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Tamriel Rebuilt:Nethan Marys

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Nethan Marys (TR_m1_T_Nethan_Marys)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Port Telvannis
Location Telvanni Council House: Chambers
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 20 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 107 Magicka 164
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 4(Mouth)
Nethan Marys

Nethan Marys is a Dark Elf mage and the Mouth of Mistress Faruna, who is located in the meeting chamber of the Telvanni Council House in Port Telvannis. If you are a member of House Telvanni, she will have two chores for you to complete: Delivering the payment for new slaves from the Port Telvannis slave market, and delivering some special seeds for Mistress Faruna in Tel Oren.

She wears an extravagant robe with matching shoes. She wields a dwarven dagger, and carries an exclusive Fortify Magicka potion and a quality Restore Health potion.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells: Absorb Intelligence, Absorb Speed, Absorb Willpower, Blood Despair, Blood Gift, Burden of Sin, Deadly Poison, Dire Weakness to Fire, Dire Weakness to Frost, Dire Weakness to Magicka, Dire Weakness to Poison, Dire Weakness to Shock, Feet of Notorgo, Fire Shield, Great Feather, Masterful Red Wisdom, Medusa's Gaze, Poet's Whim, Powerwell, Reflect, Sleep, Strong Fire Shield, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Shock Shield, Summon Skeletal Minion, Vivec's Mercy, Weak Spelldrinker, Wild Spelldrinker, and Wizard Rend.

Related Quests[edit]

Great House Telvanni[edit]


  • Greeting:
"Are you here to discuss your chores, %PCRank?"
  • Background:
"I am %Name. I serve Mistress Faruna of Tel Oren."
  • chores:
"Mistress Faruna takes a keen interest in plants, and their magical properties. I have recently procured seeds of the rare Desert Siren plant that is native to Hammerfell and need someone to deliver the seeds to my Mistress at Tel Oren."
"Mistress Faruna requires some new slaves be sent to Tel Oren."
"After you botching your last chore, why would I give you another?"
"I have no other chores for you. Perhaps you should speak with the other Mouths, or Mistress Faruna."
  • Council:
"I sit on the council, and represent my lady Mistress Faruna in official matters."
  • Mistress Faruna:
"Mistress Faruna lives in the tower of Tel Oren, on a small, remote island in the Dagon Urul region. She is not receptive to being disturbed and values her privacy."
  • Tel Oren:
"Tel Oren is the tower of Mistress Faruna. It is a lone tower on the tip of the Amurbal Peninsula. From Ranyon-ruhn, take the road to Firewatch until you reach the area where a small dirt track leads north to Varyon Ancestral Tomb. Ignore this, but when the road soon curves north, leave it and continue west, cross country. Find your way through or round the mountain range there, and head southwest. You should hopefully find Tel Oren after a bit of a trek. I'll mark it on your map, to help orientation."
  • Telvanni Mouths:
"I am the Mouth of Mistress Faruna of Tel Oren. The other Mouths are Malvas Relvani, who speaks for Archmagister Rilvin Dral, Areth Morvayn for Mistress Rathra, Fervas Shulisa for Mistress Eldale, Nevrile Omayn for Master Mithras, and Norahin Darys for Master Vaerin."

House Telvanni: Fresh Delivery[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Mistress Faruna needs her new slaves. Have you done as I asked?"
  • chores:
"I'm not going to give you any more chores until you have delivered the gems to Naral Dunden, so Faruna can receive her new slaves."
  • new slaves:
"Before you take this task, I want you to understand exactly what is expected of you. These valuable gems are to be taken to Naral Dunden, administrator of the Port Telvannis slave pens. You may be tempted to take that which does not belong to you -- do not do this, the consequences could be ghastly. In addition, once given the gems, you will have only three hours to deliver them to Naral Dunden at the slave pens. Will you do this?"
  • No.: "I understand. Is there anything else you wish to talk about?"
"Return when you have paid Naral Dunden for the delivery of some new slaves to Tel Oren."
"You did well, and have proven yourself trustworthy, %PCName. Here is a reward for your services." (You receive 2 Emeralds)
"You did as I asked, and I have rewarded you. There is no need to talk about this."

If you failed to deliver the gems in three hours:

"I haven't decided whether you're lazy or simply incompetent, %PCRace. Why must we discuss your failure?"

If you managed to steal some gems and survive the consequences:

"You survived, %PCRace. Congratulations, though your thievery is not forgotten here. Now why have you come to speak to me?"

House Telvanni: Seeds for Faruna[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Hmm, I believe your current chores include one of my own devising. You were to deliver the seeds of the Desert Siren to Mistress Faruna, if I'm not mistaken."
  • chores:
"You must deliver the seeds to Mistress Faruna."
  • deliver the seeds:
"Take these seeds to Mistress Faruna at Tel Oren. She should be most pleased to have them, though you should take care not to wander too close to some of her more aggressive species. You'll see what I mean, %PCName." (You receive Desert Siren Seeds)
"Have you delivered the Desert Siren seeds to Mistress Faruna yet?"
  • Not yet, but I will soon.: "I have no doubt that you will."
  • Yes, the seeds are delivered.: "Thank you. Take this reward, and return when you wish to do more chores." (Disposition up by 5, and you receive Falar's Emberfist)
"There is no need to hold further discussion on this matter."