Hellooooo, i'm Ned, pretty new to this but i have been using the UESP wiki for a long time and i find it an exceptionally useful and helpful site for me, as i am a big elder scrlls fan (: I will surely attempt to help with input towards the site although this is pretty new to me so i'm treading lightly at the moment. =]
About Me[edit]
Well, i'm 17, at college studying music and politics. My life revolves around music, gaming, and socialism - one might say a pretty re-creational life right here. As i'm studying music, i accept all Music, but have a tendencey to move towards different area's of it as i progress through life. Most of my early teenage years i was very under the influence of Metal and all it entails. But somehow within the recent year i have completely changed direction towards Electronic music, Dubstep/DnB/Electronica and am trying my fair share of production, although i still appreciate and listen to many different forms of analogue music.
I have played every elder scroll game, including those out for mobile phones (:
I Absolutely loved Morrowind and i found a certain magic about that game, and totally got into it playing it most nights after school untill WoW took over my life for a breif period, well i say breif i pretty much spent every hour on that game i coudl when iw as 14 - 15. When i got myself a 360, the first game i got was Oblivion, since then it has been my absolute favourate game and i have played it over and over and am playing as i am typing this. (:
My characters (Oblivion)[edit]
A level 36 Breton Battle mage, This was my second character on oblivion (My first got deleted at level 42 by accident =[ ) Yes the name was taken from Lord of the Rings. Berethor started life in Cyrodil By joining the arena and purchasing the house for sale on the imperial waterfront. Having not actually explored anywhere else i waited untill enough gold was earned and levels progressed and travelled to chorrol to start the main quest line and simultaniously started the Mages and Fighters guild. This character lived on good deeds, and has done the most exploration of Cyrodil than any other of my characters.
Another Breton, but devoted mage. This character started off straight with the mages guild right untill the end, leaving the main quest line and still in possesion of the Amulet of Kings. As i played this i had also learnt about the Glitch where it is possible to gain the Emporers Robes. Having completed the mages guild but not even delivered the Amuelt of Kings to Jauffre, The glitch was possible. After this i purchased The Shivering Isles expansion, and explored it a little with this character.
A level 32 Dumner. With all the base attributes Dumners are strongest in. This chracter i am still playing. Having completed every quest line in cyrodil, Including the Knights of the Nine and many many miscellanious quest lines i am now in the Shivering isles. I gave this character a clear structure and lifeline. In the begining, the character is misleaded, and falls straight for evil. Starting with the dark brotherhood and obtaining Deepscorn Hollow, Becoming a vampire at the same time becoming a member of the theives guild, Robbing and Feeding simultaniously. My infamey grew to over 100 after a number of murders for self gain. After completeing the Dark brotherhood and becoming the Listener, the life of a vampire became outdated, curing myself in the deepscorn hollow, i moved to Dunbarrow Cove. - [Not completed]
This user plays on the Xbox. |
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This user is knowledgeable about Knights of the Nine. |
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This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |