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User talk:Rpeh/Arc 200709

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I Congratulate you...[edit]

Nice work with the "hysteria". You handled it perfectly. You should be proud of yourself. Sincerely, Playjex 13:49, 1 September 2007 (EDT)

Thanks, Playjex. With hindsight I should have probably been a bit calmer with the initial post but it's too easy to forget that not everybody has English as their first language. It must have been so much easier as an Englishman a couple of hundred years ago when we'd deal with people whose language we didn't understand by going out and taking their country. Hmm. I'm getting ideas now! :-) --RpehTalk 13:56, 1 September 2007 (EDT)

Hey, by-the-by...[edit]

I dunno if you heard, but I'm starting a new fanfic, using my fellow editors as fodder for characters. May I use you? And if so, how ought I call you? I mean, Lurlock and Nephele are good names as is, and I'm thinking War-with-Rats for Ratwar, but you're more difficult. Heck, while I'm at it, if it not be taken amiss, may I inquire as to your gender? Anyway, talk at me when you get a chance. And have a good day! Somercy 10:36, 4 September 2007 (EDT)

I like the idea! Fine by me, and the information on my user page is accurate, so my gender is Male. I quite like the idea of being a shady, behind the scenes, "We only know him by his codename, which is rpeh", sort of guy - but if you need a proper name, "Herbius" used to be my nick on various things so how about "Robius Herbius" or something like that, making me an Imperial by default. As far as stories go, what about Tatterwing? Or will that be part of the new magnum opus? At some point I need to write some more of my story, and come up with a more original title than "Thief of Darkness". --RpehTalk 10:48, 4 September 2007 (EDT)
Well, that'll do. I just needed a pronouncable form of it. Herbius...heh. Anyway, this new story is "before" Tatterwing, but it's still about Alegna. In fact, it's basically the "origin" of the character, and it sorta includes a secret society of "Editors," like a private version of the Blades, run by a dude called "Hermit Dave." You can read it in my fanfiction sandbox anytime! Oh, and if you ever need a beta reader for your stories, ask! Got it? Somercy 10:53, 4 September 2007 (EDT)
Making people cry by staring at them? Sounds like you've nailed Lurlock's character already ;-) I've put my first chapter up here. The rest of what I have to far needs way too much work... --RpehTalk 11:20, 4 September 2007 (EDT)
Wait until you see what I do with the rarely-seen Hermit Dave...and how I'm mangling jesus lover's name. I'll go read now. Somercy 13:09, 4 September 2007 (EDT)

1,000 Points![edit]

I'm quite impressed, actually. Though, perhaps I should dock points for a second guess. Ah, well. Nice job.

You have to ask?[edit]

Maybe I precognitively saw the userbox. Or maybe...maybe I was (quite pleasantly) surprised that anyone had read Tatterwing. Maybe it was encouraging. Or maybe I love all my fellow editors (and Editors). Somercy 10:12, 7 September 2007 (EDT)

For Your Valiance in the Nineten Spam Battle[edit]

Thanks, Eshe! Today was really not a fun day. The spam bots all came out to play. I was just glad Somercy came online when she did - I had to leave work! --RpehTalk 12:38, 10 September 2007 (EDT)
Welcome. As you see, I noted your presence properly. And hey, you soon will be able to banstick these fools! Congrats! Somercy 15:54, 11 September 2007 (EDT)


Nephele and I have been talking about this for a few weeks, but I think today's events have brought it to light. In short, I'd like to nominate you for adminship. You've definitely shown that you're up to the task, I think. And these recent attacks have demonstrated the need for having another Admin, specifically one in your time-zone, who can keep an eye on things during the hours when the rest of us are asleep. Nephele covers the US west coast, I cover the east, so it'd be good to have someone in Europe to fill in the gap. (Might also help if we could find someone in Australia or New Zealand maybe to get full coverage, but I don't know of anyone at the moment.) Naturally, I'd like to make sure that you're interested before posting an official nomination, so what do you think? --TheRealLurlock Talk 12:22, 10 September 2007 (EDT)

Yeah, Rpeh should be an admin. There are lots of inactive/semi-active admins at the moment, so we could do with another active one. I'm sure he'd be a great admin- go for it!--Willyhead 12:29, 10 September 2007 (EDT)
Thank you to Nephele and Lurlock for considering me, and thank you to Willyhead for the support. I wish I felt as confident as you do! I'm game. Let's see what the rest of the community thinks... --RpehTalk 12:42, 10 September 2007 (EDT)


For cleaning up my stuff on the LSCR record. (Less than 4 hours after it was posted nonetheless!)

My pleasure. It came at exactly the right time! I'd just been looking at LSCR records myself. And I doubt I've ever said anything quite that nerdy on these pages :-) --RpehTalk 14:21, 12 September 2007 (EDT)

More thanks[edit]

I noticed you cleaned up my Shivering Isles linux page. Thanks! It looks much easier to understand.  :) Dscherck 11:35, 16 September 2007 (EDT)

My pleasure again! Always ready with an obsessive need for clarity. --RpehTalk 12:36, 16 September 2007 (EDT)


I'm just thinking that we've been steadily trying to remove this type of page-naming system in other places (Oblivion:Quests/, Tamriel:Books/ etc.), do we really want to do things that way in this case? The reasons are pretty clear, too. Linking to a page with a sub-page name like that is a pain. If I want to link to [[Shivering:Notes/Weathered Letter|Weathered Letter]], it's much easier to just type [[Weathered Letter]] from a Shivering page and have it link automatically. Hiding them under sub-pages just makes things harder to find and harder to link to. --TheRealLurlock Talk 12:10, 18 September 2007 (EDT)

You're probably right, and I did wonder whilst I was creating the new pages. The existing ones were done that way though so I just went with the flow. --RpehTalk 12:50, 18 September 2007 (EDT)
What about this instead? It makes it rather more like Oblivion:Notes. The various Relmyna ones should probably go on too and be deleted from the Tamriel namespace - it's not like they'll come up again. --RpehTalk 03:51, 19 September 2007 (EDT)

Daedric flag[edit]

Nice flag. I have memorized the entire daedric alphabet and I noticed right away that the red letters on the flag said RPEH. I am wondering how you did that because I want to do something similar.

P.S. Do you think I could do a good job at being a patroller. I ran once and didnt get it, and I am thinking of trying again. Look at my contributions page please. — Unsigned comment by Jesus lover (talkcontribs)

Thank you! I see at least one other user likes it too :-) To make it, I downloaded the Daedric font from this page, pinched the parchment background from the site and then played around with things in Paintshop Pro one evening when I couldn't be bothered doing anything else. Any paint package that lets you use Layers will help as it means it's far easier to position the text. Once I had the text on the page I messed around with transparency and blur until it looked roughly how I wanted.
As far as becoming a patroller is concerned, I'd say you still need more edits under your belt. You need to spend some time reading the recent changes page and examining the changes other people have made. People will feel more than happy making you a patroller if it looks like you've already been doing the job. --RpehTalk 03:02, 23 September 2007 (EDT)

Faction template[edit]

That was fun! Just added a few neat features to it. It will now link to the main faction page instead of the Factions_X page if it exists - useful for major factions like the Mages Guild, etc. Also I made it so that you no longer need to use the word "rank". The second parameter will automatically be assumed to be rank. Thus, you can now just say: {{Faction|Mages Guild|4}} to get: Guild for Mages 4(Conjurer Conjurer) (adding the namesp parameter here just so it goes to Oblivion and not User space, but on an actual Oblivion page, you could of course omit that.) My main goal here was to make it so this same template will work for Morrowind pages, which I think it will now. MW doesn't have as many factions, and thus won't need huge pages of Factions_X like Oblivion has - also, NPCs can only belong to a single faction. So each faction already has its own page, which makes this template much more universal. Anyhow, good work setting up the framework for that. I've been wanting to do something like this for a while now. --TheRealLurlock Talk 18:49, 23 September 2007 (EDT)

Much more fun to use than to write - as you can probably tell from the edit history! There's going to be a counterpart template - Template:Faction Category - to simplify creating the associated category pages. I gave up on that one last night as I was too tired but should be able to finish it today. On your changes, yes - I originally had the word "rank" optional but changed it because I envisaged problems with, for instance, Shivering Isles on factions where there's no rank. Having later added the #ifexist check though, that's no longer a problem. Linking to the main guild pages also makes sense so thanks there too. Now I've just got to use the darn thing everywhere... --RpehTalk 00:03, 24 September 2007 (EDT)
(Fixing the weird line-break thing that happened up there) As for adding the template everywhere, I was thinking of enlisting NepheleBot for the task - it's simple and tedious enough to be a pain for human editors, though it looks like you've already gone quite a ways with it. I was also considering adding another set of categories for the Rank variable - would have to change the Oblivion rank pages to make the icon image optional, but that's easy enough. Think I'll play with this a bit more... --TheRealLurlock Talk 08:51, 24 September 2007 (EDT)
I was thinking about NepheleBot too but there's enough trickiness on the existing factions to make it just enough of a pain to code that it's probably easier to do by hand. Besides, at the moment I really have nothing better to do! The rank thing sounds like a good idea. I'm just about to tackle another rank problem - factions like Nobility that have gender-specific role names. I can't see a nice way of doing it so I'm probably going to hack it and pass through a different rank number but there may be scope for playing there too. Isn't this fun! :-) --RpehTalk 09:02, 24 September 2007 (EDT)
Easiest thing to do would be to add a parameter to the Faction template for gender (just m/f for simplicity), then have the Faction template pass it on to the /Rank template in question. Most /Rank templates would ignore the extra variable, but the ones where it matters would alter the results based on it. The rank categories would be interesting, as they would split by gender as well, but the way I've been sorting them by number, they'd appear back together again on the Faction-Ranks category page. The issue I ran into and couldn't decide what to do about was things like the Arena faction, where almost none of the people involved in the Arena are actually in the faction. (Similar problems with the Dark Brotherhood). Not sure what to do about those. Oh - and you should alter that Faction Category template to put the minor factions into the Other Factions category. I was going to try to do that, but you've got some funky code there I don't want to mess with. I think only the major (joinable) factions should be listed outside the Other category, otherwise that page will get HUGEly crowded. --TheRealLurlock Talk 10:45, 24 September 2007 (EDT)
I'd already moved the auto-generated categories into Factions-Other - great minds think alike on that one. A gender parameter on the Faction template doesn't feel right to me. Ideally there should be some way of picking it up from the other information in the NPC box but I'm not sure if that's possible. You can see a first stab at Oblivion:Nobility/Rank but I hate that way of doing it. I'm going to play some more with it. --RpehTalk 12:13, 24 September 2007 (EDT)
You could go with "3f" instead of "3_" - and it least it makes more sense to the casual editor. Unfortunately, the only way to pick up the gender from the NPC Summary would be to pass the Gender variable into the Faction template, and then pass it from there into the /Rank template. There's really no other way to do it that I can think of, other than to do it manually. Now, you could perhaps make two templates - one for male and one for female nobility. But then you'd have to train the Faction template to choose the correct one - without messing up all the factions where there's no difference. This is of course only a problem for Oblivion, as Morrowind does not have gender-specific ranks. (It was a little odd when you were playing a female character and you ended up with ranks like "House Father", but not much that could be done about that...) Another alternative you could use is just to require that the rank name, and not the number, be given for these few factions where it's an issue. Your template already supports either name or number, so all you'd have to do is just not use the number when it won't work... --TheRealLurlock Talk 12:29, 24 September 2007 (EDT)

Construction Set help[edit]

Hi Rpeh. I have a problem with my Elder Scrolls Construction Set that I was hoping you could help me with. Well basically whenever I open it and go to load the data file I click on Oblivion.esm as normal, however instead of loading the data it comes up with a message that says File Oblivion.esm is a higher version than this EXE can load. If you have a soloution to this problem I would be eternally gratefull, thank you.--Vladrus Blenwyth 13:53, 25 September 2007 (EDT)

Hi there. It sounds like you need a more recent version of the CS. Shivering Isles updates Oblivion.esm directly and that could be causing your problem. Try getting the latest patches for it here. In case you're interested, Knights of the Nine is a different story. There are instructions for editing that here. I hope that helps! --RpehTalk 13:59, 25 September 2007 (EDT)
Thank you so much you have saved Oblivion for me.--Vladrus Blenwyth 14:02, 25 September 2007 (EDT)
If it works ;) --RpehTalk 14:06, 25 September 2007 (EDT)
Im really sorry to keep bothering you but it hasnt work. I downloaded the new patch from the link you supplied and it said the CS had been sucsesfully upgraded, but when I tried to open Oblivion.esm it came up with the same message.--Vladrus Blenwyth 14:18, 25 September 2007 (EDT)
Not a problem, but the football is about to kick off so I might not be as quick next time... First things first, I'm wrong about KoTN. You no longer need to do that edit thing as long as you have the latest version. So let's check the version. In the CS, before you load anything, go to the Help menu and select "About". With the patch you should have version 1.2.404. If not, it's possible you have two versions installed and are running the old one. Mine installed to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\TESConstructionSet.exe" (I'm on 64-bit XP) so take a look around and see what your shortcut is pointing to. See if there's another version of the exe around. --RpehTalk 14:26, 25 September 2007 (EDT)
No its says version 1.0.303. I did install the patch though at least I think I did.--Vladrus Blenwyth 14:47, 25 September 2007 (EDT)
There's your problem. Try installing the patch again and then see if you can find another copy of TESConstructionSet.exe - it must have upgraded something! :) --RpehTalk 14:50, 25 September 2007 (EDT)
Thank you, you are a genius, its worked this time, sorry for taking up so much of your time and enjoy the football.--Vladrus Blenwyth 15:00, 25 September 2007 (EDT)
You mistake Intelligent Guessing for genius, but who am I to complain? :) I'm glad you've got it working. --RpehTalk 15:13, 25 September 2007 (EDT)


Hey friend when I was searching emmmm I can't remember what. Nevermind I saw a user named Tiberius Stormrider. i tried to read his page but he mysteriously didn't wrote anything. Do you know anything about him for example what he done in this wiki, his articles and any other information if you can find. I want to know the reasons this user has dissapeared and if he is still around. Can you tell me? --Lord Geogorath 06:30, 29 September 2007 (EDT)

You can see how his user page used to look on this page and his contributions are listed here. As he hasn't posted anything in a month it's probably fair to say he's left the site now. --RpehTalk 06:53, 29 September 2007 (EDT)