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User:Samantha Says/Lore (ESO)

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S'unrise, the Flawless Conqueror is also known throughout history as The Vestige, Eternal Champion, the Apprentice, the Agent, Nerevarine, Champion of Cyrodiil, Warrior, The Forgotten Hero, and the Last Dragonborn

She is the main character of The Elder Scrolls, filling the role of the heroine in most of the games, and is commonly mistaken to be multiple people, hence her many titles.

In The Elder Scrolls Online, she appears as a Magicka Nightblade and uses Vampire themed skills and items.

For more detail, including builds and fashion, see her main page.

Sorska Bold-Fang[edit]

Sorska Bold-Fang

Sorska Bold-Fang, Thane of Solitude is a Nord Dragonknight from Solitude, Skyrim, cursed with Lycanthropy. After training to be a guard of the city, she quickly discovered her love for adventure and exploration. She joined the Aldmeri Dominion, to the surprise of her friends and family in Solitude, both as an excuse to explore more of Tamriel and to help end the Three Banners War. Sorska is proficient in two-handed weapons and keeps a shield on her back for when battles get dicey.

For more detail, including builds and fashion, see her main page.



Silaninde, Dominion Hero is an Altmer Templar from Vulkhel Guard, Auridon. She is devoted to the Aldmeri Dominion and Queen Ayrenn, and is one of their most loyal soldiers, working up to the rank of Seneschal. She prefers to use a sword and shield but does carry a bow for when ranged attacks are necessary.

For more detail, including builds and fashion, see her main page.

Shakul gra-Lash[edit]

Shakul gra-Lash

Shakul gra-Lash, the Unchained is an undead Orc first sighted in her current state in the wilds of Wrothgar. Originally a practitioner of Necromancy, she lived secluded in a self-built hut in the wilderness studying the art of Enchanting, trying to enchant her own body to give her eternal life.

Shakul tested her unique bodily enchantments on local Torchbugs and disposed of all failed attempts near her hut. The dead Torchbugs attracted Snow Owls, which became her new test subjects. Her method of testing involved enchanting a Snow Owl, breaking its neck to kill it, and then healing the injury through Restoration to see if the Snow Owl would still be alive. After several seemingly successful attempts at doing this, she applied the enchantment to herself. She immediately lost control of her body as it left her hut on its own accord and ran into the wilderness like a primitive beast. Shakul quickly pieced together that while her enchanted immortal Snow Owls did live through any injury as she had intended, their lack of intelligence prevented her from realising that her enchantment was not granting this immortality how she had intended. The enchantment had rooted itself to her skeleton. Her own skeleton had a life similar to that of a reanimated thrall without a summoner. Unable to control her body, her mind remains fully intact. Shakul, just as the owls continued to forage and eat only out of their body's primal instincts, was trapped as a passenger in her own body. Her skeleton has no care for pain and sustains many wounds that either get infected or just never get the chance to heal. Shakul gra-Lash, tragically, feels all of this, without even being able to cry for help.

For more detail, including builds and fashion, see her main page.



Cynaceae (/si.n.s./), Bloodletter is an Spriggan from Kingscrest Cavern in the northeast Cyrodiil. After an Ebonheart Pact Warden cast Enchanted Growth around her, she gained Minor Intellect, she fled Cyrodiil to fight in defence of the flora of Tamriel.

For more detail, including builds and fashion, see her main page.



Pirate Sehlayeh is a Redguard Sorcerer from Gilane, Hammerfell. Originally a pirate stalking the Abecean Sea, her ship was destroyed by Maormer and she washed up on Khenarthi's Roost, where she was aided by the Aldmeri Dominion which she promptly joined.

For more detail, including builds and fashion, see her main page.



Flamechaser Seen-Lei is an Argonian Dragonknight from Davon's Watch, Morrowind.

She was a Grand Master Crafter of simple means, preferring to use only what she creates herself instead of purchasing goods or services from others.

While Seen-Lei was on a visit to Blackwood to learn some new motifs when an Oblivion Portal opened up on top of her, swallowing her into The Deadlands where she had to learn to harness the realm's fire to survive. When she returned to Tamriel, she was so proficient in Destruction magic that she could even summon pure Chaotic Creatia.

For more detail, including builds and fashion, see her main page.

Synette Laurent[edit]

Synette Laurent

Mystic Synette Laurent is a Breton Templar born on Artaeum while it was removed from Nirn.

Once an average student, she left the island after hearing about the Planemeld to aid in the defence of Tamriel.

For more detail, including builds and fashion, see her main page.

Suldrini Tenim[edit]

Suldrini Tenim

Suldrini Tenim, Frozen Treasure Seeker is a Dunmer Warden from Blacklight, Morrowind.

She was stolen by a Durzog as a child and left abandoned in the frozen wilderness of the Velothi Mountains. Frozen to the bone, she learned how to hunt and survive, but relinquished herself to the cold.

For more detail, including builds and fashion, see her main page.



Alpha Predator Sylgil is a Bosmer Nightblade born to the Falinesti Faithful of the Falinesti Autumn Site, Valenwood.

Cursed with Lycanthropy, her sleepless nights brought her to heavy drinking to get through the day. The night is a blur, the day is a blur.

For more detail, including builds and fashion, see her main page.



Snarruluk, Storm Foe is a rogue Toothmaul Goblin from Toothmaul Gully, Auridon.

Captured trying to cross the border to Skywatch in the crossfire of a Dominion ambush of Bosmer criminals, she was forced to join the Aldmeri Dominion on the front lines. While some Altmer still mistake her for a Bosmer to this day and her terrifying presence on the battlefield scares others into speaking up, her proficiency with electromancy is without a doubt a massive boon to the Dominion's forces.

For more detail, including builds and fashion, see her main page.

Simplicia Palenix[edit]

Simplicia Palenix

Simplicia Palenix, Master Historian is an Imperial Nightblade from Vlastarus, Cyrodiil. She had a natural curiosity as a child, and later joined the University of Gwylim as one of its youngest members. While some of the University's scholars and students fled to Elinhir when the Three Banners War broke out, Simplicia chose to adventure across Tamriel and beyond, gathering notes for the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits.

For more detail, including builds and fashion, see her main page.