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Tamriel Rebuilt:The Great River

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Barter or thieve for a rare bezoar.
Quest Giver: Herconius Jandacia
Location(s): Firewatch, Ember Keep: High Halls
Reward: 400 gold, A Treatise on Calcinator Use
ID: TR_m1_FW_CollegeGreatRiver

This quest is timed, and you will have seven days to complete it from the point where you first agree to help Herconius.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Herconius Jandacia in Firewatch's Ember Keep about bezoar stone.
  2. (If you have one) Sell a Bezoar Stone to Herconius (ends quest).
  3. Talk to Stands-in-Sun in the Guild of Mages.
  4. (Optional) Ask Herconius to receive the requested bottles of Black Hills Wine.
  5. Bring 5x bottles of Black Hills Wine to Stands-in-Sun.
  6. Ask Malpeg gro-Hersgrun at Firewatch's College (Tedyne Llarom's classroom) about a bezoar stone and make a trade.
  7. Ask Nala Niabhe at the Guild of Fighters to make a trade.
  8. (Optional) Steal the Minotaur Horn from the shelf behind Nala and skip to step 20.
  9. Talk to Tien Ha'zan at the College (top floor) about make a trade.
  10. Travel to Helnim and contact Hafinsil in the Zafirbel Bay Company building there.
  11. Go to Tel Drevis and ask Vela Heleran for an Exquisite Telvanni Hat.
  12. Journey to Alt Bosara and ask Vaerin to make a trade.
  13. (Optional) Steal Vela Heleran's Poisonguard Robe from Vaerin's bedroom, and skip to step 20.
  14. Trek to Necrom's docks and speak to Talire Mirel on behalf of Vaerin.
  15. Ask Ethaso Athones on the top floor of Necrom's Docks Administration building to release Talire's ship.
  16. Find Renil Tothre in Necrom's High Offices.
  17. (Optional) Give Renil Tothre a Quality Fortify Fatigue potion and skip to step 20.
  18. Speak to Leranen Othril in her Upper District apothecary store.
  19. Walk to the Peninsula of Veloth and speak to Nedril Orelu.
  20. Retrace your steps to trade in the requested items.
  21. Return with your Bezoar Stone to Herconius.
  22. (Optional) Return to Herconius after two days have passed for an Alchemy skill book titled A Treatise on Calcinator Use.


  • If you happen to be of Journeyman rank or higher in the Mages Guild, you can simply purchase a Bezoar Stone from Garas Orenim in Andothren.
  • If you don't happen to be of sufficient rank in the Mages Guild, picking Garas' pocket and running very fast is also an option.


  • (Current as of 24.12) If you do have a Bezoar Stone on you on first asking about the topic, Herconius will offer to buy it from you - however, this is a looping dialogue (regardless of whether you answer 'no' or 'yes'), and he cannot actually complete the purchase.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

The Great River (TR_m1_FW_CollegeGreatRiver)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
4 Herconius Jandacia asked me to find a bezoar stone for him. He said that Stands-in-Sun at the Mages Guild used to have one, but she sold it. Herconius only has one week to get the stone for his project at the College of Firewatch.
8 Stands-in-Sun said that she would tell me who she sold the bezoar stone to in exchange for five bottles of Black Hills Wine. She said that Herconius Jandacia probably has some Black Hills Wine.
10 Herconius Jandacia gave me five bottles of Black Hills Wine to bring to Stands-In-Sun.
12 Stands-in-Sun told me that she sold her bezoar stone to Malpeg gro-Hersgrun, another student taking the alchemy class at the College of Firewatch.
16 Malpeg gro-Hersgrun said that he needs the bezoar stone for the same project that Herconius needs it for. He said that he would make a trade for a minotaur horn. Nala Niabhe, a member of the Fighters' Guild, has a minotaur horn as a trophy.
20 Nala Niabhe told me that she would give me the minotaur horn if I could get Tien Ha'zan at the College of Firewatch to publish the memoirs that she sent to him.
24 Tien Ha'zan agreed to publish Nala Niabhe's memoirs if I could get Hafinsil, a college alumni who works for the Zafirbel Bay Company in Helnim, to follow through on a donation he promised to the printing department.
28 Hafinsil said that he will make good on his promised donation if I can get him an exquisite Telvanni hat. He said that Vela Heleran, the mage lord of Tel Drevis, has one such hat.
32 Vela Heleran said that I could have her exquisite Telvanni hat if I could get back an enchanted robe that was stolen from her by an agent of Master Vaerin, the mage lord of Alt Bosara.
36 Master Vaerin told me that he will return Vela Helaran's robe if I can find out what happened to the cargo that he is waiting on from Talire Mirel in Necrom.
40 Talire Mirel said that her ship is being held up by Ethano Athones, an official at the Necrom Docks Administration.
44 Ethano Athones said that he would allow Talire's ship to leave port if I could convince Renil Tothre, his superior in the High Offices, to give him a pay raise.
48 Renil Tothre promised to give Ethano Athones a raise if I find a quality potion of fortify fatigue. He said that Leranen Othril may have one. She is an apothecary in the High District, near the Shrine of the First Citizens.
52 Leranen Othril said that she had a potion of fortify fatigue, but she sold it to a pilgrim who went to the Peninsula of Veloth south of town.
56 The pilgrim at the Peninsula of Veloth gave me his potion of fortify fatigue out of generosity.
60 Renil Tothre said that he would give Ethano Athones a raise.
64 Ethano Athones said that he would let Talire Mirel take her cargo to Alt Bosara.
66 Talire Mirel thanked me for helping her and told me to give the good news to Master Vaerin.
68 Master Vaerin gave me the robe that his agent stole from Vela Heleran.
72 Vela Heleran gave me her exquisite Telvanni hat in exchange for the robe that Master Vaerin had stolen from her.
76 I gave Hafinsil an exquisite Telvanni hat. He promised to send his donation to the College of Firewatch's printing department.
80 Tien Ha'zan said that he would publish Nala Niabhe's memoirs.
84 Nala Niabhe gave me her minotaur horn.
90 I exchanged a minotaur horn for Malpeg gro-Hersgrun's bezoar stone.
95 Finishes quest☑ It has been a week since Herconius Jandacia asked me to find him a bezoar stone. He must have missed the deadline for his alchemy class by now.
100 Finishes quest☑ I brought a bezoar stone to Herconius Jancadia. He paid me well for it and told me to stop by again in a few days once he makes the potion.
105 Finishes quest☑ It has been a few days since I gave a bezoar stone to Herconius Jancadia. He should have presented his potion in his class by now.
110 Finishes quest☑ Herconius Jandacia told me that he passed his alchemy class and gave me one of his textbooks.
120 Finishes quest☑ Herconius Jandacia died before I could bring him a bezoar stone.