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Tamriel Rebuilt:Galug the Barber

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Galug the Barber (TR_m3_Galug the Barber)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Mara's Tower
Race Orc Gender Male
Level 3 Class Healer
Other Information
Health 55 Magicka 64
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Galug the Barber

Galug the Barber is an Orc healer who can be found in the Ebon Tower of Old Ebonheart. As with the other healers of the castle, he resides in Mara's Tower, and makes an appearance during the quest, Ghoulish Business. Given his epithet, and the nearby operating table, he is most likely a surgeon.

He wears a common robe and a pair of common shoes. He wields a cleaver and carries a pewter candlestick.

Like all Orcs, he has a natural resistance to magicka, and can boost his health, fatigue and attack for short periods, at the cost of his agility. In addition, he also knows the following spells: Absorb Health, Absorb Health (Ranged), Almsivi Intervention, Blightguard, Burden Touch, Detect Key, Divine Intervention, Enrichment, Feather, Fierce Fire Shield, Fierce Frost Shield, Fierce Shock Shield, Hearth Heal, Resist Poison, Resist Shock, and Vigor.

Related Quests[edit]



Ghoulish Business[edit]

  • Greetings:
(After discovering Tindalos Miranus' body in the sewers):
"I'll give you 250 coins if you leave me alone and pretend you saw nothing. These bodies are crucial for my studies that could save thousands in the years to come. It's a miracle that Corsus has even allowed me to use them for so long.
  • I guess some coin couldn't hurt.:
"You're doing a great deal to move the study of anatomical science forward. Thank you, %PCName." Goodbye (Disposition +20, you receive 250 gold, and Galug returns to Mara's Tower)
  • Can't you just use animals?:
"You don't know what you're talking about. I'm sorry, but you can't leave this place alive." Goodbye (Fight to 90, he attacks you)
(If your Speechcraft ≥ 60):
"I guess you're right. I've already learned much from previous cadavers. For further study, animals might do." Goodbye (He returns to Mara's Tower)
  • Disturbing the dead is a grave sin. You must die.:
"I was afraid it would come to this. You can't leave this place alive." Goodbye (Fight to 90, he attacks you)