User talk:SupremeHusky

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Image Guidelines[edit]

Hello, SupremeHusky. Thank you for contributing to the Project Tamriel sections. I want to bring to your attention the standards expected of images on the wiki. Please read Help:Images to learn about them in detail.

Just a few notes about your recent uploads:

  • Name your images based on the standard (namespace abbreviation)-(category)-(thing you're uploading).(jpg/png). For Skyrim: Home of the Nords, that looks like SHOTN-npc-NPC NAME.jpg. Province Cyrodiil is PC3 instead of SHOTN.
  • Images need to have a category and license.
    • I recommend enabling the HotCat gadget in your wiki preferences to make it easy to add these during the image upload process. Alternatively, add them in the summary box. For Skyrim: Home of the Nords, the category is Category:Project Tamriel-Skyrim-NPC Images. Province Cyrodiil is similar, but "Cyrodiil" instead of "Skyrim".
    • The license is always going to be {{uespimage}} for your screenshots in these namespaces.
  • Screenshots should be 1:1 for NPCs and either 4:3, 16:9, or 16:10 for places and quests. They also should be bright enough to easily see the subject. For Morrowind, this usually means you will have to open up each image in Paint.NET or a similar program to adjust the color levels.

Check out your image File:SHOTN-npc-Virno Joloit.png, which I edited to address the first and second bullet points. I added a cleanimage tag to indicate the problems in my third bullet point.

I look forward to seeing more contributions from you! —Dillonn241 (talk) 02:03, 12 May 2024 (UTC)


Hello and welcome to UESPWiki! Thanks for your interest in improving the wiki. Plagiarizing content, including images, and placing it on UESPWiki is unacceptable, and any plagiarized content will always be removed upon detection. It has been detected that your edits to Lore:Profanity contain portions copied from the TES Wiki article on Profanity. If you are the same user who posted the original content elsewhere, please identify yourself accordingly before attempting to add the content again. UESPWiki encourages you to take your time and produce your own, non-plagiarized content for use on the site, and your help in doing so is appreciated. You may also want to look over our style guide and Getting Started guide. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. The Rim of the Sky (talk) 03:15, 31 August 2024 (UTC)

Beyond Skyrim Dialogue[edit]

Hey there! Mostly wanted to drop you a line to thank you for going through Beyond Skyrim NPC pages and formatting the dialogue - thankless task but helps a lot with readability. Just a small request from my side is to make sure you're using the {{NewLeft}} template just before the "Dialogue" section, as this helps with the formatting of the page. You may have noticed I've been adding this after your edits, e.g. here. Thanks again for your edits! --SerCenKing (talk) 09:24, 18 September 2024 (UTC)

No problem. And sure, I will. SupremeHusky (talk) 23:24, 19 September 2024 (UTC)

Project Cyrodiil pages[edit]

Thanks for helping out in the Project Cyrodiil namespace, but when you create NPC pages could you also add the NPC's Alarm and Fight stats and use the {{Faction}} template when adding their faction? Also, for their location, the house field (|house=) should only be used when an NPC is located inside a house (e.g. a location titled "NPC Name's" House, Apartment, or something similar). Otherwise, the loc (|loc=) or store (|store=) field should be used instead, depending on which is appropriate. Only one of these fields should be used and they can be left out entirely if the NPC is located outside. And if there's more that could be said about the NPC, such as any notable goods they possess, what they sell, the role they play in a quest, etc., then you can also add the {{Stub}} template at the bottom of the page.

Also, when making a quest page, could you add both a Quick Walkthrough and Detailed Walkthrough section, even if you leave them blank; if you do leave them blank, could you also add the {{Incomplete}} template at the top of the page so it's easier to keep track of which pages still need work. --Ohnoitsmangofett (talk) 06:28, 12 January 2025 (UTC)