[3] Cook later retired from the company in November 2024.[1]

Elder Scrolls Game Credits[edit]

