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Tribunal talk:Easter Eggs

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Daedric Museum[edit]

Is the 'Daedric Museum' really an Easter Egg? I mean, Daedra are already in the game. Sure, it's an interesting location, but it's quite a stretch to call it an Easter Egg. --Ratwar 11:43, 15 November 2006 (EST)

Agreed. And making a big deal about it missing Mephala's statue is hardly an issue - the other six have statue models already in the game. Mephala is the only one mentionned in Morrowind who has no statue, just an altar. Personally, I wouldn't even call it an interesting location. There's nothing there of any use or value whatsoever. (Other than the alchemy ingredients you can get from killing the three atronachs in the room.) My guess is that at best, it may be an intended side-quest that was never implemented in the game. Besides that? Some developper probably just decided that it was a shame they hadn't used the Daedric statues anywhere in Tribunal, so they added them at the last minute with no real purpose. --TheRealLurlock Talk 13:57, 15 November 2006 (EST)
The interaction with the trained rats show a lot of similarities with Boo from Megatokyo. Is it really intentional? -- 16:57, 15 April 2007 (EDT)
Funny ashes - There is a ash pile in front of entrance door to this chamber (I’m not sure if it had a weapon but I think it had one).
I think all this is part of the Easter egg. It looks like an triangle story. - Funestis — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:26 on 19 April 2008 (UTC)
There's also a statue of Boethiah there, which is interesting since he says there's no known statue or shrine anymore until you rebuild it. - 06:35, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
The Daedra aren't that smart are they? Malacanth is unaware of other relations to the Oreyn bloodline (as noted in his quest page.) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:50 on 22 August 2010 (UTC)

Ashes joke?[edit]

I don't completely get the ashes thing. Maybe if the tube was between the two ashes, I'd get it, but I don't. I'm in the room now, if someone wants to explain it to me. 20:22, 27 April 2009 (EDT)

To be honest, I've never found it that funny. Now deleted. –RpehTCE 00:46, 28 April 2009 (EDT)

Umm... Two piles of Ashes under a Single size bed. Dwemer had to procreate too. I say that it should go back up. Dwemer being cremated during intercourse is DEFINITELY a qualifying easter egg, IMHO.

And they couldn't just have been sleeping? rpeh •TCE 07:16, 18 August 2010 (UTC)
I took the tube as hinting towards a artificial phallus... IMO. And considering the lack of any similar placements of ashes, I think its at least notable. 04:57, 13 April 2012 (UTC)
Also, you not finding it funny isn't grounds for removable, develop intent is. If its believable a developer meant it as a joke, it should be included. I'll re-add it. 05:02, 13 April 2012 (UTC)
I really don't see how this is supposed to be a reference, they just stuck a bunch of ash piles and dwemmer objects around, and if it was on purpose, it would be like Rpeh said: they were just sleeping. (Eddie The Head 06:15, 13 April 2012 (UTC))
I am going to disagree with it as well. Ashes are sometimes in ruins, yes? Not very notable. Placing them under a bed shouldn't be very interesting, either. Vely►Talk►Email 15:35, 13 April 2012 (UTC)

Actually, no, ashes of Dwemer are ONLY found in this ruin and the placement of two sets with a tube and dwemer oil on the table as well as a cracked door with ashes outside... It all makes sense. Other editors have come to the same observation (taken from Bamz-Amschend talk page)

"Look, the ash piles are where the dwemer supposedly were when kagernac attempted to use the tools, right? Well, on the hall of wails, there are two ash piles and one dwemer tube under a bed... I think de developers made this on purpose, as a joke. You think it should be noted as a curiosity on the page? Max Welrod 15:11, 3 February 2009 (EST)

Oh, and I just noticed, there is an ashpile on one of the doors, meaning someone was about to open the door. I really think it was a joke... I remember seing a similar note on a morrowind (not tribunal) page... Max Welrod 15:18, 3 February 2009 (EST)

There's also a bottle of oil on the small table next to that bed. In the construction set, it's called "p_dwemer_lubricant00". -- 05:14, 10 September 2009 (UTC)" -Adoring Fan 06:55, 17 April 2012 (UTC)

Lubricant is used on machines as well... Doing a quick Google search shows that a few others have notice it and thought it was an Egg, but there's still a lot who think it isn't. I'm still pretty dubious. Vely►Talk►Email 20:25, 17 April 2012 (UTC)

The Eye of Argonia[edit]

Isn't it a reference to The Eye of Argon? The game Eye of Argonia is probably named after that novella. 15:44, 4 June 2009 (EDT)

Very probably; while possibly chosen by the Bethesda developers as a throw-away line the first time (though you'd have to ask them to confirm it - and can anyone provide a reference to the original "announcement"?), it somewhat makes sense as a reference - you're looking for journalists printing "nonsense", and up pops a reference to a story that (to quote TVTropes) "is well known for its abundant cliches, shoddy spelling, flat characters, wooden dialogue and overly colourful writing". It keeps being re-added to the article, and unless there's a policy or guidelines on "What is an Easter Egg and what can be said about them", I don't see how it's much different to many of the references on the Morrowind Easter Eggs page. Alphax 07:38, 6 June 2010 (UTC)
I don't think the Eye of Argonia is an easter egg at all. While it may have originally been the name of a game, it later pops up in the book The Ruins of Kemel-Ze (right at the end). It seems the eye of argonia is some kind of mystical object that people have long sought. Presumably the game of the same name would involve the player searching for the eye. I don't think it can really be called an easter egg when it pops up in three places (one very serious indeed- the name of a game) all pointing to it being the same thing. I suggest the mention of it in this article is removed. The Greatness 15:15, 21 November 2010 (UTC)
It's definitely an easter egg - read the reference - it's just an easter egg in more than one place. The point is that the game caused a lot of fuss but was never released - hence the fact that people are always searching for the Eye but never finding it. rpeh •TCE 17:26, 21 November 2010 (UTC)

The Naked Nord Barbarian[edit]

This easter egg is not from Tribunal, he can be found in the Original Game without Tribunal. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:00 on 23 July 2009 (UTC)

No, it is referring to Forstaag_The_Sweltering, who is introduced in Tribunal. --Elliot(T-C) 03:00, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Mace of Slurring Easter Egg[edit]

The description mentions that the maker is Kyanka, someone who enjoyed turning their opponents into a gibbering mess. Might be another reference to Something Awful and its founder. - 06:35, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

This has been up here quite a while, but it is accurate. It references the same individual as this entry. Echo (talk) 16:43, 25 June 2018 (UTC)

Donus Serethi and the Fourth Wall[edit]

Not sure if this qualifies as an Easter Egg--more just breaking the fourth wall--Donus Serethi in Llethan Manor's spoken dialogues is "I'm just standing here, watching you. It's my job." (or something close to that, don't have the game open right now). I interpret this as breaking the fourth wall of how characters have nothing to do besides walk around or stand around and watch the PC do stuff. -JB 2015.10.05 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:32 on 5 October 2015

A Pillow-maker out of work[edit]

Apologies, I missed this removal and am late responding to it. As per the page tag declaring that "Easter Eggs include inside jokes, pop culture references, and any similar reference", this quest involving the pillow-maker Therdon would qualify as an inside joke playing on the earlier events surrounding Drarayne Thelas' pillows in Morrowind. Those events were themselves humourous and ostensibly intended to break the fourth wall; in any case, Tribunal launched several months after Morrowind and included other Easter eggs of this nature, such as Forstaag the Sweltering and his rebuke of the player for assuming that he was yet another of the three naked, witch-cursed barbarians encountered in the base game.

Notably, the wiki tag mentions that such Easter eggs can (or should? it's ambiguous) refer to events outside the Elder Scrolls games. If that was the issue causing this removal, I'd simply point out that the existing Easter egg pages don't always adhere to that logic. A few examples of this grey area:

* In Morrowind: Ash slaves complaining about furniture (humorous, but apropos of nothing); giant creatures roaming in the Grazelands (unusual, but not Easter eggs); or various place names that resemble Assyrian/Babylonian place names (this is a byproduct of worldbuilding and is not evidence that any of those real-world locations or people are being alluded to, as would be the case with an Easter egg).
* In Bloodmoon: A pirate's treasure chest (containing secret treasure, but with no in-game joke or real-world reference attached); the corpse of an airship crewman who fell from his ship (simply an in-game event, unlike Morrowind's Tarhiel, who is an allusion to Icarus); and finally a prophecy referring to the events of Morrowind's sequel, Oblivion (for which there are two problems: 1) it is possible for Oddfrid's prophecy to be a genuine reflection of his knowledge of the game's fictional world and therefore not a direct reference to Bethesda's real-world sequel; and 2) this still would not be a reference outside the Elder Scrolls series).
* In Tribunal: an adult joke involving two vanished dwarves (again, humorous, but apropos of nothing); another prophecy foreshadowing the events of Oblivion (see above); and a joke involving a naked Nord (who explains he is simply too hot and not cursed, in reference to events in Morrowind but not anything else inside or outside of the Elder Scrolls franchise).

From this, we can judge that Easter egg classification is somewhat loose already. I'd draw a strong parallel between the pillow-maker Easter egg I added to the page and the existing one in Tribunal involving Forstaag and the other barbarians: in both cases they are inside jokes that refer back to events in Morrowind that were humorous and obscure.

I've gone ahead and reverted the page to add the pillow-maker Easter egg back, now that an explanation has been added to the talk page (per the request of a previous editor). Despite my lateness, it's a happy coincidence that I'm making this post on Easter weekend! Best wishes, Thalass (talk) 01:41, 17 April 2022 (UTC)

Link with Islam in Tribunal (false alert, origin was in a mod)[edit]

When speaking with Fedris Hler and asking for "little secret", we get the following answer:

"Not Equal are believers who sit home and receive not hurt and those who fight in the Cause of Almalexia with their wealth and their lives. The Blessed Lady Almalexia has granted a grade higher to those who fight with their possessions and bodies to those who sit at home. For those who fight Alsmivi has distinguished with a special reward for their service."

This is a modified version of a qoranic verse 4:95

"Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,- " — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:54 on 13 October 2023 (UTC)

I have checked in the Construction Set and there is no such dialogue in the vanilla game. This is likely added by a mod. — Wolfborn(Howl) 21:07, 13 October 2023 (UTC)
Hmm, you seem to be correct. Now i will have to hunt down which mod it is...
Found it. Seems to be LGNPC Less_Generic_Tribunal.
This easter egg can be removed. Should i do it? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:05 on 14 October 2023 (UTC)
Material on talk pages isn't normally removed once a discussion has begun. This might as well stay here since it serves as a reference for anyone else who might find this dialogue. — Wolfborn(Howl) 23:29, 14 October 2023 (UTC)
Ok Changed title for clarity — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:42 on 15 October 2023 (UTC)

City of light, city of magic[edit]

Guards in Mournhold sometimes say "Mournhold, city of light, city of magic!". This is a reference to the Randy Newman song "Burn On" which contains the lyric "Cleveland, city of light, city of magic!" Thebadgamer98 (talk) 05:15, 11 October 2024 (UTC)

This seems very probable to me. I'd feel better about saying "definitely" if we knew any of the devs were Randy Newman fans. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 23:53, 12 October 2024 (UTC)
Yeah I'm not that involved in the Morrowind sphere to have the ability to ask any of the devs if they were Newman fans. I couldn't find any use of the phrase outside of the song and the game and the song. Also, to be fair, Newman's big hit "You've got a friend in me" from Toy Story was recent when MW was in development. Thebadgamer98 (talk) 22:53, 13 October 2024 (UTC)