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Tamriel Rebuilt:Iron-Claws Urkhu

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Iron-Claws Urkhu (TR_m3_Urkhu)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Elsweyr Mission
Race Cathay-raht Gender Male
Level 30 Class Warrior
Other Information
Health 274 Magicka 126
Alarm 100 Fight 40
Iron-Claws Urkhu

Iron-Claws Urkhu is a Cathay-raht Khajiit warrior who can be found on the ground floor guarding the Elsweyr Mission at Ebon Tower in Old Ebonheart. During the search for S'Khar-ra in the quest 'The Prince of Rats', if you tell Prince Ji'Morashu-ri about S'Khar-ra's potential whereabouts before going to look in the eastern sewers yourself, the Prince will send Iron-Claws Urkhu in the sewers as additional help in translating S'Khar-ra's speech and dealing with his abducters, Rothur and Velmu.

For protection, he wears a set of Nibenese bronze greaves, a pair of iron bracers, and a spiked iron right pauldron. For clothing, he wears a pair of exquisite pants. He wields a steel scimitar.

Like all Cathay-raht Khajiit, he can see well in the dark, can demoralize others for short periods, and has a natural bonus to his attack, endurance, and strength, but otherwise knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]



  • Greetings:
(Upon first meeting):
"Do not cause any trouble and %Name will not turn you into food scraps, %PCRace."
(Upon first meeting and if you are a Khajiit):
"Do not think that just because you are a %PCRace that %Name does not have his eye on you. Cause any trouble and %Name will reduce you to food scraps."
"%Name is watching you, %PCName."
(If you helped Aillijar escape Almas Thirr in the quest 'Catcatching in Almas Thirr'):
  • Aillijar:
"Do not think that this deed will make %Name let his guard down, %PCRace."
"Alfiq are not often seen here in Morrowind. They can be quite serious, but as you can see with Prince S'Khar-ra, they can be easily distracted. Alfiq often wear hats and vests, and many are superb with rapiers. They are tricksters and mages and have beautiful singing voices. Though they understand others' language, they can only speak the language of the Khajiit, Ta'agra."
  • Background:
"All that you need to know is %Name is here to protect the mission and Prince Ji-Morashu-ri."
"Cathay-raht like %Name are the most powerful of the Khajiit and serve the Mane as warriors and guards. Other races often refer to the Cathay-raht as the jaguar-men."
  • Khajiit:
"Yes, %Name is a Khajiit. Why do you ask?"
  • Mane:
"The Mane is the leader of the Khajiit, and to serve the Mane is the greatest honor a Khajiit can receive."
"Some say the Ohmes-raht resemble tall Bosmer, and others say they resemble men. Unlike other Khajiit, Ohmes-raht walk on their heels. They are often refined and poised, and serve as ambassadors like Prince J'Morashu-ri [sic]."

The Prince of Rats[edit]

  • Greetings:
(After starting the quest):
"Urkhu learned that the Prince gave you the task of finding his missing brother. We all hope for your success, and we will not laze around in sugar-sleep either."
(In the eastern sewers):
"There you are! Prince Ji'Morashu-ri asked %Name to help %PCName find his highness's elder brother. Urkhu tracked your steps in the city, and they led him to the sewers as well. It appears that %Name was just a step ahead of you. We've found S'Khar-ra. Prince Ji'Morashu-ri will be so pleased!"
  • Yes, of course, I always come through.:
"%Name will handle these two. You talk to the prince and get him to come with us!"
  • I found the missing ambassador? Where is he?:
"Why, Prince S'Khar-ra is right there! Don't you see him?"
  • I see two Dunmer and a cat. Where is this Khajiit? Is he invisible?:
(If you are not a Khajiit):
"That is no cat. That is Prince S'Khar-ra, Ji'Morashu-ri's elder brother!"
  • I know. I was just testing you.:
"You are not very funny. Now, %Name will deal with these two Dunmer. You get the prince to come with us. Unfortunately, Prince S'Khar-ra only speaks our ancient tongue, but Urkhu will help you translate it."
  • That's a Khajiit? It looks like a house cat.:
"There are many kinds of Khajiit. Prince J'Morashu-ri is an Ohmes-raht. %Name is a Cathay-raht. Prince S'Khar-ra is an Alfiq. But now, %Name will deal with these two Dunmer. You get the prince to come with us. Unfortunately, Prince S'Khar-ra only speaks our ancient tongue, but I will help you translate it."
  • That's the Prince's older brother? They don't look much alike.:
"Prince J'Morashu-ri and Prince S'Khar-ra were born under different phases of the moons. Masser and Secunda determine what form a Khajiit takes in life. But now, %Name will deal with these two Dunmer. You get the prince to come with us! Unfortunately, Prince S'khar-ra [sic] only speaks our ancient tongue, but Urkhu will help you translate it."
(If you are a Khajiit):
"I thought it would be obvious to one of our kind. That is no cat. That is Prince S'Khar-ra, Ji'Morashu-ri's elder brother!"
  • I know. I was just testing you.:
"You are not very funny. Now, %Name will deal with these two Dunmer. You get the prince to come with us!"
  • That's a Khajiit? It looks like a house cat.:
"I'm surprised by your ignorance, %PCName. There are many kinds of Khajiit. Prince J'Morashu-ri is an Ohmes-raht. %Name is a Cathay-raht. Prince S'Khar-ra is an Alfiq. Now, %Name will deal with these two Dunmer. You get the prince to come with us!"
  • That's the Prince's older brother? They don't look much alike.:
(If you are a man):
"It looks like you have completely forgotten your roots, brother. Prince J'Morashu-ri and Prince S'Khar-ra were born under different phases of the moons. Masser and Secunda determine what form a Khajiit takes in life. But now, %Name will deal with these two Dunmer. You get the prince to come with us!"
(If you are a woman):
"It looks like you have completely forgotten your roots, sister. Prince J'Morashu-ri and Prince S'Khar-ra were born under different phases of the moons. Masser and Secunda determine what form a Khajiit takes in life. But now, %Name will deal with these two Dunmer. You get the prince to come with us!"
  • I, ah, yes, of course. I was just testing you.: (See responses for 'I know. I was just testing you.' choices above)
(If you haven't tried convincing S'Khar-ra to go back to the Elsweyr Mission):
"Should we give these villains the payback they deserve?"
  • Yes, no mercy to the thieves!:
"Prepare to die, scoundrels!" Goodbye (He attacks Rothur and Velmu)
  • Not yet.:
"As %PCName wishes. Let %name know if you change your mind."
(If you tried convincing S'Khar-ra to go back to the Elsweyr Mission):
"Urkhu is unsure how to proceed. Maybe you can convince the prince that his time is better spent at our mission than here in the sewers? He must miss our stores of moon sugar, at least. Or do you think he is speaking under duress? Should Urkhu cut those scoundrels who are keeping him here to ribbons?" (See identical choices above)
(If Rothur and Velmu are dead):
"These snatchers are finally dealt with! You should speak with S'Khar-ra and assure him that he has nothing to fear now. Don't worry, Urkhu will translate for you."
  • S'Khar-ra:
"Iit [sic] looks like the Prince loves it here. Urkhu was sent to bring him back at all costs, but we did not anticipate that he might not want to be brought back. If you are unable to find a way to convince him to return home, at least you can tell Prince Ji'Morashu-ri his whereabouts. %name will keep those two Dunmer in check while you are thinking about it, %PCClass."
"The prince is entitled to spend his time however he wants to, even if Urkhu can only shake his head at it. At least he wasn't kidnapped by House Hlaalu."
(If S'Khar-ra is back at the Elsweyr Mission):
"It is good that the prince is back where he belongs."
(If S'Khar-ra is dead):
"%Name does not want to talk about it, %PCName. What a loss!"