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About me[edit]

User-userbox-Oblivion.png This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
MaleIcon.png This user is male.
Flag Australia.png This user is from Australia.
SR-icon-logo.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim.
User-userbox-Oghma Icon.png This user is a loremaster.
OB-icon-Dark Brotherhood-Listener.png This user is a Listener in the Dark Brotherhood.
MW-banner-Imperial.png This user is a Knight of the Imperial Dragon in the Imperial Legion.

I like drama, chemistry and history (and was thus interested in the similarities between much of the elder scrolls lore and races/provinces/cultures and real ancient history/cultures/societies e.g. Nords-Vikings, Imperials-Romans/Byzantines, Morag Tong-Hashashin (probably)etc. While my user name suggests dark game characters, I also like noble warriors and crusaders of the nine.

Oblivion Roleplays[edit]

Assassin Roleplays[edit]

My Assassin Roleplays (On another page so other editors can add contracts).

Warrior Roleplays[edit]

Most (if not all) of these warrior roleplays can be combined to create a rich character) Any Race is appropriate for these.


(Fighter-type Roleplaying) There are several different possible roleplays for a noble.


A knight is a low ranking noble who generally lords over a small village. You could serve a city, or the empire or a independent order such as the Knights of the Nine or the Knights of the True Horn.

Your armor could consist of your cities/orders chainmail cuirass and shield with chainmail or steel greaves, gauntlets, boots and possibly helmet, or Imperial Legion Armor for an knight in the Imperial Legion. Or you could wear full steel (With the True Horn Shield or the Thorn Shield if your in the respective order). If you are the Divine Crusader You can use the Crusaders relics. You may also decide to use other armors. Ebony is good (particularly if you serve Chorrol as the Escutcheon of Chorrol Really works well with Ebony).

You could use any melee weapon you choose. A Longsword and shield is an obvious choice. But you can also use claymores, axes, maces and hammers, all in either steel, silver or ebony variations.

A good idea in any case is to be religious. Every Sundas, Pray at a chapel. To this end, you may use Restoration Magic.

You may be a knight errant. You do not serve one city (Leyawiin can be an exception) Rather, you search the land for adventure and to help those in need.


A Baron(ess)is another low ranking noble but higher than a knight. He/She holds a Barony which contains several villages and possibly a Castle (Battlehorn Castle is great for this). You may notice there are few villages in one area in Cyrodiil, so you may roleplay you own many villages across the Cyrodiil, but serve only one County or the Empire directly. From your villages, bring in taxes, generally low.

If you are a militant, you could wear the same attire as a knight with the same weapons. If you are a civilian, use upper class clothing.

As a Baron, you could be the leader of a Knights Order and maybe the commander of the forces, being second only to the Count(ess).

If you serve County Chorrol, you could adopt the Knights of the True Horn as The Knights order of Chorrol. However, with any other city without an order, pretend the elite of the city guard (and Perhaps Armies) are part of your order. Such elite are the castle guards and officers.

Duke/Duchess of Colovia[edit]

For this roleplay, the Imperial race is best, but any could work.

A Duke is a high ranking Noble, second only to the king (or in the case of Cyrodiil, Emperor and High Chancellor). You control the Duchy of Colovia (Counties Anvil, Skingrad, Chorrol and Kvatch). The Seat of Power in Colovia is Battlehorn Castle. If you don't have this, then buy all the houses in the Colovian Area and fully furnish them, or on PC and you have the Construction set, make a mod that clears a ruined fort and add your own soldiers.

If you are a Militant, use Steel, ebony or the Crusaders relics for equipment, with a longsword, claymore, axe, mace or hammer.

You may have been awarded this position by the Elder Council for some Heroic Feat in Service to the Empire, Such as leading the Battle to retake Kvatch, or defeating the Drothmeri Army.

With the counties, Perhaps they agreed to your leadership beforehand with the Elder Council, or maybe they don't like it, and some may be plotting against you.

You take taxes. You make Huge amounts of money with taxes. Colovia is very rich. Skingrad makes grand Wines and foods they export, Anvil has great access to the sea and thus nautical trade and Chorrol has a great Smith and may make Large profits by selling arms and armor to independent buyers or the other counties of Cyrodiil and maybe even the provinces. At Battlehorn castle, You have a good Smith also, and may export weapons yourself to put money directly into your own coffers.

Check your lands often. Defend the Counties and Villages of Colovia. Do quests to help your people, earn the respect of all the people, they shall willingly follow you then. During the Oblivion Crisis, you cannot order troops for Bruma, Your Counties need defending. Close the threatening gates and request assistance.

During the Oblivion Crisis, the Elder council cannot spare troops for Cryodiil, and you understand that. Close the gates in Colovia and even beyond into Nibenay. You need to unite Cyrodiil against the Daedric onslaught. Make your stand at the battle for Bruma. Become the Champion of Cyrodiil. Join the Elder Council. You may not have official control of the Nibenean Counties, but you have considerable influence.

Divine Crusader/Knight of the Nine[edit]

(Fighter-type Roleplaying) With the Knights of the Nine plugin, it is possible to reform a knights order called the Knights of the Nine. This is a good roleplaying possibility and one can go into depth.

When you hear about the attack on the chapel in Anvil, you are disgusted, and are compelled to go to Anvil to gain any leads to find the culprit and bring them to justice. When you get there, you find a prophet, him being your only lead, you choose to follow his directions.

With this, you rebuild the order of the nine, regather the relics and defeat Umaril, all in the name of the nine. You may immediately accept any person wishing to join, you need numbers, or you could deny some people for a while so they have to prove their devotion.

Once you have defeated Umaril, you are not finished. You may choose not to use the Relics, because thats what the original order did, and they fell. Or you are the only person who has gathered them (mostly) and as Divine crusader, it is your right to use the relics.

There are many evils in the land. Necromancers disobey the commandment of Arkay. bandits, Mauraders and criminals disobey the commandments of Zenithar and Akatosh. Talos' Commandment is to defend the people of Tamriel, and you shall live up to that. the main quest is really good, the Daedra are trying yo take over Tamriel, and you are the only force between victory and failure on both sides.

Some time after the Oblivion Crisis, you may decide to retire, and live as a Monk or traveling priest. Or if you're a noble (see above) you may retire to run you land in accordance with the nine.

Skyrim Roleplays[edit]

Assassin Roleplays[edit]


Considering this is my user space, I'll assume that I can post an advert for a Mod I'm working on.

I'm trying to make a mod to rebuild the Dark Brotherhood, or to join the Morag Tong. We have some story/script writers and some voice actors (more couldn't hurt) What we do need are modders. if you are interested, please visit our forum at

Dark Brotherhood[edit]

You have a dark backstory. You may not have ever known your parents. You may have killed them. You may have been adopted by the brotherhood from a young age, and trained in the arts of murder. You may have been a member of the Brotherhood before the troubles started, and when they got out of hand, you may have fled. You may have fled from Astrid for her disrespect of the Tenets, but have come back to her. You may have survived the Bruma or Wayrest sanctuaries, been on a contract at the time they fell. You may have been a silencer, and did not live in a sanctuary.

You may be a vampire, who was recently found by the Brotherhood, or found hundreds of years ago. Or turned hundreds of years ago by a member of the Brotherhood.

Regardless, you have ended up in Skyrim. You were resting outside Darkwater Crossing, when you were caught in an Imperial Ambush. The Imperials didn't care about what you said, they sent you to Helgen to be executed. The game now begins.

After making it out of Helgen, you flee from whoever escorted you out. You take to traveling. Acting as a hired blade where you can (possibly worshiping Sithis still). Eventually, you hear about a boy attempting to contact the Dark Brotherhood in Windhelm. Curious, you travel there to meet his lad (either because of your past association with the Brohterhood, or because you see a business opportunity). You do as he asks and murder Grelod the Kind.

You are later contacted by a courier, who hands you a note. That night, you are abducted by Astrid. She commands you to kill one of the people with a contract on their head. Seeing the chance to (re)join the Brotherhood, you kill them all.

You are now a member of the Brotherhood. What better time to join. Astrid has forsaken the tenets (Blasphemer!), Cicero is arriving with the Night Mother (and with brotherhood tradition), and you end up being named Listener. All you can do is complete your contracts to the letter. Try to be stealthy where possible.

Cicero is a delicate matter. He eventually attacks Astrid, and she orders you to kill him. This is a test of were your loyalties lie. You may be devoted to Astrid, butcher him like a pig (Strangle him with his own intestines). You may have an undying loyalty to the Night Mother and Sithis. How you wish you could have been there when he attacked, you would have finished the job. Spare him.

At any rate, you advance in the questline. You are bestowed the Honor of restoring the Brotherhood to greatness. When you are given the chance to slay the real Emperor, revel in it. Meet Maro on the docks. Slice his throat and whisper in his ear. Leave his body for the slaughterfish. Now the ultimate prize. The Emperor. Veteran of the Great War. Sneak abord his ship,and give him a knife in the back. Hail Sithis! Bathe in his Blood!

But your job is not yet over. Meet with Nazir. He will show you how to restore the Dawnstar Sanctuary. And thus take the first few steps to restoring the Brotherhood to glory. Reinstate the tenets and spread blood all over Skyrim, so that later, you may bring the Brotherhood all over Tamriel.


This is a list of contracts just for fun.

Regicide of the Fallen[edit]

Target: Madanach

Client: Thonar Silver Blood, Eltrys

Reward: Whatever Eltrys is able to pay you for investigating. Silver-Blood Ring.

Details: Within Cidhna mine are the remnants of the original forsworn. The Night Mother tells you to speak with Eltyrs, living in Markarth. This will initiate The Forsworn Conspiracy. When you notice that Thonar needs Madanach dead as well, you offer to do so. When he has you thrown in prison, you see your chance. Either try to get close to Madanach, and plunge a shiv in his back, or just give him a pickaxe to the face. Either way, kill him and take his key and note. Then flee and be met by Thonar, who will pay you himself.

Payback's a Bitch[edit]

Target: Thonar Silver-Blood

Client: The Forsworn (A smelter worker as a representative)

Reward: 500 gold (console or steal)

Prerequisite: Regicide of the Fallen

Details: After the assassination of Madanach, the forsworn demand retribution. Luckily, they do not know it was you who killed him. Dispatch him in any way you see fit.

Ethnic Cleansing[edit]

Target: Ondolemar

Client: Thongvor Silver-Blood and/or anyone else in the reach (Who doesn't want him dead) or Ulfric Stormcloak (After the whole Markarth Incident, having him there is a real slap to the face)

Reward: 1500 Gold

Details: In Understone Keep lives a high ranking Thalmor Justiciar. he is guarded day and night. Eliminating him may prove challenging.

Skyrim modding ideas[edit]

I'm not much of a modder, however, to anyone who can mod and is looking for a modding project, you might try these ideas. My Modding Ideas