Tamriel Rebuilt:Finding Jebyn the Sailor

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There has been a strange disappearance in foggy Aimrah.
Quest Giver: Ivon Seloth
Location(s): Aimrah
Reward: None
ID: TR_m3_Aim_Dreugh1; TR_m3_Aim_Dreugh1b; TR_m3_Aim_Dreugh1c
Jebyn has gone missing in Aimrah

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Ivon Seloth by the shrine in Aimrah.
  2. Speak to Obedur Marvus on the Paruddma.
  3. Speak to Anara at the Sailors Inn.
  4. Speak to Zadathys Aldrethi at the Sailors Inn.
  5. Speak to Barandas Marvus.
  6. Search both Barandas's and Ivon's apartments.
  7. Speak to Ivon and determine how to proceed.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

When in Aimrah, seek out the shrine north of the lighthouse and speak to Ivon Seloth. He will introduce himself as a priest, and not a local of the town, and request your assistance with finding his missing friend, Jebyn. Speak to him on this topic to begin the quest. He'll ask you to visit the Paruddma, a ship captained by Obedur Marvus.

The ship is at the docks in Aimrah, and the crew are decidedly unfriendly. Speak to the captain, Obedur Marvus, about Jebyn. He is in the captain's cabin, and will suggest that Jebyn has run off with the barmaid of the Sailors Inn. Before you go to investigate, it's worth searching the cargo hold to rule it out - a character will ask you to do so later. Expect to be caught when leaving the lower deck - you will need to bribe or fight your way out. Either way, you will not be welcome back on the Paruddma.

Go to the Sailors Inn in Aimrah. Ask around about Anara and it becomes apparent that she is still here, with no Jebyn in sight. Ask her about Jebyn's troubles for a Peculiar Wax Amulet, which may come in handy later. She is otherwise of no help in finding Jebyn. Speak instead to the chuckling Dunmer, Zadathys Aldrethi. He has a few tales to spin, but you'll need to buy him a jug of Mazte from the bar to get him to talk. He'll tell stories of the Arnesian War and of the Marvus family's supposed bargain with the Dreugh of the lake. Answer 'food' when he asks what the Marvus family could possibly have offered the Dreugh.

Assuming you have searched the Paruddma cargo hold already, Zadathys will refer you to Obedur's brother, Barandus Marvus, as a possible suspect - suggesting that you both speak to him. Barandus can be found by the guar at the northeast edge of town. Speak to him about Jebyn. He will name Ivon Seloth as the most likely suspect, and suggest you search his apartment.

You can still search Barandus' apartment if you wish, but to proceed in the quest you will now need to search Ivon Seloth's apartment, where you will find the mutilated body of Jebyn - his lungs full of water and hair still wet. Challenge Ivon Seloth on this new development - on the mutilation particularly. He will deny all involvement and claim he is being framed.

You should let him know whether you feel he is guilty or innocent. If guilty, you will need to report him to the guards, although there is no reward for this. If innocent, a new quest begins - Shadows under Aimrah.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Finding Jebyn the Sailor (TR_m3_Aim_Dreugh1)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
5 I've learned that Ivon Seloth, a priest in the port town of Aimrah, has requested the Temple for aid. Apparently, a friend of his -- a local sailor -- has gone missing.
10 Ivon Seloth asked me to help find his friend Jebyn. According to him, Jebyn is a troubled young sailor who visits the Temple shrine regurlarly for guidance and consolation. However, the last time Seloth expected Jebyn to come and see him, the sailor didn't show up -- and Seloth hasn't seen him since. Ivon Seloth is worried that something might have happened to him. Jebyn serves aboard the freighter Paruddma, anchored at the Aimrah docks. I should talk with the ship's captain, Obedur Marvus.
15 Obedur Marvus, captain of the Paruddma, wasn't at all worried about Jebyn. If anything, the captain was angry at him for leaving his post. He thinks that Jebyn has probably run away with Anara, a barmaid in the Sailors' Inn. The publican of the inn, Dilvene Gilmanil, might know where the two are.
20 Anara told me that even though she finds life in Aimrah to be miserable she has no means to "run away" with anyone. Moreover, she said that she and Jebyn are just friends. She doesn't know where Jebyn is, but asked me to do my best to find him. Perhaps I should talk with other patrons of the inn.
30 Zadathys Aldrethi, an old and blind sailor, told me that he knows that I've been tasked with finding Jebyn. He told me that he might know something of value that he will tell me if I first buy him a jug of Mazte.
40 Zadathys told me that during the Arnesian War some families in Aimrah supposedly banded together and made a deal with the Dreugh of Lake Andaram to repel the Argonian threat. According to him, the Marvus family spearheaded the deal and fortune has favored them ever since. Though he's not sure how all this would tie into Jebyn's disappearance, Zadathys thinks there's something fishy going on. He said I should search Obedur Marvus' ship thoroughly. Jebyn might be held captive in the cargo hold.
50 I've searched the cargo hold of the Paruddma. There's no sign of Jebyn here. I should let Zadathys know of this. I could also question captain Obedur Marvus again.
60 Zadathys Aldrethi said that another culprit behind the Jebyn's disappearance might be Barandas Marvus, the local guar keeper, who is also captain Obedur's brother. Barandas Malvus has a room on the bottom floor of the Aimrah apartment complex that I could break into and look for clues. Alternatively, I could just go and ask Barandas directly about Jebyn. He can be found at the guar pen outside.
70 Barandas Marvus was offended to hear that he was a suspect in the case of Jebyn's disappearance. He told me that if anyone should be a suspect, it's Ivon Seloth, the priest. He said that I should go search Ivon Seloth's apartment. It's on the second floor of the apartment complex.
80 I found Jebyn's dead body lying on the bed in Ivon Seloth's apartment. Some of his limbs have been cut off. I should confront the priest about this.
90 Ivon Seloth was horrified to hear that Jebyn is dead. Even though the evidence seems to point at him, Seloth claimed that he's innocent. He said that he is being framed by the real killer. I must decide if I believe his story or not. I should let the guards know of this if I think Seloth himself is the murderer.
100 Finishes quest☑ Ivon Seloth was glad to hear that I believe he's innocent.
105 To Ivon Seloth's horror and dismay I'm inclined to believe that he is in fact Jebyn's killer. I should find a guard and let them know of this.
110 Finishes quest☑ I told a guard about the body in Ivon Seloth's apartment. The priest is going to jail. My job here is done.
Finding Jebyn the Sailor (TR_m3_Aim_Dreugh1b)
50 Derlethir, a sailor in captain Obedur's crew, found me in the ship's cargo hold. I told him I had the captain's permission to be in the hold. Derlethir told me he'd go and talk to the captain about this. I should leave.
100 Derlethir, a sailor in captain Obedur's crew, found me in the ship's cargo hold. I told him I was an inspector of the Aimrah port authority, and he let me go. I should leave.
150 Derlethir, a sailor in captain Obedur's crew, found me in the ship's cargo hold. I paid him 100 drakes, and he let me go. I should leave.
200 Derlethir, a sailor in captain Obedur's crew, found me in the ship's cargo hold. He attacked me. I should leave.
250 Captain Obedur Marvus was furious at me for searching the ship's cargo hold. He told me that if I showed my face again on the ship, he'd involve the guards.
300 Captain Obedur Marvus was furious at me for killing Derlethir. He told me that if I showed my face again on the ship, he'd involve the guards.
Finding Jebyn the Sailor (TR_m3_Aim_Dreugh1c)
100 There's no sign of Jebyn in Barandas Marvus' apartment. I should talk with him directly.