Tamriel Rebuilt:Hastophos Velifer

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Hastophos Velifer (TR_m3_Hastophos Velifer)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
House Hastophos Velifer's House
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 19 Class Necromancer
Other Information
Health 144 Magicka 246
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Hastophos Velifer, Old Ebonheart's resident necromancer

Hastophos Velifer is an Imperial necromancer who practises his craft in the city of Old Ebonheart - one of the few places in Morrowind where necromancy is a legal and permitted practice. Given his rare specialism, his expertise can be called upon in a number of quests involving interaction with the dead, while the Tribunal Temple quest, Outlandish Heresy, will see you attempt to shutter his operations entirely.

He wears a common robe and a pair of common shoes. He wields a silver shortsword, and carries a copy of N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis! and a copy of Saka'Punika! Rahkspondu! Kvata!.

Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows the following spells: Absorb Intelligence, Absorb Personality, Absorb Personality (Ranged), Absorb Willpower, Blood Despair, Commanding Touch, Deadly Poison, Dire Noise, Dire Weakness to Fire, Dire Weakness to Frost, Dire Weakness to Magicka, Dire Weakness to Poison, Dire Weakness to Shock, Drain Blood, Far Silence, Medusa's Gaze, Toxic Cloud, Poisonbloom, Reflect, Sleep, Summon Greater Bonewalker, Summon Skeletal Minion, Viperbolt, Weak Spelldrinker, Wild Distraction, and Wild Spelldrinker.

His house is crammed with various valuables and treasures. In the kitchen on the ground floor, there are 3 bottles of Twin Moons Wine in the winerack. On top of the winerack, there is a bottle of goya, a bottle of Cyrodiilic brandy, and 2 bottles of flin. In the pantry, there is a locked small chest (90) that contains 250 gold and 250 random gold. It can be unlocked with the Bone Key found on the bookshelf in the ritual room upstairs. On the hutch by the stairs, there is a limeware platter, a limeware bowl, a limeware flask, and 2 limeware cups. In his bedroom upstairs, there is a Magickguard Robe, a Ring of Nullification, and an extravagant ring on the shelves of the closet. There is a Bone Guard Belt and a Ghost Charm on the chest of drawers. The ritual room is behind a yellow and green tapestry on the second floor. On the desk, there is an Exclusive Restore Health potion, a master's mortar and pestle, a filled grand soul gem (Winged Twilight) and an empty grand soul gem cupped in a skeletal hand. On the wall shelves next to the desk, there are 2 Exclusive Restore Magicka potions and another Exclusive Restore Health potion. In the basin, there is a piece of gold ore, and there is a cursed black pearl stuck on the outside of the basin. On the bookshelf, there is a filled greater soul gem (Ogrim), an empty greater soul gem, 2 rubies in the eye sockets of a Khajiit skull, the aforementioned Bone Key, 2 Exclusive Magicka Resistance potions, and a Standard Potion of Night-Eye.

Related Quests[edit]

Tribunal Temple[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]



  • Greeting:
(Upon first meeting):
"Only few people have the courage to enter my house. Salutations to you, brave soul! My name is Hastophos Velifer and I am a necromancer. Have you come to talk with the dead?"
  • talk with the dead:
"Death comes to us all... eventually. Sometimes people want to know what's waiting for them, sometimes they want to know if their loved ones' souls are at peace in the great unknown of the void. As a necromancer I can summon the bones of the dead to walk the earth once more, so the living might ask them questions. And the dead do tell tales. Sometimes they reveal secrets, sometimes horrors. Do you have someone in mind?"
  • Not right now.:
"That is understandable. The dead sometimes frighten the living."
  • Yes.:
"Yes? Give me a name of the dead one. For a fee of 60 septims I can summon them."
  • I've changed my mind.:
"That is understandable. The dead sometimes frighten the living."

Tribunal Temple: Outlandish Heresy[edit]

  • Greetings:
(After necromancy has been banned):
"You fool. You small-minded, dogmatic fool. Necromancy has been outlawed in Old Ebonheart! I know that this is all your doing... You've robbed me of my livelihood, %PCName. I cannot help people anymore. Not without risking getting jailed. I hope you're happy. Get the hell out of my home." Goodbye (Disposition -100)
"Have you come to talk with the dead, %PCName?"
(If Disposition ≥ 60):
"The dead salute you, %PCName."
  • necromancy is legal in Old Ebonheart:
"Like I said, necromancy is perfectly legal in this fair city of ours, just like it's legal in almost everywhere else in the civilized world. My craft is protected by the law and the Emperor's legions, and I don't see the situation changing anytime soon. Ask around the city if my words don't mean enough to you -- you'll see that laws can't be rewritten."
(If Disposition < 20):
"Like I said, necromancy is perfectly legal in this fair city of ours, just like it's legal in almost everywhere else in the civilized world. My craft is protected by the law and the Emperor's legions, and I don't see the situation changing anytime soon. Ask around the city if my words don't mean enough to you -- you'll see that laws can't be rewritten. Now... get out of my house." Goodbye
  • outlandish heresy:
"Ahh... It doesn't surprise me that the Tribunal Temple should have some grievances with my trade, but I'm quite surprised that they sent someone all this way to reprimand me! May I ask you what I have done, specifically, to earn this visit?"
  • Specifics don't matter. Necromancy is categorically against the Temple law.:
"Yes, I'm aware of that much. Obviously I do not follow nor recognize the Temple law. And thankfully, since this is Old Ebonheart, I don't have to. Though my craft might be illegal elsewhere in Morrowind, but within these walls things are different." (Also see 'You've offered your services...', 'What you're doing...', and 'Truth be told...' choices)
  • It's disrespectful to the Temple and to Morrowind's ancient traditions.:
"I hope you believe me when I say that I sincerely don't mean to offend the Temple or disrespect its beliefs. I hold no ill will against the Temple -- in fact, in many regards they have my utmost respect. That being said... We obviously have a deep ideological disagreement about the practice of necromancy. It's a gap that can't be bridged, I'm afraid."
  • You are headstrong. You should respect the Temple.:
"Oh, really? And what gives the Temple the right to demand this from me? Perhaps I should list all the ways the Temple disrespects and offends me? Pardon me, %PCName, but I'm putting my foot down. So long as necromancy is legal in Old Ebonheart, I will keep practicing it and helping people around me. Now... I must respectfully ask that you leave me to my work." (Disposition -10)
(If your Speechcraft ≥ 65):
"Alright, alright. Listen. Perhaps we can reach a compromise. What if I stopped offering my services to native Dunmer, and only served apostates and outlanders. Do you think that would be acceptable?"
  • No. You have to give up necromancy altogether.:
"Do you realize you're asking me to give up my livelihood? I'm sorry, %PCName. I won't do it." (Disposition -5)
  • If you won't abandon necromancy, this will end in bloodshed.:
"Are you seriously trying to threaten me with violence? Because we both know that such threats are empty. The Temple has no jurisdiction here. I am protected by the law and the Emperor's legions. The art of necromancy is legal in Old Ebonheart. The Ordinators would never make it through the gates." (Disposition -15)
  • I made it through the gates. You should worry about me.:
"I can't believe it has come to this, %PCName... Do you honestly think I deserve death? No, don't answer that. I refuse to continue this absurd debate any longer. I do not fear death and I won't be intimidated by you or your ignorant cult of a Temple. You can tell that to whoever it is who sent you here. Now, I must respectfully ask you to leave me to my work... and get the hell out of my home." Goodbye (Disposition -60)
  • I'm not threatening you. I'm just stating a fact. The Temple will come after you.:
"If that's the case, then it only strengthens my resolve not to yield to the Temple's demands. I do not fear death and I refuse to be intimidated by a cult of ignorant zealots. You can tell that to whoever it is who sent you here. Now, I must respectfully ask you to leave me to my work... and get the hell out of my home." Goodbye (Disposition -25)
  • Apologies. I misspoke. The Temple won't hurt you.:
"If that's the case, then I must respectfully ask that you leave me to my work."
  • Alright. The compromise solution you suggested is enough.:
"Good. I'm glad that the Temple can be reasoned with." (Disposition +5)
  • That sounds acceptable.:
"Good. I'm glad that the Temple can be reasoned with." (Disposition +5)
(If Disposition ≥ 90):
"Alright, alright. Listen. I consider you a friend. Perhaps we can reach a compromise. What if I stopped offering my services to native Dunmer, and only served apostates and outlanders. Do you think that would be acceptable?" (See 'No. You have to give up...' and 'That sounds acceptable.' choices above)
  • If you won't abandon necromancy, this will end in bloodshed.: (See identical choice and responses above)
  • Fine. Let's agree to disagree. / What you say makes sense. I'll leave you alone.:
"If that's the case, then I must respectfully ask that you leave me to my work."
  • You've offered your services to native Dark Elves.:
"Oh, I do not discriminate! I offer my services to natives and outlanders alike. However, perhaps the Temple will be pleased to hear that only a handful of Dark Elves have ever sought my help. The Temple, it would seem, still holds the monopoly on death in this province."
  • You're corrupting the natives. Necromancy is heretical and evil.:
"Heretical? Yes, in the eyes of the Temple it evidently is. But evil? To that I must protest! I am not a criminal. Do you think I go about snatching corpses from their tombs without permission? Do you think I conspire with witches and vampires to sacrifice children to Sithis? No. People come to me willingly. I allow those in mourning to receive messages from their deceased loved ones. I guide lost souls. I help exorcise vengeful spirits. Surely, even the Temple sees that this is not evil?"
  • I don't believe you. Other necromancers are evil.:
"I am not them. I am Hastophos Velifer." (Disposition -5)
  • Nevertheless, practicing necromancy disrespects the Temple.: (See responses for 'You are headstrong. You should respect the Temple.' choice above)
  • If you won't abandon necromancy, this will end in bloodshed.: (See identical choice and responses above)
  • Well alright. Keep doing what you're doing.:
"If that's the case, then I must respectfully ask that you leave me to my work."
  • Agreed. What you do sounds alright.:
"If that's the case, then I must respectfully ask that you leave me to my work."
  • If you won't abandon necromancy, this will end in bloodshed.: (See identical choice and responses above)
(If you have asked for his advice on the Stendarr Tower haunting):
"Heretical? Yes, in the eyes of the Temple it evidently is. But evil? To that I must protest! I am not a criminal. Have you forgotten how I gave *you* advice on how to exorcise the spirit in Stendarr's Tower? That's what I do. I help people. They come to me willingly." (See 'I don't believe you...', 'Well alright...', and 'If you won't abandon necromancy... choices above)
(If you freed Missa Rhyle from her soul gem):
"Heretical? Yes, in the eyes of the Temple it evidently is. But evil? To that I must protest! My friend, have you forgotten how I helped you set poor Missa Rhyle's soul free? That's what I do. I help people." (See 'I don't believe you...', 'Well alright...', and 'If you won't abandon necromancy... choices above)
  • You're disrespecting the Temple with your words.: (See 'I hope you believe me when I say...' response above)
  • Truth be told, I don't think what you're doing is bad.:
"If that's the case, then I must respectfully ask that you leave me to my work."
  • What you're doing is heretical and evil.: (See 'Heretical?...' responses above)
  • Truth be told, I don't think what you're doing is bad.:
"If that's the case, then I must respectfully ask that you leave me to my work."
(If Disposition ≥ 90):
"Ahh... It doesn't surprise me that the Tribunal Temple should have some grievances with my trade, but I'm quite surprised that they sent someone all this way to reprimand me! May I ask you what I have done, specifically, to earn this visit, friend?" (See identical choices above)
(If you have tried to convince him already and failed):
"You are persistent, aren't you? Well, go ahead then. Tell me how I'm a wicked heretic who should give up my livelihood to appease the Temple. I'm all ears." (See identical choices above)
(If you have convinced him to stop servicing Dunmer):
"As we agreed, I will stop offering my services to native Dunmer, and only serve apostates and outlanders. I hope this is enough for the Temple. So long as necromancy is legal in Old Ebonheart, I shall keep practicing it."
(If necromancy has been banned):
"Hmph. I have received news that necromancy is no longer legal in Old Ebonheart... I suspect this is thanks to you and your Temple." (Disposition -20)

Mages Guild: Ghost in a Gem[edit]

  • Greetings:
(Beginning of the necromantic ritual):
"Oh yes, one last thing before I begin. %PCName, please hold on to this paper, quill and inkwell. Missa Rhyle may want you to write down a message. Now then..."
  • Continue:
"Cio... Ahkstas... Tahkrura..." Goodbye
(After the necromantic ritual having used Missa Rhyle's soul for enchanting):
"Good work, %PCName. Now, I'm not the best at reading people, but didn't Missa seem a bit... bitter? I thought I heard her say something about being trapped in a sword. Strange. Well, in any case: If the Mages Guild needs any more necromantic rituals performed, let them know that I am available any time." Goodbye (Disposition +5)
(After the necromantic ritual having decided to set Missa Rhyle free):
"Fantastic job, %PCName! Missa seemed quite grateful towards you. Compassion is its own reward, no? Well then, if the Mages Guild needs any more necromantic rituals performed, let them know that I am available any time." Goodbye (Disposition +10)
  • Missa Rhyle:
"A colleague of yours has been trapped inside a soul gem? And you say she spoke to you from within? I find that unlikely. Soul gems cannot contain a spirit, only its energy. Let me take a look."
[Hastophos Velifer examines the Grand Soul Gem.]
  • Continue:
"Hmm... how peculiar... it appears there's more to this gem than meets the eye. It has been enchanted to use the soul energy contained within to bind a spirit to it. In other words, Missa Rhyle's ghost has been bound to this soul gem by her own soul magick. That would explain how she was able to speak with you back in Ghand. Gods know what Vohur planned to do with her captured spirit."
  • Continue:
"Though her spirit is curiously dormant at the moment, it is likely that she is still able to perceive her surroundings to a degree. With that in mind, I do hope that you haven't been speaking too carelessly about Missa's situation with your colleagues."
"It would certainly destroy the soul magick within the soul gem, but there's no telling how Missa's ghost would fare such a barbarous act. In any case, I do have a solution in mind that would be guaranteed to decouple Missa's ghost from the soul gem."
  • Zissicheeiva suggested that we use the soul gem to enchant a weapon.:
"Not only would the effects of enchanting be unpredictable and potentially harmful to Missa's ghost, but such an act is morally reprehensible as well. If the binding enchantment persists, she could very well become bound to her new vessel, slowly losing her mind and sense of identity as her ghost withers away. I'm not surprised that an Argonian would be so cold-blooded." (See 'What is your solution?' choice below)
  • What is your solution?:
"Fortunately, I've dealt with similar ghost-binding enchantments in the past. In order to conduct the decoupling ritual, I will need the following materials: a black rose, one moonmoth wing, some black lichen, and some gravedust. Oh, and of course, a small fee of 60 septims. If you bring me all these materials, I will set Missa free from the soul gem."
  • If you can indeed free Missa from the soul gem, then I shall find the materials you need.:
"Excellent. You have my word that the ritual will work."
  • How can I be certain you aren't going to use Missa's soul for your own twisted purposes?:
"Don't be so prejudiced, %PCName. Do you really think that I would be able to get away with something like that at the heart of Imperial power in Morrowind? You have my word that I will not do anything untoward to Missa's soul."
  • Do you have any rituals that would put Missa's soul to use somehow?:
"No. Maybe you should have asked Vohur." (Disposition -5)
  • How do you propose we free Missa?: (See 'Fortunately, I've dealt with similar...' response above)
(If necromancy has been banned):
"A colleague of yours has been trapped inside a soul gem? And you say she spoke to you from within? I find that unlikely. Soul gems cannot contain a spirit, only its energy. Yes... I could help you. HOWEVER. Have you forgotten that thanks to your efforts necromancy is now illegal in Old Ebonheart? The fine is 5000 drakes. Are you offering to pay it?"
  • Yes.: (See 'Hmm... how peculiar...' response above)
(If you don't have the gold):
"Hmph. You lack the money." Goodbye
  • No.:
"Hmph. Goodbye then." Goodbye
(If you smashed Missa Rhyle's soul gem):
"You decided to smash the soul gem? For Missa's sake, I hope that such barbarism was indeed able to free her." (Disposition -5)
(If you let Zissicheeiva enchant with Missa Rhyle's soul gem):
"You sided with the enchantress? By the Nine, what have you done? Now there's no telling what fate has befallen Missa's spirit! I hope, for her sake, that the binding enchantment didn't trap her in that damned weapon as well." (Disposition -15)
"Please, do not remind me of what you have done."
(If you set Missa Rhyle's spirit free):
"She's in Aetherius now, %PCName. You did the right thing."
  • set Missa free:
"I cannot set Missa free until you bring me all the materials I require for the ritual."
"It appears you have all the materials needed to disentangle Missa from the soul gem. Do you want to go ahead with the ritual?"
  • Yes.:
"Excellent. I'll take those off your hands. Now, do you have the 60 septims I asked for?" (Removed 1 Black Lichen, 1 Gravedust, 1 Black Rose, and 1 Moon Moth Wing from your inventory)
  • Yes.:
"Thank you. Now, step right through here, if you would please." Goodbye (Removed 60 gold and Grand Soul Gem (Missa Rhyle) from your inventory)
  • No.:
"Come back when you have my payment."
  • No.:
"That's disappointing. Feel free to return if you change your mind, %PCName."
(If he has the materials but not the gold):
"Do you have my payment, %PCName?" (See 'Yes.' and 'No.' choices above)
  • talk with the dead:
"Very peculiar. Very concerning. Could you tell me more about Missa Rhyle?"
"Are you asking about Missa Rhyle?"

Stendarr Tower Haunting[edit]

  • vengeful spirit:
"A curious case, the ghost haunting Stendarr Tower. Yes, %PCRace, you've come to the right person. Many are too nervous about speaking of the undead, but I've made it my life's study to learn all I can of them. You're the first person to consult with me on the haunting of Stendarr's Tower, but I believe I know exactly how you can exorcise the spirit. If Turn Undead doesn't work, and the ghost can't be killed by normal means, you'll need to try something more unorthodox."
  • It's impressive how you can speak so much and say so little of significance.:
"A rude one, aren't you? I should teach you some manners. Well, once you've finished trying everything your feeble mind can think of, come back to me. I'll tell you how to banish the spirit. If I feel like it." (Disposition -10)
  • I'm listening. What do you suggest?:
"In certain circumstances, the soul of a man or mer is bound to a place and either cannot or will not leave on its own volition. In cases like these, you must remove the soul from the premises the spirit is haunting. Soul-trap the ghost. Once you've done so, the spirit will no longer be able to physically manifest in the area it was haunting. You'll need a soul gem, of course, and possibly a Soultrap scroll. Try Yuaile Phyroc's for both."
"Does that restless soul still haunt Stendarr's Tower? Have you considered soultrapping the spirit? You may find my methods ghoulish, but I assure you, they are effective."
(After completing the quest):
"So, did you soultrap the ghost, or were you able to find some other means of driving it from the Tower? Either way, congratulations in putting the dead to rest."