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Tamriel Data:Essence of Being a Thief

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Essence of Being a Thief
Added by Tamriel Data
ID T_Bk_EssenceOfBeingAThiefTR
Value 50 Weight 2
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The Essence Of Being A Thief
by Thralos Devneri
An entertaining story about a reckless thief

The sun was setting on the horizon, allowing the sea to take some of its brightness, as the waves reflected the last golden sunrays of that day.

It had been a very profitable day for Lethen Nerothran, an expert thief who managed to "liberate" some high quality artifacts from the vaults of the tower in Port Telvannis.

A master of lock picking and acrobatics, he could evade any pursuer and hide behind many different aliases for as long as it took for his opponents to lose track of him.

Lethen had just reached the port of Gah Sadrith when Secunda appeared on the night sky; he immediately set course for the nearest tavern to spend some of his well earned loot on fine beverages. He was looking forward to listening to loud music that was best performed by the kind of bard who enjoys playing in infamous places.

As he approached the tavern, Lethen Nerothran heard the noisy bard playing and the patrons shouting, laughing, and arguing. The moment he opened the door it felt just like home, so pleasing, so familiar; he thrived in this kind of atmosphere.

After he was certain no one was following or watching him, Lethen shut the door and stepped towards an empty table, the only empty table. He shouted an order for a bottle of fine, vintage brandy and made sure to throw his cape over the sack of loot under his soles.

As the bartender was bringing him the brandy, a pretty Dunmer lass stopped him and brought it to Lethen herself. "Would you mind sharing your drink with a beautiful young lady," she asked as she placed the bottle on the table. He stared at her face, her big shining eyes, her plush lips, and long hair. Then he lowered his eyes to look at her luscious, perfectly shaped body. The girl seemed to guess his thoughts.

"So, am I good enough for you, or would you prefer an even prettier girl? I warn you, though: you will find I have no equal, naught in the whole of Tamriel."

These words were the key; Lethen was instantly convinced that he had found more than brandy and a bed in the tavern. "Oh, no," he replied, "I will look no further. Please, join me."

The girl sat down, asked the bartender for another goblet, and filled it. She made a toast to the unforgettable night to come. Lethen was now in a hurry to get upstairs, but the girl started to ask questions. In an attempt to impress, he confessed to being a very good and talented thief. His prize asked him to continue telling stories while staring into him with a deep, lustful gaze.

After blathering on about his life for awhile she interrupted him and asked, "How does it feel to make a living from theft?"

He answered, "It can be dangerous but offers much excitement, and great reward to those who are careful and smart."

"And what reward has it offered to you?"

"Quite a decent one. I'll be glad to share some with a lovely lady such as yourself, given that you will do me a favor first."

"Oh, wait, just one last thing," she said. "What is the essence of being a thief?"

"The essence? I don't know; I haven't the slightest idea. I don't think there is an essence to it. You just...steal. I've answered your questions; will you do me that little favor now?"

The pretty young lass agreed and a moment later they were in the room. As soon as he locked the door, he turned to the girl who already lay on the bed. Lethen bent over her, unhitching his belt, and tried to fondle her breasts, only to feel the cold steel of a dagger between his own.

"I've been watching you since the moment you entered the tavern. Humph, you were an easy mark from the beginning. It's a pity you're a thief, you're disgracing my profession." With a quick thrust she punctured his left lung, followed shortly by his right.

Staring at the dying Lethen she said, "In these last, brief moments of your sad life I will answer the question you couldn't. You see, the essence of being a thief, is to be secretive, sera Nerothran. Didn't you notice that while you told me everything about you, I didn't even share my name?"