Tamriel Rebuilt:Hulga

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Hulga (TR_m3_Hulga)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Guild of Fighters
Race Nord Gender Female
Level 5 Class Warrior
Other Information
Health 89 Magicka 66
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Faction(s) Fighters Guild 1(Apprentice)

Hulga is a Nord warrior and Apprentice of the Fighters Guild who can be found on the ground floor of the guildhall in Old Ebonheart.

She wears a common shirt with matching pants, skirt, and shoes. She wields an iron dagger.

Aside from her natural resistance to shock, immunity to frost, ability to shield herself, and a natural frost damage spell, she knows no spells.


  • Greeting:
"Greetings, %PCName! Welcome to the Old Ebonheart Guild of Fighters! If you're a member, we have sleeping arrangements upstairs, and a full armory in the basement. Please make yourself at home."