Online:Mirri Elendis/Rapport

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Ways for Mirri to lose or gain rapport
Amount Action Cooldown
Actions that give Positive Rapport
ON-icon-Rapport+5.png +500 Returning A Mother's Obsession, Dead Weight companion quests Once each
ON-icon-Rapport+5.png +125 Returning Dark Anchor contract offered by Cardea Gallus in Fighters Guild No cooldown, shared quests keep giving rapport
ON-icon-Rapport+5.png +125 Returning Numani-Rasi relics daily in Vvardenfell 10:00am UTC (6:00am EDT) reset
ON-icon-Rapport+3.png +10 Mirri commenting Clockwork City while visiting it. Between 24 and 44 hours
ON-icon-Rapport+3.png +10 Enter certain daedric delves and public dungeons, such as Ashalmawia, Broken Tusk, Mehrunes' Spite, Sanguine's Demesne, The Cave of Trophies and The Grotto of Depravity 30 minutes
ON-icon-Rapport+3.png +10 Talking to Sotha Sil (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+3.png +10 / ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Taking all loot from a treasure chest 60 minutes / no cooldown
ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 Excavate an Antiquity 5 minutes
ON-icon-Rapport+4.png +75 / ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 View a completed Khajiit of the Moons 20 hours
ON-icon-Rapport+4.png +75 / ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 View a completed Library of Vivec 20 hours
ON-icon-Rapport+4.png +75 / ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 View a completed Kari's Hit List 20 hours
ON-icon-Rapport+4.png +75 / ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 View a completed House of Orsimer Glories 20 hours
ON-icon-Rapport+4.png +75 / ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 View a completed Vault of Moawita 20 hours
ON-icon-Rapport+4.png +75 / ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 View a completed Rithana-di-Renada 20 hours
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Kill a goblin 5 minutes
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Kill a riekling 5 minutes
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Kill a snake. Includes passive snakes, giant snakes and others (cooldown shared across all snake types) 150 seconds
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Craft an alcoholic beverage 5 minutes
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Reading a book from a shelf > 30 minutes (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Summoning certain Daedric pets such as a Daemon ChickenWhich other ones? (?)
Actions that give Negative Rapport
ON-icon-Rapport-5.png -25 / ON-icon-Rapport-2.png -5 Use the Blade of Woe, including against enemies 5 minutes / no cooldown
ON-icon-Rapport-4.png -10 Enter the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary (?)
ON-icon-Rapport-1.png -1 Harvest a torchbug, butterfly, or honey bee (cooldown shared) (?)