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Tamriel Data:Weapons

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Tamriel Data adds a variety of new weapons to the game, in particular weapons that make more complete sets of each material in the base game. The tables below only list base, unenchanted weapons. For magic weapons and artifacts, see the pages below:

  • Generic Magic Weapons — Common magical weapons, generally found in random locations
  • Weapon Artifacts — Unique weapons that have their own appearance and usually a powerful enchantment

Weapons added by Tamriel Data's dependent mods are listed on the pages below:


One Handed[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Chop Slash Thrust Speed Reach Enchant Sample Location
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Battle Axe.png Adamantium War Axe T_Com_Adamant_WarAxe_01 22 1000 2900 1-35 1-19 1-5 1.25 1 10
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Avelo (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Alikr War Axe.png Alikr War Axe T_Rga_Alik_Waraxe_01 20 60 1200 1-20 1-11 1-3 1.25 1 5.5
Anvil, White Scarab Company Warehouse (PC)
Dragonstar West, Lek'Ana's House (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nedic Axe.png Ancient Nedic Axe T_Imp_Barrow_Axe_01 24 300 1000 1-17 1-9 1-2 1.25 1 15
Vitta Barrow (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nordic Axe.png Ancient Nordic Axe T_Nor_Ancient_WarAxe_01 23 300 1400 2-23 2-23 1-6 1 1 6
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ashlander War Axe.png Ashlander War Axe T_De_Ashlander_Waraxe_01 13 8600 640 1-25 1-15 1-3 1.25 1 2.5
Atsiru-Din, Fissured Burial (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ayleid War Axe.png Ayleid War Axe T_Ayl_Regular_WarAxe_01 22 700 650 4-27 1-16 1-2 1 1 20
Beldaburo, Anga (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin War Axe.png Chitin War Axe T_QyC_Chitin_WarAxe_01 12 19 640 1-11 1-6 1-2 1.25 1 2.5
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Climbing Pick.png Climbing Pick T_Com_Var_ClimbingPick_01 4 7 300 2-5 2-4 1-2 1.3 1 2
Anvil, Orius Triso: General Goods (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Dreugh War Axe.png Dreugh War Axe T_De_Dreugh_Waraxe_01 15 600 920 1-21 1-13 1-3 1.25 1 6
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Almas Thirr, Feldil Vulunith: Armorer (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Falkreath Guard Axe.png Falkreath Guard Axe T_Nor_GuardFalkr_Axe_01 24 60 1200 1-18 1-10 1-2 1 1 4.5
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Goblin Axe.png Goblin Axe T_Cr_Goblin_Axe_01 1 1 100 1-5 1-5 1-5 1 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Hatchet.png Hatchet T_Com_Farm_Hatchet_01 8 10 150 1-4 1-4 0-1 1 1 2
Strand (PC)
Herlundsval Barrow (SHOTN)
Sulfurwatch Keep, Lighthouse (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Templar War Axe.png Imperial Templar War Axe T_Imp_Templar_Waraxe_01 24 260 1350 1-26 1-14 1-5 1.25 1 5
Abecean Sea [-132,-57]: Shrine of St. Milica (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Commander gro-Bogran in Firemoth (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial War Axe.png Imperial War Axe T_Imp_Legion_WarAxe_01 25 50 1000 1-18 1-9 1-3 1.25 1 6
TEM Red Tempest: Cabin (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Nivalis, Icebreaker Keep (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron War Axe.png Iron War Axe T_Nor_Iron_WarAxe_01 24 30 800 1-18 1-10 1-2 1.5 1 5
Anvil, Slaffid Somber-Cleaver's Apartment (PC)
Skaldvir Cave (SHOTN)
Koranyon, Lower Level (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron War Pick.png Iron War Pick T_Com_Iron_Warpick_01 13 25 1000 6-12 6-12 1-2 1.3 1 6
Charach, Damola Protia: Smith (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Ogroth (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Maormer War Axe.png Maormer War Axe T_Mao_Waraxe_01 8 700 800 1-30 1-17 1-5 1.25 1 5
Voiceless Harmony, Anechoic Chamber (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Axe 02.png Nordic War Axe T_Nor_Orn_WarAxe_01 23 100 1400 2-23 2-23 1-6 1.25 1 6
No fixed location (PC)
Vorngyd's Stand (SHOTN)
Idaverrano, Vault (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Steel War Axe.png Nordic Steel War Axe T_Nor_Steel_Waraxe_01 26 180 1800 1-5 1-5 1-5 1.25 1 6.5
No fixed location (PC)
Carvisa (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish War Axe.png Orcish War Axe T_Orc_Regular_Waraxe_01 12 1400 1860 2-21 1-18 1-2 1.25 1 12
Carried by Yamarz gro-Yak in Beldaburo (PC)
Nargozh Camp, Yarok gra-Malash's Yurt (SHOTN)
Mazkun, Clan Dwellings (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze War Axe.png Quey Bronze War Axe T_Qy_Bronze_Waraxe_01 24 275 940 1-22 1-12 1-3 1.25 1 11
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Reachmen War Axe.png Reachmen War Axe T_Rea_Regular_WarAxe_01 32 125 800 1-30 1-20 1-5 1.25 1 5
No fixed location (PC)
Taliesinntara (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Scamp War Axe.png Scamp War Axe T_Dae_Scamp_Waraxe_01 23 300 850 1-18 1-10 1-2 1.25 1 10
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver War Pick.png Silver War Pick T_Com_Silver_Warpick_01 10 140 1300 7-16 7-16 1-3 1.3 1 5
Crow Hall Cave (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Othrano, Lower Level (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel War Pick.png Steel War Pick T_Com_Steel_Warpick_01 10 50 1300 7-14 7-14 1-3 1.3 1 5
Carried by Hafiza (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
TEM Ashrunner (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Vampyrum Order War Pick.png Vampyrum Order War Pick T_Imp_Vampyrum_Warpick_01 7.5 10000 1600 1-29 1-16 1-4 1.25 1 5
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Wenbone War Axe.png Wenbone War Axe T_We_Wenbone_Waraxe_01 18 140 760 1-17 1-8 1-3 1.25 1 4
Carried by Cinduin, Dasek Marsh [-110,-58] (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Muruduin in the Ebon Tower (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Heavy Iron Hunting Axe.png Ynesai Heavy Iron Hunting Axe T_Yne_Iron_HuntingAxeHeavy 14 28 1000 5-20 2-5 2-3 1.3 1 8
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Hatchet.png Ynesai Iron Hatchet T_Yne_Iron_Hatchet 18 21 675 1-12 1-9 1-3 1.4 1 4
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Hunting Axe.png Ynesai Iron Hunting Axe T_Yne_Iron_HuntingAxe 13 25 1000 6-14 6-14 1-2 1.3 1 5
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron War Axe.png Ynesai Iron War Axe T_Yne_Iron_WarAxe 24 30 800 1-18 1-15 1-1 1.25 1 5
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Yoku War Axe.png Yoku War Axe T_Rga_Yoku_Waraxe_01 20 135 1200 7-18 1-10 1-5 1.3 1 5.5
Charach, Damola Protia: Smith (PC)
Carried by Sternal in Kulmar Cavern (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)

Two Handed[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Chop Slash Thrust Speed Reach Enchant Sample Location
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Battle Axe.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Battle Axe 02.png
Adamantium Battle Axe T_Com_Adamant_DoubleAxe_01
35 5000 3000 1-60 1-40 1-6 1 1 10
No fixed location (PC)
Carried by Jarl Jona the Ansei-Ender (SHOTN)
Sailen, Fothas Bradyn: Smith (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nordic Battle Axe.png Ancient Nordic Battle Axe T_Nor_Ancient_BattleAxe_01 35 500 1800 2-38 2-38 1-6 0.9 1 7
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Auroran Battle Axe.png Auroran Battle Axe T_Dae_Auroran_BattleAxe_01 30 1000 2400 2-42 1-36 1-5 1 1 10
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ceremonial Headman's Axe.png Ceremonial Headman's Axe T_Yne_CeremonialHeadsmanAxe 26 760 2200 1-26 1-40 1-14 1 1.5 12
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Battle Axe 02.png Ebony Battle Axe T_De_Ebony_Battleaxe_01 50 16000 2600 5-40 1-20 1-5 1 1 10
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Miner's Pick.png Ebony Miner's Pick T_De_Ebony_Pickaxe_01 26 1500 1200 6-16 4-8 2-8 1 1 10
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Thoricles' Bane.png Executioner's Axe T_Imp_Executioners_Axe 38 200 1300 1-40 1-28 1-4 0.9 1 3
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Battle Axe.png Glass Battle Axe T_De_Glass_BattleAxe_01 20.5 1240 16000 1-49 1-34 1-6 1 1 3.5
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Budak in Anbarsud, Shrine (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Battle Axe.png Imperial Battle Axe T_Imp_Legion_Battleaxe_01 32 90 1500 1-34 1-25 1-3 1 1 6
Anvil, Rotarius Fine Smithing (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
TEM Ghostrunner (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Templar Battle Axe.png Imperial Templar Battle Axe T_Imp_Templar_Battleaxe_01 32 90 1500 1-39 1-30 1-5 1 1 5.5
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Battle Axe.png Nordic Battle Axe T_Nor_Orn_BattleAxe_01 45 120 1800 2-45 2-45 1-6 0.9 1 7
Garlas Agea, Nedic Stand (PC)
Saern (SHOTN)
Helnim, Aarlen Lleranoth: Pawnbroker (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Old Elven Battle Axe.png Old Elven Battle Axe T_He_Direnni_BattleAxe_01 25 400 1500 1-32 1-29 1-8 17 1 16
No fixed location (PC)
Mirilstern, Pallatium (SHOTN)
Shasharanit (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Thooted Axe.png Orcish Toothed Axe T_Orc_Regular_WarAxeThooted_01 23 2000 2500 18-32 2-23 0-2 1 1 10
No fixed location (PC)
Uramok Camp, Chief Urok gro-Mogo's Yurt (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Battle Axe.png Quey Bronze Battle Axe T_Qy_Bronze_BattleAxe_01 30 360 1500 1-35 1-30 1-9 1 1 10
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Battle Axe.png Silver Battle Axe T_Imp_Silver_Battleaxe_01 24 200 900 1-36 1-27 1-4 1 1 4.6
Charach, Damola Protia: Smith (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Paruddma's Maw, Bolus Vestibule (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Stalhrim Battle Axe.png Stalhrim Battleaxe T_Nor_StalhrimBattleAxe_01 80 84000 4000 4-70 5-55 1-10 1 1 10
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Warpick.png Ynesai Iron Warpick T_Yne_Iron_Warpick 11 17 550 2-4 2-4 5-16 1 1.8 4.5
No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)

Blunt Weapons[edit]

One Handed[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Chop Slash Thrust Speed Reach Enchant Sample Location
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Club.png Adamantium Club T_Com_Adamant_Club_01 21 1000 1500 8-10 3-6 3-6 1.5 1 10 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Gakken gro-Gayash in Norem (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nordic Mace.png Ancient Nordic Mace T_Nor_Ancient_Mace_01 16 180 1200 5-17 5-17 1-2 1.25 1 4.5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Wraithspire (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ashlander Club.png Ashlander Club T_De_Ashlander_Club_01 12.6 2400 320 8-9 3-5 3-5 1.5 1 2.2 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Maesabun, Sunken Burial (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Auroran Mace.png Auroran Mace T_Dae_Auroran_Mace_01 15 700 2400 4-20 4-20 1-5 1.3 1 5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Club.png Chitin Club T_QyC_Chitin_Club_01 6 6 320 3-3 2-2 1-2 1.5 1 2 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Mace.png Chitin Mace T_De_Chitin_Mace_01 8 20 600 1-10 1-10 1-2 1.3 1 2.5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Othrano, Vault (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Dreugh Mace.png Dreugh Mace T_De_Dreugh_Mace_01 12.8 300 600 1-15 1-15 1-6 1.3 1 4.4 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Rilyn Nelvilo (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Dwarven Club.png Dwarven Club T_Dwe_Regular_Club_01 12 150 900 6-7 5-6 5-6 1 1 4 Carried by Damola Protia in Charach (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Almas Thirr, Samsi Adranibaal: Pawnbroker (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Dwarven Junk Mace.png Dwarven Junk Mace T_Dwe_Regular_Junkmace_01 20 156 2500 5-15 5-15 0-2 1.5 1 1.2 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Othrano, Upper Level (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Club.png Ebony Club T_De_Ebony_Club_01 24 5000 1200 8-10 4-6 4-6 1.5 1 9 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Club.png Glass Club T_De_Glass_Club_01 14.2 4200 320 8-10 3-6 3-6 1.75 1 2.4 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Raenor (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Mace.png Glass Mace T_De_Glass_Mace_01 17.6 10000 960 5-23 5-23 1-3 1.5 1 3 Carried by Neleth Sirayn aboard Hearthrend (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Old Ebonheart, Iela Free-Bear's Exotic Weapons(TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Goblin Club.png Goblin Club T_Cr_Goblin_Club_01 6 5 250 3-4 3-3 1-3 1 1 8 Nabor (PC)
Black Teeth Caverns (SHOTN)
Pagondha Cave (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Club.png Imperial Club T_Imp_Legion_Club_01 13 15 500 3-4 2-3 2-3 1.5 1 4.5 Anvil, Rotarius Fine Smithing (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Buljor (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Mace.png Imperial Mace T_Imp_Legion_Mace_01 16 40 1500 3-12 3-12 1-2 1.3 1 5.5 Strand (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Rolnjar (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Indoril Mace.png Indoril Mace T_De_Indoril_Mace_01 23 2400 2700 5-20 5-20 1-3 1.5 1 4.5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Ilaru Daras (TR)}}
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Morningstar.png Iron Morningstar T_Com_Iron_Morningstar_01 15 30 1400 1-15 1-14 1-3 1.5 1 5 Pelelius Crypt (PC)
Kulmar Cavern (SHOTN)
Carried by Utrukha gra-Malazg (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Truncheon.png Iron Truncheon T_Com_Iron_Truncheon_01 13 15 600 4-8 3-8 1-2 1.4 1 4.5 Heat Lightning, Hold(PC)
Carried by Paleen in The Droopy Mare, Karthwasten (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Maormer Club.png Maormer Club T_Mao_Club_01 8 500 500 7-10 4-5 3-5 1.5 1 3.2 Abecean Sea [-127,-58] (ditch south of TEM Surfrunner) (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Mithril Mace.png Mithril Mace T_Bre_Mithril_Mace_01 18 2250 2100 5-15 5-15 1-5 1 1 70 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Club.png Nordic Club T_Nor_Orn_Club_01 13.6 50 600 8-8 4-6 4-6 1.5 1 4 Carried by Heimr Fjord-Wind (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Mace.png Nordic Mace T_Nor_Orn_Mace_01 15 32 800 5-17 5-17 1-2 1.3 1 4.5 No fixed location (PC)
Karthwasten, Grodna: Smith(SHOTN)
Kothol (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Trollbone Club.png Nordic Trollbone Club T_Nor_Trollbone_Club_01 15 85 500 9-9 5-7 5-7 1.5 1 2 No fixed location (PC)
Karthwasten, Grodna: Smith (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Club.png Orcish Club T_Orc_regular_club_01 12.6 1000 900 8-10 4-5 4-5 1.5 1 4.5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Yarnag gro-Shum (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Mace 02.png Orcish Mace T_Orc_Regular_Mace_01 24 2400 2600 7-24 6-20 4-8 1 1 8 Carried by Mulbuk gra-Danog in Mischarstette (PC)
Carried by Lurohk gra-Nagazh(SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Club.png Quey Bronze Club T_Qy_Bronze_Club_01 12 75 325 5-6 4-5 4-5 1.5 1 8 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Dulandos, Storage Chambers (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Mace.png Quey Bronze Mace T_Qy_Bronze_Mace_01 15 175 1450 1-16 1-15 1-2 1.4 1 10 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Reman Legion Mace.png Reman Legion Mace T_Imp_Reman_Mace_01 13 130 1700 4-9 4-9 1-1 1.4 1 4 Eumaeus, Prison(PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Ald Erfoud (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Scamp Club.png Scamp Club T_Dae_Scamp_Club_01 11 100 450 4-5 3-3 1-3 1.5 1 8 Vallynatha Grotto (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Scamp Mace.png Scamp Mace T_Dae_Scamp_Mace_01 14 240 1250 1-12 1-12 1-2 1.3 1 10 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Shellmold Club.png Shellmold Club T_QyC_shellmold_club 6 80 450 5-6 2-3 1-2 1.5 1 5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Mace.png Silver Club T_Imp_Silver_Mace_01 10 75 900 4-10 2-4 2-4 1.5 1 4 Anvil, Borgush gro-Ulius: Smith (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Ald Balaal, Vault (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Mace 02.png Silver Mace T_Imp_Silver_Mace_02 12 88 1280 3-14 1-10 1-2 1.3 1 10 Mwesi (PC)
Karthwasten, Red Palace: Vault (SHOTN)
Vulunith Ancestral Tomb (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Morningstar.png Silver Morningstar T_Com_Silver_Morningstar 12 120 1150 4-17 4-16 1-4 1.3 1.2 4 Anvil, Rotarius: Fine Smithing (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Delvenu Bavani (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Truncheon.png Silver Truncheon T_Imp_Silver_Truncheon_01 12 120 1150 4-17 4-16 1-4 1.3 1.2 4 Charach, Miro Colestus: General Goods (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Morningstar.png Steel Morningstar T_Com_Steel_Morningstar_01 15 60 2100 4-17 4-16 14 1.3 1.2 5 Anvil, Rotarius: Fine Smithing (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Truncheon.png Steel Truncheon T_Com_Steel_Truncheon_01 13 75 900 5-10 4-10 1-2 1.4 1 4.5 Charach, Damola Protia: Smith (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Maelros (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Vampyrum Order Mace.png Vampyrum Order Mace T_Imp_Vampyrum_Mace_01 11 8000 2400 2-20 2-20 1-3 1.3 1 5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Wenbone Club.png Wenbone Club T_We_Wenbone_Club_01 10 25 450 3-7 2-6 1-6 1.5 1 3.5 Anvil, Srethuun Clan Apartment (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Atlagoth (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Wooden Club.png Wooden Club T_Com_Wood_Club_01 3.5 2 100 1-2 1-2 1-2 1.5 1 1.5 Anvil, Srethuun Clan Apartment (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Wooden Mace.png Wooden Mace T_Com_Wood_Mace_01 5 8 250 3-6 3-7 1-2 1.2 1 3.5 Carried by Adrik the Unseen (PC)
Carried by Aodril (SHOTN)
Yamniban (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Club.png Ynesai Iron Club T_Yne_Iron_SpikeClub 12 10 400 4-7 3-3 1-3 1.5 1 4 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Mace.png Ynesai Iron Mace T_Yne_Iron_SpikeMace 15 24 1200 1-12 1-12 1-2 1.3 1 5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)

Two Handed Close[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Chop Slash Thrust Speed Reach Enchant Sample Location
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Warhammer.png Adamantium Warhammer T_Com_Adamant_Warhammer_01 45 7500 5000 1-56 1-44 1-2 1 1.5 12 Anvil, Borgush gro-Ulius: Smith (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Girynu Rathryon (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Dwarven Great Mace.png Dwarven Great Mace T_Dwe_Regular_Greatmace_01 34 750 4000 1-37 1-33 1-2 1 1.5 5.5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Nchal-Marschend, Halls (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Warhammer 02.png Ebony Warhammer T_De_Ebony_Warhammer_01 48 15000 2400 1-37 1-20 1-5 1.25 1 10 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Diril Davus (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Warhammer.png Glass Warhammer T_De_Glass_Warhammer_01 21 17600 1800 1-48 1-43 1-3 1 1.5 3.5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Helvi Ancestral Tomb (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Hoe.png Hoe T_Com_Farm_Hoe_01 8 10 300 2-4 2-4 0-1 1 1.3 2 Marav, Tool Shed (PC)
Karthwasten, Tivela Tyravel: Pawnbroker (SHOTN)
Andothren, Rivyn Dalvani: Trader (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Templar Warhammer.png Imperial Templar Warhammer T_Imp_Templar_Warhammer_01 32 150 3500 1-39 1-32 1-2 1 1.5 5.5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Warhammer.png Imperial Warhammer T_Imp_Legion_Warhammer_01 34 70 2600 1-30 1-25 1-2 1 1.5 6 Melestrata (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Indoril Bell Hammer.png Indoril Bell Hammer T_De_Ind_BellHammer_01 60 4000 3800 1-45 1-40 1-3 1 1.5 9.5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Ules Ancestral Tomb (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Longhammer.png Iron Longhammer T_Com_Iron_Longhammer_01 36 80 1800 1-30 1-26 1-6 1 1.8 6 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Helnim, Cervius Veris: Genral Merchant (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Warhammer.png Iron Warhammer T_Com_Iron_Warhammer_01 32 40 2000 1-28 1-24 1-2 1 1.5 5.5 Hal Sadek (exterior) (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Othrano, Upper Level (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Steel Warhammer.png Nordic Steel Warhammer T_Nor_Steel_WarHammer_01 42 240 3500 1-42 1-35 1-4 1 1.5 7 Carried by Broda (PC)
Asvirsang Barrow (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Warhammer 02.png Nordic Warhammer T_Nor_Orn_Warhammer_01 35 185 1900 1-45 1-20 1-15 1 1 10 Carried by Ansolda Tantha-Face (PC)
Bergarojh Barrow (SHOTN)
Dunada-Nammu (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Warhammer.png Quey Bronze Warhammer T_Qy_Bronze_Warhammer_01 32 400 2410 1-22 1-22 1-2 1 1.5 12.5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Reachmen Warhammer.png Reachmen Warhammer T_Rea_Regular_Warhammer_01 28 60 1600 1-25 1-22 1-2 1 1.5 8 No fixed location (PC)
Ocsenna (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Shovel.png Shovel T_Com_Farm_Shovel_01 8 10 350 2-4 2-4 0-1 1 1.3 2 Marav, Tool Shed (PC)
Karthwasten, Stables Storage (SHOTN)
Kharom, Forges (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Longhammer.png Silver Longhammer T_Imp_Silver_Longhammer_01 32 280 2000 1-30 1-28 1-8 1 1.8 7 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Helnim, Parjho: Used Armor and Weapons (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Warhammer.png Silver Warhammer T_Imp_Silver_Warhammer_01 28 160 2250 1-28 1-25 1-4 1 1.5 5.1 Charach, Damola Protia: Smith (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Arvud, Hlavora Tilvur: Trader (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Sledgehammer.png Sledgehammer T_Com_Farm_Sledgehammer_01 12 15 350 1-18 1-14 0-2 1 1.5 2 Salthearth, Farm Storage (PC)
Karthwastern, Stables (SHOTN)
Saros Mine, Upper Level (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Stalhrim Warhammer.png Stalhrim Warhammer T_Nor_StalhrimWarhammer_01 90 45000 8200 1-74 1-80 1-4 1 1.5 5 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Longhammer.png Steel Longhammer T_Com_Steel_Longhammer_01 36 120 2600 1-34 1-30 1-6 1 1.8 6.5 Carried by Ulrik One-Eye (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Andothren, Ulran Teryon: Fine Weaponsmith (TR)

Two Handed Wide[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Chop Slash Thrust Speed Reach Enchant Sample Location
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Staff.png Adamantium Staff T_Com_Adamant_Staff_01 12 2800 700 2-14 3-14 1-10 1.75 1.5 50 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Verenabi (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ashlander Staff.png Ashlander Staff T_De_Ashlander_Staff_01 4 4200 280 2-10 3-10 1-7 1.75 1.5 4 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Ushu-Kur Mine, Ancient Burial (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nordic Staff.png Ancient Nordic Staff T_Nor_Ancient_Staff_01 12 240 600 3-8 2-7 1-6 1.5 1.8 14 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Cane.png Cane T_De_Cane_M 3 25 400 3-9 3-9 1-6 1.8 1.5 85 Carried by Adosu Dovayn (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Almas Thirr, Dralas Vando: Trader (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Cane 02.png Cane T_De_Cane_P 5 10 200 2-7 2-7 1-5 1.75 1.8 70 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Almas Thirr, Samsi Adranibaal: Pawnbroker (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Cane 03.png Cane T_De_Cane_R 4 50 600 4-11 4-11 1-7 1.75 1.8 50 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Barendreth, Upper Level (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Cane 04.png Cane T_Imp_Cane_M 4 25 400 3-9 3-9 1-6 1.75 1.5 85 Charach, Miro Colestus: General Goods (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Cane 05.png Cane T_Imp_Cane_P 4 10 200 2-7 2-7 1-5 1.75 1.5 70 Marav, Philus Verius: Trader (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Cane 06.png Cane T_Imp_Cane_R 3 50 600 4-11 4-11 1-7 1.8 1.5 100 Charach, Miro Colestus: General Goods (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Cane 07.png Cane T_Nor_Cane_M 3 25 400 2-7 2-7 1-5 1.75 1.5 85 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Cane 08.png Cane T_Nor_Cane_P 5 10 200 2-7 2-7 1-5 1.75 1.8 70 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Cane 09.png Cane T_Nor_Cane_R 3 50 600 2-7 2-7 1-5 1.75 1.5 100 Carried by Kya of Nimalten (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Cane 10.png Cane T_Yne_Cane_M 4 25 400 2-7 2-7 1-5 1.75 1.8 85 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Cane 11.png Cane T_Yne_Cane_P 5 10 200 2-7 2-7 1-5 1.75 1.8 70 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Cane 12.png Cane T_Yne_Cane_R 4 50 600 2-7 2-7 1-5 1.75 1.8 100 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Staff.png Chitin Staff T_De_Chitin_Staff 8 10 300 2-7 2-7 1-5 1.75 1.8 7 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Seherbal Camp, Kindapli's Yurt (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Corkbulb Staff.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Corkbulb Staff 02.png
Corkbulb Staff T_De_Corkbulb_Staff_01
7.5 5 100 2-5 2-5 1-4 1.75 1.8 12 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Andothren, Irva Sedrethi: Outfitter (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Dwarven Staff.png Dwarven Staff T_Dwe_Regular_Staff_01 20 700 1000 2-8 1-20 1-5 1 1.7 20 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Dwarven Staff.png Dwarven Staff2 T_Dwe_Regular_Staff_02 22 650 1000 2-9 1-12 1-5 1 1.8 12 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Fishing Net.png Fishing Net T_Com_Var_FishingNet_01 4 12 150 2-3 2-3 2-5 1.75 1.8 2 Land's End Grotto (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Great Mace.png Iron Great Mace T_Com_Iron_GreatMace_01 35 60 2100 5-32 5-28 2-6 1 1.5 5 Salinen (PC)
Carried by Herkja (SHOTN)
Nivalis, The Black Ogre Tavern (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Staff.png Iron Staff T_Com_Iron_Staff_01 8 12 300 2-7 2-7 1-5 1.75 1.8 7 Melestrata (PC)
Carried by Aelyga at the Dragon Fountain Inn, West Dragonstar(SHOTN)
Vaynth Ancestral Tomb (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Staff.png Nordic Staff T_Nor_Orn_Staff_01 18 100 700 2-8 2-8 1-6 1 1.7 8 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Old Elven Staff.png Old Elven Staff T_He_Direnni_Staff_01 6 140 250 1-7 1-7 1-7 1.85 1.45 20 No fixed location (PC)
Vars Tharnil, Starflight Halls (SHOTN)
No fixed locationn (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Staff.png Orcish Staff T_Orc_Regular_Staff_01 15 1350 1100 2-10 3-14 1-8 1 1.7 18 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Lagabul gra-Yarnag (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Staff.png Quey Bronze Staff T_Qy_Bronze_Staff_01 14 410 300 2-7 3-9 1-5 1.75 1.7 16.4 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Staff.png Silver Staff T_Com_Silver_Staff_01 6.4 98 270 2-7 3-7 1-5 1.75 1.5 5.6 Anvil, Rotarius Fine Smithing (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Carried by Arieglos of Elden Root (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Stalhrim Staff.png Stalhrim Staff T_Nor_StalhrimStaff_01 24 34000 1460 3-26 4-26 1-15 1.75 1.8 40 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Wenbone Staff.png Wenbone Staff T_We_Wenbone_Staff_01 12 80 460 2-11 2-11 1-7 1.75 1.8 9 Archad, Kathrelor: General Goods (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
No fixed location (TR)
TD3-icon-weapon-Wooden Staff.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Wooden Staff 02.png
Wooden Staff T_De_Wooden_Staff_01
8 8 300 2-6 3-6 1-5 1.75 1.8 7 No fixed location (PC)
No fixed location (SHOTN)
Hlorandus, Lower Level (TR)

Long Blades[edit]

One Handed[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Chop Slash Thrust Speed Reach Enchant
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Broadsword.png Adamantium Broadsword T_Com_Adamant_Broadsword_01 18 1000 1900 4-25 2-24 2-24 1.35 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Katana.png Adamantium Katana T_Com_Adamant_Katana_01 35 5500 3500 3-34 1-32 1-11 1.5 1 15
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Longsword.png Adamantium Longsword T_Com_Adamant_Longsword_01 30 5000 1700 2-26 1-35 4-32 1.5 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Saber.png Adamantium Saber T_Com_Adamant_Saber_01 25 3000 1850 3-32 3-33 1-5 1.55 1 9
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Scimitar.png Adamantium Scimitar T_Com_Adamant_Scimitar_01 30 3750 3500 2-26 1-41 3-32 1.5 1 75
TD3-icon-weapon-Alessian Bronze Falcata.png Alessian Bronze Falcata T_Imp_AlessianBronze_Falcata_01 18 120 700 2-15 2-16 1-11 1.4 1 4.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Alik'r Broadsword.png Alik'r Broadsword T_Rga_Alik_Broadsword_01 12 60 900 4-14 4-14 2-14 1.25 1 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nedic Longsword.png Ancient Nedic Longsword T_Bre_Barrow_Sword_01 15 200 800 5-16 4-18 1-8 1.35 1 0.6
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nordic Broadsword.png Ancient Nordic Broadsword T_Nor_Ancient_Broadsword_01 15 260 800 6-18 2-18 2-18 1.25 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Ayleid Curved Long Blade.png Ayleid Curved Long Blade T_Ayl_Regular_LongBlade_01 16 750 700 6-22 5-19 1-5 1.25 1 18
TD3-icon-weapon-Bronze Longsword.png Bronze Longsword T_Ce_Bronze_Kpesh_01 16 140 500 1-20 1-20 1-3 1.35 1 2.8
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Longsword.png Chitin Longsword T_De_Chitin_Longsword_01 9 26 650 1-10 1-14 3-12 1.4 1 4
TD3-icon-weapon-Colovian Household Sword.png Colovian Household Sword T_Imp_Col_House_Sword_01 21 1200 700 2-12 1-18 4-6 2 1 7
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Broadsword.png Daedric Broadsword T_Dae_Regular_Broadsword_01 45 35000 3400 4-29 2-40 2-36 1.25 1 16
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Longsword.png Daedric Longsword T_Dae_Regular_Longsword_01 60 40000 3200 2-32 1-44 4-40 1.35 1 18
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Saber 02.png Daedric Saber T_Dae_Regular_Saber_01 40 28000 4000 5-42 4-38 1-15 1.4 1 16
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Scimitar.png Daedric Scimitar T_Dae_Regular_Scimitar_01 55 55000 5000 5-45 2-35 4-10 1.4 1 20
TD3-icon-weapon-Dwarven Broadsword.png Dwarven Broadsword T_Dwe_Regular_Broadsword_01 10 400 1130 8-18 12-18 2-18 1.25 1 4.2
TD3-icon-weapon-Dwarven Longsword.png Dwarven Longsword T_Dwe_Regular_Longsword_01 18 600 1130 4-18 3-24 5-22 1.35 1 5.2
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Katana.png Ebony Katana T_De_Ebony_Katana_01 36 22000 3200 3-33 1-35 1-34 1.5 1 12
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Saber.png Ebony Saber T_De_Ebony_Saber_01 30 13000 2400 5-36 4-32 1-14 1.4 1 12
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Broadsword.png Glass Broadsword T_De_Glass_Broadsword_01 11.5 14000 400 4-23 2-23 2-23 1.25 1 4.2
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Katana.png Glass Katana T_De_Glass_Katana_01 10 18000 960 3-30 1-31 1-9 1.5 1 3.6
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Saber.png Glass Saber T_He_Glass_Saber_01 10 17000 890 3-28 5-32 4-8 1.45 1.1 3.6
TD3-icon-weapon-Gold Rapier.png Gold Rapier T_Com_Gold_Rapier_01 15.6 540 920 1-6 4-18 6-23 1.4 1 6.3
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Broadsword.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Broadsword 02.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Broadsword 03.png
Imperial Broadsword T_Imp_Legion_Broadsword_01
12 60 600 6-12 4-12 4-12 1.25 1 7
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Katana.png Imperial Katana T_Imp_Legion_Katana_01 19 90 1500 3-18 1-16 1-5 1.5 1 7
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Longsword 02.png Imperial Longsword T_Imp_Legion_Longsword_01 9 30 700 4-10 4-10 6-10 2 1 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Royal Silver Longsword.png Imperial Royal Silver Longsword T_Imp_Legion_RoyalLongsword_01 17 560 700 5-17 2-23 7-21 1.3 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Saber.png Imperial Saber T_Imp_Legion_Saber_01 15 55 1100 5-22 6-16 1-5 1.4 1 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Templar Longsword.png Imperial Templar Longsword T_Imp_Templar_Longsword_01 20 220 1000 4-25 2-24 2-24 1.35 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Indoril Scimitar.png Indoril Scimitar T_De_Indoril_Scimitar_01 30 3000 2250 2-21 1-33 3-26 1.35 1 36
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Broadsword.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Broadsword 02.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Broadsword 03.png
Iron Broadsword T_Com_Iron_Broadsword_01
12 30 600 4-12 2-12 2-12 1.25 1 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Katana.png Iron Katana T_Com_Iron_katana_01 18 88 1400 4-25 2-24 2-24 1.5 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Rapier.png Iron Rapier T_Com_Iron_Rapier_01 14 32 680 1-4 4-15 5-19 1.4 1 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Saber.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Saber 02.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Saber 03.png
Iron Saber T_Com_Iron_Saber_01
15 24 700 5-18 4-16 1-4 1.4 1 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Scimitar.png Iron Scimitar T_Com_Iron_Scimitar_01 20 30 1500 2-13 1-24 3-16 1.35 1 40
TD3-icon-weapon-Mithril Katana.png Mithril Katana T_Bre_Mithril_Katana_01 24 12500 2200 4-25 2-24 2-24 1.5 1 75
TD3-icon-weapon-Mithril Longsword.png Mithril Longsword T_Bre_Mithril_Longsword_01 20 11000 1250 2-23 1-31 4-28 1.5 1 55
TD3-icon-weapon-Nibenese Katana.png Nibenese Katana T_Imp_Nibenese_Katana_01 15 180 900 2-20 1-18 1-6 1.5 1 5.8
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Longsword.png Nordic Longsword T_Nor_Orn_Longsword_01 23 115 800 2-18 1-24 4-22 1.35 1 7
TD3-icon-weapon-Old Elven Longsword.png Old Elven Longsword T_He_Direnni_Longsword_01 16 320 640 1-20 1-20 2-14 1.35 1 16
TD3-icon-weapon-Old Tsaesci Katana.png Old Tsaesci Katana T_Tsa_Regular_Katana_02 18 700 1800 1-19 1-17 1-6 1.5 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Cleaver.png Orcish Cleaver T_Orc_Regular_Cleaver_01 15 1600 2500 8-27 5-16 4-15 1.25 1 8
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Longsword.png Orcish Longsword T_Orc_Regular_Longsword_01 10 2200 2000 10-20 8-25 6-17 1 1 8.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Scimitar.png Quey Bronze Scimitar T_Qy_Bronze_Scimitar_01 11 220 600 6-16 8-16 2-16 1.25 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Redguard Steel Axesword.png Redguard Steel Axesword T_Rga_Steel_Axesword_01 24 110 1700 2-14 1-30 1-4 1.1 1 8
TD3-icon-weapon-Redguard Steel Longsword.png Redguard Steel Longsword T_Rga_Steel_Longsword_01 20 100 1350 2-16 4-22 4-20 1.35 1 7
TD3-icon-weapon-Redguard Steel Rapier.png Redguard Steel Rapier T_Rga_Steel_Rapier_01 14 80 1050 1-5 4-18 6-22 1.4 1.2 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Sixth House Sickle.png Sixth House Sickle T_De_6th_Sickle_01 20 2500 1200 2-28 4-30 1-8 1 1.5 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Saber.png Redguard Steel Saber T_Rga_Steel_Saber_01 15 90 1050 6-22 4-20 1-3 1.4 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Redguard Steel Saber.png Redguard Steel Saber T_Rga_Steel_Saber_02 18 100 1200 6-22 4-20 1-5 1.35 1 7
TD3-icon-weapon-Redguard Steel Scimitar.png Redguard Steel Scimitar T_Rga_Steel_Scimitar_01 22 110 1600 1-16 1-27 4-12 1.2 1 7
TD3-icon-weapon-Redoran Ceremonial Blade.png Redoran Ceremonial Blade T_De_RedHero_CeremonialBlade_01 20 250 2000 2-22 3-18 6-12 1.5 1 8
TD3-icon-weapon-Reman Legion Broadsword.png Reman Legion Broadsword T_Imp_Reman_Broadsword_01 14 210 500 7-10 5-10 5-9 1.15 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Broadsword.png Silver Broadsword T_Imp_Silver_Broadsword_01 10.5 1 450 4-14 4-14 2-14 1.25 1 4.4
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Katana.png Silver Katana T_Imp_Silver_Katana_01 15 220 900 3-20 1-18 1-6 1.5 1 4.8
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Saber.png Silver Saber T_Imp_Silver_Saber_01 11 96 750 5-20 4-18 1-5 1.4 1 4.3
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Saber 02.png Silver Saber T_Imp_Silver_Saber_02 15 80 570 5-17 4-15 1-10 1.4 1 3.6
TD3-icon-weapon-Sixth House Scimitar.png Sixth House Scimitar T_De_6th_Longsword_01 21 4800 2000 10-24 8-30 6-21 1 1 15.2
TD3-icon-weapon-Stalhrim Broadsword.png Stalhrim Broadsword T_Nor_StalhrimBroadsword_01 40 52000 3000 6-40 4-40 4-40 1.25 1 6.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Broadsword.png Steel Broadsword T_Com_Steel_Broadsword_01 12 60 900 4-14 4-14 2-14 1.25 1 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Longsword.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Longsword 02.png
Steel Longsword T_Com_Steel_Longsword_01
20 80
900 2-14 1-20 4-18 1.35 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Rapier.png Steel Rapier T_Com_Steel_Rapier_01 14 58 1030 1-5 4-17 5-21 1.4 1 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Scimitar.png Steel Scimitar T_Com_Steel_Scimitar_01 20 60 1600 2-14 1-26 4-18 1.35 1 42
TD3-icon-weapon-Tsaesci Katana.png Tsaesci Katana T_Tsa_Regular_Katana_01 18 1000 1800 4-25 2-24 2-24 1.5 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Vampyrum Order Longsword.png Vampyrum Order Longsword T_Imp_Vampyrum_Longsword_01 15 13000 1600 2-21 1-29 4-27 1.35 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Wayrest Artisan Broadsword.png Wayrest Artisan Broadsword T_Bre_Artisan_Broadsword_01 13 180 900 5-16 5-16 3-16 1.25 1 7.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Wayrest Artisan Longsword.png Wayrest Artisan Longsword T_Bre_Artisan_Longsword_01 21.5 900 240 3-16 2-23 5-21 1.35 1 9
TD3-icon-weapon-Wenbone Longsword.png Wenbone Longsword T_We_Wenbone_Longsword_01 15 320 900 2-18 2-20 5-16 1.4 1 7.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Steel Broadsword.png Witch Steel Broadsword T_Com_DaedSteel_Broadsword_01 15 850 1100 4-24 2-24 2-24 1.2 1.1 12
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Steel Longsword.png Witch Steel Longsword T_Com_DaedSteel_Longsword_01 25 900 1900 5-20 2-30 3-25 1.3 1 20
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Longsword.png Ynesai Iron Longsword T_Yne_Iron_Longsword 20 40 800 3-17 3-16 2-13 1.35 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Machete.png Ynesai Iron Machete T_Yne_Iron_Machete 15 27 700 2-15 2-13 1-10 1.35 1 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Yoku Longsword.png Yoku Longsword T_Rga_Yoku_Lsword_01 16 155 900 5-14 6-20 4-8 1.6 1 6.5

Two Handed[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Chop Slash Thrust Speed Reach Enchant
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Dai-Katana.png Adamantium Dai-Katana T_Com_Adamant_DaiKatana_01 40 15000 4600 1-47 1-41 1-22 1.35 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nordic Claymore.png Ancient Nordic Claymore T_Nor_Ancient_Claymore_01 30 600 1600 1-30 1-25 1-18 1.25 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Bronze Claymore.png Bronze Claymore T_Ce_Bronze_Gpesh_01 20 200 980 1-23 1-23 1-3 1.25 1 3.4
TD3-icon-weapon-Ceremonial Dragon-Turtle Slayer.png Ceremonial Dragon-Turtle Slayer T_Yne_CeremonialTurtleSlayer 33 782 2400 1-32 1-38 1-20 1 1.5 13
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Greatsword.png Daedric Greatsword T_Dae_Regular_GSword_01 85 90000 5700 1-62 1-54 1-26 1.1 1 20
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Claymore.png Ebony Claymore T_De_Ebony_Claymore_01 62 40000 4900 1-52 1-45 1-30 1.25 1 18
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Dai-Katana.png Ebony Dai-Katana T_De_Ebony_DaiKatana_01 42 50000 5900 1-49 1-47 1-24 1.35 1 15
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Greatsword.png Ebony Greatsword T_De_Ebony_GSword_01 67 45000 5300 1-54 1-47 1-32 1.25 1 17.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Dai-katana.png Glass Dai-katana T_De_Glass_DaiKatana_01 12 40000 1840 1-37 1-33 1-15 1.35 1 4.6
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Claymore.png Imperial Claymore T_Imp_Legion_Claymore_01 20 150 1900 1-25 1-21 1-14 1.25 1 9
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Dai-Katana.png Imperial Dai-katana T_Imp_Legion_Daikatana_01 21 230 2400 1-25 1-21 1-12 1.35 1 8
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Greatsword.png Imperial Greatsword T_Imp_Legion_GSword_01 30 180 2200 1-27 1-23 1-18 1.25 1 8.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Dai-Katana.png Iron Dai-katana T_Com_Iron_Daikatana_01 20 154 2200 1-23 1-21 1-12 1.35 1 7
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Greatsword.png Iron Greatsword T_Com_Iron_GSword_01 32 105 1600 1-26 1-24 1-8 1.25 1 7.2
TD3-icon-weapon-Nibenese Dai-Katana.png Nibenese Dai-Katana T_Imp_Nibenese_Daikatana_01 17.5 420 1800 1-27 1-23 1-14 1.35 1 6.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Claymore.png Orcish Claymore T_Orc_Regular_Claymore_01 22 1800 2500 8-36 10-32 5-23 1.25 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Mithril Claymore.png Mithril Claymore T_Bre_Mithril_Claymore_01 40 26000 3300 10-37 10-38 10-26 1 1 85
TD3-icon-weapon-Mithril Dai-Katana.png Mithril Dai-Katana T_Bre_Mithril_DaiKatana_01 30 28000 3400 1-44 1-38 1-19 1.35 1 90
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Claymore.png Orcish Claymore T_Orc_Regular_Claymore_01 22 1800 2500 8-36 10-32 5-23 1.25 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Great Scimitar.png Quey Bronze Great Scimitar T_Qy_Bronze_GreatScimitar_01 27 400 1750 1-30 1-26 1-18 1.25 1 13.7
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Dai-Katana.png Silver Dai-Katana T_Imp_Silver_DaiKatana_01 17.5 480 1800 1-17 1-23 1-14 1.35 1 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Greatsword.png Silver Greatsword T_Imp_Silver_GSword_01 23.4 400 1820 1-30 1-25 1-18 1.25 1 5.2
TD3-icon-weapon-Sixth House Sickle.png Sixth House Sickle T_De_6th_Sickle_01 20 2500 1200 2-28 4-30 1-8 1 1.5 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Stalhrim Claymore.png Stalhrim Claymore T_Nor_StalhrimClaymore_01 84 88000 7100 1-74 1-68 1-36 1.25 1 11.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Vampyrum Order Greatsword.png Vampyrum Order Greatsword T_Imp_Vampyrum_GSword_01 28 29700 2850 1-41 1-36 1-17 1.25 1 7
TD3-icon-weapon-Wayrest Artisan Claymore.png Wayrest Artisan Claymore T_Bre_Artisan_Claymore_01 29 480 2100 1-31 1-26 1-18 1.25 1 10.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Steel Claymore.png Witch Steel Claymore T_Com_DaedSteel_Claymore_01 35 1100 2900 5-35 5-35 1-25 1.2 1 14.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Yoku Claymore.png Yoku Claymore T_Rga_Yoku_2hsword 18 185 1000 7-25 3-12 1-5 1.35 1 5

Marksman Weapons[edit]


Name ID Weight Value Health Damage Enchant
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nordic Long Bow.png Ancient Nordic Long Bow T_Nor_Ancient_Longbow_01 8 200 550 1-22 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ayleid Longbow.png Ayleid Longbow T_Ayl_Regular_LongBow_01 6 750 500 1-36 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Long Bow.png Adamantium Long Bow T_Com_Adamant_Bow_01 18 1500 825 1-37 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Bosmeri Wenbone Bow.png Wenbone Bow T_We_Wenbone_Bow_01 7 900 800 1-37 7
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Short Bow.png Chitin Short Bow T_QyC_Chitin_Shortbow_01 2 20 500 1-10 1
TD3-icon-weapon-Corkbulb Short Bow.png Corkbulb Short Bow T_De_Corkbulb_Bow_01 4 35 300 1-10 1.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Dreugh Short Bow.png Dreugh Short Bow T_De_Dreugh_Shortbow_01 8 800 600 1-20 4
TD3-icon-weapon-Neldrac's Reach.png Dwarven Long Bow T_Dwe_Regular_Longbow_01 12 420 900 1-35 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Longbow.png Ebony Longbow T_De_Ebony_Bow_01 19 25000 700 2-45 7
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Long Bow.png Glass Long Bow T_De_Glass_Bow_01 10 20000 400 2-40 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Huntsman Longbow.png Huntsman Longbow T_Nor_Huntsman_Bow_01 18 800 240 2-25 3.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Short Bow.png Iron Short Bow T_Com_Iron_Shortbow_01 10 70 800 1-20 2.8
TD3-icon-weapon-Maormer Long Bow.png Maormer Long Bow T_Mao_Bow_01 4 900 700 2-35 4.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Longbow.png Nordic Silver Longbow T_Nor_Silver_Bow_01 8 1000 640 2-35 8
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Short Bow.png Orcish Short Bow T_Orc_Regular_Bow_01 10 820 800 1-25 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Longbow.png Quey Bronze Longbow T_Qy_Bronze_Bow_01 7 300 350 1-25 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Shellmold Bow.png Shellmold Bow T_QyC_shellmold_bow 7 300 700 1-30 40
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Longbow 02.png Silver Longbow T_Imp_Silver_Longbow_01 10 600 750 1-32 4
TD3-icon-weapon-Sixth House Longbow.png Sixth House Longbow T_De_6th_Longbow_01 20 3520 800 1-30 9.6
TD3-icon-weapon-Stalhrim Longbow.png Stalhrim Longbow T_Nor_Ice_Bow_01 30 55000 800 2-60 5


Name ID Weight Value Damage
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Arrow.png Adamantium Arrow T_Com_Adamant_Arrow_01 0.15 25 2-8
TD3-icon-weapon-Aena Arrow.png Aena Arrow T_De_Aena_Arrow_01 0.1 2 1-3
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nordic Arrow.png Ancient Nordic Arrow T_Nor_Ancient_Arrow_01 0.2 10 1-3
TD3-icon-weapon-Ashlander Arrow.png Ashlander Arrow T_De_Ashlander_Arrow_01 0.15 6 1-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ayleid Arrow.png Ayleid Arrow T_Ayl_Arrow_01 0.15 15 1-6
TD3-icon-weapon-Bosmeri Bone Arrow.png Wenbone Arrow T_We_Bone_Arrow_01 0.1 2 1-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Arrow.png Chitin Arrow T_QyC_Chitin_Arrow_01 0.1 1 1-2
TD3-icon-weapon-Dreugh Arrow.png Dreugh Arrow T_De_Dreugh_Arrow_01 0.1 10 1-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Dwarven Arrow.png Dwarven Arrow T_Dwe_Regular_Arrow_01 0.2 5 1-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Goblin Arrow.png Goblin Arrow T_Cr_Goblin_Arrow_01 0.2 10 7-12
TD3-icon-weapon-Huntsman Arrow.png Huntsman Arrow T_Nor_Huntsman_Arrow_01 0.2 5 1-8
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Arrow.png Imperial Arrow T_Imp_Legion_Arrow_01 0.8 3 1-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Maormer Arrow.png Maormer Arrow T_Mao_Arrow_01 0.2 10 1-6
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Arrow.png Nordic Arrow T_Nor_Orn_Arrow_01 0.2 4 1-4
TD3-icon-weapon-Obsidian Arrow.png Obsidian Arrow T_QyK_Obsidian_Arrow_01 0.15 2 1-4
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Arrow.png Orcish Arrow T_Orc_Orcish_Arrow 0.15 4 1-6
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Arrow.png Quey Bronze Arrow T_Qy_Bronze_Arrow_01 0.15 3 1-4
TD3-icon-weapon-Shellmold Arrow.png Shellmold Arrow T_QyC_shellmold_arrow 0.15 2 1-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Sixth House Arrow.png Sixth House Arrow T_De_6th_Arrow_01 0.15 15 1-8
TD3-icon-weapon-Stalhrim Arrow.png Stalhrim Arrow T_nor_Ice_Arrow_01 0.2 15 6-12
TD3-icon-weapon-Wooden Arrow.png Wooden Arrow T_Com_Wood_Arrow_01 0.1 1 1-2


Name ID Weight Value Health Damage Enchant
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Crossbow.png Adamantium Crossbow T_Com_Adamant_Crossbow_01 23 10000 800 38-38 11
MW-icon-weapon-Dwarven Crossbow.png Advanced Dwarven Crossbow T_Dwe_Regular_CrossbowFix_01 10 1200 750 30-30 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Crossbow.png Chitin Crossbow T_De_Chitin_Crossbow 9 140 450 15-15 4.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Crossbow.png Daedric Crossbow T_Dae_Regular_Crossbow_01 30 60000 1560 45-45 9
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Crossbow.png Ebony Crossbow T_De_Ebony_Crossbow_01 23 16000 675 36-36 7.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Crossbow.png Imperial Crossbow T_Imp_Legion_Crossbow_01 11 150 500 18-18 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Crossbow.png Orcish Crossbow T_Orc_Regular_Crossbow_01 10 900 650 25-25 5
MW-icon-weapon-Crossbow.png Wooden Crossbow T_Com_Wood_Crossbow_01
8 120 350 5-10 4


Name ID Weight Value Damage
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Bolt.png Adamantium Bolt T_Com_Adamant_Bolt_01 0.1 25 5-8
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Bolt.png Chitin Bolt T_De_Chitin_Bolt_01 0.1 1 1-3
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Bolt.png Daedric Bolt T_Dae_Regular_Bolt_01 0.3 20 12-15
TD3-icon-weapon-Dreugh Bolt.png Dreugh Bolt T_De_Dreugh_Bolt_01 0.1 10 1-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Dwarven Bolt.png Dwarven Bolt T_Dwe_Regular_Bolt_01 0.1 5 5-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Bolt.png Ebony Bolt T_De_Ebony_Bolt_01 0.2 10 6-10
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Bolt.png Glass Bolt T_De_Glass_Bolt_01 0.15 8 4-6
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Bolt.png Imperial Bolt T_Imp_Legion_Bolt_01 0.08 3 3-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Bolt.png Nordic Bolt T_Nor_Orn_Bolt_01 0.1 4 4-4
TD3-icon-weapon-Obsidian Bolt.png Obsidian Bolt T_QyK_Obsidian_Bolt_01 0.15 2 2-4
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Bolt.png Quey Bronze Bolt T_Qy_Bronze_Bolt_01 0.1 3 3-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Shellmold Bolt.png Shellmold Bolt T_QyC_shellmold_bolt 0.15 2 3-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Wooden Bolt.png Wooden Bolt T_Com_Wood_Bolt_01 0.1 1 1-2

Throwing Weapons[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Damage
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Dart.png Adamantium Dart T_Com_Adamant_Dart 0.3 1100 2-8
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Throwing Knife.png Adamantium Throwing Knife T_Com_Adamant_Knife 0.4 1000 1-7
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Throwing Star.png Adamantium Throwing Star T_Com_Adamant_Star 0.2 900 2-8
TD3-icon-weapon-Balanced Throwing Axe.png Balanced Throwing Axe T_Nor_Iron_ThrowingAxe_01 3 15 1-10
TD3-icon-weapon-Bonemold Dart.png Bonemold Dart T_De_Bonemold_Dart_01 0.2 7 1-6
TD3-icon-weapon-Bonemold Throwing Star.png Bonemold Throwing Star T_De_Bonemold_ThrowStar_01 0.1 8 2-6
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Dart.pngTD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Dart 02.png Chitin Dart T_De_Chitin_Dart_01
0.2 4 1-3
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Javelin.png Chitin Javelin T_De_Chitin_Javelin_01 4 5 3-15
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Throwing Knife.pngTD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Throwing Knife 02.png Chitin Throwing Knife T_De_Throwingknife_01
0.3 3 1-3
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Throwing Star.png Chitin Throwing Star T_QyC_Chitin_ThrowingStar_01 0.1 3 2-3
TD3-icon-weapon-Corkbulb Dart.png Corkbulb Dart T_De_Corkbulb_Dart_01 0.2 2 1-1
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Throwing Knife.png Daedric Throwing Knife T_Dae_Regular_ThrowingKnife_01 0.4 5000 1-9
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Throwing Star.png Daedric Throwing Star T_Dae_Regular_ThrowingStar_01 0.2 4000 2-12
TD3-icon-weapon-Dwarven Throwing Knife.png Dwarven Throwing Knife T_Dwe_Regular_Knife_01 0.2 15 1-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Dwarven Throwing Star.png Dwarven Throwing Star T_Dwe_Regular_Junkstar 1.25 14 2-8
TD3-icon-weapon-Dwarven Throwing Star 02.png Dwarven Throwing Star2 T_Dwe_Regular_Star_01 0.1 10 2-8
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Throwing Knife.png Ebony Throwing Knife T_De_Ebony_ThrowingKnife_01 0.3 3000 1-8
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Dart.png Glass Dart T_De_Glass_Dart_01 0.2 20 1-9
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Dart.png Imperial Dart T_Imp_Legion_Dart_01 0.2 5 2-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Throwing Knife.png Imperial Throwing Knife T_Imp_Legion_Knife_01 0.3 3 1-4
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Throwing Star.png Imperial Throwing Star T_Imp_Legion_Star_01 0.1 2 2-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Dart.png Iron Dart T_Com_Iron_Dart_01 0.25 3 1-3
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Javelin.png Iron Javelin T_Com_Iron_Javelin_01 7 12 3-24
MW-icon-weapon-Iron Throwing Knife.png Iron Throwing Knife T_Com_Iron_ThrowingKnife_01
0.3 3 1-3
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Throwing Star.png Iron Throwing Star T_Com_Iron_Star_01 0.1 3 2-4
TR-icon-weapon-Dwarven Dart.png Light Dwarven Dart T_Dwe_Regular_Dart_01 0.05 10 5-7
TD3-icon-weapon-Mithril Throwing Knife.png Mithril Throwing Knife T_Bre_Mithril_ThrowKnife_01 0.4 1000 1-6
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Dart.png Nordic Dart T_Nor_Orn_Dart_01 0.2 8 2-6
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Throwing Knife.png Nordic Throwing Knife T_Nor_Orn_ThrowingKnife_01 0.3 10 1-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Obsidian Dart.png Obsidian Dart T_QyK_Obsidian_Dart_01 0.2 5 1-6
TD3-icon-weapon-Obsidian Throwing Knife.png Obsidian Throwing Knife T_QyK_Obsidian_Knife_01 0.2 10 1-4
TD3-icon-weapon-Obsidian Throwing Star.png Obsidian Throwing Star T_QyK_Obsidian_Star_01 0.1 5 1-6
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Dart.png Orcish Dart T_Orc_Regular_Dart_01 0.3 25 2-7
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Throwing Knife.png Orcish Throwing Knife T_Orc_Regular_ThrowingKnife_01 0.4 40 1-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Throwing Star.png Orcish Throwing Star T_Orc_Regular_ThrowingStar_01 0.3 25 2-7
TD3-icon-weapon-Ornate Throwing Axe.png Ornate Throwing Axe T_Nor_Orn_ThrowingAxe_01 5 24 1-15
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Dart.png Quey Bronze Dart T_Qy_Bronze_Dart_01 0.2 8 1-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Throwing Knife.png Quey Bronze Throwing Knife T_Qy_Bronze_ThrowingKnife_01 0.25 9 1-4
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Throwing Star.png Quey Bronze Throwing Star T_Qy_Bronze_ThrowingStar_01 0.25 6 2-7
TD3-icon-weapon-Reman Legion Javelin.png Reman Legion Javelin T_Imp_Reman_Javelin_01 8 50 5-20
TD3-icon-weapon-Sea Urchin Spine Dart.png Sea Urchin Spine Dart T_Com_SeaUrchin_Dart 0.1 3 1-3
TD3-icon-weapon-Shellmold Dart.png Shellmold Dart T_QyC_shellmold_dart 0.1 8 2-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Shellmold Throwing Star.png Shellmold Throwing Star T_QyC_shellmold_star 0.1 10 3-6
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Javelin.png Silver Javelin T_Com_Silver_Javelin_01 6 40 3-24
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Throwing Knife.png Silver Throwing Knife T_Imp_Silver_ThrowingKnife_01 0.3 8 1-4
MW-icon-weapon-Iron Throwing Knife.png Steel Throwing Knife T_Com_Steel_Knife_01 0.3 4 1-4
TD3-icon-weapon-Wenbone Dart.png Wenbone Dart T_We_Wenbone_Dart_01 0.2 18 1-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Wenbone Throwing Knife.png Wenbone Throwing Knife T_We_Wenbone_Knife_01 0.3 15 1-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Wenbone Throwing Star.png Wenbone Throwing Star T_We_Wenbone_Star_01 0.1 14 2-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Heavy Iron Dart.png Ynesai Heavy Iron Dart T_Yne_Iron_DartHeavy 0.75 6 3-5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Dart.png Ynesai Iron Dart T_Yne_Iron_Dart 0.25 3 1-3
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Slicer.png Ynesai Iron Slicer T_Yne_Iron_Slicer 0.2 7 4-6
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Throwing Dagger.png Ynesai Iron Throwing Dagger T_Yne_Iron_ThrowingDagger 0.3 3 2-4
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Throwing Knife.png Ynesai Iron Throwing Knife T_Yne_Iron_ThrowingKnife 0.3 4 3-4
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Throwing Needle 01.png Ynesai Iron Throwing Needle T_Yne_Iron_ ThrowingNeedle_01 0.1 2 2-2
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Throwing Needle 02.png Ynesai Iron Throwing Needle2 T_Yne_Iron_ ThrowingNeedle_02 0.1 3 3-3
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Throwing Star.png Ynesai Iron Throwing Star T_Yne_Iron_ThrowingStar 0.1 3 2-3

Short Blades[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Chop Slash Thrust Speed Reach Enchant
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Dagger.png Adamantium Dagger T_Com_Adamant_Dagger_01 9 1000 850 6-10 6-10 1-13 2.3 1 4.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Tanto.png Adamantium Tanto T_Com_Adamant_Tanto_01 9 1100 900 7-18 7-18 7-18 2.1 1 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Wakizashi.png Adamantium Wakizashi T_Com_Adamant_Wakizashi_01 23 1200 975 9-18 8-19 5-9 2.25 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Aena Sickle.png Aena Sickle T_De_Aena_Sickle_01 4 250 580 3-7 5-10 3-8 1 1 3
TD3-icon-weapon-Alik'r Dagger.png Alik'r Dagger T_Rga_Alik_Dagger_01 3 20 450 4-5 4-5 5-5 2.5 1 2
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nedic Shortsword.png Ancient Nedic Shortsword T_Imp_Barrow_Sword_01 8 200 800 5-9 3-9 2-5 1.75 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nordic Dagger.png Ancient Nordic Dagger T_Nor_Ancient_Dagger_01 4 150 600 5-8 5-8 7-8 2.5 1 2
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nordic Seax.png Ancient Nordic Seax T_Nor_Ancient_Seax_01 9 180 750 5-13 6-11 4-10 2.25 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nordic Shortsword.png Ancient Nordic Shortsword T_Nor_Ancient_Shortsword_01 11 210 800 4-15 3-14 2-10 2 1 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ashlander Dagger.png Ashlander Dagger T_De_Ashlander_Dagger_01 1.6 3000 320 5-12 5-12 6-10 2.5 1 1.1
TD3-icon-weapon-Ashlander Shortsword.png Ashlander Shortsword T_De_Ashlander_ShortSword_01 6.5 6200 440 5-15 5-12 7-10 2 1 2
TD3-icon-weapon-Ayleid Sacrificial Dagger.png Ayleid Sacrificial Dagger T_Ayl_Regular_Dagger_01 2 600 300 2-4 2-4 5-8 2.5 1 30
TD3-icon-weapon-Ayleid Curved Short Blade.png Ayleid Curved Short Blade T_Ayl_Regular_ShortBlade_01 11 650 500 6-15 5-10 1-4 1.8 1 12
TD3-icon-weapon-Bonelord Dagger.png Bonelord Dagger T_De_Bonelord_Dagger_01 7 115 325 4-6 4-6 5-7 2.5 1 3
TD3-icon-weapon-Ceramic Shortsword.png Ceramic Shortsword T_Rga_Cera_SSword_01 16 10000 1200 3-7 5-10 3-8 2 1 8
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Dagger.png Chitin Dagger T_QyC_Chitin_Dagger_01 1.5 6 380 3-3 3-3 4-4 2 1 1
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Shortsword.png Chitin Shortsword T_QyC_Chitin_Shortsword_01 4 13 540 3-7 3-7 4-9 2 1 2
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Sickle.png Chitin Sickle T_De_Chitin_Sickle_01 10 24 580 2-11 4-14 1-8 2 1 3
TD3-icon-weapon-Cleaver.png Cleaver T_Com_Var_Cleaver_01 4 20 150 3-6 1-4 0-1 1.2 1 1.2
TD3-icon-weapon-Cooking Knife.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Cooking Knife 02.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Cooking Knife 03.png
Cooking Knife T_Com_Var_Knife_01
3 15 120 1-3 1-2 3-5 1.2 1 0.5
BM-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Dagger.png Danswyrm Silver Dagger T_Nor_Silver_Dagger_Danswyrm 10 1200 550 5-10 5-10 7-15 2.5 1 7
BM-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Shortsword.png Danswyrm Silver Shortsword T_Nor_Silver_Shortsword_Danswyr 15 1200 500 6-12 6-12 9-15 2 1 7
MW-icon-weapon-Steel Dagger.png Dragon Dagger T_Com_Steel_Dagger_Dragon 3.6 240 450 10-10 10-10 10-10 2.5 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Dreugh Dagger.png Dreugh Dagger T_Nor_Silver_Shortsword_Danswyr 15 1200 500 6-12 6-12 9-15 2 1 7
TD3-icon-weapon-Dreugh Shortsword.png Dreugh Shortsword T_De_Dreugh_Shortsword_01 10 500 800 5-12 5-12 8-13 2 1 5.2
TD3-icon-weapon-Dwarven Dagger.png Dwarven Dagger T_Dwe_Regular_Dagger_01 5 150 930 5-7 5-7 6-7 2.5 1 2
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Dagger.png Ebony Dagger T_De_Ebony_Dagger_01 5 5000 800 6-10 6-10 8-10 2.5 1 3.7
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Shortsword.png Ebony Shortsword T_De_Ebony_Shortsword_02 16 10000 1200 10-20 10-22 15-25 2 1 8
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Tanto.png Ebony Tanto T_De_Ebony_Tanto_01 10 7000 900 8-18 8-18 9-18 2.25 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Wakizashi.png Ebony Wakizashi T_De_Ebony_Wakizashi_01 22 18000 900 10-26 10-28 7-11 2.25 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Embalming Hook.png Embalming Hook T_Com_Embalming_Hook_01 1 1 50 1-2 1-2 0-1 2.5 1 1.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Embalming Knife.png Embalming Knife T_Com_Embalming_Knife_01 1 7 70 1-2 1-2 2-6 2.5 1 1.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Fine Steel Seax.png Fine Steel Seax T_Nor_FineSteel_Seax_01 10 125 820 4-18 4-15 6-18 1.6 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Shortsword 02.png Glass Shortsword T_De_Glass_Shortsword_01 8 8000 400 6-16 6-16 8-15 2 1 2
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Tanto.png Glass Tanto T_De_Glass_Tanto_01 2.25 4500 400 7-21 7-21 7-17 2.25 1 1.4
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Wakizashi.png Glass Wakizashi T_De_Glass_Wakizashi_01 7 8700 280 1-21 1-22 1-17 2.25 1 3.3
TD3-icon-weapon-Golden Dagger.png Gold Dagger T_Com_Gold_Dagger_01 2.5 350 120 5-6 5-6 6-6 2.4 1 2.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Huntsman Shortsword.png Huntsman Shortsword T_Nor_Huntsman_Shortsword_01 11 100 800 1-12 1-15 1-12 2 1 4
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Dagger 01.png Imperial Dagger T_Imp_Legion_Dagger_01 4 35 500 4-6 4-6 6-6 2.5 1 2.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Dagger 02.png Imperial Dagger T_Imp_Legion_Dagger_02 3.5 40 450 3-6 3-6 5-7 2.5 1 4.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Dagger 01.png Imperial Patrol Dagger T_Imp_Legion_Dagger_Patrol 4 40 400 3-4 3-4 4-5 2.5 1 2.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Shortsword.png Imperial Shortsword T_Imp_Legion_Shortsword_01 10 60 600 3-7 5-10 3-8 1.25 1 7
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Tanto.png Imperial Tanto T_Imp_Legion_Tanto_01 5 20 500 4-9 4-9 5-9 2.25 1 3
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Templar Dagger.png Imperial Templar Dagger T_Imp_Templar_Dagger_01 3 120 520 4-7 4-7 5-7 2.5 1 2
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Templar Shortsword.png Imperial Templar Shortsword T_Imp_Templar_Shortsword_01 8 160 840 5-15 5-15 7-15 2 1 4
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Wakizashi.png Imperial Wakizashi T_Imp_Legion_Wakizashi_01 11 40 500 7-9 6-10 2-6 2.25 1 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Dagger.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Dagger 02.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Dagger 03.png
Iron Dagger T_Com_Iron_Dagger_01
3 10 400 4-5 4-5 5-5 2.5 1 2
MW-icon-weapon-Iron Tanto.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Tanto.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Tanto 02.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Tanto 03.png
Iron Tanto T_Com_Iron_Tanto_01
4 14 500 5-6 5-6 6-6 2.25 1 2.2
TD3-icon-weapon-Maormer Dagger.png Maormer Dagger T_Mao_Dagger_01 2 250 450 6-14 6-14 6-11 2.5 1 2.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Maormer Shortsword.png Maormer Shortsword T_Mao_Shortsword_01 4 750 800 6-13 6-13 1-12 2 1 4.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Mithril Dagger.png Mithril Dagger T_Bre_Mithril_Dagger_01 6.5 4800 570 6-8 6-8 1-10 2.3 1 38
TD3-icon-weapon-Mithril Shortsword.png Mithril Shortsword T_Bre_Mithril_Shortsword_01 12.8 5500 600 7-13 7-13 7-18 2 1 40
TD3-icon-weapon-Mithril Tanto.png Mithril Tanto T_Bre_Mithril_Tanto_01 8 5900 600 7-16 7-16 7-16 2.1 1 43
TD3-icon-weapon-Mithril Wakizashi.png Mithril Wakizashi T_Bre_Mithril_Wakizashi_01 14.5 6400 670 9-16 8-17 5-8 2.25 1 50
TD3-icon-weapon-Morag Tong Blade.png Morag Tong Blade T_DE_MoragTong_Blade_01 8 150 750 5-13 6-15 4-11 3 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Dagger.png Nordic Dagger T_Nor_Orn_Dagger_01 4 35 600 5-8 5-8 7-8 2.5 1 2
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Iron Seax.png Nordic Iron Seax T_Nor_Iron_Seax_01 12 45 650 5-16 3-12 3-18 1.6 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Seax.png Nordic Seax T_Nor_Orn_Seax_01 12 100 750 4-18 6-15 6-18 1.6 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Shortsword.png Nordic Shortsword T_Nor_Orn_Shortsword_01 11 65 800 4-14 4-14 9-16 2 1 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Claw.png Nordic Silver Claw T_Nor_Silver_Claw_01 10 1500 400 3-7 5-10 3-8 2.8 1 8
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Seax.png Nordic Silver Seax T_Nor_Silver_Seax_01 12 650 850 7-25 9-20 9-27 1.6 1 8
TD3-icon-weapon-Obsidian Dagger.png Obsidian Dagger T_QyK_Obsidian_Dagger_01 1.8 20 100 3-7 3-10 3-13 2.5 1 0.6
TD3-icon-weapon-Old Elven Shortsword.png Old Elven Shortsword T_He_Direnni_Shortsword_01 6 160 570 7-10 7-10 4-10 2 1 12
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Dagger.png Orcish Dagger T_Orc_Regular_Dagger_01 4 600 1000 3-11 3-13 7-18 2.25 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Shortsword.png Orcish Shortsword T_Orc_Regular_shortsword_01 7 1400 1550 8-16 6-18 8-15 2 1 7.2
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Dagger.png Quey Bronze Dagger T_Qy_Bronze_Dagger_01 4 75 250 5-6 5-6 5-6 2.5 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Shortsword.png Quey Bronze Shortsword T_Qy_Bronze_Shortsword_01 6 160 500 6-13 6-13 7-14 2 1 9
TD3-icon-weapon-Reman Legion Shortsword.png Reman Legion Shortsword T_Imp_Reman_Shortsword_01 9 110 600 5-8 5-8 6-8 2 1 4
TD3-icon-weapon-Sacrificial Dagger.png Sacrificial Dagger T_Nor_Var_WerewolfboneDagger_01 3 55 400 3-7 2-3 5-9 2 1 8
TD3-icon-weapon-Scamp Shortsword.png Scamp Shortsword T_Dae_Scamp_SSword_01 7 200 650 4-9 4-9 7-11 2 1 8
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Dagger.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Dagger 02.png
Silver Dagger T_Imp_Silver_Dagger_01
2.4 400 40 4-5 4-5 5-5 2.5 1 1.6
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Tanto.png Silver Tanto T_Imp_Silver_Tanto_01 3 52 300 5-11 5-11 5-11 2.25 1 1.8
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Wakizashi.png Silver Wakizashi T_Imp_Silver_Wakizashi_01 8.6 90 375 8-11 7-12 2-7 2.25 1 3.8
TD3-icon-weapon-Sixth House Dagger.png Sixth House Dagger T_De_6th_Dagger_01 8.3 2000 1000 3-15 3-17 7-20 2.25 1 10.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Sixth House Shortsword.png Sixth House Shortsword T_De_6th_Shortsword_01 14.6 3250 1550 8-20 6-21 8-18 2 1 13.6
BM-icon-weapon-Stalhrim Shortsword.png Stalhrim Shortsword T_Nor_StalhrimShortsword_01 34 35000 1000 3-36 3-36 3-34 2.5 1.2 2
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Dagger.png
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Dagger 02.png
Steel Dagger T_Com_Steel_Dagger_01
3 20 450 4-5 4-5 5-5 2.5 1 2
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Shortsword.png Steel Shortsword T_Com_Steel_Shortsword_01 8 40 750 5-12 5-12 7-12 2 1 4
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Shortsword 02.png Steel Shortsword T_Com_Steel_Shortsword_02 8 25 300 4-10 4-10 8-10 2 1 4
TD3-icon-weapon-Trovel.png Trowel T_Com_Farm_Trovel_01 3 5 300 1-3 1-3 0-1 1.4 1 2
TD3-icon-weapon-Vampyrum Order Dagger.png Vampyrum Order Dagger T_Imp_Vampyrum_Dagger_01 2.25 3400 500 3-8 3-8 3-8 2.5 1 2
TD3-icon-weapon-Vampyrum Order Shortsword.png Vampyrum Order Shortsword T_Imp_Vampyrum_Shortsword_01 6 6700 750 7-17 7-17 8-16 2 1 4
TD3-icon-weapon-Verkathi Cutlass.png Verkathi Cutlass T_Rga_Verk_Cutlass_01 10 24 500 7-12 5-10 1-5 2.25 1 4.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Wayrest Artisan Dagger.png Wayrest Artisan Dagger T_Bre_Artisan_Dagger_01 3.5 450 60 5-6 5-6 6-7 2.5 1 3
TD3-icon-weapon-Wayrest Artisan Shortsword.png Wayrest Artisan Shortsword T_Bre_Artisan_Shortsword_01 9 120 750 6-14 6-14 8-14 2 1 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Wenbone Dagger.png Wenbone Dagger T_We_Wenbone_Dagger_01 3.5 30 420 4-7 4-7 5-9 2 1 2.4
TD3-icon-weapon-Wenbone Shortsword.png Wenbone Shortsword T_We_Wenbone_Shortsword_01 9 125 790 4-12 4-12 5-14 2 1 3.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Steel Dagger.png Witch Steel Dagger T_Com_DaedSteel_Dagger_01 5 200 600 6-10 8-9 9-9 2.3 1 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Steel Shortsword.png Witch Steel Shortsword T_Com_DaedSteel_Shortsword_01 12 400 1350 8-15 8-15 10-15 2 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Bone Knife.png Ynesai Iron Bone Knife T_Yne_Iron_KnifeBone 1 19 311 2-4 2-4 2-4 2.5 1 3
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Dagger.png Ynesai Iron Dagger T_Yne_Iron_Dagger 3 12 420 5-6 5-6 6-6 2.5 1 2.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Decorated Knife.png Ynesai Iron Decorated Knife T_Yne_Iron_KnifeDecorated 1.5 45 100 1-3 1-3 1-3 2.5 1 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Knife.png Ynesai Iron Knife T_Yne_Iron_Knife 3 14 389 4-4 4-4 5-5 2.5 1 2.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Shortsword.png Ynesai Iron Shortsword T_Yne_Iron_Shortsword 8 20 600 6-11 6-11 4-5 2 1 4
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Tooth Knife.png Ynesai Iron Tooth Knife T_Yne_Iron_KnifeTooth 1 17 272 2-4 2-4 2-4 2.5 1 2.5


Name ID Weight Value Health Chop Slash Thrust Speed Reach Enchant
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Giserne.png Adamantium Halberd T_Com_Adamant_Gisern 25 5000 900 1-10 10-30 2-20 1 1 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Adamantium Halberd.png Adamantium Halberd T_Com_Adamant_Halberd_01 25 10000 900 1-8 1-36 8-8 1 1 8
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nedic Spear.png Ancient Nedic Spear T_Imp_Barrow_Spear_01 13 200 600 1-3 1-3 5-17 1 1.7 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Ancient Nordic Spear.png Ancient Nordic Spear T_Nor_Ancient_Spear_01 19 180 900 2-6 2-6 6-21 1 1.8 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Ashlander Spear.png Ashlander Spear T_De_Ashlander_Spear_01 8 8500 560 2-6 2-6 6-27 1 1.8 2.8
TD3-icon-weapon-Auroran Halberd.png Auroran Halberd T_Dae_Auroran_Halberd_01 24 1000 1600 3-32 2-26 1-18 0.9 1.8 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Ayleid Spear.png Ayleid Spear T_Ayl_Regular_Spear_01 12.5 700 500 1-4 1-4 8-23 1 1.8 13
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Halberd.png Chitin Halberd T_De_Chitin_Halberd_01 8 26 650 1-2 1-2 1-15 1 1.8 2.7
TD3-icon-weapon-Chitin Spear.png Chitin Spear T_QyC_Chitin_Spear_01 7 13 500 1-2 1-2 5-13 1 1.8 2.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Halberd.png Daedric Halberd T_Dae_Regular_Halberd_01 52 40000 1200 2-25 1-23 5-50 1 1.8 18
MW-icon-weapon-Daedric Longspear.png Daedric Longspear T_Dae_Regular_Longspear_01 45 25000 1200 2-9 3-9 10-50 1 1.9 16
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Naginata.png Daedric Naginata T_Dae_Regular_Naginata_01 42 22000 1200 4-9 4-12 7-40 1.3 1.8 16
TD3-icon-weapon-Daedric Trident.png Daedric Trident T_Dae_Regular_Trident_01 44 21000 1100 2-8 1-8 7-42 1 1.8 15
TD3-icon-weapon-Dreugh Halberd.png Dreugh Halberd T_De_Dreugh_Halberd 16 850 860 1-5 1-5 7-24 1 1.8 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Dreugh Spear.png Dreugh Spear T_De_Dreugh_Spear_01 14 800 760 2-8 2-8 6-17 1 1.8 5.1
MW-icon-weapon-Dwarven Longspear.png Dwarven Longspear T_Dwe_Regular_Longspear_01 15 400 1400 2-5 2-5 5-29 1 1.9 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Bardiche.png Ebony Halberd T_De_Ebony_Halberd_01 28 11000 1000 2-9 2-19 6-38 1 1.8 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Halberd.png Ebony Halberd T_De_Ebony_Halberd_02 28 10000 1200 2-8 2-8 5-32 1 1.8 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Longspear.png Ebony Longspear T_De_Ebony_Longspear_01 15.6 12000 1200 2-8 2-8 5-39 1 1.9 11
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Naginata.png Ebony Naginata T_De_Ebony_Naginata_01 29 12000 1450 2-8 1-11 5-32 1.3 1.8 11
TD3-icon-weapon-Ebony Warscythe.png Ebony Warscythe T_De_Ebony_Scythe 28 10000 1200 2-8 2-8 5-32 1 1.8 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Egg Miner's Hook.png Egg Miner's Hook T_De_Var_EggminerHook_01 7 18 400 2-6 2-8 3-10 1 1.8 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Fishing Spear.png Fishing Spear T_Rga_FishingSpear_01 12 18 40 2-4 2-4 5-13 1 1.8 3
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Longspear.png Glass Longspear T_De_Glass_Longspear_01 9.8 10000 750 2-7 2-7 6-36 1 1.9 3.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Naginata.png Glass Naginata T_De_Glass_Naginata_01 9.2 14000 800 4-7 1-10 6-32 1.3 1.8 4
TD3-icon-weapon-Glass Spear.png Glass Spear T_De_Glass_Spear_01 8.4 600 12000 2-7 2-7 6-32 1 1.8 3
TD3-icon-weapon-Harpoon.png Harpoon T_Com_Var_Harpoon_01 8 15 300 2-4 2-4 6-15 1 1.8 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Harpoon 02.png Harpoon2 T_Com_Var_Harpoon_02 9 15 300 2-4 2-4 6-15 1 1.8 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Halberd.png Imperial Halberd T_Imp_Legion_Halberd_01 15 75 850 1-4 1-4 1-19 1 1.8 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Longspear.png Imperial Longspear T_Imp_Legion_Longspear_01 16 50 850 2-5 2-5 5-21 1 1.9 6.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Naginata.png Imperial Naginata T_Imp_Legion_Naginata_01 16 90 1000 2-4 2-8 5-15 1.3 1.8 6.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Spear.png Imperial Spear T_Imp_Legion_Spear_01 15 35 850 2-4 2-4 5-15 1 1.8 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Templar Longspear.png Imperial Templar Longspear T_Imp_Templar_Longspear_01 16 220 1400 2-7 3-7 2-29 1 1.9 5.3
TD3-icon-weapon-Imperial Templar Spear.png Imperial Templar Spear T_Imp_Templar_Spear_01 14 200 1200 2-7 2-7 6-24 1 1.8 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Indoril Halberd.png Indoril Halberd T_De_Indoril_Halberd_01 21 3000 900 2-7 2-7 5-29 1 1.8 4.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Indoril Spear.png Indoril Spear T_De_Indoril_Spear_01 21 2000 900 2-6 2-6 5-24 1 1.8 4.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Longspear.png Iron Longspear T_Com_Iron_Longspear_01 15 30 450 1-3 1-3 5-26 1 1.9 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Iron Naginata.png Iron Naginata T_Com_Iron_Naginata_01 14.5 40 650 2-3 2-6 6-20 1.3 1.8 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Maormer Trident.png Maormer Trident T_Mao_Trident_01 7 1000 800 2-7 2-7 2-28 1 1.8 4.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Mithril Halberd.png Mithril Halberd T_Bre_Mithril_Halberd_01 19.6 20400 680 1-7 1-32 7-7 1 1.8 68
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Iron Spear.png Nordic Iron Spear T_Nor_Iron_Spear_01 16 80 1100 2-4 2-4 5-20 1.25 1.8 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Halberd.png Nordic Halberd T_Nor_Orn_Halberd_01 21 70 950 3-18 1-14 6-28 1 1.8 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Longspear.png Nordic Longspear T_Nor_Orn_Longspear_01 20 90 900 2-6 2-6 6-29 1 1.9 6.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Spear.png Nordic Spear T_Nor_Orn_Spear_01 19 66 900 2-6 2-6 6-21 1 1.8 6
BM-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Spear.png Nordic Silver Spear T_Nor_SilverSpear_01 18 1200 1500 1-7 1-7 2-35 1.5 1.8 6.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Nordic Steel Spear.png Nordic Steel Spear T_Nor_Steel_Spear_01 14 170 1200 2-5 2-5 6-26 1.25 1.8 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Obsidian Spear.png Obsidian Spear T_QyK_Obsidian_Spear_01 8.4 30 150 2-4 2-4 4-24 1 1.8 1.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Old Elven Halberd.png Old Elven Halberd T_He_Direnni_Halberd_01 13 320 900 1-9 1-9 1-21 17 1.8 16
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Halberd 02.png Orcish Halberd T_Orc_Regular_Halberd_01 22 2600 1400 2-12 6-37 1-9 1.3 1.8 11
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Longspear.png Orcish Longspear T_Orc_Regular_Longspear_01 16 2000 2200 1-5 2-5 8-29 1 1.9 8
TD3-icon-weapon-Orcish Spear 03.png Orcish Spear T_Orc_Regular_Spear_01
15 1800 2000 1-5 2-5 8-24 1 1.6 7.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Pitch Fork.png Pitch Fork T_Com_Farm_Pitchfork_01 7 8 300 1-3 1-3 1-5 1 1.4 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Quey Bronze Spear.png Quey Bronze Spear T_Qy_Bronze_Spear_01 14 179 750 2-5 2-5 5-19 1 1.8 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Reachmen Halberd.png Reachmen Halberd T_Rea_Regular_Halberd_01 12 50 600 1-18 1-18 1-10 1 1.8 6
TD3-icon-weapon-Reman Legion Spear.png Reman Legion Spear T_Imp_Reman_Spear_01 14 150 820 2-5 2-5 7-15 1 1.8 4
TD3-icon-weapon-Scythe.png Scythe T_Com_Farm_Scythe_01 7 1 150 1-5 1-5 0-1 1 1.3 10
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Halberd.png Silver Halberd T_Imp_Silver_Halberd_01 18.6 240 800 1-4 1-4 5-23 1 1.8 4.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Silver Longspear.png Silver Longspear T_Imp_Silver_Longspear_01 12.4 90 600 1-4 1-4 5-29 1 1.9 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Stalhrim Halberd.png Stalhrim Halberd T_Nor_StalhrimHalberd_01 42 36000 1900 2-12 2-12 5-50 1 1.8 6.5
BM-icon-weapon-Stalhrim Spear.png Stalhrim Spear T_Nor_StalhrimSpear_01 52 35000 800 2-19 2-19 5-50 1.5 1.8 1.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Longspear.png Steel Longspear T_Com_Steel_ Longspear_01 15 50 1150 2-5 2-5 6-23 1 1.9 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Steel Naginata.png Steel Naginata T_Com_Steel_Naginata_01 15 80 1200 2-5 2-8 6-17 1.3 1.8 5.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Wenbone Halberd.png Wenbone Halberd T_We_Wenbone_Halberd_01 18 350 1040 1-4 1-4 1-24 1 1.8 4.9
TD3-icon-weapon-Wenbone Spear.png Wenbone Spear T_We_Wenbone_Spear_01 16.5 120 890 1-4 1-4 6-21 1 1.8 4
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Hunting Harpoon.png Ynesai Iron Hunting Harpoon T_Yne_Iron_HuntingHarpoon 8 10 320 1-2 1-2 1-11 1 1.4 2.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Shortspear.png Ynesai Iron Shortspear T_Yne_Iron_ShSpear 10 15 550 2-3 2-3 4-13 1 1.4 4.5
TD3-icon-weapon-Ynesai Iron Spear.png Ynesai Iron Spear T_Yne_Iron_Spear 14 20 600 2-4 2-4 1-18 1 1.8 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Yoku Halberd.png Yoku Halberd T_Rga_Yoku_Halberd_01 14 165 1000 7-25 1-4 5-12 1.1 1.8 5
TD3-icon-weapon-Yoku Spear.png Yoku Spear T_Rga_Yoku_Spear_01 11.2 600 155 5-12 1-4 7-23 1 1.8 5