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Tamriel Data:The True Folk

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The True Folk
Added by Tamriel Data
ID T_Bk_TrueFolkTR
Value 30 Weight 2
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The True Folk
by Haller
On the origin of Orcs

The orcs, or Orsimer, are one of the more misunderstood and maligned races on Tamriel. Rather than being a thing to engender shame, this should instead be taken as a sign of the worthiness of the green-skinned people. For they are held in highest contempt by those who are themselves the ugliest of brutes.

To understand this point of view, one must first understand the origins of the race. Long ago, the Orsimer were of the same blood as the proud and haughty Altmer. Those who would become Orsimer were especially faithful followers of the mighty Altmer god Trinimac. When the three sinister Daedra began misleading Veloth, it was Boethiah who consumed Trinimac. Such a corrupting force was the Prince of Plots that Trinimac was tainted forever, becoming transformed into Malacath.

Rather than revile Boethiah whose foulness was such that it tarnished one of the highest gods of the Altmer, the Chimer celebrated his twisted majesty. A just reward, that they later found their skins darkened, to match the depravity of their hearts. And neither is it surprising that those who would go on to style themselves 'Dunmer' would find themselves changed by once again displaying their corruption, shocking even the Daedra who had so twisted them. Surely, there is honor in being loathed by such a people.

Only those Altmer who remained faithful to their befouled god became Orsimer; the rest retained their golden skins. Trinimac had been wounded in a profound way, and his followers bore that wound upon themselves as the transformation into their new, brutish appearance. They suffered this humiliation, and yet they remained loyal and stedfast to Malacath. The other, unchanged Altmer treated their fellows as monsters and beasts, responding to the unwavering faithfulness of their bretheren with malice and contempt.

It is true, those who broke with Trinimac retained their pristine, golden form. Kept the purity of their blood. Kept their outward beauty. But for all their seeming perfection, their ethereal superiority, they are not the equal of the Orsimer. For while the Orsimer were changed physically, that crudeness reflects what lies under the skin of the "true", untainted Altmer. They look the part of elves, but inside they are hollow, warped creatures.

For when Trinimac was crippled, when Malacath was born and needed the support of his people, the Orsimer did not abandon him. They ignored the taint of Boethiah's corruption, where others cherished it or shrank from it. For him, they made themselves pariah. That is true faith. That is the depth of honor that exists among orcs.

So while other mer may look bright and brilliant, may carry themselves with a proud bearing, may call their worship just and pure, they are but shells filled with falsehoods. They are weak and selfish and greedy. They reveal themselves with their deeds.

No, it is the Orsimer who are the True Folk.