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Tamriel Rebuilt:Llernele Yantus

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Llernele Yantus (TR_m1_Llernele_Yantus)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Gah Sadrith
Location Llernele Yantus' Manor
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 8 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 81 Magicka 96
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Llernele Yantus

Llernele Yantus is a Dark Elf commoner who can be found in her manor that she shares with her husband, Fernil Yantus, in Gah Sadrith. Fernil has been acting very strangely recently, much to the talk of Dralsea and Gavat Redam. She is worried about him, but she has no idea about the extent of her husband's secret activities.

She wears a common shirt with matching skirt and shoes. She wields an iron dagger, and carries 5 Standard Rising Force potions and 2 leveled gold.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.

In the study area where Llernele is, there is a master's mortar and pestle on top of the desk behind her, a Scroll of Healing next to the mortar and pestle, and a master's calcinator on the floor to the left of the desk. To the right of Llernele, there is a vase that contains a leveled scroll. In the bedroom area on the top floor, there is a small locked chest (35) of leveled gems on top of the dresser.

Related Quests[edit]



  • Fernil Yantus:
"My husband has been acting quite strange recently. He is often not at home and always acts jumpy, as if he was hiding something or somebody was watching him permanently. I've never known him to be like this. It worries me quite a lot. I wouldn't tell you such things, but perhaps you know something I don't. If you discover what worries him, please, tell me."

If Fernil is dead:

"Get out of my house, murderer!" Goodbye (Disposition down by 100)
  • latest rumors:
"Do not mind what Dralse or Gavat Redam may tell you. They're just ignorant fetchers!"

Fiancee Lost[edit]

"So you believe a Breton lady came here to ask about my necklace? I am sorry, but I can't help you. I have heard talk of her disappearance, but I spent all that day in Port Telvannis, selling that necklace to someone else, who asked me first. But my husband Fernil Yantus was at home all the time. Perhaps you could ask him."

Gah Sadrith Inquisition[edit]

  • Fernil Yantus:
"My husband told me he was going to Port Telvannis. Strange, he rarely travels there."
  • weird amulet:
"I once found this strange amulet locked in my husband's drawers, while I was cleaning, but I put it back and didn't pay attention. Where did you get it?"