My in game character's story[edit]
This user is male. |
This user plays on a Windows PC. |
This user prefers the comfiness and flexibility of light armor. |
My 1st Character- Lord Jeerus. My character is a level 20 male Argonian named Jeerus. While in the imperial prison at the beginning of the game he was beaten in the head with a silver mace by a angry guard, so he can't remember his childhood. He can barely remember his brother, Jaskarr Jr., and his parents, Jaskarr (father) and Beus-Hiskel (mother). After they let him out of the imperial prison, he couldn't put back together his past and can barely remember his name: Jeerus. He made a name for himself by getting bored and heading into a cave close to the prison he just got out of. He looted it, and discovered he was an exellent swordsman. After hearing about Kvatch's Oblivion problem, he went and saved the day. He now lives in Bravil. Though this is the poorest town in the game, he also owns benirus manor in Anvil, but rarely actually visits there. The reason he doesn't visit there is because he is the count of Bravil now (He stole a guard uniform and assinated the count, I roleplayed a election and beat his son). However, he stays at his house because of his friendship with Luciana Galena. He is secretly the listener of the Dark Brotherhood, and is looking for other sanctuarys. He made the Khajiit dark brotherhood murderer secondary listener. He and this murderer are the bestest of friends. The khajiit usually stays at Jeerus's house on a folded cloth bed on the floor next to Jeerus's, but he's wanted in bravil for murder. He was also missing contracts back at the sanctuary so they got him out by killing multiple guards (I roleplayed he did it but had to use the console because of his minimal health)
. Jeerus usually dresses himself in either the Black Hand robe or a red silk garment. He almost never wears armor other than robes, claiming " It takes up to much space in my inventory! " He now claims to have written A Less Rude Song, however no one knows whether or not this is actually true. Many find my character kind, but would hate to be on his bad side now that hes the arena grand champion and killed Alval Ulani in public at Olav's Tap And Tack. He recently broke off his friendship with Luciana Galena after confessing his love for her and telling her to come live with him in skingrad (he got the money for Rosethorn Hall by supposively writing A Less Rude Song), but she said no and now their friendship is over. He picked up all of his things and now resides in Skingrad. He enjoys the town but it's kinda large so he has trouble finding his way around.
My other character Eduard the drunk- My main character for now is a level 5 Nord named Eduard the drunk. As the title suggests, he is a drunk. Not much here yet since ima level 5, so more to come soon. He is in fact a silencer in the dark brotherhood though.
This user plays on the Xbox. |
This user prefers the comfiness and flexibility of light armor. |
This user is right-handed. |
This user is male. |
Character 3- Arnoldir the Wise. Race-Breton. My mage character, and my first one on the 360. I picked the Breton race on a whim, I thought they were weak, but they are actually WAY better than I expected. This is an excellent character. He's pretty good, and an excellent wizard.
This user is right-handed. |
This user is male. |
This user is a red-blooded, flag-
waving, pistol-packing, hotdog
and apple-pie eating American. |
This user is a fan of Alternate and Classic Rock music, especially They Might Be Giants And The Beatles. |
This user plays on a Windows PC. |
This user copies (or copies with slight modifications) other people's userboxes. |
This user is a Christian. |
This user prefers the comfiness and flexibility of light armor. |
Me in real life[edit]
This user is a Christian. |
This user is a red-blooded, flag-
waving, pistol-packing, hotdog
and apple-pie eating American. |
This user is male. |
This user hates vampires that sparkle and only writes about the ones that burn in the sun like any decent vampire should. |
In real life im from America sadly. I like Oblivion but its actually my first role playing game. Im getting a 360 this christmas and im hopefully going to play it on that, but right now its just on the PC. I love video games. I hate school. Im 13 years old. Love The Beatles, George is my favirote, love TMBG, John L.'s my favirote. My hero is my Oblivion character. Politics in real life interest me. Its one thing i've always loved to study and I think it's important. Im not good with grammar but I highly doubt anyone on here cares, lol. Im from S.C. If your from here too, I feel your pain also. One thing I've always wanted to do Is GTFO of S.C. and visit some where like N.Y., or Illinois. Though I may sound like I hate S.C., I really don't. Its just boring in a small town. Anyway, enough about me. Message me about you. Im new and I'd love to make a friend on here. My real name is Israel, but you can call me Izz or Jeerus cause I hate my name. My mom was going to name me John after John Lennon, but changed her mind so now im Israel Lennan Rowland. Anyway, message me, peace out homies.
Me on UESP[edit]
Ever since I got oblivion, I loved it, and now its my life in a way. Never before have I played such an amazing game. I knew I had to join this site the minute I figured out its exsistence. The true reason I joined was for the role playing page. It has amazing ideas. However the mod's delete most of em. Don't expect me making to many edits, im the kinda person who doesn't do anything that has no point, it will just get erased anyway. I don't know the guidelines, the formatting, or any of that other crap they make you read whenever you join. I've never read any of that kind of stuff, never will. BTW, could anyone help me with my userboxes? As you may see, im having a little trouble, lol.