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UESPWiki talk:News/Dragonborn Released

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no connection to any previous DLC[edit]

This news snippet previously said:

"This does not suggest that Dawnguard or Hearthfire are on their way, though it at least points to Bethesda having found a solution to the problems that have so far prevented their release on the PS3."

This claim, that the announcement somehow promises previous DLCs will come to PS3, is IMHO completely unsubstantiated - I canot find any logical connection between the announced release of PS3 Dragonborn to any hope previous DLCs will be released on that platform. And so I tweaked the bolded text to instead read "DLC releases". The only thing we know is that a specific DLC is on its way, not all of them.

To be very clear: the fact that some DLC is on its way does not mean all DLC is. Remember, Bethesda has never said anything about a Dawnguard/Hearthfire DLC (after the premature announcement and statement of problems, of course), only that some content is on its way. It is now clear, to me at least, that Hines' tweets have had future DLC (read "Dragonborn") in mind all along.

At least so far. Let's not rule out a PS3 Dawnguard, but let's not get the PS3 readership's hopes up prematurely, 'kay? CapnZapp (talk) 12:44, 5 December 2012 (GMT)

The claim in no way suggests that Dawnguard or Hearthfire have been promised, but with Bethesda having not ruled out Dawnguard and their last major announcement on the issue being, "We are not satisfied yet with Dawnguard’s performance on the PS3. We would like for everyone to have a chance to play Dawnguard, but we aren’t going to release it for PS3 knowing that some people’s experience in Skyrim will be worse. We do everything we can to have our content available to all; from our free updates, to user mods, to paid DLC. We’re as disappointed as our fans when that isn’t the case, but we’ll continue to push for that reality." Until Bethesda rule it out, we follow their line that they are working on bringing it to the PS3. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 18:49, 5 December 2012 (GMT)
Yes, I knew that. Are you agreeing, disagreeing or just commenting? CapnZapp (talk) 16:43, 6 December 2012 (GMT)