User:Samantha Says/sandbox

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Quest Information[edit]

  • Campaigns — A list of campaigns that can be played
  • Quests — All the quests upon which you can embark

Character Information[edit]

Gameplay Information[edit]

  • Cards — Information on the game's cards

World Information[edit]

  • Characters — Listing all friendly and hostile non-player people and creatures
    • Encounters — People and Creatures that will fight you
    • Followers — Friendly characters that will join you in battle
    • Roaming Monsters — Wild creatures and hostile forces abound in the wilds

Module Information[edit]

Rubbish notes[edit]

Base skill test (3 dice)

SkyrimTAG-icon-Circle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 88% — 87.5%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Circle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Circle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 50%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Triangle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 70% — 70.3704%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Triangle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Triangle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 26% — 25.9259%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Diamond.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 42% — 42.1296%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Diamond.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Diamond.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 7% — 7.4074%

Skilled skill test (4 dice)

SkyrimTAG-icon-Circle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 94% — 93.75%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Circle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Circle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 69% — 68.75%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Triangle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 80% — 80.2469%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Triangle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Triangle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 41% — 40.74074%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Diamond.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 52% — 51.7747%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Diamond.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Diamond.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 13% — 13.19444%

Legendary skill test (5 dice)

SkyrimTAG-icon-Circle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 97% — 96.875%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Circle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Circle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 81% — 81.25%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Triangle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 87% — 86.8313%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Triangle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Triangle.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 54% — 53.9095%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Diamond.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 60% — 59.8122%

SkyrimTAG-icon-Diamond.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Diamond.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png SkyrimTAG-icon-Die.png = 20% — 19.6245%

Turn Sequence -Draw event card -All players move -Each player takes an action (Explore the area, complete a quest, explore a dungeon, encounter a roaming monster) -Visit the market (Sell items, buy items, buy components, craft, upgrade and enchant, buy a horse) -Level up

Event cards Quest cards Status cards Dungeon and encounter cards Follower cards Item cards Enhancement cards

Story Summary[edit]


Moivva Karnai has Mephala's voice in her head.

"My little pawn, you are living a busy life. Agent for the Thalmor and more importantly for me. Now, do my bidding. I want that place empty. The reason? You need no reason."

Moivva Karnai heads to a cave in Whiterun to clear it of the animals within.

That night, she finds a note from the Thalmor under her door. It reads: "Dangerous criminals have been spotted in Skyrim, use your contacts to capture them. Find their names on the back. Payment as usual." It is a list of Blades members.

Mephala says "You are my pawn, I'm tired of these Altmer. Ignore their request. That's an order."

Moivva can't ignore the Thalmor, but first she heads to Falkreath where Narince offers to help her if she gives a hand with a project first. Narince leads Moivva to a ruin not far from Windhelm. Narince is preparing a trap in one of the main chambers of the ruin, which they decide to use to trap one of the "criminals" on the Thalmor's list.

Moivva then heads to Windhelm, she has contacts there that owe her some favours. In Candlehearth Hall, she approaches one of the guards off duty. She convinces him to do what she asks.

Mephala says "My little pawn. You disappoint me. You chose a different master, maybe it's time I find myself a new pawn."

The Blades Chapter 1[edit]

Year 175 of the Fourth Era.
The Great War rages across Tamriel. A group of young Blades recruits go on their first mission: a patrol around the forests of Cyrodiil. A Thalmor ambush catches them off guard and they barely escape alive. Upon returning to their camp, they find it desolated. The Thalmor have been here; Cyrodiil is not safe for them anymore. They escape to Skyrim, far from the Thalmor's clutches.
In Skyrim, the Reachmen have conquered Markarth, and tensions between them and the Nords are rising...


The Sheathed Blades have been individually arrested by the guards of Windhelm, captured by a man named Nieerth near Riften, trapped by Narince in a WHiterun, and framed for murder in Riften by Nitulus Jiris - a man they knew before they joined the Blades.


They decide to look for Earare 'The Haggler,' a sword for hire in Dawnstar. The innkeeper says Earare's had a falling out with Jarl Skald the Younger. They find her outside, surrounded by guards. They defeat the guards and escape Dawnstar with Earare. She knew Moivva Karnai back when she ran with the pirates known as the Blackblood Marauders. Moivva used to hire them to smuggle passengers from Valenwood and the Summerset Isles.

They meet Mercer Frey at The Ragged Flagon in Riften, who reveals he did a few heists with Moivva Karnai a few months back. She stashes her loot in a cave in Haafingar.

They decide to look for Carelian 'The Hunter' at his house in Winterhold. The place is empty. A neighbour says he left in a rush a few weeks back. They find a note hidden behind Carelian's bed addressed to any Blades who find it. Someone was on his trail, and he escaped. He also mentions Moivva's recent activites, and her hideout in an abandoned cave in Haafingar.

They contact the Thieves Guild in Riften and arrange a meeting in an abandoned house at midnight. They are robbed by Karliah, but also get told that Moivva used to run with the Blackblood Marauders, a group of small-time pirates currently docked at Windhelm.

In Morthal, Maurash 'The Mountain' has retired and runs an inn with his sword on a pedestal. He says he is fearful for his life, as someone has been following him for a few nights. They help him disappear, and he gifts them his sword and tells them that he met Moivva at the New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm. She used to receive lots of packages from a friend in Elden Root.

They meet Hestla of the Companions outside a tomb in Whiterun shaking her fist. She's terrified of confined spaces and nearly crying. They defeat a Draugr for her, and she reveals she was mugged by Moivva and her Khajiit associates in the past, the Khajiit caravan close to Falkreath.

Edwayl 'The Summoner' is still a Blade but spends her time researching in the College of Winterhold. One of her experiments went wrong and there's a spirit in the cellar that won't leave. They defeat the Enraged Spirit and Edwayl uses a spell to trace Moivva Karnai's note. She finds out Moivva allies with a Khajiit caravan outside Falkreath.

In Whiterun, they try to find their friend Roak, an eminence in the study of Skyrim history and politics, but his wife tells them he went out looking for some old tablets a month ago. Roak is in a cave, who fell into a pit and broke his neck. They awaken Roak's spirit and he whispers that he and Moivva used to get drunk together at the New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm. The last time they met, he mentioned working for some new powerful allies from the Southwest.


They sneak past the Blackblood Marauders and find a sealed envelope under Moivva's bed.

They attack the cave in Haafingar and find evidence about Moivva Karnai.

They hire mercenaries to defeat the guards of the cave in Haafingar and find evidence about Moivva Karnai.

They bribe the guards of Windhelm to arrest the Blackblood Marauders, and in the captain's quarters find a piece of evidence.

They ask people in the New Gnisis Cornerclub about Moivva Karnai and are pointed to her room. Inside, they find evidence.

The Khajiit of the caravan are defensive, but after a game of chance they reveal Moivva was one of their own who betrayed them.

The Khajiit are asleep, and after killing the guard they reveal Moivva betrayed them and is now working with some foreign power.

In Candlehearth Hall, Stenvar, a sellsword, is hired to wreak havoc in the New Gnisis Cornerclub. Meanwhile the Sheathed Blades find a document in Moivva's room.


Moivva recently started working for a new contractor from Elden Root who is paying her very generously.

Moivva's on a campaign to seek and destroy all Blades in Skyrim. She has the resources to hire a small army.

A group of High Elves have been seen meeting Moivva on several occasions, exchanging documents and Septims.

Moivva Karnai is working for the Thalmor. The organisation has no right to operate in Skyrim. The High King needs to know about this urgently.


The High King says "The Thalmor shouldn't be operating in my kingdom... But you don't know, do you? The war is over. The Dominion and the Empire have signed an armistice. The Blades have been disbanded. I have granted you an audience out of respect, but you must leave my palace immediately. Take this, and may Talos watch over you. Find a place to hide. A storm is coming your way." He gives them some gold.

The guards refuse to let them see the High King. In the Winking Skeever, a High Elf boasts about the armistice. The Blades have been disbanded, and you need a place to hide.

The Blades Chapter 2[edit]

The war is over. The Emperor signs the White-Gold Concordat, banning the worship of Talos across Tamriel, and disbanding the Blades. Meanwhile, in Skyrim, Ulfric Stormcloak marches with his militia towards Markarth, set on defeating King Madanach of the Reachmen. The Jarl of Markarth has promised Ulfric to make the Stronghold a safe haven for Talos worshippers in Skyrim if he succeeds. The Blades will need to find allies in different parts of Skyrim if they want to survive.


The Sheathed Blades meet King Madanach of Markarth. He offers his support, under the condition of helping his bard Azzadal perform a poetic leap. They go to Red Valley Redoubt, defeating a Hagraven Coven, and Azzadal recites the Poetic Edda and jumps from the cliff to his death. Madanach laughs, "That's the destiny he wanted... I've heard that someone in your organisation is talking to the Thalmor."

The Sheathed Blades meet Ulfric Stormcloak in his tent. They backstab Feinar, a secret Thalmor agent, for him, and he reveals one of the Blades is talking to the Thalmor.

The Sheathed Blades meet Maven Black-Briar and burn a rival meadery that was undercutting her to earn her trust. She reveals Moivva has been spotted meeting a member of the Blades.

The Sheathed Blades meet with a rumoured group of cannibals lead by Eola in a cave near Markarth. After killing and eating a Priest of Arkay, Eola tells them a Blade has betrayed them.


They visit Maurash in Whiterun who suggests they investigate Carelian 'The Hunter'.

They visit Maurash outside Whiterun with an arrow in his knee. He suggests they investigate Carelian 'The Hunter' and Edwayl 'The Summoner'.

They visit Carelian in Candlehearth Hall who suggests they investigate Edwayl 'The Summoner'.

They visit Carelian in Windhelm who suggests they investigate Maurash 'The Mountain'.

They visit Earare in a Hjaalmarch tomb, who suggests they investigate Carelian 'The Hunter'.

They visit Earare living in Morthal who suggests they investigate Carelian 'The Hunter' or Edwayl 'The Summoner'.

They visit Edwayl in the Midden (the Archmage allows her to stay there as long as she delivers high quality research) who suggests they investigate Carelian 'The Hunter'.

They visit Edwayl in Winterhold who suggests they investigate Carelian 'The Hunter' and Earare 'The Haggler'.


They investigate Maurash and find a note in his inn's backroom.

They investigate Carelian, who spent a lot of time researching the history of the Blades in Winterhold's library. A courier hands them a letter.

They investigate Edwayl and find a note on top of her College bed's pillow.

They investigate Carelian in Windhelm, an Ashlander tells them they've seen a lot of Altmer and Khajiit visiting them. A man bumps into them and drops a note.

They investigate Carelian at Dead Man's Drink. An old woman hands them a note.

They investigate Edwayl, Erikur's old housecarl. A beggar slips a note into their pocket.

They investigate Carelian who first lived in Falkreath. A dead courier has a letter addressed to the Sheathed Blade.

They investigate Earare's old shelter in Dawnstar. A child slips a note into their pocket.


The Grandmaster of the Blades is arranging a meeting in two days.

They arrive to the meeting late. There are dozens of dead Blades. Carelian/Edwayl/Earare/Maurash was the betrayer.

The Sheathed Blades decide they need to kill the betrayer and stop Moivva Karnai.

The Blades Chapter 3[edit]

With Jarl Hrolfdir reinstated in Markarth, the cult of Talos is restored. This violates the White-Gold Concordat, and the Emperor has no choice but to give the Thalmor free access to Skyrim. Ulfric is arrested, and the cult is banned once more.

The Blades search for Moivva Karnai, when an ominous voice speaks to them in dreams; they've attracted the attention of a Daedric Prince.

"She whom you seek serves me, but I've grown tired of her. Do my bidding, and she'll be yours. The Dark Brotherhood plans on killing Jarl Hrolfdir. Take the initiative; they'll be grateful and help you in your quest."


The Sheathed Blades search for Jarl Hrolfdir across The Reach. He's on a diplomatic mission to broker a truce with the Reachmen. They attack and kill Stronghold Guards (stormcloaks), Stronghold Patrol (stormcloaks), and Jarl Hrolfdir. Mephala tells them that The Reachmen will be blamed for his death, thus extending this cycle of violence. The next day, they receive a note from the Dark Brotherhood, wanting to meet them.

The Sheathed Blades perform the Black Sacrament. The day after, the Dark Brotherhood invites them to meet with them.

The Sheathed Blades visit Deneth, the Archmage of Winterhold, who is not in the mood to help. After cheering him up with some juggling he says how it's practically impossible to stop a Daedric Prince. He suggests they desist and try and do something else instead.

The Sheathed Blades visit Nelacar. He says he knows where they can find an artifact that could help them, in a cave in Eastmarch. They defeat 2 Daedra and a Dwemer Automaton and return the artifact to Nelacar. It's Mephala's Receptacle. He tells them to use the artifact to face Mephala in her own realm.


The Dark Brotherhood accept the Sheathed Blades into their ranks. Their first contract: Silna Althen, an eminent Thalmor Justiciar in Haafingar. They take note of Silna's daily itinerary and prepare to assassinate her.

The Dark Brotherhood accept the Sheathed Blades into their ranks. Their first contract: Jerger the Wide, gravekeeper of Falkreath. The attack and kill an Apprentice and Jerger the Wide. Mephala reveals that Jerger the Wide was killed so that Runil, a member of the Thalmor, will be offered the position.

The Sheathed Blades head to Understone Keep to find why the Daedra want the Jarl dead. They discover that the Jarl is involved in too many plots to keep track of. In a recent parchment, they find references to Moivva Karnai. Ulfric Stormcloak also appears in his documents.

The Jarl of Markarth is dead and the Reachmen are blamed. The city is frantic and accessing Understone Keep is almost impossible. The Sheathed Blades probe the guards for information, who reveal the Jarl was working to stop the Thalmor activity behind Ulfric's back. All leads point to Ulfric Stormcloak.

Outside Markarth, a young adventurer named Mjoll the Lionessinforms the Sheathed Blades that the Jarl is dead. Killed by the Reachmen. Markarth is in disarray. After hearing their story, she offers to help if they assist her in getting rid of some corrupt guards that are taking advantage of the chaos. They kill the corrupt guards, and she suggests asking Ulfric's men for assistance. Mjoll offers to join the Sheathed Blades on their adventure.

The village of Rorikstead is barely a couple of huts in a muddy field. Moivva has been seen there recently. The Sheathed Blades are taken to Rorik's house, and are begged for their help from Jouane. Rorik is wounded with poison in his blood. They heal Rorik, who welcomes them to the town as he calls it. "Mark my words: one day, this will be a big stronghold. Bigger than Whiterun." They ask about Moivva, Rorik remembers her and offers information in exchange for helping improve his town.

Moivva has been seen in Rorikstead. They find a woman crying on the main road. Her child, Lokir, was playing at the stables and climbed onto a horse which ran away. They find Lokir in a clearing in the forest, the horse dead and a mudcrab crawling towards Lokir. They kill the mudcrab and bring Lokir back to Rorikstead, where everyone celebrates his return. Rorik offers information in exchange for helping improve his town.

Deneth is upset that people are incorrectly blaming the college for the Great Collapse. Someone is spreading these rumours throughout Skyrim. The Sheathed Blades terminate the rumours, at least for a while. Deneth once again says that it's impossible to deal with a Daedric Prince.

A portal to the Spiral Skein opens and pulls in the Sheathed Blade. A figure emerges from the mist, a doppelganger. "You are an imposter and a weakling. You will stay here. Forever. I will take your place in your world, don't worry." They charge through their double and fall. When they open their eyes, everything is back to normal. Mephala find this very amusing, and tells the Sheathed Blade where to find Moivva so they can do her bidding. Alternatively, they fail to resist their doppelganger. Wherever they turn they see themself. Old, young, sick, strong, dead. They try to escape, feeling something tearing inside them. They find themselves back in Skyrim, remembering their mission. Moivva must be stopped.


They attack and kill a Thalmor Justiciar, a Thalmor Agent, and Silna Althen. Mephala says they have proven they're willing to do what it takes. They will be good friends... forever. Mephala gives them Moivva Karnai's location and the Ebony Blade or the Amulet of Mephala.

They infiltrate Silna Althen's home and poison her. She dies during breakfast. Mephala compliments them as creative, ruthless, and brave. They'll serve her well. She guides them to Moivva's location to kill her, and offers them the Ebony Blade or to weaken Moivva.

The Dark Brotherhood is sending one of their own, the Altmer Dhana Chamus, to infiltrate the Thalmor detachment and learn of Moivva's whereabouts. The Sheathed Blades helps infiltrate the Thalmor Camp and now knows where to find Moivva. Mephala offers them to weaken Moivva or Mephala's Ebony Armor.

The Sheathed Blades no longer hear Mephala's voice in their head. They knock out and interrogate Runil, who regrets his time with the Thalmor and joins the Sheathed Blades in their adventure to atone for his sins. Mephala returns to the Sheathed Blades' heads. She's been pulling the strings all along. She offers to weaken Moivva or Mephala's Ebony Armor.

The Sheathed Blades visit the Stormcloaks in Eastmarch. After impressing them with their tactical skills, the Stormcloaks agree to help the Sheathed Blades. Moivva's living in a manor house in Haafingar.

On their way to meet Ulfric's men, the Sheathed Blades are ambushed by Reachmen. "Our lady Mephala is protecting us." The Sheathed Blades attack and kill 363 and 266, impressing the survivors. They point them to Moivva's manor house in Haafingar, if it is Mephala's bidding.

Rorikstead needs workers to help build houses. The Sheathed Blades build some, and Rorik walks them through his town. He has big plans, but has sadness in his eyes. He will never recover from the horrors of war. He tells them about Moivva and where to find her, and gives them Rorik's Shield or Jouane to aid them.

The Sheathed Blades kill a giant that has been seen nearby that Rorik has not been able to scare away. He reveals Moivva stopped in Rorikstead not a week ago. He knows how to find her, and gives them Rorik's Bow or Rorik's Sword.

The Sheathed Blades beg Deneth to help. He relents, and reveals he's heard of a place where Thalmor are meeting. He could send a scout to check out Moivva's Hideout or teach the Sheathed Blades the spell Earthquake.

Deneth listens to the Sheathed Blades' story. He says Mephala is not an easy opponent to defeat and offers one of his students Nalvrala Omeds or an enchanted Armor of Shrouding.

Nelacar laughs when he hears what happened. He's been working on an enchantment that could be very helpful. The Sheathed Blades help him complete it, and he offers to cast a powerful ward on them or reverse the effect and curse Moivva Karnai.


Moivva Karnai is holed up in a manor house in Haafingar with an escort of Thalmor guards and whoever betrayed the Blades. It's time to strike.


The Sheathed Blades gather at the entrance to Moivva's hideout. They defeat everyone inside. Moivva pleads for them to spare her. She says she will help them save the rest of the Blades, that she can stop the Thalmor and can be their agent in their ranks.

If the Sheathed Blades kill Moivva, Mephala is proud of them. With Moivva dead, the Thalmor start an investigation, hunting down every Blade in Skyrim. For the next 25 years they make themselves at home in Skyrim, building a house, making friends, having a family. Every night, nightmares keep them awake. The scream of their fellow Blades murdered by the Thalmor. Mephala constantly speaks to them, making outrageous demands. They know the day will come when she bores of them.

If the Sheathed Blades spare Moivva, she pledges allegiance to their cause. They can't be sure she won't betray them, but for now they're glad with their decision. For the next 25 years they make themselves at home in Skyrin, building a house, making friends, having a family, and exchanging correspondence with the other surviving Blades. Moivva keeps her promise and helps keep their identity secret and the other Blades alive. The voice in their head has disappeared, but they know Mephala will not forgive their betrayal.

Civil War Chapter 1[edit]

25 years have passed. The Blades have grown older, each one taking a position of low responsibility on different holds in Skyrim. The time for adventure has passed, and now they tend to their families and businesses. All this time, they have been keeping a tight cover, so nobody finds out about their past.

One night, they receive a visit from [IF MOIVVA KILLED] Delphine, the new Grandmaster of the Blades in Skyrim. [IF MOIVVA SPARED] their old nemesis, Moivva Karnai. [CONTINUED] She warns them that someone is trying to expose them. A new force has appeared in the province, and is promoting hatred against the Empire and everything that it represents. The Blades need to find out who is targeting them, while making their positions more secure.


A Sheathed Blade lives in Falkreath as an apothecary. One day guards stop them on the street. The Jarl has heard some rumours about them but is unsure whether to trust them or not. He tells them to defeat a "scourge of undead plaguing Skyrim," and on their return the Jarl is satisfied. He knows they are more than they claim to be, but that he can use them as well.

A Sheathed Blade lives in Hjaalmarch as a courier. One day Jarl Idgrod calls for them. She's heard some alarming reports about them that she can't believe. To prove their worth to the hold, she asks them to collect soul gems from the region and give them to her so she can make sure nobody uses them as the people in Morthal are superstitious and afraid of magic. The Jarl trusts them, but someone has been slandering them.

A Sheathed Blade lives in Riften as a looter, specialising in recovering lost propert (and in losing them in the first place). One day Jarl Laila calls for them. She's heard some rumours about them and wants to know if they're true. As a test, she asks them to retrieve some artifacts from the nearby Dwemer cities. She is satisfied and believes they are not a threat to her.

A Sheathed Blade lives in Dawnstar as a blacksmith, creating weapons and armour out of iron. Jarl Skald doesn't trust them after hearing some things that would make them his enemy. They craft equipment for the guards as a show of good faith and Jarl Skald is please. Someone is trying to ruin their reputation


The Sheathed Blade apothecary has a side business selling poisons to the Dark Brotherhood. In exchange for rare poison components, the Dark Brotherhood tell them of a Dunmer called Tiresi Dreelo visiting relevant figures in the region, spreading dissent and hatred, and making worrying allegations about them. She has a hideout in Solitude and has been seen visiting the Jarl of The Reach recently.

The Sheathed Blade courier has visited the College of Winterhold several times and they trust them. In exchange for investigating a recent increase in Daedra activity, they members of the College perform a ritual to find out who has been ruining the Sheathed Blade's reputation. Through a cloud of mystic smoke, they see a vision of Tiresi Dreelo, a small house in Solitude, and the hallways of Understone Keep. The College sends their apprentice Caylthe Lelant to help the Sheathed Blade.

The Sheathed Blade looter has good relations with the Thieves Guild. In exchange for helping them with a heist (trying to change the guild's luck), they tell them of a Dunmer called Taven Rathis who visited them recently. She spent her time sowing discontent against the Jarl, the Empire, Ulfric, and the Sheathed Blade. The Thieves Guild followed her to a house in Windhelm, and saw her departing towards Winterhold.

The Sheathed Blade blacksmith has made friends with some of the Companions of Whiterun. In exchange for getting rid of some bandits, the Companions lament the fact that they are not inclined to join and tell them of Taven Rathis who had some meetings with the Jarl a few weeks back, spreading rumours against people like the Sheathed Blade and the Empire. They met her in Windhelm, outside a small house in the Gray Quarter and was then seen in Winterhold talking to the locals.

The Sheathed Blade apothecary meets Jarl Siddgeir. "You know the secret to great statesmanship? Septims. Control the gold, and you'll control the people. Justice, authority and morals are secondary. There's a group of bandits operating in my hold. They are making a killing, and I want a cut. They are my subjects after all, don't you think?" The bandits accept the offer and Siddgeir is pleased. "More taxes! Isn't it glorious!" He says Tiresi Dreelo called them a heretic, but he never believed her.

The Sheathed Blade courier is called by Jarl Idgrod late at night. "I had a vision. A strong one. A nightly creature has set its eyes on my poor Joric. Destroy the creature. Save my boy." They kill a vampire in a Haafingar mine. Idgrod appreciates it. "My visions never fail. That creature was threatening that which is most precious to me. I owe you." She says Tiresi Dreelo came to see her a few weeks ago making hefty accusations against them. She's been recently seen in Markarth.

The Sheathed Blade looter is called to Mistveil Keep by the Jarl. There are rumours of skooma dealers operating in Riften, and they are sent to investigate. The rumours were true. Laila Law-Giver is satisfied, and she'll investigate further. She talks of Taven Rathis, who came highly recommended from Windhelm and told some surprising stories about the Sheathed Blade.

The Sheathed Blade blacksmith is called to Jarl Skald. He's furious. "Legate Catium, that bastard, is doing the rounds in Whiterun. Met him during the Great War. Imperial scum. Steal his armor. We'll melt it and turn it into forks." They succeed and Jarl Skald invites them to a feast at the White Hall with the new forks. He says Taven Rathis came by a few weeks ago making outlandish claims about them.


The Sheathed Blade finds Tiresi's house in Solitude. A small wreck of a building with weeds growing everywhere. They pick the lock. Behind a drawer they find a hidden room. There's a large battle map on the table depicting army movements across Skyrim. War? In Skyrim? They need to warn the High King immediately.

The Sheathed Blade finds Tiresi's house, nearly a ruin. They sneak through a winder and find letters and documents proving a conspiracy that they weren't expecting. The name Ulfric Stormcloak is mentioned several times, along with the words "war," "rebellion," and "chaos." They need to warn the High King immediately.

The Sheathed Blade asks around Understone Keep about the Tiresi Dreelo. Half the people think she's wise and righteous when she criticises the Empire, the other half agree that the Nords have too much power in Skyrim. A guard heard Tiresi discussing how a war in Skyrim would be beneficial for business with a member of the Silver-Blood family. They need to warn the High King immediately.

A beggar points the Sheathed Blade to the Warrens, where Tiresi was preaching recently. They are ambushed by bandits. The beggar approaches after the fight. "She came, and gave us the truth! Only through war will we break the chains that bind us! Death to the Emperor! Death to Ulfric Stormcloak! Death to the High King! Death to all!" Other beggars join in the chanting. They need to warn the High King immediately.

The Sheathed Blade enters the Frozen Hearth and every face turns to look at them. They assuage them and find out the Dunmer got drunk at the inn a few days back, going on about how the High King would pay for being a heathen and his time was coming to an end. They need to warn the High King immediately.

The Sheathed Blade sees a shrouded figure roaming the streets of Winterhold. They shadow the figure, until it unhoods and reveals they are not Taven Rathis. "Hahaha! You thought I was Taven Rathis? Please, you're speaking with someone who has devoted their entire life to this cause, not some new recruit. Leave, heathen. I have no time for you. You'll meet the same fate as Torygg soon enough." They need to warn the High King immediately.

The Sheathed Blade starts picking the lock to the house when some guards notice. They dispatch the guards, and inside find an egregious amount of robes, one of which is covering a large battle map of Skyrim. They need to warn the High King immediately.

The Sheathed Blade crawls through the window of the house. They find a parchment of strange code, with a picture of King Torygg's head atop a pool of blood. They need to warn the High King immediately.


The Sheathed Blades rush to the Blue Palace, but two Dunmer in robes stop them. "You shouldn't be here!" They attack. They run away, and the Sheathed Blades enter the palace ready to warn the High King. The palace is empty. In the grounds on the back they see a crowd in a wide circle. Ulfric Stormcloak stands in the middle, staring at the corpse of Torygg. If the cultists hadn't delayed them, they could have prevented this tragedy.

Civil War Chapter 2[edit]

The High King has died. The Blades could have prevented it, but a group of Dunmer cultists got in the way. The characters need to stop the strange events that are driving Skyrim into chaos and violence.

Ulfric escapes to Windhelm. Skyrim is thrown into chaos. The conflict between Stormcloaks and Imperials becomes a civil war. The Blades are dragged into this conflict by their Jarls. The Imperial Legion prepares an ambush for Ulfric Stormcloak in Darkwater Crossing.

Ulfric Stormcloak capitulates before the ambush turns into a bloodbath. His soldiers are captured.

A few weeks pass. Ulfric is set to be executed in Helgen, when the appearance of a dragon derails the sentence. The Blades are now involved in a conflict that they never wanted any part of.

Civil War quests begin


The Legion-sided Sheathed Blades are summoned by General Tulius in Solitude. His patrols have found traces of a dragon lurking in the forests of Falkreath. They are sent to slay the dragon, to which Tulius shows restrained joy and goes back to his war map. They know there's something wrong about the conflict, that the Dunmer they faced at the Blue Palace were invested in starting the war. They need to find them and stop their conspiracy.

The Stormcloak-sided Sheathed Blades are invited to meet Ulfric Stormcloak in Windhelm. He owes the dragon his life, but he sends them to slay one sighted in The Pale. Ulfric celebrates your return and goes back to his war map. They know there's something wrong about the conflict, that the Dunmer they faced at the Blue Palace were invested in starting the war. They need to find them and stop their conspiracy.


(Apothecary, Falkreath) On their way back home, they realise someone is following them. They hide, then follow them back. The figure goes into a small hut in The Reach. They deal swift justice. The dwelling is sparsely furnished and meant as temporary accommodation. A diary lists dates, locations, and names, the Sheathed Blade among them. A note inside reads "As Valeroth [sic] in the past, I will guide you towards our new home."

(Courier, Hjaalmarch) They've heard of a strange stone that's fallen from the sky in a small village in Eastmarch. The villagers have been fighting each other for no good reason since. They retrieve the stone and bring it to the College of Winterhold. The researchers there perform a ritual to remove its magical protections. The stone opens, revealing a piece of parchment written in an arcane language. Urag gro-Shub helps translate part of it, referring to the origin of the Dunmer, The Testing, the Reclamation, and Boethiah.

(Looter, Rift) They receive notice of a Dunmer inciting the Riften guards to rebel against the Jarl. He spends his time hidden in the Ratway. They find and interrogate him. "The Chimer will rise to their true power! I will be one of the chosen ones, once the oppressors are routed out of our promised land! Our Prince is guiding us!" He's part of a cult operating across Skyrim.

(Blacksmith, Pale) Several Stormcloak patrols have mysteriously disappeared, only to come back weeks later filled with anger and lusting for blood. The generals are not concerned, but something's not right. They explore ruins in the area and find the remains of obscure rituals and tomes regarding ancient cults. There are references to the Devourer of Trinimac and and organised cult of Boethiah. The rituals aim to drive soldiers crazy with rage.


The notes point to a cave in The Reach where the cultists meet. They approach at night. Everything's quiet, then suddenly all hell breaks loose and they're surrounded by Dunmer. They defeat them, the last one laughs "Oviron Salith will have you on your knees, your blood will be spilled in Windhelm." They stop at an inn to gather their thoughts and hear some Nords mention that groups of Dunmer have been seen gathering outside Whiterun.

The notes point to a cave in The Reach where the cultists meet. They enter the cave, the walls are covered in fungi, looking almost alien. At the centre of the cave is a portal opening to a desolated place covered in ashes. They destroy the portal and explore. They find mentions of an attack in Whiterun, and a parchment that refers to a portal somewhere.

It takes one Daedric Prince to find another. The statue of Meridia rises tall. They summon undead and destroy them to attract her attention. "You there, strange mortal. Raising these aberrations, and then fighting them, for my entertainment. I am not amused. But I see what's on your mind. My cousin, Boethiah, that despicable little worm. I'll give you what you seek." "Find one of your enemies in Whiterun. Beware, it won't be easy. "They have opened a portal to Oblivion. Find it."

It takes one Daedric Prince to find another. In desperation, they seduce and assassinate a Thalmor to call Mephala's attention. "What is this? A gift? For me? How thoughtful! Oh, how I missed my dearest pawn. You're getting more creative, and more ambitious. I am so proud. You want to take on Boethiah? This is going to be so much fun..." "Find Taven Rathis in Whiterun. Quick! Catch her!" "Your rivals meet at a hidden temple in Windhelm. So unstylish!"

Taven Rathis, one of the Dunmer they fought outside the Blue Palace, has recently been seen in The Pale. While searching a clearing, a lightning bolt hits a nearby tree. "You again! Time for you to stop interfering in our affairs!" They fight, but Taven runs away. Inside her hut is information pointing to Whiterun and a strange portal-like drawing.

Taven Rathis has recently been seen in The Pale. They find her in a cave. They cast an Enthrall spell and talk. Taven tells them about her life and a hidden temple that the cult has in Windhelm, and a portal they managed to open to "join forces in the beyond."

Farengar Secret-Fire is a known eminence in Daedric studies. They pay him in Soul Gems for help. "These Boethiahns have a temple in Windhelm." "Reckless! They've opened a portal to Oblivion. Stop them!"

They find Wylandriah, Riften's court wizard said to know about the world of Daedra. They help her remember and find out about an ancient cult with a hidden temple in Windhelm, and their efforts to open a portal.


Tensions between Stormcloaks and Imperials escalate. Whiterun is under siege. You cannot help but feel the cold hand of Boethiah behind this madness.

You see the shadow of Taven Rathis sneaking through the siege of Whiterun.
Taven Rathis lies at your feet. You search her belongings as quickly as you can. What you find chills you to the core. The cult is promoting dissent and violence throughout Skyrim. You still don't understand their motives. The siege is raging outside but someone else will have to deal with it. You have to focus on a more subtle and dangerous threat: Oviron Salith, the leader of the cult.

You search through WIndhelm, trying to find where the temple is hidden.(At the bottom of a a well)
You infiltrate the temple. The size of this conspiracy is staggering. They are promoting dissent and violence throughout Skyrim. How would they benefit from a civil war of this magnitude? Oviron Salith, leader of the cult, must die, so peace can reign again in the region.

You recruit the assistance of the mages at the College of Winterhold to try to find the portal.
The ritual is successful. The portal lies deep within Monahven, the Throat of the World, the largest mountain in Skyrim. The mages at the College warn you, though: only by eliminating the sorcerer who opened the portal in the first place will you be able to close it. The ritual points you to your objective: Oviron Salith, a Dunmer wizard of terrifying power.

Civil War[edit]

Imperial Legion[edit]

A group of Stormcloak soldiers is preparing a strike on Falkreath all the way from The Rift. They're silently assassinated.

Jarl Siddgeir secures and reinforces the entrances to his quarters due to the attempt on his life.

Jarl Siddgeir found a spy in Falkreath who stole their secrets, but he's gone. The Sheathed Blade divines the location of the spy and the soldiers finish the job.

Legate Taurinus Duilis calls you to a war meeting in The Pale. Scouts report movement of Stormcloak patrols near the border. They're tracked down.

Legate Taurinus asks them to take a bag to General Tullius, but they're ambushed in Haafingar during the journey.

One of Legate Taurinus's detachments has been decimated from Stormcloak foul play. They inspire new recruits in Morthal.


Stormcloak Captain Gonnar Oath-Giver tells them of a priest of Talos hiding in Falkreath. He is extracted before he's discovered.

Gonnar tells them of a possible ambush on a supply convoy. The convoy is safely escorted to The Rift.

Twelve soldiers waiting to ambush Falkreath were slaughtered in the night. They blow up the Falkreath barracks in retaliation.

Frorknar Banner-Torn orders the Imperials gathering in Fort Snowhawk to be poisoned to slow down a potential attack.

Frorknar is drunk in an alley near Iron-Breaker Mine. He's hypnotised to prevent people seeing him in this state.

Jarl Skald grills Frorknar about missing scouts. The Sheathed Blade clears a cave in Whiterun to assist the troops.

Civil War Chapter 3[edit]

The conspiracy is bigger than anyone imagined. The Blades need to stop Oviron Salith, leader of the Dunmer cult of Boethiah, before the Civil War takes more lives.

If Whiterun: You escape Whiterun, and the madness of war. Your hands are bloody. Even if your cause is just, you still don't like feeling like a murderer.
If Windhelm: You leave the temple, although not before setting it ablaze. The cultists will have to find a new place to gather.
If Winterhold: The wizard at the College prove to be an asset for your cause. You know where the portal is located, but you have to find Oviron Salith first.
If failed: Your inaction and incompetence only fuel the embers of war. Nords and Imperials take the roads of Skyrim, shedding blood and ruining towns.

Meanwhile, the legend of the Dragonborn grows. The mysterious hero has been seen all across Skyrim, exciting both love and hatred from the population.

If Whiterun: The Civil War takes its toll on the land. Cities riot, and dissent grows. The work of Boethiah? Only you can stop this madness.
If Windhelm: Deprived of a temple, the followers of Boethiah roam around the land, more active than ever. Maybe your actions have precipitated something bigger than you imagined.
If Winterhold: Somehow, the ritual you performed at the College has activated the portal. Daedric creatures start flooding Whiterun, hungry for the blood of the innocent. You can't help but feel responsible.
If failed: With the ongoing conflict, the Dragonborn is forced to take part in the Civil War, while dragons roam freely across the land. You could have prevented this; now, you'll have to solve it.


The Sheathed Blade decides to befriend a Dunmer in the Gray Quarter, knowing the cult is likely to have tried to exploit their anger and fear. The Dunmer are aware of the cult and Oviron Salith, sharing all they know including names of those related to the cult and Giara Sibanis, an Imperial soldier turned crusader against Boethiah.

The Sheathed Blade enters an Orc stronghold in The Reach, knowing Malacath rivals Boethiah, and requests an audience with the chief. "Boethiah. The name makes my blood boil. I've heard some rumours regarding a cult." He mentions some names linked to the group. When they leave, someone is following them.

The Sheathed Blade asks all their contacts about Oviron Salith and learn he grew up in Dragon Bridge. The locals are enraged by his name. They calm them down and leave, someone is following them.

The Sheathed Blade heads to Solitude for revenge on the other Dunmer that was with Taven Rathis. The people of Solitude remember her well, she's Tiresi Dreelo. They also learn of an Imperial soldier on a rusade against Boethiah.


Giara Sibanis's insignias are made of scraps. She has a deranged look as she gesticulates over a map. She's just a soldier who lost her mind. Soldiers attack, in service of Oviron's cult. A note points to a cave in Monahven.

Giara Sibanis is mumbling in a clearing in Whiterun. She's struggling to read a legal document regarding inheritance, and shares that she's going to kill Oviron Salith in his secret temple deep in Monahven.

Xiosa Ondell recently left the cult and hides in a Dwemer city in The Reach. He shares that Oviron's lost the favour of Boethiah and is living in fear of retribution and unwilling to renounce his power. The portal is hidden deep within Monahven.

Xiosa Ondell recently left the cult and hides in a cave in Falkreath. He shares that Oviron's lost his way, drunk on power, becoming the very thing the cult wanted to defy. The portal is hidden in Monahven.

They follow the figure, Bevler Narsen, to a ruined complex in Eastmarch where 4 cultists start pushing him around. After killing them, he shares the passion to kill Oviron. His portal is hidden in Monahven.

They follow the figure, Bevler Narsen, to an old ruin in Falkreath where he starts crying over a corpse and taking the innards out and reassembling them in different ways. "Oviron made me do it! He made me kill my friend!" "Bring him back! I miss my friend!" Despite Bevler's worrisome mental state, he's excited about the idea of killing Oviron and shares that the portal is hidden in a cave in Monahven.

Tiresi Dreelo is in a cave in Falkreath. She shouts "Impure!" and summons a Dremora Valkynaz. Once defeated, she begs and shared Oviron Salith is guarding his portal in a cave in Monahven.

Tiresi Dreelo is in Windhelm. She shares why she joined the cult in a long rambling story, and shares where to find Oviron Salith in a cave in Monahven.


They access the cave through the town of Ivarstead. They kill a group of cultists chatting at the entrance and approach the final chamber with a feeling of dread. Magic energy sparks around them.

They find the entrance to the cave right beside the town of Riverwood. They kill some cultists and approach the final chamber...

There's an entrance through the ruins of Helgen. They defeat nearby bandits making access difficult, and approach the final chamber...

The most obvious way of accessing the cave is through Skybound Watch Pass. They kill a large cultist patrolling the area and approach the final chamber...

There's a hidden entrance at Orphan Rock. Hagravens surround them, but are defeated. They approach the final chamber...

They find a hidden entrance in Pinepeak Cavern and sneak through to the final chamber...


You approach the portal with trepidation. Oviron Salith is there, surrounded by his most loyal followers.

Right before you can deal the final blow, Oviron Salith jumps into the portal. The magical gate starts shrinking. It's closing. It would be so easy to see it go, disappear from your life forever... but you know that Oviron will be back, seeking revenge.
Your only choice is to jump in behind him. Skyrim has been saved today, but at a very high price: your life.
You gather your courage and follow him. A new world awaits on the other side.

FAIL: Oviron Salith is undefeated. The cult snares the war, promoting violence across the province. When the dust settles, a new statu quo is born. Followers of Boethiah take positions of responsibility all over Skyrim.
A dark conspiracy that you allowed to flourish. The Thalmor eventually get you, and make all these problems seem minor. You know you've doomed the region, but right now you cannot see past the torturer's tools.

Dawnguard Chapter 1[edit]

After centuries in Attribution's Share, Boethiah's Oblivion plane, the heroes are sent back to Skyrim. Boethiah gives them a chance to win their freedom. The only task required of them is to help the Daedric Prince in her eternal fight against Molag Bal. They are reborn, rebuilt, recreated from their ashes.

Lost. For hundreds of years you hunt Oviron Salith through Attribution's Share, the plane of Boethiah. You die dozens of times, but somehow you come back to life. Again and again. A nightmarish creature swallows you whole. Is this your final death? Boethiah's voice thunders in your mind.
{{Daedric Text|green|"By my grace, you're alive again. I'm giving you another chance to serve me. Followers of my rival, Molag Bal, are gathering strength in Skyrim. It's your duty to stop them. Join the Vigilants of Stendarr. Become one of them. Never reveal to them who you really serve. Crush my enemies, and you'll live. Fail me, and I'll destroy you."

You awaken in an underground chamber. Your joints don't hurt anymore. You're young again. There are a few corpses around you. Vigilants of Stendarr. Poor souls. You take some equipment and read their journals. In less than two days, you're already at the Hall of the Vigilant, volunteering to join their ranks. They welcome you as friends. If only they knew the truth. But you know Boethiah is watching you.


Adalvald is assigned as their mentor. He talks in length about how Vampires are the real danger and sends them to kill vampires in Dimhollow Crypt. Keeper Carcette later informs them Azzamar has recently contracted Sanguinare Vampiris and needs to be healed.

Tolan is assigned as their mentor. He sends them to kill a Daedra in a ruin in Hjaalmarch. Azzamar stops them when they return, he's contracted Sanguinare Vampiris and needs to be cured.

Moric Sidrey, their mentor, is preparing an expedition with others to Ruunvald Excavation. Once there, he opens up that Azzamar has contracted Sanguinare Vampiris and needs to be cured.

Volk, a young Vigilant, is their mentor. He sends them to kill Daedra in a ruin in Falkreath. Keeper Carcette later introduces Azzamar, who's contracted Sanguinare Vampiris and needs a cure.


They take Azzamar to the Shrine of Boethiah and beg her to heal him. Template:Daedric Text As they leave, a vampire approaches them and offers them the gift of vampirism.

They convince Azzamar he'll find his cure in a house in Markarth, where vampires are actually gathering. A vampire inside beheads him, and offers them the gift of vampirism.

A vampire kills Azzamar and feeds on him, then offers them the gift of Vampirism.


Vigilant: Adalvald if frustrated that Carcette can't see that Vampires are their biggest threat. They go to Tolan in a tomb in Falkreath to convince him of this point, but he asks they aid him in investigating Daedric activity inside.

Vigilant: Moric departed to Ruunvald weeks ago but nobody's heard from him, Volk is concerned. Moric and the Vigilants are hard at work, but something's not right. They return to Volk, but Adalvald tops them and sends them to Tolan to convince him of the Vampire threat.

Vigilant: Keeper Carcette has learned of a cult of Boethiah ravaging the province, rumoured to be behind the Civil War. She sends them to investigate their secret temple, but they try to warn their fellow followers instead. Carcette then sends them to Tolan, who's requested assistance.

Vigilant: Tolan's heard of a village in Eastmarch slaughtered in a single night. Vampires attack them there. Tolan then leads them to the tomb in Falkreath.

Vampire: They go to Castle Volkihar. Feran Sadri orders them to collect rare plants to help an incantation to find Harkon's lost daughter. Harkon summons the family: "As you know, my daughter disappeared some time ago. We've been looking for her for thousands of years now. Today, we've made some progress. We have a name: Vigilant Adalvald. Rumor is that he's discovered something in an ancient crypt. I want this man found, alive, and questioned."

Vampire: They go to Castle Volkihar. Fura Bloodmouth takes them under her wing. "There's a wise man in Winterhold who may know how to find Harkon's lost daughter, but he won't cooperate with us. Maybe if you murder his family in Shor's Stone, he'll be more inclined to help us." Harkon summons the family.

Vampire: They go to Castle Volkihar. Garan Marethi offers them a bottle of blood and says someone stole some. They drain him dry. Harkon summons the family.

Vampire: They go to Castle Volkihar. Vingalmo and Orthjolf are arguing. Orthjolf tells you to kill a bandit named Rigaer who offered to sell them information about Harkon's lost daughter. Harkon summons the family.


The Vigilant Blades travel to Falkreath to assist Tolan. Harkon appoints Lokil to capture Vigilant Adalvald.

Vigilant: They clear the tomb and look around. A wounded Vigilant enters and collapses. "The hall has been destroyed. Everyone is dead. It was the Vampires."

They reach the Hall to find it in ruins, corpses everywhere. Tolan notices Adalvald is missing. "I know someone who could assist us, although it will not be easy to convince him." They walk East.

Vampire: They clear the Hall of the Vigilant. "Traitor!" screams Adalvald as Lokil whisks him away. They tell themself this is the only way to get rid of the tyranny of Boethiah.

They return to Volkihar victorious, Lokil takes Adalvald to Dimhollow Crypt. Harkon is satisfied. The castle parties.


You reach the Hall of the Vigilants only to find it in ruins, with corpses everywhere. Each face a familiar one. There are a couple of Vampires among the fallen. "Adalvald is missing." Tolan interrupts your thoughts. "I'm afraid he's been taken. I regret not listening to him earlier. We need to find help. I know someone who could assist us, although it will not be easy to convince him." With a heavy heart, you start walking East.

You return to Castle Volkihar victorious. Lokil takes Adalvald away to Dimhollow Crypt. Harkon is satisfied. "You've proven to be good soldiers. Welcome to the family!" That night, there's a party at the castle. Many innocents lost their lives,. You gorge yourself, trying to drown your guilt in blood.

Dawnguard Chapter 2[edit]

Clan Volkihar has destroyed the Hall of the Vigilants, leaving the bodies of the Vigilants to rot in the mud. Their influence is growing in Skyrim, but the Dawnguard is being reformed in the East. Sides have been taken, the time of reckoning is approaching.

Vampire: You adapt to your new life as a Vampire. However, you can still hear Boethiah's voice whispering in your ear. "You're mine, remember... you won't escape so easily." Your only chance now is to embrace your new nature, and hope Molag Bal favors you, finally dispelling Boethiah's presence once and for all. Getting rid of one master by submitting to a new one. Not the best possible solution, but a temporary one.

Vigilant: You trek through Skyrim, guided by Tolan. He tells you about Isran and Celann, former members of the Vigilants. They warned him of the dangers of Vampires, but he did not listen. Now they are rebuilding the Dawnguard, an old organization set on destroying Vampires. You arrive at Fort Dawnguard at dusk. Isran receives you, and listens to Tolan's plight. You're offered the chance to join in, or follow Tolan in his own revenge quest. You decide for the former, as the latter seems like a suicide mission. You learn that all Vampires are scions of Molag Bal; you feel Boethiah's approval in your soul.


Vampire: They decide to increase their standing in the Volkihar Clan by collaborating with the higher ranking members of the family.

Vampire: They decide to gain the favour of Molag Bal by helping Clan Volkihar.

Vampire: They decide to prove their worth to Volkihar to be seen as an equal.

Vampire: The guilt of destroying the Hall of the Vigilant eats them up. They decide to help Clan Volkihar to feel part of something bigger than themself.

Dawnguard: They decide to prove their worth to Isran.

Dawnguard: They decide to follow the commands of their Daedric Prince, Boethiah, while doing some good for the world.

Dawnguard: They decide to get revenge on the Vampires that killed their friends.

Dawnguard: They decide to follow the commands of Boethiah.

Volkihar Quests[edit]

Rargal Thrallmaster[edit]

Rargal orders them to return his escaped cattle. Hiding in a mine in The Pale, they attack as a mob. All but one are slain. Rargal is disappointed.

Rargal asks them to find a 'willing' participant to help restock the dungeon. They seduce an unsuspecting traveller near Whiterun and choose to have a private feast or return them to Castle Volkihar.

Rargal pays for the cattle with a bag of Septims.

Feran Sadri[edit]

A Windhelm guard tried to convince Feran to join the Dawnguard. He asks for the guard to be killed. They kill him, Feran is grateful, but something must be done about Dawnguard recruitment.

Feran's plan is to ruin the Dawnguard's reputation by killing Riften guards while screaming "For the Dawnguard!" People begin to fear them.

Fura Bloodmouth[edit]

Fura distrusts them, and asks them to lure a Dawnguard patrol on the outskirts of Riften into a trap. They're killed, Fura admits she was wrong, and Boethiah says "You know you will betray her as you did the Vigilants."

Fura is training with three young Vampires. She calls them weak, and asks for more worthy recruits. They start a bar fight in Windhelm's Candlehearth Hall, a colossal Nord, Froassa, the victor.

They bring Froassa to a tomb in Winterhold, where she kills feral Vampires. She is brought to Castle Volkihar and Fura is pleased with the new recruit.

Garan Marethi[edit]

Garan is annoyed with the half-bloods, and asks them to defeat some.

Garan approaches them, Vingalmo and Orthjolf are fighting over a shipment of swords from Dawnstar and asks them to melt them down.


The Companions mocked Hestla and called her a coward. They slay 2 Companions as revenge.

Hestla asks them to find out what happened to one of the Companions who lives in Falkreath. The house is empty, the stench of death covering everything. A trapdoor leads to a basement filled with at least twenty corpses. A hole in the wall leads further underground.

Following the trail, they reach the inner chamber of an ancient ruin. They feel powerful magic at work. The last room has a number of corpses hanging from the ceiling, the floor red with old blood. A Daedra (Lurker) stands before them. "Our masters sent me to teach you a lesson. Boethiah is not forgiving." They slay the Daedra and leave. It's clear that Boethiah is watching their every move.


Malkus brings a young man to them. "Meet Velan. He used to be a priest of Arkay. Now he serves me." Velan asks you to take him to Whiterun to infiltrate the Hall of the Dead and subvert everyone there. "Nothing is more exciting than turning a place of worship into a recruitment center."

Malkus is laughing at a note. "The Jarl of The Reach has placed a bounty on a travelling bard. Apparently, she offended him with her songs. I want to meet her." The bard, Derelle is hiding in a cave. They persuade her to come to Castle Volkihar and enthrall her or make her a Vampire follower.