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Tamriel Rebuilt:Hlersis

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Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: House Indoril
Region: Sacred Lands

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:


Hlersis is a small subterranean mining town in the Sacred Lands, although the mine in question is not for ores or rare gems, but Bloatspore. This common mushroom is gathered and sold in great quantities to the mages of the Mages Guild and House Telvanni. The settlement itself is owned by the Erethan family of Erethan Plantation, with a scion of that house, Thadas Erethan, overseeing work in the mine on his father's command.

Getting There and Around[edit]

The town's entrance can be reached by following the road running west from Necrom, passing the road that leads to the Sacred Lands Sanctuary on your right and continuing onwards. At the next junction, continue east and the entrance to Hlersis should be right in front of you.


Golam Danoran is the town trader, while Dalam Rethre sells weapons and armor from his store, Hides, Chains, Plates & Blades. An inn named The Leaking Spore, owned by Gadali Sarothril, provides beds for travelers and succor for the hungry. The settlement's temple and mine are somewhat unexpectedly only accessible via this tavern, with the temple being presided over by Bradas Grothilas. The mine itself is stuffed with bloat spores to the point where residents will be quick to ask if you have caught any disease while passing through. Perhaps because of this, the town prefers to use slaves as their miners, with work overseen by Thadas Erethan in person, who has grown concerned with the mine's rate of production.

The below table is a list of all people in Hlersis.

Arenar Talanian Male Dark Elf Agent Imperial Legion Recruit(Recruit) 17 161 116 100 30 The Leaking Spore Trainer
Athas Fendyn Male Dark Elf Pilgrim Tribunal Temple Novice(Novice) 6 76 92 100 30 Temple
Balamus Hlerayn Male Dark Elf Commoner 3 57 84 0 30 Hlersis
Bedaves Sarothril Male Dark Elf Commoner 7 81 94 100 30 Sarothril's Dwelling
Bradas Grothilas Male Dark Elf Monk Tribunal Temple Disciple(Disciple) 18 131 108 100 30 Temple Trainer
Bun-Zaw Male Argonian Slave 3 53 84 100 30 Mine
Dalam Rethre Male Dark Elf Trader 14 122 122 100 30 Hides, Chains, Plates & Blades Smith
Fedura Varam Female Dark Elf Commoner 2 46 82 100 30 The Leaking Spore
Gadali Sarothril Female Dark Elf Publican 8 71 122 100 30 The Leaking Spore
Golam Danoran Male Dark Elf Trader Service 7 82 100 100 30 Golam Danoran: Trader Trader
Madali Merath Female Dark Elf Healer Tribunal Temple Novice(Novice) 9 66 98 100 30 Temple
Muz-Ra Female Argonian Slave 2 46 102 100 30 Mine
Nadene Oril Female Dark Elf Barbarian 8 91 92 90 30 Nadene Oril's Dwelling
Norus Drethan Male Dark Elf Priest Tribunal Temple Curate(Curate) 21 124 136 100 30 Temple
Rilamus Sarothril Male Dark Elf Hunter 12 98 98 100 30 The Leaking Spore
S'Baadar Female Khajiit Slave 4 60 84 0 30 Mine
Thadas Erethan Male Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Accorder(Accorder) 16 129 128 100 30 Mine Foreman
Undilaril Male High Elf Alchemist 9 66 172 100 30 Hlersis Trainer
Vaden Nerath Female Dark Elf Priest Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 17 102 124 100 30 Temple Merchant, Spell Merchant, Spellmaker
Vedave Arendu Male Dark Elf Monk 5 61 86 0 30 Vedave Arendu's Shack
Vedaves Sendalas Male Dark Elf Bard 12 68 122 100 30 The Leaking Spore Trainer
Zahraji Female Khajiit Slave 3 53 84 0 30 Mine Entrance


While no quests begin in Hlersis, A Lost Traveler does direct you here. Asking townsfolk about latest rumors unveil several possible plothooks (sickness slowing work in the mines, and suspicion around the intentions of the Altmer, Undilaril), but if quests were planned on these aspects, they were never implemented.


  • As with other cavern settlements in Tamriel Rebuilt, such as Kellidan, the location is expected to be reworked or removed in a future release.