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UESPWiki:Archive/CP The main namespace, and its use (or lack thereof)

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This is an archive of past UESPWiki:Community Portal discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

I understand the purpose of having separate namespaces for the games, so to keep their respective information more easily organized. What I am wondering, though, is why do we not incorporate the main namespace more? Why do we not have more redirects and disambigs through the main namespace?
The status quo, whether explicitly or implicitly stated (I think there's an article here that says "the most popular pages"; I can't find it at the moment), dictates that the mainspace is only used for popular redirects. This fact, combined this, extends this dictation to "only the most broad, generic, popular terms." Prior to the removal of the page views, Oblivion:Unique Items had the fourth most page views, more views than Daggerfall:Daggerfall, and yet is not tied to the mainspace.
I ask, "Why shouldn't we use more redirects? Or for that matter, more disambigs?" I'd like to entertain those two questions.

Note: While I am highly in favor of using more mainspace redirects, I am not trying to push any plans through yet. This thread, at the moment, is purely for discussing the idea. --Riddle 06:54, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

My question is: Why is having more mainspace redirects necessary? What specifically does it do for the site? Also on a related note, wasn't there a decision made early on, somewhere about trying to keep disambigs to a minimum? I'm not sure about this though. It's four in the morning for me right now so I'm not too sure about anything beyond the fact that my hands, feet and head are still attached.— Unsigned comment by TheAlbinoOrc (talkcontribs) at 08:30 on 13 July 2010
There's no need for such redirects and they could cause serious confusion. As well as Oblivion:Unique Items we also have Bloodmoon:Unique Items and Tribunal:Unique Items. Why should Oblivion get the redirect just because it's more popular? There's no point even in creating a disambig. Searching for "Unique Items" brings up the three pages so why create a page to do the same? rpeh •TCE 09:06, 13 July 2010 (UTC)
Not to forget that the search is context sensitive. If you search for Unique Items while at an article in the Oblivion namespace, Oblivion:Unique Items will automatically be selected. Creating redirects from the mainspace will disrupt this. --Timenn-<talk> 09:26, 13 July 2010 (UTC)
@AlbinoOrc: For two reasons: A) Convenience for the unfamiliar user (and, to a lesser degree, the familiar user) and B) Bandwidth. Since the unfamiliar UESP user will not know to search by namespace, the redirects from the mainspace would point to static page of what he or she was wanting to view, instead of having to generate a list. Though, if you do get the chance, I would like to see where this decision to not use many disambigs was made. (This extends to anybody who can find it)
@rpeh: I didn't say Oblivion:Unique Items should get the redirect. That very reason you pointed out why it shouldn't get the redirect is also why I proposed more disambigs. Again, disambigs are static and don't have to be generated each time someone searches for whatever term they may be wanting to find.
@Timenn, I did not know this. While this renders my disambig argument mostly dead in the water (I bring up searching beyond your current gamespace), I do wonder why shouldn't we redirect to game-exclusive terms, such as specific NPCs? --Riddle 19:05, 13 July 2010 (UTC)