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Tamriel Rebuilt:Entosaro Tanian

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Entosaro Tanian (TR_m3_Entosaro Tanian)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Outside Dileru Dras' House [7, -19]
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 13 Class Guard
Other Information
Health 152 Magicka 106
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Imperial Legion 2(Trooper)
Entosaro Tanian

Entosaro Tanian is an Imperial guard and Trooper of the Imperial Legion encountered during Writ for Dileru Dras in Old Ebonheart. Being apparently unfamiliar with Morrowind's customs of legalised murder, he will refuse to accept the validity of your Morag Tong writ, and will attempt to arrest you for the death of Dileru Dras. After you present a fierce complaint about the situation to the Imperial magistrate Belisatha Mede, Entosaro is sent away from the province.

For protection, he wears a near-complete set of Imperial steel armor: cuirass, greaves, boots, gauntlets, pauldrons, and shield. For clothing, he wears a common shirt, a pair of common pants, and an Imperial belt. He wields an Imperial broadsword and carries half a loaf of Colovian bread, a torch, and 23 gold.

Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]

Morag Tong[edit]


Morag Tong: Writ for Dileru Dras[edit]

  • Greetings:
(If you try to present the Honorable Writ of Execution):
"A writ of what? Give that to me. Hah, do you think me a fool? I am Entosaro Tanian of the Imperial Legion, and an officer of the law. Did you think that just because you have a piece of paper with big words like 'non-disputeable' on it, I would let you walk away from the scene of a murder? This sure isn't an Imperial seal, and around here only the Empire gets to sign execution warrants. Now toss that phony writ into the gutters where it belongs and pay your %PCCrimeLevel septims, or come with me to jail." (See regular choices of "Pay Gold", "Go to Jail", and "Resist Arrest")
(If you don't have enough gold):
"A writ of what? Give that to me. Hah, do you think me a fool? I am Entosaro Tanian of the Imperial Legion, and an officer of the law. Did you think that just because you have a piece of paper with big words like 'non-disputeable' on it, I would let you walk away from the scene of a murder? This sure isn't an Imperial seal, and around here only the Empire gets to sign execution warrants. Now toss that phony writ into the gutters where it belongs and come with me to jail." (See regular choices of "Go to Jail" and "Resist Arrest")
  • Dileru Dras:
"I caught you red-handed, murderer!"
  • Entosaro Tanian:
"Yes, I am Entosaro Tanian, %rank of the %faction."