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By Magnus, Lorkhan and Meridia! Yes, I know it is strange to put them together, but these three - and of course, the Other Three - have always fascinated me...

Very well, I think that is time to introduce myself: I am Karnilmo, Altmer, Mage, and nowadays, living on Artaeum. Ah, just to be clear: I do not sympathize with Thalmor's cause... They are fanatics and proud of their nonsense. The Thalmor seek what they cannot have anymore, what was taken from them a long time ago and what their fruitless Holy Crusade can lead to nowhere but destruction. However, I admire their taste for magicka and the arcane arts... As you may have notice, there are no "Good" or "Evil" to discuss in our current time, but only "Stasis" and "Change" - Pardon, my dear guest, but I think that these metaphysics topics are not ready to be introduced on this meeting, certainly not in the subject "Thalmor versus Empire", or perhaps not at this time... Sorry for my excitement.

But, putting away political views, I must assume that you are here to discuss something... And what would that be? Dragons? My friend Augur of Dunlain and his Arcane researches? By the way, it has been quite some time since I don't speak with my friend Augur... I should visit him someday... Oh, sorry for my reverie... Where were we? Oh of course, "the questions". I see... You seek Knowledge. I am sure that my friend can help you with your quest at this point... The Knowledge I am aware is a little more abstract in the field of the Arcane Arts and we don't have much time to speak about it now, perhaps later...

Oh look at the Time! How could I forget such a thing! You'll have to excuse me. I'll stay inside my research room for a while... I am about to discover what happened to the Dwemer and the implications of the Mythopoeic Enchantments and Artifacts on the Paradigm of Ascension and Godhood. What are the interferences of these events on the fabric of Time and Space and also, what it has done to the Flux of Magicka that flows from Magnus to Nirn? Can this be related to the deterioration of Masser and Secunda? Is that related to Oblivion Events on Tamriel while the Dragonfires were extinct? Well, there are many questions and unfortunately not the exact time to achieve answers.

By all means, stay here if you want. Well, I would pay a visit to OUR LIBRARY if I were you, where you'll find many books that will help with your research. In the meantime, feel free to read and ask, write and comment... Just one thing: Be careful with OUR collections, since they are very rare and you know how Urag gro-Shub is... His obcession, I would dare to say, is worthy to a trip to Shivering Isles... But don't say him what I told you, he is, sometimes, not very patient, you know. But I can't blame him. Of course you know how those apprentices are: Always inquisitive in a way that anyone can be as mad as Lord Sheogorath! Oh, that reminds me about a research that I must do on the Enchantment inside Wabbajack, but not now, I guess. By the way, I must speak with Haskill again... He was very useful in providing some ingredients and books, also a delightful conversation on a meeting with him and Sheogorath.

Now go there, search, seek, learn... When I return I will do the possible to speak with you again. If you want to have access to my Journals and Researches, please feel free to access Karnilmo's Journal.

Karnilmo 22:16, 31 August 2012 (UTC)

LO-race-Altmer.png This user is a member of the Altmer race.
SI-icon-Court of Madness.jpg This user is a Duke of Dementia in the Court of Madness.
User-Karnilmo-Elder council icon.jpg This user is a Councillor of the Elder Council.
OBbsign Mage.jpg This user was born under the sign of The Mage.
OB-icon-Mages Guild-Arch-Mage.png This user is an Arch-Mage in the Mages Guild.
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31 This UESPWikian is 31 years, 4 months, and 4 days old.
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User-userbox-HermieMora.jpg This user follows the teachings of Hermaeus Mora.
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OB-Imperial City Above.jpg This user worships Lorkhan.
OB-icon-Knights of the Nine.png This user is knowledgeable about Knights of the Nine.
OB-Imperial City Above.jpg This user worships Magnus.
SR-icon-logo.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim.
OB-Imperial City Above.jpg This user worships Meridia.