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User talk:Rpeh/Arc 200907

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This is an archive of previous comments on my talk page. Please do not post a message here - use this link to go to the active page instead. Thanks.


Hey Rpeh. Just a courtesy note here that I pinched your stylesheet/javascript tweaks to the categories. It seems very handy now the OBNPCRP is cluttering the categories list. Especially the sorting works nice. Thanks for that! --Timenn-<talk> 13:52, 2 July 2009 (UTC)

No problem :)
Those OBNPCRP categories can be a little overwhelming, but they're darn handy for keeping track of what has been done. –rpehTCE 13:54, 2 July 2009 (UTC)
Not saying the categories shouldn't be there, luckily we don't have Wikipedia's for cluttering categories. On another matter, I didn't notice before you changed your name. ;) --14:06, 2 July 2009 (UTC)

High Agression NPCs... Good page?[edit]

Hi,I'm starting new page in my sandbox, could you tell me on my talk page if it has any potential? Thanks! User:Arch-Mage Matt/Sandbox --Arch-Mage Matt 22:18, 2 July 2009 (UTC)

(replied here)

NPC encounters in the player's absence[edit]

You seem to be the only person who can answer this question, and it's surprising it hasn't already been covered on the forums since it's important. I wonder if NPCs can get killed when the player isn't nearby? Can they only get involved in fights when you can see them? Can NPCs get killed if the player's in a house and the NPC is outside? Thanks a lot! SwedishBerzerker at 13:01, 8 July 2009 (UTC)

I honestly don't know. –rpehTCE 16:30, 8 July 2009 (UTC)
I can vouch for the fact that NPCs can be killed even if you're nowhere nearby. I once had an issue with the SI quest in Split where I couldn't complete the quest because an NPC had been killed long before I went anywhere near Split. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 03:18, 10 July 2009 (UTC)
I'm also inclined to say yes. I found Undena Orethi and Toutius Sextius dead in one of my first playthroughs while I had never been near Skingrad before. Toutius might have fallen from the bridge, but I have no idea what might cause the death of Undena, apart from the usual creatures. Wolok gro-Barok 09:42, 10 July 2009 (UTC)
Also, Bralsa Andaren is notorious for dying whenever you are nowhere near here. –Elliot(T-C) 10:11, 10 July 2009 (UTC)
But the wiki says that the orc in the Skingrad castle only falls of the bridge when the player is somewhere nearby, so I'm really thinking that maybe the player and the NPC has to be in the same cell or something. You might've been just too close to Split before, or maybe he/she died as you were approaching the settlement, just before you saw him/her? By the way, how large is a "cell" outdoors or in a city? Is it as large as the area making the name of the area appear in the map window? I mean, if each location has its own name in the map window, is each location one cell? I play on 360 so I can't access the CS. I know (think) that a cell is a map when you're in a house or a dungeon however... SwedishBerzerker at 11:29, 10 July 2009 (UTC)
Since I haven't really investigated the orc on the bridge, I can't comment on that. It could be that the article is wrong, or there could be some issue with proximity (like if the orc only takes a certain path when the character is nearby). As far as Split, I didn't discover the problem until about 20 in-game days after the character was first killed. I had been in SI before, but definitely nowhere near Split until that time. As for cell size, it's hard to describe, but to give you an idea, most cities use about 4-6 cells, I think (not counting the Imperial City, which is huge).
Thanks! So I guess you could say that if you can see a character, you could be in the same cell then. Wow, this question was way more tricky than I thought... Edit: I don't want any NPCs wandering about in the wilderness, that is Yngvar and Jayred in SI, to die, so I check from time to time to see that they aren't dead. I just ran Yngvar's route around the island in the opposite direction so that I'd meet him as fast as possible. As I ran to Fellmoor, and back over the bridge towards the main road, I met him. He's walking in the direction he's supposed to - counterclockwise around the island. But when I went just about 20 metres down the main road, where he'd obviously just been, there were several living monsters, with full health! This might prove that most NPCs don't seem to get involved in fights in the wilderness when you're not in the same cell. At least I'll stay with that theory until someone makes another observation. SwedishBerzerker at 19:32, 10 July 2009 (UTC)

(outdent) In theory, you could be face-to-face with someone and be in a different cell than they are (think of two people on opposite sides of a doorway), but as a very general rule, yeah, if you can see someone (not way in the distance), there's a good chance you're in the same cell they are. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 00:09, 11 July 2009 (UTC)


Great work on updating the Shadowkey section! 11:57, 13 July 2009 (UTC)Jadrax

Thanks! Long time, no see. Are you coming back to help out? –rpehTCE 11:58, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

Crimson Scars[edit]

Hey Rpeh, I'm Jayden and I'm a newbie here. I noticed you didn't have an article for the Crimson Scars, so I created one. I must admit my grammar is far from perfect, so would you mind having a look for me? Thank you, and sorry for bothering you. Jayden Matthews 17:32, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

Hiya, I was just looking at that article as you posted on my talk page. Thanks for that - it was 95% fine and just needed a few links adding. If you want, you could try to find some places where "Crimson Scars" are mentioned and link to your new article. If you don't know the syntax yet, something like [[Lore:Crimson Scars|Crimson Scars]] should produce a link like this: Crimson Scars. You can find more information on the links you've been given on your talk page. –rpehTCE

Oh, cool. I'm glad you like it. Is it ok for me to make a Greywyn Blenwyth article? Jayden Matthews 17:48, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

I don't think that is necessary. He's only notable as the founder of the Scars, and everything known about him can probably be said on their new page. If more information about the Scars becomes available in the future, that may change. –rpehTCE 17:57, 13 July 2009 (UTC)
Ok, I will add the information to that article, if that's ok? Also, I added some information to the Rowley Eardwulf article which you might want to take a look at. Jayden Matthews 18:14, 13 July 2009 (UTC)
All fine apart from a few tense problems. Thanks! –rpehTCE 18:37, 13 July 2009 (UTC)


It appears that Xell was lying about "going on vacation". In reality, he was sending the last four days setting up Xell just left a message about his new site. --Michaeldsuarez (Talk) (Deeds) 20:03, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

I just saw. Well I'm not going to claim that I'm sorry to see him go. It just means there's another site to check for copyright violations. Such is life. –rpehTCE 20:59, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
Just so you know. --Michaeldsuarez (Talk) (Deeds) 21:03, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

I've just been over there to check out the site. Apparently it's a solo project, as Xell Kharr has disabled any new user accounts from being created. Jayden Matthews 09:10, 15 July 2009 (UTC)

And you have to log on even to view the content! Wow. A members-only project that doesn't allow new members. That's really embracing the whole notion of a wiki. –rpehTCE 10:57, 15 July 2009 (UTC)


(moved to Oblivion_talk:Falanu Hlaalu)

Xell Khaar[edit]

Xell Khaar of is ripping off images from UESP. He has taken our image of the South Wall Corner Club without attributing it back here. This is not allowed, surely? Jayden Matthews 10:19, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

He has put it in a Category that gives us credit for the image. As long as he does that, there's no problem. I find it quite amusing that although he claims to hate me (#1 block on his site! Yay!) he is quite prepared to use an image I created. Thanks for pointing it out. –rpehTCE 10:26, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

Someone has now added you as the original artist, that's better. I still find it highly hypocritical that he can claim to have so much dislike for UESP but be perfectly comftable with taking content from our site. I think I will look through the recent changes page of that site every so often, just to make sure credit's given where it's due. I've got nothing else to do with a broken ankle! Jayden Matthews 10:36, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

That was me ;)
I'm already checking it every so often but another pair of eyes won't hurt. –rpehTCE 10:38, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

Ah, clever stuff. Yeah, will do. I'm pretty much stuck inside at the moment so I'll check very often. Jayden Matthews 10:44, 18 July 2009 (UTC)


Hey Rpeh, Jayden here, quick question. I'm looking through the CS for a certain piece of dialouge from Urich Leland, and I've noticed a whole load of other social commentry. Such as what book he is reading at the moment, and what he's planning to read in the future. Do NPC's actually say these things in the game? Because I've never heard them. Jayden Matthews 11:00, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

They might do. Most of the dialogue is spoken to other NPCs rather than yourself, and it's all random so you might never get to hear it. –rpehTCE 11:03, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

RE: Unsigned Tags[edit]

Sorry, I didn't know. --Michaeldsuarez (Talk) (Deeds) 19:49, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Not a problem - just wanted to let you know. –rpehTCE 20:00, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Knights of the Dragon[edit]

Your correction of the Link on this page no longer links to anything. On a second note, a lore link for the person in qustion doesn't lead anywhere (Lord Bridwell), the only link that does is Lord Bridwell which is his Daggerfall page. That was my IP (forgot to sign in) so I'm hessitant to make the change back in case I'm mistaken, but I believe I was correct in the earlier edit. -Dlarsh 20:59, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

In general, it's bad form to have links to gamespaces in the Lore namespace except for in clear sections at the end of an article. The reason is that, if something appears in more than one game, it's confusing to have game-specific links in the main text. The Lore Link template allows the DF-specific version of the page to keep its link, while hiding the link from the Lore space, where Bridwell isn't notable enough to have an article. –rpehTCE 06:38, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

That "Marksman Glitch"[edit]

It is definitely race/model height related. I have performed tests with both sexes of every race and have made a complete list of their effects on arrow trajectories (I only tested arrows, as the few times I used other Marksman weapons no effect seemed to take place). I would like to add them to the Marksman article, but doubt my ability to write in compliance with wiki standards. Edit: I have also talked to Hrnchamd about this and it is now on the list of bugs to be fixed with his 'Morrowind Code Patch'. --FuzedBox 21:15, 25 July 2009 (UTC)

Interesting. I'll have a play and see if I can reproduce it. –rpehTCE 09:57, 26 July 2009 (UTC)

RE: Sandbox[edit]

I cleared the sandbox, so it shouldn't caused any more red links. --Michaeldsuarez (Talk) (Deeds) 14:39, 27 July 2009 (UTC)

Great! Thank you :-) –rpehTCE 15:55, 27 July 2009 (UTC)

Feeling hungry?[edit]

(cookie moved to jar)

"Insane" might be a better word! Thanks, Wolok. –rpehTCE 16:32, 27 July 2009 (UTC)

A newly found Imperial Legion Forester[edit]

You deleted the post, I'm assuming because I also included he was the only one with a green wool shirt. I hadn't seen any others with a green wool shirt until I found him. But I would imagine there are others with the same shirt. However this is the first time I've seen any foresters in this location. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 28 July 2009

Foresters wear a random, lower-class shirt. There are 15 of those, including the green wool shirt, so it's not unsurprising that you haven't seen it too often. As for locations, the places we have listed on the articles are where the foresters start - all of them. They move around, and unlike most NPCs their locations are not constrained to a certain area so it's quite possible that you found one where you did. Take it from me, though, that the page lists the correct start locations of all the foresters. –rpehTCE 20:55, 28 July 2009 (UTC)