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User talk:Rpeh/Arc 200812

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This is an archive of previous comments on my talk page. Please do not post a message here - use this link to go to the active page instead. Thanks.

Slight correction -- Morrowind:Netch Leather[edit]

Hi. I am rather new, and didn't really want to jump in by editing a page. I noticed what I believe is a slight error on the page for the ingredient "Netch Leather" in Morrowind. The page says the weight of the ingredient is "0.1". However the game, at least my version with Bloodmoon, reports "1.0". I checked the weight by buying several, dropping and picking them up again. Sure enough, seems to be 1.0. Once again, sorry I don't really know etiquette on this site, just noticed the difference when I was trying to make some lightweight fortify intelligence potions. 23:41, 1 December 2008 (EST)

Fixed. Thanks. You should feel free to fix anything else you find though - we're a wiki after all! –RpehTCE 04:01, 3 December 2008 (EST)

RPEH: Man or Machine?[edit]

(cookie moved to Jar!)

User page creation[edit]

Hi Rpeh, thanks for your welcome. I was wondering if there is a template or guide for creating a more advanced looking user page such as yours, including icons for "knowledgeable areas" etc?. If there isn't, would you mind me copying the relevant code from your user page?

I'm looking forward to helping maintain and grow what must be the most complete game guides on the internet!

Yours, piphil 09:11, 3 December 2008 (EST)

The best guides we have are the help pages I linked you to - after the basics described on there it's just a matter of practice. If you want to lift the code for my user page though, feel free! –RpehTCE 10:40, 3 December 2008 (EST)

#Chatspike admin's name?[edit]

What's his name so I can message him, as I appear to be banned, which is honestly no big loss for me. DaedryonTCE 14:36, 7 December 2008 (EST)

Well, if you want to apologise to the owner of the server, that would be either Brain or FrostyCoolSlug, both of whom can be found in #chatspike. The op who mentioned you to us was jackmcbarn, so you may wish to apologise to him aswell. - Game LordTalk|Contribs 14:57, 7 December 2008 (EST)
Hmmm.....thanks. DaedryonTCE 15:16, 7 December 2008 (EST)

Telekinesis Fling Deletion[edit]

Recently I posted something of a telekinesis fling. While you probably thought I was simply speaking of dropping the item, that is not the case. The article in telekinesis makes no mention of how you can fling an object in a controlled manner, speaking only of how the object may fly across uncontrollably, but, in fact, it depends on how you drop the object whether it will be flung, or just dropped. My post was deleted entirely and not mentioned in the article on telekinesis anymore. I know for a fact that it works as I use my technique to fling things across places for fun. It makes me wonder if I worded it so that you could understand, or if you think that it was just a parallel to dropping an object. — Unsigned comment by Endnekind (talkcontribs) on 7 December 2008

The point you were making was a duplicate of what was already on the article - I couldn't see any way in which what you added enhanced what was already there. If you disagree, then you can always put it back again, but please be clear about exactly what is different. –RpehTCE 17:11, 7 December 2008 (EST)
My appologies, you are absolutely right. I did not check close enough. Am new and a little too anxious to help. Endnekind 22:42, 7 December 2008 (EST)
No problem. It's always good to see new users! –RpehTCE 00:20, 8 December 2008 (EST)

Oh well[edit]

Seriously, I try to get your asses saved and keep you out of this, because (A) I connected that night through MY client, not one linked to your site, and immediately I'm apparently linked to UESP and (B) I don't take crap from no-one. I try to protect you, and instead I got you guilt tripping me with bullcrap. So seriously, stay out of it. DaedryonTCE 17:21, 7 December 2008 (EST)

The best thing you can do is stay away from IRC. You obviously think that swearing and insulting people is going to count as an apology so it'll be best all round if you don't connect any more. –RpehTCE 00:24, 8 December 2008 (EST)

Foyada Nadanat[edit]

I need a favor if you can - I want to get a map for Foyada Nadanat, based on the path I gave it here. It's the only foyada currently missing a map, though my map for Foyada Zabirbael could be expanded as well to include the eastern portion marked on the main map. My usual method for these won't work very well, as I've been just taking top-down screenshots from the CS to use as maps. This is fine for small areas such as Foyada Esannudan and Foyada Ilibaal, but these other two cover a much wider range, and thus this method doesn't work as well. (I could take several shots and patch them together, and I've done that before for some shots, like my Ald'ruhn map, but this results in mismatched perspective, or worse, a visible seam on the image, which takes a bit of work to remove.) Since you took the original images for the online MW Map, you're probably in a better position to produce these. I don't need you to do the annotations, I can handle that (unless you want to). It's not exactly high-priority or anything, so take your time. These articles are fairly minor, but we might as well do it just for the sake of completeness. --TheRealLurlock Talk 14:14, 8 December 2008 (EST)

Here you are. I know it's too big but I wanted to give you a clean(ish) image to work with. –RpehTCE 00:36, 9 December 2008 (EST)
No, big is good. I can actually use this same image for both Nadanat and Zabirbael (cropped differently, of course.) Thanks. I'll probably put these together tomorrow some time. --TheRealLurlock Talk 01:22, 9 December 2008 (EST)

More map requests[edit]

You've probably noticed that I've been working on all of the Morrowind "NeedsMap" pages; completed the 'A's so far, with one obvious exception, for which I may need your assistance again. I'm not really sure how best to go about generating maps for entire regions. (The Ashlands is an especially weird one, given that it has a big hole in the middle for the Red Mountain region).) Currently, the only ones NOT labelled as needing maps are Ascadian Isles, Azura's Coast, and Red Mountain, and given that the first two just have cropped versions of the paper map, same as all the others, they probably should have NeedsMap tags as well. That or we decide that those are good enough and remove the tags from all the region pages. What's your opinion on how to deal with these? If we want nice highly-detailed maps with all the labels like the Foyada ones I did, then I'll need you to get me base images to work from. If, on the other hand, we decide that the paper-map crops are good enough, along with maybe a link to the MW online map, then we should remove the tags. What do you think? --TheRealLurlock Talk 18:47, 12 December 2008 (EST)

I think the best way to do it might be something similar to the Oblivion maps I did. Crops of the paper map seem pretty pointless, and even detailed place maps are a bit irrelevant given the Online map. A colored version would let us show exactly where, for instance, the game considers the West Gash and Bitter Coast regions to be. –RpehTCE 06:02, 13 December 2008 (EST)
Of course, it's much more clear-cut in Morrowind. The Oblivion regions kind of blur into eachother, while the Morrowind regions have pretty well-defined hard edges. (The only questions arise when there are cities on the edge of two regions, e.g. Suran.) I've already put something like that together for all the regions at MW-map-Regions.jpg. I could just remove the coloring for all but one region and call it a map. Think that'd suffice? --TheRealLurlock Talk 09:35, 13 December 2008 (EST)
I think so, yes. Perhaps with slightly less bright colours! –RpehTCE 10:27, 13 December 2008 (EST)

not quoted[edit]

On Through A Nightmare, Darkly You've removed the quote of the bug in your edit, is there a way to at least but it in a reference in the footer of something small so if someone else is stuck in this situation, s/he can end up on that page searching for the quote ? Thank you for you welcoming message. DynV 18:42, 14 December 2008 (EST)

If I'm playing Oblivion, and can't progress further in a quest, do I search the site for the quest to find how to complete it, or do I search the site for the quote of what an NPC is saying? Maybe I'm assuming people have more common sense than they really do, but I like to think most people would search for the quest. --GuildKnightTalk2me 22:03, 14 December 2008 (EST)
Quite. The information was already on the article and it didn't need the quote. –RpehTCE 02:03, 15 December 2008 (EST)

UOP Bug Cross-References?[edit]

I've been reading the full list of bugs the UOP fixes, and I've noticed some of the bugs listed are noted on individual wiki pages, but some are not. For example, Agronak gro-Malog's page says he is set at level ten. This is corrected in line with the other arena matches in the UOP to make him 10 levels above that of the player, but there is no mention of this on the page.

Would adding this sort of information to pages be beneficial in your view? I don't mind cross-referencing between the bug list and wiki - I quite enjoy reading the bug lists, as some of them are rather amusing, and it would give me a raison d'etre on the wiki.

All the best, piphil 04:06, 19 December 2008 (EST)

I don't see why not. I'd limit it to the important bugs like the one you mentioned, because we certainly don't want every instance of "this ruin contains rubble that was slightly off the ground" that the UOP fixes! I'll leave it to your good judgment. –RpehTCE 04:26, 19 December 2008 (EST)
Of course, I won't be mentioning any mesh fixes, unless they in themselves cause a bug, although I think this unlikely! piphil 04:39, 19 December 2008 (EST)
Ok, I have edited Agronak gro-Malog's page; if you could take a look at it for me to check the formatting - I'd like to include brief information about the change the UOP implements to correct the bug - or should I leave this information out? Edit it until you're happy with it and I'll carry on with that bug format. Many thanks piphil 04:51, 19 December 2008 (EST)
Yeah that's fine (just remember we use in-game / US spelling though, so just two "l"s in "leveling"). I'd only mention what the patch does to fix the bug if it's not obvious. In this case, that's certainly the case, but if the bug was "This NPC will randomly drop dead for no reason", I don't think it's necessary :) –RpehTCE 04:54, 19 December 2008 (EST)
Ah, yes, US spelling. Will need to work out how to install the US English dictionary on Chrome...which given it doesn't support extensions may be interesting. Maybe I could just take the "u" button off my keyboard.  :-P Thanks for your help piphil 04:59, 19 December 2008 (EST)


Wow, you know, in the 6+ months I've been here, I've noticed something about you. You're real friggin' uptight. Let me state a few things, and no, I don't give a damn about any consequences right now, seeing as you don't seem to get the gist of what I told the #Chatspike admin. Right now I'm having a cig to keep my stress down, but I'll say this plain and simple. "If I can't smoke or swear, I'm f*cked".

  • 1. The only reason I told him to f*** off was because he was linking me to UESP. Just because I have a chatroom that connects to UESP, or Chatspike as a whole, does not mean I am associating with UESP. I told him that, and he seems to have a "thing" for you, seeing as he sends you every little thing I say to him.
  • 1a. The statements you continue to make about banning me from over some jackassery that happened while I was drunk, and in no control of my laptop is just pure stupidity on your part.
  • 2. I'm not turning a disagreement between 2 admins to my advantage. I am siding with TheRealLurlock after alot of the crap I've seen you giving him over great ideas.
  • 3. If he is threatening to ban all UESP users, because of one person who is not associated with UESP (while I am on MY CHAT ROOM, I am not associated), then he too is an idiot.

There. If you don't like me, that's your problem. If you choose to ignore and remove this message, oh well, just another one of your problems. I've tried your way, now we're doing this my way. I don't give a damn if I'm banned from chatspike, or whoever the hell hosts our chatroom, because I can always switch hosts. So ban me from chat, who cares, I'll switch hosts and won't be back on chatspike. Do it. Go ahead. Be my guest. DaedryonTCE 20:54, 19 December 2008 (EST)

Also, your recent comment on Oblivion's Easter Eggs...hmm..let me quote it:
  • : You deserve congratulations in that, on a site that has hosted some of the most ridiculous and obscure "easter eggs" of all time, yours stands head and shoulders above the pack in terms of being absurd.RpehTCE 18:51, 19 December 2008 (EST)
This just proves to me how ridiculous you can be sometimes, and this just adds to an ever growing list of reasons why I think you should be de-sysopped. DaedryonTCE 20:58, 19 December 2008 (EST)
Again, an attempted defense on your part has shown exactly why you're unsuited to taking part in IRC. I don't know how I can make this any clearer than I already have, but let's try.
  • 1. You swore at somebody you'd never met. You were linked with UESP because you had used our client, which causes you address to have "UESPUser" in it even after you change your nick. He doesn't send me every little thing you say - when you were abusive to him he passed what you had said on to me so I could deal with it at our site's end rather than him having to get all our site's IRC users banned.
  • 1a. Try using that argument on the police after you've gone driving whilst drunk. It was your computer using your account so you are responsible. I've never talked about banning you from - only IRC. However, the behavior you're beginning to exhibit on the site is such that it probably won't be too long before it happens here too. You've already been banned from one wiki after all.
  • 2. You don't know what you're talking about.
  • 3. I don't know what you mean by "my chat room". ChatSpike isn't your chatroom; it's not UESP's chatroom. We are using somebody else's service and you should treat it with the appropriate respect.
As for your opinions on the current makeup of site staff, I don't care about them in the slightest. –RpehTCE 03:28, 20 December 2008 (EST)
Oh, let me guess. You're referring to the RuneScape Wikia? I've already made myself clear on that. They mistook me for my friend and neighbour of 7 years, who I only recently, after I was accused of being "Total Rune", found out that he (my neighbour) was Total Rune, and seeing as he referred me to the RSW since I used to play RuneScape, they, and by they, I mean Stinkowing, vandalized my Central Wikia talk page with his IP address (real befitting for a sysop, I'd say).

Even after Sansse's Checkuser proved that I am from the Niagara Region, same as Total Rune, he thought that meant that "Oh, he's Total Rune because him and Total live in the same city".

He then continued to spam me with "CHECKUSERS DON'T LIE, TOTAL", even after I told him that (A) I know what a Checkuser proves, and (B) It only proved I'm from the same city, it did not prove any identity related things.

If you remember, I had made an entire sub-page of my Userpage, basically entailing everything I stated above, when I had noticed a member of the RuneScape Wikia, C Teng, joined UESP. My first thought was "Oh, they've sent a spy", which prompted me to create the page, just incase things blew over from RSW to here. However, C Teng believed that I was not Total, which shocked me, and caused me to label said page for deletion. Now, if you'd be so kind, never speak of the RuneScape Wikia again, as my banning was unjust, and I was constantly harassed since my debut, in which I started a viral "SAVE_US.RSW" promo. DaedryonTCE 04:09, 20 December 2008 (EST)

Oh and hey, guess what I just found. Turns out you were threatening to ban me from the site. Try doing your research on what you said before you go opening your mouth.
I don't like to have to apologise for people I don't even know, and rest assured my patience is not an infinite reserve. If you do not stop harassing members of the IRC channel I will consider it "disruption of this site" and you will be blocked from posting on this site Quoted. DaedryonTCE 04:11, 20 December 2008 (EST)
Ooh yes. I forgot about that. Well then. You're now close to a warning for your actions on IRC and close to a warning for your behavior on the site. You obviously don't play well with people so, as I said, it's probably just a matter of time before you get blocked. –RpehTCE 04:19, 20 December 2008 (EST)
Cool. See, you go ahead and think that I'm close, but you and I both know, for you, I am the beginning....and also the end. Quite cryptic, yes? Let's see if you can figure out what I'm trying to say ;) Neart agus Onóir DaedryonTCE 04:30, 20 December 2008 (EST)
I'm glad you got to vent a little. It seems like there's a serious difference of minds here. I like you both, and I'm not trying to take away from the strength of your words, I only hope that you both resolve this without it escalating any further. You are a valuable and respected member of this community, and rpeh is a reasonable man. You shouldn't feel the need to resort to veiled threats, after all it's only internet drama. Don't give up on him or us, we'd miss you. Lukish_ Tlk Cnt 18:34, 20 December 2008 (EST)

Okay, what the hell was that?[edit]

I'm really starting to get convinced that you've got some personal beef against me and it's getting to be annoying. If you had a problem with my file naming convention (which by the way has been sanctioned on Help:Images for quite some time now), you should have said something two years ago. I've uploaded hundreds of images with that naming convention. Are you now going to find them and re-upload them all in your own name (without giving credit, I might add)? And you accuse me of bandwidth-wasting pointless busywork. This is beyond petty. It seems like you're doing it just because they were your old images that were getting were proposed for deletion. (I notice you didn't go defending anyone else's images that I prod'ed.) As for why I use underscores instead of hyphens? It's simple. Underscores are interchangeable with spaces in wiki code, which makes file names easier to type. I could understand your renaming the files if there was something clearly wrong with them, but that's not the case. You're obviously just doing this out of spite, and it makes it seem like a personal attack. --TheRealLurlock Talk 23:29, 21 December 2008 (EST)

Well I wasn't going to reply but I've had a couple of emails.... Your naming convention is not supported by Help:Images. It says use Hyphens or Underscores and you use spaces. Interchangeable? Maybe, but don't dodge the issue. The point is that you're changing images from the preferred naming convention (XX-YYY-ZZZZ) to a nonstandard one using spaces. If you want to replace an image that uses the correct naming convention, use the "upload a new version of this image" link. The reason I left some of your images is that the previous names were even further from the standard. Yes this was bandwidth-wasting pointlessness, but at least it got your attention this time. –RpehTCE 14:49, 22 December 2008 (EST)

Help, vandal.[edit]

I've reverted 2 vandalisms to one page by this IP just now, and the IP's gone and vandalized another page, but for some reason, it won't let me undo all 3 different edits to the other page. Help? DaedryonTCE 01:56, 22 December 2008 (EST)

On it now. Thanks for undoing the vandalism on the UOP page. –RpehTCE 01:58, 22 December 2008 (EST)

Help with my userpage.[edit]

I need some help. I've loaded a test version onto my sandbox. The part I need help with is the contact me part. I put some links in, and now the column template seems to have broken.

Click hereDaedryonTCE 23:29, 25 December 2008 (EST)

Nevermind, Nephele helped me! DaedryonTCE 02:00, 26 December 2008 (EST)

2 mods[edit]

You seem to be the knowledgeable one for mods around here. I just recently got Oblivion for my new laptop that I got for Christmas. I've had Oblivion for about 4 days now. I remember seeing 2 mods in particular, several months ago and I was wondering if you could help me locate them.

The first one was a Soul Gem mod, that made the Soul Gems prettier. I remember seeing an image of one Soul Gem, it was like a shining small rocky outcrop, colored purple, and I believe another one was a gold coin shaped one. I've searched all of TESNexus for this mod and I've had no luck.

The second one is a race mod that added several official lore-based races, such as the Ka Po'Tun, and the Tang Mo, basically, ape-like people, and half-people/half-serpent people. I remember seeing a picture of the one race, and it was a biped Gorilla. I also cannot find this, as on TESNexus, theres at least 20 pages of races, due in part to people making ridiculous demon races mods, or "Hircine race" mods.

Have you seen either of these mods around before? DaedryonTCE 04:44, 31 December 2008 (EST)

I don't know either of those, but the first one sounds like the soul gems from Morrowind. There's this, but that just changes the color. The other one... dunno. –RpehTCE 04:58, 31 December 2008 (EST)
Yeah, I was gonna mention that I already know of a "Pretty Soul Gem" mod that just changes the color, but I mean this mod was gorgeous. It gave new forms to the soul gems. And I still remember seeing a screenshot of the Ape race, and the human-serpent mix race. Just can't find them anymore. Damnit all. Oh well, thanks anyways! DaedryonTCE 05:03, 31 December 2008 (EST)
Ah! Try this for the soul gems. And there are four mods by tuskanred for the beast races. –RpehTCE 05:46, 31 December 2008 (EST)
HOLY CRAP YOU ARE A GOD! Those are the exact two I was looking for! You rule! DaedryonTCE 05:48, 31 December 2008 (EST)
As it happens, the 4 races aren't canonical. I swore they were....but oh well, I love monkeys regardless :D DaedryonTCE 05:50, 31 December 2008 (EST)

Fan Fiction[edit]

I want to put up a fan fiction thats part of a series but should I make new pages for each one or keep them all on one? If you have any advice for putting them up that would be great, thanks! (Gadianzero 13:40, 31 December 2008 (EST))

However you want to do it, although I'd suggest a different page for each one. Remember to create them as subpages of your user space, such as User:Gadianzero/My First Story, User:Gadianzero/My Second Story and so on. –RpehTCE 13:42, 31 December 2008 (EST)

Okay thanks! I'll try not to crash the site. (Gadianzero 14:04, 31 December 2008 (EST))