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Tamriel Rebuilt:Sinsal Nedriem

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Sinsal Nedriem (TR_m1_Sinsal_Nedriem)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Ranyon-ruhn
Location The Dancing Jug
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 30 Class Alchemist Service
Gold 1000 Mercantile Novice (8)
Other Information
Health 154 Magicka 200
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 5(Spellwright)
Sinsal Nedriem

Sinsal Nedriem is a Dark Elf alchemist and Spellwright of House Telvanni who can be found in The Dancing Jug in Ranyon-ruhn. A recent arrival, he is convinced his potions are better than those of his rivals, Nevusa Lakasyn and Irele Nathryon, and is prepared to say almost anything to prove the point. His reputation for unpleasantness has spread into the surrounding countryside, and other people may see him as a solution to their own problems.

He wears an extravagant robe and a Third Barrier Ring. He carries all the wares he sells.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Absorb Agility (Ranged), Absorb Intelligence, Absorb Luck (Ranged), Absorb Speed (Ranged), Absorb Strength (Ranged), Absorb Willpower (Ranged), Dire Weary, Great Feather, Second Barrier, Strong Fire Shield, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Reflect, Strong Shock Shield, Strong Spelldrinker, Summon Clannfear, Summon Greater Bonewalker, and Wild Spelldrinker.

Related Quests[edit]



  • Greeting:
"If Alasha's booze isn't what you need, maybe my potions can do the trick."
  • latest rumors:
"Don't mention I told you, but Irele Nathryon and Nevusa Lakasyn sell worthless junk. I'm the real deal in Ranyon-ruhn, trust me, %PCName."
  • my trade:
"I thought you'd notice. I'm an alchemist, the best one around. Trust me, %PCName, I'm your Elf."
  • Services:
"I have everything you need right here. No need to go anywhere else."
  • slander:
"What are you talking about?"

Alchemical Slander[edit]

  • Greeting:

If you agreed to Sinsal's deal:

"My friend! What can I do for you today?"
  • slander:
"I see. Either Nevusa or Irele told you so. Look, %PCRace, I'm not involved in such things; I'm earning my money through my honest work and the quality of services I provide. It's not my fault if the local competitors can't stand up to this challenge."
"Go blame somebody else."
"What are you talking about? You accuse me of planning Master Mithras' murder? Me?! Murder our beloved lord? Never! Begone, %PCRace; I will accept no more slanders. And give me that. Here -- this bottle will now harm no one." (Removed Deadly Poison from your inventory)
"Don't try cheap trickery on me, %PCRace."
"What is it this time? Oh, so now you accuse me of theft! Would you care to explain where you found this ebony? Because I still haven't got a room to stash it in, and I obviously didn't carry this in my pockets. Not to mention the fact that my potions don't require such ingredients. How much more embarrassment do you want, %PCName? You've made a complete fool of yourself. Twice."
"Stop plotting, will you?"
"Back to amuse us again? What kind of ridiculous slander have you invented this time?"
  • How about the Skingrad Wine bottle, which you stole from the tavern's supplies?: "What?! Please, not so loud, these drunkards would kill anyone who dared to steal their booze!"
  • You deserve no less for the slanders you've spread.: "Yes, yes, I know. But listen, I have a counter-proposal for you; I'm sure you will like it. If you decide to let that snitch attitude of yours aside, I can compensate you for your trouble. How's 500 septims? You just take the gold and leave me go on with my business. It's a fair deal, right?"
  • Gold, eh? Irele Nathryon wouldn't give me more anyway. Deal.: "I was sure you could appreciate a good opportunity. Here, my friend. Come and see me whenever you're in town." (You receive 500 gold)
  • 500? This is your life we're talking about. Is that all it's worth to you?: "I don't think so, %PCRace. It's 500 or nothing."
  • You're tough Sinsal, I'll give you that. Very well then, 500 it is.: "I was sure you could appreciate a good opportunity. Here, my friend. Come and see me whenever you're in town." (You receive 500 gold)
  • I don't come cheap! Leave before I kill you.: "Alright, I get it; I'll hit the road and never return. I never liked this gods-forsaken ruin of a town anyway." Goodbye
If Disposition is at least 70:
"You've got me cornered. Fine, here, take the double and let me be." (You receive 1000 gold)
  • And let two decent women be driven into poverty? Leave before I kill you myself!: "Alright, I get it; I'll hit the road and never return. I never liked this gods-forsaken ruin of a town anyway." Goodbye
"There's nothing more to say about it, I believe."
