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Tamriel Rebuilt:Disembodied

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Investigate a haunting in Roa Dyr.
Quest Giver: Vaden Baro in Almas Thirr, Monastery of St. Veloth.
Location(s): Almas Thirr
Prerequisite Quest: Speaker for the Dead
Next Quest: The Face Stealer
Reward: Left Pauldron of the Speaker, Right Pauldron of the Speaker
ID: TR_m3_TT_Disembodied, TR_m3_TT_Disembodied2
A haunting scene

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Vaden Baro at the Monastery of St Veloth about a sacred task.
  2. Go to Roa Dyr's Statesmen's Hall and find the body of Seryl Hlervan.
  3. Either:
  4. If communing with daedra, acquire:
  5. Speak to Lirielle, and then meet her at the Crossing of the Lamps to perform the ritual.
  6. Speak to the summoned Kras-kira.
  7. Speak to Lirielle.
  8. Return to the Monastery of St Veloth and speak to Gilse Areth.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Vaden Baro wishes you to investigate reports of a haunting at Roa Dyr. Go to the Statesmen's Hall there. The body of Seryl Hlervan is on the lowest floor, with his 'ghost' standing by it - and the ghost refuses to return into his corporeal form. You can simply attack the body to end the 'haunting', and return to the monastery for the same reward. This is reported as a crime however, with a 40 gold fine.

Speaking to the Dunmer standing next to the body, Lirielle Othreleth, will reveal another way - communing with a daedra named Kras-kira, but two things are needed before the ritual begins - a Scroll of Cautious Beckoning, and Marsh Root Incense.

The Scroll of Cautious Beckoning[edit]

Journey to Tur Julan (this is on the ridge, northwest of Oran Plantation). While full of high-level daedra, the Scroll itself is relatively easy to get to, being in the Hall of Invocation - a tower on the south side of the complex. Levitation will be required to reach the entrance. The entrance itself is locked, but you can unlock it through normal means, or speak to the Winged Twilight, Jiah-Tjulka, on the platform below the tower, as she has the key. She will be willing to trade it for you if you retrieve her Moonshadow Rose from the Scamps in the courtyard below (simply attack them), or it can be taken from her corpse.

The scroll is on the lower floor of the Hall of Invocation, on the ground beside the table.

Marsh Root Incense[edit]

Indoril Ilvi in the Warriors' Hall

Speak to Indoril Llaren outside the west entrance of the Crossing of Lamps in Roa Dyr, and ask him about Marsh Root Incense. He will refuse to give it to you, at which point you must speak to Indoril Ilvi in the Warriors' Hall (one floor up from the bottom).

Return to Indoril Llaren with the document given to you by Indoril Ilvi. Indoril Llaren will reluctantly consent to give you Marsh Root Incense.

If you can't find Indoril Llaren outside the Crossing of Lamps, he may be inside the Hall of Judgement as part of the Brother Against Brother quest.

(Marsh Root Incense can alternatively be stolen from the vault at the top of the Crossing of Lamps - it is in a brass urn in the southern corner, but 100 magicka and Level 90 Mysticism will be needed to deactivate the vault barrier. An opportunity to enter this location will occur when performing the ritual - too late for the Marsh Root Incense, but not for light robbery.)

The Ritual[edit]

Once you have the two ingredients, speak again to Lirielle. She will arrange to meet you at the top floor of the Crossing of the Lamps. Speak to her and confirm that you are ready to commune with the Daedra, Kras-kira, and speak to said Daedra when it appears.

Kras-kira is responsible for the disembodiment, and will apologize, forcing Seryl's spirit back into its body. Speak to Lirelle to confirm, and then return to the monastery, where you will need to speak to Gilse Areth to complete the quest, Vaden Baro having left Almas Thirr.


  • The Scroll of Cautious Beckoning is an Easter egg referencing the song "All Star" by Smash Mouth. A translation of the scroll's Daedric text is below. In the first line, the name "Htoumhsams" is "Smashmouth" spelled backward.
The High Priest Htoumhsams proclaims:
A wise man once spoke
The world will take your advantage
Intelligence is not thine strongest attribute
The foolish witch stands before you
Her fingers arranged on her forehead in an
Arcane symbol

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Disembodied (TR_m3_TT_RIP)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Vaden Baro asked me to investigate a pauper from Roa Dyr who has left his body. He is "haunting" the Statesmen's Hall at Roa Dyr.
20 I found Seryl Hlervan standing next to his body. He had no interest in returning to it.
25 I suggested we banish the spirit of Seryl Hlervan.
30 Lirielle Othreleth asked me to commune with the Daedra to ask for their guidance.
40 Lirielle Othreleth says the ritual to summon Kras-kira requires a Scroll of Cautious Beckoning and Marsh Root Incense.
45 I brought the supplies to Lirielle Othreleth. She told me to meet her on the top level of the Crossing of Lamps in Roa Dyr.
50 I performed the summoning ritual in Roa Dyr.
60 A Winged Twilight named Kras-kira admitted to releasing the spirit. It appears to have been an accident that has now been corrected.
70 Seryl Hlervan was forced back into his body.
80 Lirielle thanked me for returning Seryl to his body.
90 Seryl Hlervan's spirit was banished.
95 I attacked and killed Seryl's corporeal body, which banished his spirit.
100 Finishes quest☑ Gilse Areth thanked and rewarded me on behalf of Vaden Baro for dealing with the pauper spirit.
Disembodied (TR_m3_TT_Disembodied2)
10 A Scroll of Cautious Beckoning may possibly be found in Tur Julan, an ancient Indoril chapel across the Thirr to the west. It is used in Daedric invocation rituals, and might still be near where such rituals were held.
20 Marsh Root Incense is a rare plant and oil mixture made only in Roa Dyr. Indoril Llaren outside of the Crossing of Lamps may have some.
30 Indoril Llaren was not eager to give me any incense; he said only his father Indoril Ilvi had the authority to give it out.
40 Indoril Ilvi gave me a letter to give to his son Llaren.
50 Indoril Llaren gave me the Marsh Root Incense.