Tamriel Rebuilt:Foedus Locutius

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Foedus Locutius (TR_m3_Foedus Locutius)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Guild of Fighters
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 19 Class Warrior
Other Information
Health 205 Magicka 108
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Fighters Guild 6(Warder)
Foedus Locutius

Foedus Locutius is an Imperial warrior and a Warder of the Fighters Guild who can be found on the ground floor of the guildhall in Old Ebonheart.

While pursuing reports of a witch in Git, the normally softly-spoken Foedus came under the influence of a curse that causes him to always speak foully. He comes from an Imperial family that brew a special kind of liquor, called 'Locutius Family Liquor', and will give it as a reward for freeing him of his curse.

As a Warder of the Fighters Guild answering to the Champion Sharnoga gra-Mal, Foedus finds himself dealing with the less-interesting contracts - and a particular bugbear of his are the frequent letters from the deteriorating mind of Aurelia Draconis. The disposition boost you receive from ending those letters is substantial, as is his payment.

For protection, he wears an Imperial studded leather cuirass, a set of steel greaves, a pair of steel boots, a pair of steel gauntlets, and a pair of adamantium pauldrons. For clothing, he wears a common shirt and an expensive skirt. He wields an Imperial broadsword.

Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]

Fighters Guild[edit]


  • Greeting:
(Before starting Cursing Like A Witch):
"What are you ogling at, you arse-faced goat? Your unsightly mug must be the reason why there aren't any mirrors left in this damn elf-infested sinkhole of a province!" Goodbye
(After completing Cursing Like A Witch):
"Greetings, %PCRank. Looking for orders?"
  • Fighters Guild:
"If you want to join the Fighters Guild, speak with Sharnoga gra-Mal upstairs."
(If you are a member of the Fighters Guild):
"We are chartered by the Empire. Citizens give us orders, I give orders to you, and you complete orders. Simple as that."
  • Orders:
(If you have completed all of his quests):
"Sorry, %PCRank, I've got no more work for you. Check with Sharnoga upstairs."

Fighters Guild: Cursing Like A Witch[edit]

  • Greetings:
"Were your parents kin or does lack of wit run in your family? For you, perhaps both."
  • [Force Foedus to drink an exclusive restore willpower potion.]:
" *Foedus begins coughing* Filthy...wretch...I...I can finally speak for myself. %PCRace, I don't recognize you but you must find the witch Margia Sycora. I failed to slay her and barely escaped with my life after she cursed me. Go to the cave of Git, east of the city, past Serynthul in the mountains. Find her and free me from this fate... Ahh! Is that guar I smell or just a %PCRace opening their big mouth?" Goodbye (Removed 1 Exclusive Restore Willpower potion from your inventory)
  • [Do nothing.]:
"What's the matter, netch have your tongue? Come back when you've learned to finish a thought." Goodbye
"Like a fly to dung this %PCRace cannot get enough of me! Begone, pitiful fly, you've spent enough time here."
  • [Force the witch's potion into Foedus's mouth.]:
"What kind of vile liquid is this? I am being forced... from... this mortal's body! Sycora, you promised me!" Goodbye
[A daedra emerges from Foedus' open mouth.] (Disposition +90, removed Sycora's Uncursing Potion from your inventory, and Vhal'baan appears nearby)
  • [Do nothing.]:
"Hah, another moment of cowardice. Tally that one on the board, will you?" Goodbye
"%PCName, I cannot thank you enough. For days I have been tormented by that beast running through my head, making me say all sorts of ridiculous things. This can't be allowed to continue. When you got that potion, did you put an end to Margia Sycora?"
"Have you put an end to Margia Sycora?"
  • Foedus' curse:
"The witch Margia Sycora is still at large. Bring me proof of her demise, %PCRank."
"Yes, something I'd prefer to forget. May Margia Sycora rot in whichever Oblivion plane is the most painful."
(If you have been expelled from the Fighters Guild):
"You've been expelled from the Fighters Guild for breaking the rules. You'll have to make amends before I give you any orders."
  • Margia Sycora:
"Have you put an end to her?"
  • Yes.:
"I remember that broom from her cave. She waved it around quite menacingly. That's good enough proof for me. You've done what I could not. Never let your guard down as I did, and you'll go far here. Take this as a reward: my family's special brew, diluted so you commoners can appreciate it. And don't forget: watch out for witches." (Disposition +5, Fighters Guild Reputation +5, removed Margia Sycora's Broomstick from your inventory, and you receive 2 bottles of Locutius Family Liquor and 50 gold)
(If you don't have Margia Sycora's Broomstick):
"I don't see any proof of that. Come back when you've got it. Someone important hired us to do the job and you've been tasked with completing it. Besides, every second we delay is another second for her to get revenge on me. Or you, and I wouldn't wish that curse on anyone."
  • No.:
"Well, what are you waiting for? I'm sorry it has to be this way but rules are rules. Someone important hired us to do the job and you've been tasked with completing it. Besides, every second we delay is another second for her to get revenge on me. Or you, and I wouldn't wish that curse on anyone."
"You've done a good job dealing with her, %PCRank."
(If you have been expelled from the Fighters Guild):
"You've been expelled from the Fighters Guild for breaking the rules. You'll have to make amends before I give you any orders."
  • Orders:
"Your orders are to kill the witch Margia Sycora and bring me back proof."
  • someone important:
"I don't like you asking about our contracts, %PCRank, just worry about completing them. As for this contract, I don't know who placed it. This one was delivered by Rathys Madalvel some days ago. It's probably from someone in Narsis."
(If you are Master of the Fighters Guild):
"My apologies, %PCRank, I do not know who placed the bounty on Margia Sycora. This one was delivered by Rathys Madalvel some days ago. It's probably from someone in Narsis."
(If you have been expelled from the Fighters Guild):
"You've been expelled from the Fighters Guild for breaking the rules. You'll have to make amends before I give you any orders."

Fighters Guild: More Rats?[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Have you handled Aurelia Draconis' rat situation?"
  • Orders:
"I need you to take care of rats in Aurelia Draconis' house."
  • rat:
"I have a report of rats in Aurelia Draconis' house. It's just east of here on Craftsmen's Street, second door to your right after crossing the north-south road. Between you and me, I don't think Aurelia's all there anymore. You'll see what I mean. Take care, %PCRank."
(If you have completed the vanilla Fighters Guild quest 'Exterminator'):
"Just who I was looking for, the Fighters Guild's premier rat exterminator extraordinaire! I have a report of rats in Aurelia Draconis' house, here in Old Ebonheart. She lives down the road east of here. Between you and me, I don't think she's all there anymore. You'll see what I mean. Take care, %PCRank."
"Come back when you've handled Aurelia Draconis' rat situation."
"Aurelia has stopped mentioning rats in her letters, so I'll assume you've done it. Great job, %PCRank. Take this weapon, in case you run into any more rodents in your travels. Are you ready for more orders?" (Disposition +5, Fighters Guild Reputation +5, and you receive Rat Smasher)
"You've taken care of that, %PCRank."
(If you have been expelled from the Fighters Guild):
"You've been expelled from the Fighters Guild for breaking the rules. You'll have to make amends before I give you any orders."

Fighters Guild: And Ghosts, Too![edit]

  • Greeting:
"Have you dealt with the ghost in Aurelia Draconis' house?"
  • ghost:
"Well, like I said, Aurelia is seeing ghosts now. Are you getting sloppy, %PCRank, or is Aurelia further gone than I thought? Before you answer that, stop by her house and make sure she's okay."
"Have you dealt with, ahem, the Aurelia situation yet?"
"I haven't gotten a letter from Aurelia in a few hours, so I assume you've done it. Bravo! I don't care what other payment you've received. Not having to deal with her anymore is worth every septim." (Disposition +10, Fighters Guild Reputation +5, and you receive 600 gold)
"We don't have to deal with that again."
(If you have been expelled from the Fighters Guild):
"You've been expelled from the Fighters Guild for breaking the rules. You'll have to make amends before I give you any orders."
  • Orders:
"Aurelia has been sending letters again. She is seeing ghosts now."