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UESPWiki:Online Collectible Images Project

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The Online Collectible Images Project (ONCIP) is a community project to acquire images for all collectibles in The Elder Scrolls Online.

Project Overview[edit]

Many collectibles are rare, valuable, or only available for a limited time. As such, it would be prohibitively expensive for any one person to acquire images of all of them. We need help from as many people as we can get to completely document these items.


Do you have any rare collectibles? Check out the Collections pages to see if you have any of the images we're missing. If you don't have access to image manipulation software, you can instead contribute a raw screenshot, and other users can crop them down to the correct size. We need all the images we can get, so all contributions are welcome. Individual requirements for the different types of collectibles are detailed in the sections below.



  • Page(s) to check: ON:Mounts, ON:Collectible Furnishings/Mounts
  • For the regular mounts page, we want a square image, which may feature your character riding the mount, but should not have any other characters visible in the background. Alternatively, you may place the mount in your home and take a picture with the mount by itself. File names should be in the form:
ON-mount-{Mount Name}.jpg
  • For the Furnishings images, the screenshot should be taken from the housing preview screen, so the image should just be the mount against the default preview background with no rider. For consistency, we tend to have the mount displayed in 3/4 view, looking diagonally to the left. The image should be square, and cropped fairly close to the subject. (Approximately a 10 pixel margin on the larger dimension.) Note that many of the mounts already have a proxy image uploaded, which looks like a question mark on a red square. If you replace one of these proxy images, be sure to remove the {{Placeholder}} template from the image after uploading it. File names should be in the form:
ON-furnishing-{Mount Name}.jpg

Non-Combat Pets[edit]

  • Page(s) to check: ON:Pets, ON:Collectible Furnishings/Pets
  • For the regular mounts page, we want a square image, which should feature your pet, but should not have yourself or any other characters visible in view. File names should be in the form:
ON-pet-{Pet Name}.jpg
  • For the Furnishings images, the screenshot should be taken from the housing preview screen, so the image should just be the pet against the default preview background. For consistency, we tend to have the pet displayed in 3/4 view, looking diagonally to the left. The image should be square, and cropped fairly close to the subject. (Approximately a 10 pixel margin on the larger dimension.) Note that many of the pets already have a proxy image uploaded, which looks like a question mark on a red square. If you replace one of these proxy images, be sure to remove the {{Placeholder}} template from the image after uploading it. File names should be in the form:
ON-furnishing-{Pet Name}.jpg
  • Note that some pets have the same name as a mount, in which case the word "Mount" or "Pet" can be added after the name for disambiguation.

Body Markings and Head Markings[edit]

  • Page(s) to check: ON:Body Markings, ON:Head Markings
  • For Body Markings, these should show your character, fully nude (Nordic Bather's Towel may be acceptable), facing forward. If a body marking has significant details on the back, we may want a second image showing this. The image should be square, and you should stand in front of a fairly neutral background and no other characters should be visible in the shot. It's possible we may ultimately want both male and female variants of these, and possibly separate images for Argonians and Khajiits if they are significantly different. (Some markings can only be used by some races, of course.) Ideally, we want the markings on an actual character, not on the mannequin that shows when you preview a marking on a character whose race is not compatible. For images that have more than one variant, the details should be added in parentheses after the file name, e.g. (back), (female), (Khajiit), etc. (Note that race names should be capitalized, but other words should not.) File names should be in the form:
ON-body marking-{Body Marking Name}.jpg
  • For Face Markings, we only want a head-shot. Most of these are facing 3/4 to the right, but some face markings are not symmetrical, and may look better facing left. Ideally, we want the markings on an actual character, not on the mannequin that shows when you preview a marking on a character whose race is not compatible. You should not be wearing a helm or hat of any kind, and you should disable any other adornments that affect your facial appearance, such as facial hair, skins, etc. File names should be in the form:
ON-head marking-{Head Marking Name}.jpg

Costumes and Hats[edit]

  • Page(s) to check: ON:Costumes, ON:Hats
  • For Costumes, these should be a full body shot, square, with no other characters visible in the shot. You should find a fairly neutral background. The costume should not be dyed, and you should unequip your weapon(s) and stand in a default idle pose. We want both male and female versions of every costume, so check if either is missing. File names should be in the form:
ON-costume-{Costume Name} (male/female).jpg
  • For Hats, we only want a head-shot, again square and with no other characters visible. The hat should not be dyed, and you should not have any significant appearance altering collectibles on along with it (such as head markings, skins, etc.) If the costume looks significantly different on different races or genders, we may need alternate images, but by default one image (of any race or gender) is sufficient. File names should be in the form:
ON-costume-{Costume Name}.jpg

Hair Styles and Facial Hair[edit]

  • Page(s) to check: ON:Hair Styles, ON:Facial Hair
  • Both of these need just a head shot, ideally of an actual character and not a mannequin. Many of these are exclusive to one gender or certain races, so you'll need a character who can wear them. Images should be square, generally with a 3/4 frontal angle. Some hairstyles may be better displayed from the back, though in these cases it might be better to have multiple shots available. File names should be in the forms:
ON-hairstyle-{Hair Style Name}.jpg
ON-facial hair-{Facial Hair Name}.jpg

Major and Minor Adornments[edit]

  • Page(s) to check: ON:Major Adornments, ON:Minor Adornments
  • Most of these need a head shot, though there are a few that affect other body parts (such as tail decorations for Argonians and Khajiits). Images should be an actual character and not a mannequin, square, with whatever angle best displays the adornment in question. File names should be in the forms:
ON-major adornment-{Adornment Name}.jpg
ON-minor adornment-{Adornment Name}.jpg
  • Note: These were previously known as "Facial Accessories" and "Jewelry", respectively, so many of the existing images still use these names. New images should use the above naming scheme.

Personalities and Emotes[edit]

  • Page(s) to check: ON:Personalities, ON:Collectible Emotes
  • We currently only have images for Emotes, but many of these are altered by Personalities. Since many Emotes involve a longer animation, multiple images may be required for some. No more than 6 images should be needed for any given emote. Images should be square, with no other characters in the shot. File names should be in the form:
ON-emote-{Emote Name}.jpg

Polymorphs and Skins[edit]

  • Page(s) to check: ON:Polymorphs, ON:Skins
  • Polymorphs are generally identical for all characters and override all other appearance collectibles, so only one image is needed for each. It's possible that some polymorphs may have variations for male or female characters, or races with tails. If this is the case, multiple images may be needed. File names should be in the form:
ON-polymorph-{Polymorph Name}.jpg
  • For Skins, these should show your character, fully nude (Nordic Bather's Towel may be acceptable). Both male and female versions should be shown for each skin. File names should be in the form:
ON-skin-{Skin Name}.jpg


ON-furnishing-{Furnishing Name}.jpg


  • Page(s) to check: ON:Mementos (collection)
  • Memento images should show your character performing the memento's animation. Some mementos have a longer animation, and may require multiple images. Images should not have any other characters in the shot, though exceptions may be made for some mementos that require another player as a target. File names should be in the form:
ON-item-memento-{Memento Name}.jpg

Project Members[edit]

If you are participating in the project, please add your name here in alphabetical order (keep Project Leaders at the top). Next to your name, provide some information on what types of tasks you are working on or would like to work on.

Note that contributions are welcome from all users, so you don't have to officially join the project in order to help out.