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User talk:Chezburgar

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This is, obviously, my talk page. Feel free to contact me here, and I will reply as soon as I can. Don't hesitate to drop a few cookies here or there. Feel free to head over to my Prizes page to see all the acknowledgments, cookies etc. I have gotten!

- Chez talkemail 20:43, 18 February 2013 (GMT)


Hi Chezburgar! Thanks for taking care of this. I just wanted to let you know that when you find obviously bad-faith edits like that, it's fine to go ahead and give the editor a warning. There's a quick way to do this from the user's contributions page if it's just nonsense, but you can also pick a more suitable one from the messages page if you prefer.

Also, while it's super awesome that you've been welcoming new users, we generally wait to welcome people until after they've made their first edit. This cuts down quite a bit on the number of talk pages we create (since many new accounts will never be used to make edits), and saves us from those awkward situations where we welcome someone who turns out to be a spam bot ;).

Anyway, thanks again and keep up the great work :). eshetalk 15:11, 6 January 2013 (GMT)

Thanks eshe! I didn't know that you could warn an ip address though, so thanks for telling me and I will be sure to wait a little bit for the welcomes. Most of the new members made one or two edits though, but I will surely wait for the rest now. - The Chez Cake Talk to the Cheese 19:42, 6 January 2013 (GMT)

Map Icons[edit]

Please be careful if you're adding map icons to Oblivion articles. In this edit, you added a map icon even though the location doesn't have a map marker. I haven't looked through all of your edits, but you might know yourself if there are any more like that. —Legoless (talk) 00:52, 20 January 2013 (GMT)

Thanks for pointing this out, Legoless. I didn't put this anywhere else, and in the future I will make sure there is an icon before I edit something like that again. - Chez talkemail 01:07, 21 January 2013 (GMT)


this happens to me:

After finishing the battle outside the Jarl's palace, enter the Jarl's palace as normal. All doors lock, then General Tullius speaks to Ulfric. When they stop talking, Ulfric and Galmar will attack only the Dragonborn while Legate Rikke and General Tullius draw their swords but otherwise remain still. Both NPCs can then be forced into submission state but will not die or allow a conversation to start. If Ulfric fails to see the Dragonborn he will go upstairs despite all doors being locked.

But i don't know how to fixed and in the page it doesn't say.

HELP!!!! 19:57, 5 February 2013 (GMT)

I'm sorry, but this has never happened to me, so I do not know a workaround. - Chez talkemail 20:00, 5 February 2013 (GMT)
Sorry to jump in, but perhaps this question would be better asked here? More people will see it there and thus it will have a better chance of getting answered. --Vulpa 00:56, 6 February 2013 (GMT)

Elder knowledge quest bug[edit]

In my journal I only had the optional objective to talk to Arngeir. Visiting Esbern was not listed as an option. I went there anyway so I could hear his dream. He was standing in the right place with Delphine, but he didn't share a dream. Instead, he and Delphine just headed back into sky haven when I started walking toward them. I tried several times. Should this be listed as a bug on that page? If the option to talk to Esbern doesn't show up in the PC's journal, should that also be stated?

Vidian (talk) 05:22, 1 March 2013 (GMT)

Um, I would think so as it says he has something to say but he doesn't. I would go ahead and add it and see what happens. - Chez talkemail 06:55, 1 March 2013 (GMT)

Your Nomination[edit]

Hi Chez! I just wanted to pop in and say I'm very sorry for how your nomination turned out. The nomination process is stressful enough without it devolving into a petty argument like that, and I'm sorry all that negativity was dumped on you (indirectly, I guess, but still). You're a great editor and you have a great attitude, and I hope you'll stick with us so you can have a much more successful nomination next time around :). eshetalk 14:04, 4 March 2013 (GMT)

I completely agree with eshe. By your last comment on the nomination page, it sounds like you felt that your contributions to the wiki were being denigrated. Far from it! Even those of us who didn't support your nomination expressed admiration and appreciation for your work on site content. I firmly believe that editors like you are much more valuable to the wiki than grammar-nazis like me. Keep up the good work! --Xyzzy Talk 14:45, 4 March 2013 (GMT)
I've already said it in private, but I'd like to add my voice to the above two comments as well. You've been doing a fantastic amount of work, and with just a few small changes, as mentioned during your nomination, I think you'll make an excellent patroller. And I completely agree with Xyzzy that writing articles is one of the most important things the wiki grammar nazis wouldn't have anything to do without people like you. :) I know three months may seem like a long time, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not that bad. We have many users who have been here for several of their school years, and I really hope you'll be one of them. Robin Hood  (talk) 21:32, 4 March 2013 (GMT)
Thanks guys! and girls =P Not so sure on Xyzzy's gender, sorry. Anyway RobinHood70 Krusty said that because it just turned out into a debate between him and Elliot (mostly) that he would talk to some people to see if he could 'lift' the three month no-nom period. Despite being bundled with joy from hearing that I said that i would need a bare minimum of two months before I think I am ready. Anyway have a lovely day to you all =) - Chez talkemail 06:53, 5 March 2013 (GMT)

Happy Birthday![edit]

User-userbox-Cake.jpg Happy Birthday! Robin Hood  (talk) 23:09, 7 March 2013 (GMT)

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeancey (talk) 23:13, 7 March 2013 (GMT)
A huge Happy Birthday from Denmark as well! --Krusty (talk) 23:20, 7 March 2013 (GMT)
No, I didn't miss it. Really! Ten minutes left to the day here, which is time enough :P . So HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D --Vulpa 23:51, 7 March 2013 (GMT)
Thanks all! but I regret to inform you (yes I did just use that line =P) that in Australia, my B'day was yesterday! But thanks for the thought! - Chez talkemail 05:38, 8 March 2013 (GMT)

Oblivion Undead[edit]

Hi Chez. I was just wondering if you are still editing the oblivion undead articles? Its just I noticed you had moved some creatures but I cant seem to find where afew have been moved too. Deranged Zombie, Llathasa's Spirit, Motierre Zombie, Sanctified Dead, Spectral Sailor, Wrath of Sithis, Zombie Guardian. Have they been put somewhere else or just been missed? — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 12:30, 27 March 2013 (GMT)

Hey Kimi, hhhhmmmmm... I may have missed them or even forgot about them. I am still trying to do them, I just got stumped with the Oblivion:Skeleton article. Sorry about that. I will create a page for them in the next week (I can't do it today as I'm going to school and have a heap of homework to do). - Chez talkemail 18:59, 27 March 2013 (GMT)
This should be a priority for the wiki, you have removed information from the wiki that needs to be here. Tell me what page you want them on and I will do it. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 16:08, 6 April 2013 (GMT)

Helpin a new family member[edit]

Greetings brother/sister! After successfully passing through the test of the black door's riddle of cats (hah) i find myself overwhelmed on just how things work here, so please could you give me a good rundown on etiquette/do's and dont's that may not be expressly mentioned on the forefront? — Unsigned comment by SevenBlackBooks (talkcontribs) at 04:55 on 8 June 2013‎

Heya SevenBlackBooks, I'm sorry, but I have to say I didn't understand that =P. Please say in a different way, or can anyone else? - Chez talkemail 20:30, 11 June 2013 (GMT)
LOL. I assume that the "riddle of cats" is the new captcha. If you check your talk page, SevenBlackBooks, you will see several links in the welcome message with lots of helpful hints on how to get started editing here.
If I were to pick the most important pieces of advice, I would pick "sign your posts" on talk pages with four tildes (~~~~), use the show preview button to double check your edit before you save it, and Assume Good Faith, meaning assume that other editors are trying to do the right thing unless proven otherwise. Oh, and have fun! --Xyzzy Talk 20:43, 11 June 2013 (GMT)

Wipsandbox Notice[edit]

Hey there! This is a courtesy notice to let you know that your wipsandbox-tag on the article Battle for Windhelm has been removed, as per this message. If you still want to work on the article, feel free to re-add the tag, but please consider that the tag prevents other editors from improving the article. If you have unfinished work in your sandbox, you can add it to the article – but please add the {{incomplete}}-tag to let other users know where you stopped. Thanks in advance! --Krusty (talk) 20:34, 2 July 2013 (GMT)

The Resdayn Record[edit]

The first edition of the Resdayn Record is out now! The Resdayn Record is the Morrowind Overhaul Project's quarterly newsletter! You can read the newsletter here. If you wish to opt-out of this newsletter, please post a message on my talk page. Thanks for participating in MWOP this quarter!!! Jeancey (talk) 18:47, 13 July 2013 (GMT)


Hey! So, since you've been basically inactive on the wiki since June, I've removed you from the mentor list for now. Just wanted to inform you. Hope you go back on the list once you're back, and I hope you have a great December and holiday season :) Vely►t►e 03:26, 7 December 2013 (GMT)

I've gone ahead and removed the mentor userbox from your page, since the ten days notice have long since passed. —Legoless (talk) 23:46, 3 April 2015 (GMT)