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User:Kalis Agea

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This user performed with distinction in the Oblivion NPC Redesign ProjectThis user performed with distinction in the Morrowind Overhaul ProjectThis user performed with distinction in the Shivering Isles Redesign Project

This user performed with distinction in the Oblivion Places Redesign ProjectThis user performed with distinction in the Image Cleanup ProjectThis user performed with distinction in the Lore Places Project


Greetings! I'm Kalis Agea. I've been on this site on and off for a few years now, and at one time was a fairly active contributor. I've only recently returned to UESP, and as such will be sticking to minor contributions while I reacquaint myself with the wiki and its community. --Kalis AgeaYes? Contrib E-mail 01:28, 10 November 2014 (GMT)

E-mailTalk PageMonobook.js

User-userbox-Patroller.jpg This user is a Recent Changes Patroller.
MaleIcon.png This user is male.
User-userbox-Oghma Icon.png This user is a loremaster.
User-userbox-Atheism Symbol.png This user is an atheist.
Wiki.png This user has been on UESPWiki for 14 years and 18 days.

About Me[edit]

I'll be filling this is at a later date. For now, suffice it to say that I have a lot of time on my hands and not a lot of stuff to do with it.

On the Wiki[edit]

These days I mostly stick to minor edits and the like. Perhaps sometime in the future I'll return to making more significant contributions.
