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This page contains lists of mods I typically have when playing each respective game.
Played with the GOG installation.
- TES Arena Title Screen Fix - Minor fix for sloppy title screen graphics.
- OpeningFix - Fixes two minor errors in the opening sequence before the main menu, one grammatical and one regarding lore.
- TES Arena IntroFix - Fixes three slides during the new game intro sequence. Includes the correct Uriel Septim on slide 1, punctuation on slide 5, and logic on slide 9.
- Sound Patch - Removes the odd clicking noises from the audio files.
- TES Arena Remapped - Custom DOSBOX controls file, enabling full modern-style controls while retaining the ability to type text as needed.
- No Magicka No Problem - Decreases cost of all magic items and potions, but significantly increases price of the Restore Power potion.
- IntuitiveUIv2 - Simple and accurate retextures of the map, HUD, keys, savelist, and compass.
- TES Arena ReFonted - Revamped fonts, made to be easier to read.
Played with the Daggerfall Unity GOG Cut.
- EZ Mode for Battlespire - Lowers the difficulty by making the player stronger and the enemies weaker.
Base mod list[edit]
- Through the Valleys - A beginner-friendly modding guide that brings the spirit of vanilla plus all the way to the lands of Cyrodiil!
- Modular, so you can exclude/change things from your own personal modlist if you don't like it. Additionally, I use a Bash patch to revert Ascension's limiting of carrying capacity.
- Denock Arrow xOBSE - Adds an arrow de-nock feature by pressing the sheath weapon key.
- Dynamic Door Knocking - Allows you to knock on almost any locked door, which will have a chance of alerting an NPC in the target cell to come and answer it.
- Move While Encumbered - As in Fallout 3 & Skyrim, being encumbered will no longer stop you from moving. You will be able to walk, although very slowly. Fast travel will be disabled and you will be unable to jump.
- I use the "normal walking speed" version to save on tediousness and to act more like subsequent Bethesda games.
- Coloured Enemy Health - Makes the enemy health bar above the crosshair change from green - yellow - orange - red depending on how much health the enemy has left (as per pre-release footage).
- DarNified UI - Gives the Oblivion UI a mpre PC-friendly interface
- DarNifiedUI Config Addon - Rectifies the issue of DarNified settings not saving.
- My settings can be found here.
- Death Notifications - Displays death notifications on the top center of the screen when the player or an NPC gets killed.
- Progress Tracker - A quest completion tracker. Never miss a quest again.
- Coloured Shivering Isles Map - Replaces the in-game world map of the Shivering Isles with a coloured version.
- I use the version that visually divides Mania and Dementia.
- Just Another Alternative Arena Poster Replacer - Replaces the Arena poster with the cover art of TES Arena.
- Alternative based on the above mod but looks closer to the vanilla game's - Classic Arena Poster
- Vanilla Style Loading Screens Addon, Upscaled Vanilla Loading Screens plus Shivering Isles, and Upscaled Vanilla Style Loading Screens and MOO Themed Loading Screens - Adds a variety of different HD loading screen images and upscales vanilla ones.
- World Maps with Hidden Roads and Trails - Adds many hidden roads and trails that are originally not shown to the map. Vanilla and coloured version available.
- Better Cities - Overhauls and enhances all the cities from the original game adding new buildings, new NPCs, and new quests.
- Put this as low in your load order as possible.
- If using this alongside Through the Valleys, Diverse Chapels, Enhanced Water v20 HDMI, Imperial City Canal Overhaul, and Complete Clutter and Crop Ownership must be loaded before Better Cities and not included in a Bashed Patch.
- Helping Hands - Chorrol - Adds the option to hire a servant for Arborwatch once you have purchased all the upgrades, similar to Skingrad and Battlehorn Castle.
Honourable Mentions[edit]
Mods I don't use but still recommend for one reason or other.
- Dynamic Map - Dynamically updates the world map to show new locations added by mods. Also lets you zoom the world map in/out.
- Bruma Mages Guild Restored - Restores and repopulates Bruma's guild hall.
- Knights of the Nine Revelation
- This is an amazing mod in of itself with a lot of love, thought, and care put into it. However, for Oblivion purists, such as myself, I can only recommend this as a novelty to be played on a separate save file or after completing the entirety of the base game.
- The voice acting is average at best and comically bad at worst, the writing and overall story lacks any charm and outright copies the base game's main questline's ending, the "romance" companion lacked any authenticity and felt forced, and whilst the First Era reimaginings of Heartland Cyrod locations are to be praised, some of the item designs, such as the Alessian armour sets, whilst they take appropriate inspiration from real-world antiquity, their appearance is rather questionable, feels out of place, and looks just plain silly overall.
- This is another expansive mod with a lot of thought put into it. However, it is incredibly rough around the edges; new locations feel haphazardly placed in the game world and some of the later interiors are confusing to navigate. The voice acting is just downright mediocre, several characters go unvoiced, and the grammar in several pieces of text leaves much to be desired. You can skip portions of quests without any consequences, and some of the pathfinding is really not laid out well at all, making some of the storytelling and pacing somewhat confusing, and as with the previous mod, outright copies parts of the base game's main questline.
- Also the inn is placed in a really inconvenient location, as far from the front gate as it could possibly be.
Base mod list[edit]
- Legends of the Frost - A lightweight list designed to be as close to vanilla as possible while bringing some much needed improvements to texture sharpness, distant terrain, and certain gameplay mechanics.
- I mostly use this for its bug fixes and gameplay tweaks, however their are several mods I disable as a matter of personal taste when it comes to visuals and playstyle.
- Blade and Blunt is the combat overhaul for this mod list, whilst Realistic AI Detection is the stealth overhaul; I disable these as I prefer Skyrim to actually play like Skyrim.
- I turn off Contextual Crosshair and Smaller Vanilla Cursors so I actually know what I'm looking at when I'm looking at it, mostly in case of accidental interaction.
- I reinstall SkyHUD to use the Oblivion preset, because yes.
- I mostly use this for its bug fixes and gameplay tweaks, however their are several mods I disable as a matter of personal taste when it comes to visuals and playstyle.
- Dragon Namer - Gives randomised lore-friendly names to overland dragons so they're not called "Dragon" anymore.
- Immersive Quests - Enhances the journal's task descriptions in order to provide lore-friendly clues of where you are supposed to adventure in order to solve the quest.
UI - Appearance/Function[edit]
- Advanced Filters - Updated - Adds filters and subfilters to all inventory types.
- Bag Space Indicator - Shows both the player and bank free space and maximum size on the UI.
- NTak Dialog - Includes many dialogue features, to enhance the game experience and to customize it your way.
- PerfectPixel - Changes the style of windows and expands the list of inventory.
- tim99's ColoredLists - Colourizes all categories in different lists according to completeness or status.
- Votan's Rune Tooltips - Adds potency rune levels and essence rune types tool-tips for runestones.
- World Map Wayshrines Controller - Allows control of what pins appear on the Tamriel world map (wayshrines, houses, and dungeons).
- Destinations - Adds map pins for achievements, dungeon bosses, resources, and other unmarked locations to the world map and compass.
- Harven's Research Timers - Displays progress bars for currently researching traits and horse training.
- LoreBooks - Adds map pins for all books and notes to the world map and compass.
- Jack of all Trades - Automatic CP Respec - Automatically adjust your green champion bar depending on what you want to achieve.
- Quest Map - Adds pins for completed and uncompleted quests to the world map.
- Riding School - Automates the chore of increasing your riding skills on your characters.
- SkyShards - Adds map pins for skyshards to the world map and compass.
- Journal Quest Log - Lets you know what quests you've completed, and which ones you have yet to complete.
- uespLog - Collection of game data for use in + a large collection of useful functions.