User:Salamangkero/Morrowind:Generic Spell Effect

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MW-icon-effect-Vampirism.jpg Generic Spell Effect
School Destruction
Type Defensive
Base Cost 1
(Click on any item for details)
Birthsign Abilities
Magic Armor
Armor Artifacts (if it's the only one)
Armor Artifacts (if more than one)
Generic Magic Armor
Sanguine Items (for clothing, below)
Unique Armor (if it's the only one)
Unique Armor (if more than one)
Racial Abilities
Bloodmoon (this might get ugly)
Tribunal (this is a mess, btw)
MW-icon-effect-Vampirism.jpg Generic Spell Effect
School Destruction
Type Defensive
Base Cost 1
(Click on any item for details)
Birthsign Abilities: The Atronach
Magic Armor
Magic Clothing (same as above)
Magic Weapons (same as above)
Powers: Adrenaline Rush
Racial Abilities: High Elf

Generic Spell Effect M points for D seconds

Temporarily decreases the target's Disposition towards the caster. When the effect ends, the target's Disposition returns to its original value. The effect does nothing when you are the target.

Alchemy Ingredients[edit]

Section: Alchemy Ingredients
  • If applicable, make sure this is the first section.

The complete list of ingredients which have the effect is below:
The following alchemical ingredients can be used to make a potion of Generic Spell Effect:
The following alchemy ingredients can be used to create/make a potion of Generic Spell Effect:
The following alchemy ingredients can be used to create/make Generic Spell Effect potions:
The following alchemy ingredients will create Generic Spell Effect effects when mixed into a potion:
The following alchemy ingredients will give you the Generic Spell Effect effect:
The following ingredients can be used to make a potion of Generic Spell Effect:
The following ingredients will cause Generic Spell Effect if mixed into a potion:
The following ingredients will make a potion of Generic Spell Effect:
The following ingredients will produce a Generic Spell Effect effect if used together in potions:
The following ingredients will result in a Generic Spell Effect effect if mixed into a potion:
The previous statements are repeated often enough (albeit inconsistently) to warrant the creation of a template. However the template should not:

  • assume plurality; some magic effects are found in only one ingredient.
  • assume potion-making; some magic effects can be experienced by eating ingredients.
  • assume potion-making; some magic effects result in a poison.
  • redundantly qualify ingredients using "alchemical" or "alchemy"; all ingredients can be used for alchemy.
  • refer to unprocessed ingredients as "raw"; some of them are considered cooked food items.

The following ingredient has Generic Spell Effect as an effect:

* May be eaten straight, since it is a first-effect ingredient.<br/> <nowiki>* This is a first-effect, so consuming it raw will give this effect without making a potion.
* This is a first-effect, so you can eat the ingredient raw to get the effect as well.
* This is a first-effect ingredient, so a small dose of the effect can be experienced by eating it raw.
* This is a first-effect ingredient, so just eating it raw will give you a small dose of the effect. Since it is the only ingredient with this effect, this is the only way to be affected by it.
* This is a first-effect ingredient, so you can get a short duration effect by eating them raw.
* This is a first-effect ingredient, so you will experience a small dose of the effect by eating it raw.
* This is a first-effect ingredient, so you will receive some benefit from eating it straight as well.
* This is a first-effect ingredient; eating it will give you a weak Generic Spell Effect effect.

* Because no other ingredient in the game has this effect, you cannot make a potion that has it.
* It is a first-effect ingredient, so you can experience a weak dose of the effect by eating one straight, but it will not occur in any potions.
* It is a Journeyman level effect, so it cannot be made into a potion or experienced by eating the ingredient straight. Thus, this effect is completely unavailable to alchemists.
* Since there are no other ingredients with this effect, and since it's not the first effect, there is no way for it to ever affect you.
* Since there is only one, and it is not a first-effect ingredient, it is impossible to get this effect via alchemy.
* Since there is only one, and since it is not a first-effect ingredient, it is impossible to get this effect via alchemy without 3rd-party mods.
* Since these two ingredients do not share any Drain Attribute effects, and since neither of them has a Drain Attribute effect at Novice level, it is impossible to create a potion with these effects, or to experience them by eating ingredients straight.
* Since this is not a first-effect ingredient, it is impossible to get a Generic Spell Effect effect via alchemy.

The following ingredients have Generic Spell Effect as an effect:

* Restore Stamina is the first effect for all these ingredients except chokeweed and netch jelly, so a minor effect can be gained by just eating them.
* Since this effect has no magnitude or duration, wortcraft is just as effective as alchemy: eating raw Clannfear Claws, Mandrake Root, Root Pulp, or Shepherd's Pie will fully cure any diseases.
* Since Cure Disease does not rely on magnitude, simply eating a single ingredient (e.g. Hawk Feathers) is as effective as a potion.
* These are both first-effect ingredients, so you can eat them raw to get a short duration of the effect.
* These are first-effect ingredients, so eating them raw will result in a weak dose of the effect.
* These are first-effect ingredients, so just eating them raw will give you a small dose of the effect.
* These are first-effect ingredients, so you may experience the effect by eating them raw.
* These are first-effect ingredients, so you will be paralyzed by eating them straight as well.
* These are first-effect ingredients, so you will experience the effect by eating them raw as well.
* These are first-effect ingredients; eating them will give you a weak Generic Spell Effect effect.

Effect Ingredients Note
Parameter Scope Description
count optional Number of ingredients with the effect. Can be set to 1; any other value denotes multiple ingredients.
first optional Number of first-effect ingredients. Can be set to 0 or 1; any other value denotes multiple ingredients.



Section: Notes
  • Use Notes, not Tips
  • If you have a follower NPC, sufficiently lowering their disposition may cause them to stop following you. You may need to increase their disposition before you can engage their follower dialogue again.

Related Effects[edit]

Section: Related Effects
  • If applicable, make sure this is the last section.