When there are too many kwama warriors in an egg mine, the oldest and weakest of them are slaughtered and their meat roasted. Kwama Meat is a treat for a feast, a naturally acid and spicy meal with modest magical qualities.
Guaranteed samples can be found in the following locations:
- Oran Plantation, Oran Manor: Servant Quarters (×6)
- Velonith, Velms Maloren's House (×6)
- Firewatch, The Silver Serpent (×4, restocking, in keg)
- Akamora, Guard Tower (×3)
- Akamora, Parys Manor (×2)
- Felms Ithul, Thelin Drinith's House (×2)
- Old Ebonheart, Bitter-Wind Home (×2)
- Old Ebonheart, Pinefist Foods (×2)
- Velonith, Rolvyn Saldro's Shack (×2)
- Akamora, Arenim Manor
- Akamora, Lloris Serin's Shack
- Bahrammu, Elammu Andrani: Trader
- Bahrammu, Zaal Almon's Shack
- Bal Oyra, Nidril Tadare's Shack
- Dreynim Spa, Restaurant
- Erushara Ancestral Tomb
- Galseah, Deep Caverns
- Llothanis, Farasira Sadas: Merchant
- Mundrethi Plantation, Merengor's House
- Necrom, Irver Duleth's House
- Nethril Plantation, Manor
- Old Ebonheart, Eulix Festius: Brickmason
- Old Ebonheart, Unaarie's Elixirs
- Port Telvannis, Madar Senatam's House
- Sirsadrorran
- Tomaril Manor, Guard Tower: Upper Levels
- Tomaril Manor, Reception Hall and Slave Quarters
- Tower of Tel Mothrivra
- Vhul, The Howling Hound
It is also found in the following leveled lists: