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Tamriel Rebuilt:Arvs Reladren

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Arvs Reladren (TR_m3_Arvs_Reladren)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Sewers: West
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 6 Class Thief
Other Information
Health 66 Magicka 96
Alarm 0 Fight 100
Arvs Reladren, one of two counterfeiters in Old Ebonheart

Arvs Reladren is a Dark Elf thief and forger of Dwemer coins hiding in the western sewers of Old Ebonheart. He and his compatriot, Senil Sedri, have earned the ire of East Empire Company bigwig, Aetia Nemesia, who will commission you to shut the operation down. He only appears during the East Empire Company quest 'Writ for Counterfeit'.

Although he attacks you immediately upon seeing you, you can use a Calm Humanoid spell/scroll on him and let him and Senil leave Old Ebonheart instead of getting killed.

For protection, he wears a pair of cloth bracers and a chitin left pauldron. For clothing, he wears a common shirt with matching pants and shoes. He wields a Cruel Vipersword.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]

East Empire Company[edit]


East Empire Company: Writ for Counterfeit[edit]

  • Greetings:
"[Arvs stares at you blankly.] Were you sent here to kill a couple of counterfeiters?"
  • Yes.:
"I knew it! I'm afraid we have to fight, %PCRace." Goodbye (He and Senil Sadri attack you)
  • No.:
"Oh, alright. My partner and I didn't want to be counterfeiters, we were forced into it." (He and Senil Sadri stop attacking you)
"My partner and I didn't want to be counterfeiters, we were forced into it."
"We didn't want to fight."
"We are going to leave the city soon."
  • counterfeiters:
"I'll be honest with you, my friend and I are career criminals. Thieves, stealing from the nobles of Old Ebonheart, and we never hurt anyone doing it. A few days ago my friend and I got a letter saying they had evidence to lock us up forever, and they were gonna hurt our families back home unless we steal a coin press from a vault and set it up here. We get another letter saying to steal some weird coins, make some copies, and leave the coins down here."
  • Continue:
"Well enough was enough. Senil and I weren't going to do anyone else's dirty work. We got another threatening letter, but this time we saw the messenger who delivered it. And they went into the East Empire Company's Headquarters. We knew they would send someone after us eventually, so we came back here and laid in wait. I realize now it's best we just leave the city, there's no way we can fight what we don't know. If you leave here, I promise you'll never see us again."
  • Nice story. [Attack]:
"Well, it was worth a shot. I guess we'll have to attack!" Goodbye (He and Senil Sadri attack you)
  • [Let them leave] Okay.:
"Thank you, %PCRace. We'll be like ghosts."