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Tamriel Rebuilt:Tinera Odrethi

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Tinera Odrethi (TR_m1_Tinera_Odrethi)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Port Telvannis
House Odrethi Manor
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 31 Class Enchanter
Other Information
Health 161 Magicka 200
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 6(Wizard)
Tinera Odrethi

Tinera Odrethi is a Dark Elf enchantress and Wizard of House Telvanni who can be found in her manor in Port Telvannis. She shares the manor with her husband Varrac, and they own an Argonian slave, Oka-Tei. The couple are in a bitter rivalry with Rantela Irenam; a rivalry that has taken a turn for the vicious.

She wears an extravagant shirt, an pair of extravagant gloves, an exquisite skirt, a pair of exquisite shoes, an exquisite amulet, a Feather ring, and a Cruel Viperbolt ring. She wields a silver staff of War, and carries a quality Reflection potion, an exclusive Restore Health potion, an exclusive Restore Magicka potion, and 100 leveled gold.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells: Absorb Speed (Ranged), Absorb Strength (Ranged), Blood Despair, Dire Weary, Drain Alchemy, Drain Blood, Drain Destruction, Drain Enchant, Drain Mysticism, Drain Unarmored, Feet of Notorgo, Great Feather, Masterful Fluid Evasion, Masterful Red Wisdom, Masterful Sublime Wisdom, Masterful Transfiguring Wisdom, Masterful Unseen Wisdom, Medusa's Gaze, Toxic Cloud, Second Barrier, Strong Fire Shield, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Reflect, Strong Shock Shield, Strong Spelldrinker, Summon Clannfear, Vivec's Mercy, Wild Distraction, and Wild Spelldrinker.

Related Quests[edit]



"Inera's brat has finally left the roost. Nevus has taken up an apprenticeship to learn alchemy from Rantela Irenam. Rumor has it, his foolish, doting mother is taking his decision to leave her tutelage badly and that she feels inadequate. Nothing lifts the spirit like tears of grief from a bitter foe, wouldn't you say, %PCName?"
  • latest rumors:
"There are rumors abounding that Varrac Odrethi, my husband, finds Inera Ilneram more attractive than he does me. Such lies! It's no truer than the rumor that Rantela Irenam has made a significant breakthrough in her research on Luminous Russula. Hundreds of years would not suffice for Rantela to find something interesting, and she's only been working on that project for eleven months."
  • my trade:
"I enchant items for sale. Port Telvannis is the place to be if you are looking for enchantments, outlander."
  • Rantela Irenam:
"Alchemy is the lowest form of magic, and Rantela Irenam is among its least competent practitioners. How she ever fooled the Parliament of Bugs into believing she was useful is beyond my understanding, and almost nothing is beyond my grasp."
  • Tinera Odrethi:
"I am Tinera Odrethi. Why are you speaking with me?"
  • Varrac Odrethi:
"Varrac is my husband, and one of the most able sorcerers in Port Telvannis. When he is not here, he can often be found in Tel Thenim in consultation with other notable mages of Port Telvannis."

Intrigue in Port Telvannis[edit]

  • Greetings:

If you are detected when sneaking around in Odrethi Manor:

"Spy of Rantela Irenam, reveal yourself. I know you're here and I will find you." Goodbye
"These are my private chambers. I do not recall inviting you here." Goodbye
"You were asked to leave, and you did not. Now you will pay for your transgression." Goodbye (Disposition down to 0, and she starts attacking you)

If you told either Varrac or Tinera of Inera's revenge plot and still executed it:

"You have betrayed me. Why did you bother to tell me of your plot and then go through with it anyway? No matter, your death is assured." Goodbye (Disposition down to 0, and she starts attacking you)

If Rantela Irenam, or Inera Ilneram, or both of them are dead:

"We asked you not to kill Rantela Irenam! You have no idea the trouble you have caused. Death comes for you." Goodbye (Disposition down to 0, and she starts attacking you)
"We asked you not to kill Inera Ilneram! May death find you as swiftly as it will find us for your actions." Goodbye (Disposition down to 0, and she starts attacking you)
"What part of our request not to kill either Rantela or Inera did you fail to comprehend? You have likely caused our deaths, but we will cause yours first." Goodbye (Disposition down to 0, and she starts attacking you)

If you betrayed Inera Ilneram:

"Yes, you have come for your reward for double crossing Inera and Rantela in their plot for revenge."
  • dead body:
"I know nothing of this matter, do not waste my time."

The Slave Trade[edit]

  • misplaced slave:
"Not my slave, serjo."