Hello, I'm a french Elder Scrolls Online player, and I love making maps. Some of them you can find in the gallery below.
I will try to improve the geography section of some Lore:Places pages and create usefull maps.
Here is my Personnal Sandbox where I work on my drafts.

Combined maps of ESO's regions of Tamriel (Cyrodiil overlap with the Rift)
Combined maps of ESO's regions of Summerset
Combined maps of ESO's regions of Valenwood
Combined maps of ESO's regions of High Rock
Combined maps of ESO's regions of Elsweyr
Combined maps of ESO's regions of Morrowind
Combined maps of ESO's regions of Skyrim
Combined maps of ESO's regions of Cyrodiil
Combined maps of ESO's regions of Black Marsh
Combined maps of ESO's regions of Hammerfell