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Tamriel Data:A History of Almalexia

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A History of Almalexia
Added by Tamriel Data
ID T_Bk_AlmalexiaHistoryTR
Value 50 Weight 3
Found in the following locations:
  • Carried by Teris Sevuro
  • Akamora, Arenim Manor
  • Akamora, Varen Manor
  • Almas Thirr, Canalworks Temple
  • Almas Thirr, Nelos Llothri's House
  • Almas Thirr, Ordinator Barracks
  • Almas Thirr, Tilresi: Bookseller
  • Almas Thirr, Tradehouse
  • Almas Thirr, Tradehouse, Tower
  • Bisandryon, Private Study
  • Denaven Manor
  • Ebon Tower, Curia: Central Offices
  • Ebon Tower, Curia: Offices West
  • Ebon Tower, Palace: Emperor's Quarters
  • Ebon Tower, Palace: Library
A History of Almalexia and its Environs
by Alym Feneru
A history of Morrowind's capital

The ancient city of Almalexia is the glittering jewel in Morrowind's crown. The city is the largest in Morrowind, and sprawls across the landscape. Almalexia is also the center of politics and commerce in Morrowind, as it is the home of the Lady Almalexia as well as being the seat of House Indoril, a stronghold of the Temple, and the capital of Morrowind.

Almalexia is divided into several administrative districts. Members of House Indoril reside primarily in the Indoril District to the North East of the city, which also contains the council hall of House Indoril and the headquarters of the Ordinators. The Manor District to the West contains the mansions of wealthy nobles and merchants, as well as the Abbey of St Delyn. Western Gate is home to the Ordinator barracks and is a major entrance to the city proper. Velothril Avenue to the south is a major thoroughfare, and large apartment buildings as well as the hospital and artisan's halls are located there. And in the center lies Mournhold, with its bustling markets, extravagant accommodation and brooding royal palace. Towering over it all is the beautiful Temple, home to Mother Almalexia.

The city lies in a lush valley where two mountain ranges meet, in the center of southern Morrowind. The surrounding area is mountainous, with some low valleys and grasslands. Almalexia enjoys a temperate climate, with it being neither too warm in summer nor too cold in winter. The city is sheltered from cold winds by the neighboring mountains, and the adjacent lowlands are perfect for agriculture. A deep river leads to the sea, allowing access between the Inner Sea and the city.

The city has not always been called Almalexia. As far back as can be remembered, the city was called Mournhold, and is often still referred to by that name. It is thought that the city was established soon after the Chimer followed the holy prophet Veloth to Resdayn. A rumor persists that the city was founded upon a Dwemer fortress, but this obviously disrespectful tale is nothing but a myth.

Mournhold was established in a strategically important area, at the confluence of two rivers and surrounded by mountains. The city itself probably began as a stronghold, but this function may have become less important after the end of the Nord occupation and uniting of the Dwemer and Chimer in Resdayn under Lord Indoril Nerevar and Dumac Dwarfking.

The city entered a golden age with Resdayn under the guidance of Lords Nerevar and Dumac. The population is thought to have swelled considerably during this peaceful period, as Lord Nerevar made Mournhold his capital. Mournhold became the largest city in Resdayn as artisans, merchants and clerics flocked to the city, following the administrative apparatus of the First Council. The peace also allowed the city to expand outside of the old stronghold fortifications, and farmers were encouraged to settle in the nearby lowlands.

After two hundred and fifty years of peace, the War of the First Council was initiated by the blasphemous Dwemer and treacherous Sixth House, and led to much suffering in Resdayn. The war was fought at Red Mountain, but many sons of Mournhold perished. Sixth House insurgents present in Mournhold rebelled, and many innocent Dunmer were killed before the treacherous ones were overcome.

Still more citizens of Mournhold perished in the famine that occurred after the eruption of Red Mountain. The ash from the eruption covered the fields near Mournhold, poisoning crops and livestock. It is said that refugee columns stretched from horizon to horizon as people fled the city to find food. Almalexia, Vivec and Sotha Sil attained Godhood through their works at Red Mountain, and formed the Tribunal Temple in order that they might better watch over the Dunmer. The Temple incorporated many of the old ways, and was based in Mournhold.

After the tragic death of Lord Nerevar and the glorious ascent of the Tribunal, Mournhold began to decline in stature as other regional House capitals gained influence. Nevertheless, it remained the largest city in Resdayn. The theocracy of Resdayn at that time enjoyed a long period of stability, with House conflicts settled by the Council, Morag Tong, or House War. Resdayn was the most powerful nation on Tamriel, and all envied her glory.

Though the grandeur was not to last as the many small human kingdoms slowly consolidated into a single Empire, under a line of Cyrodiilic Despots. This nation grew mighty, and the Holy Tribunal watched with growing apprehension. Eventually all areas of Tamriel came to be under the control of the Emperor, even the lands of the haughty Altmer. Only Resdayn was free.

At the end of the first era, the Empire invaded Resdayn, the last free nation on Tamriel. After eighty years of warfare, Lord Vivec negotiated a truce with the Empire. The truce forced the Dunmer to allow the establishment of a chain of Imperial forts, stretching from Firewatch in the East to Blacklight in the West. While the truce was controversial, Vivec decided that this would be the best course for his people.

However, just weeks after the truce had been signed, the deceitful Mehrunes Dagon was summoned by a coven of ungodly witches and incited to attack Mournhold. The city was burnt to the ground and utterly destroyed. As were countless others, Indoril Brindisi Dorom, Duke of Mournhold, was slain by the Daedra and his lesser minions. Almalexia and Sotha Sil rushed to Mournhold as fast as they could and banished Mehrunes Dagon back to Oblivion. But it was too late to save the city and its populace.

The rebuilding of Mournhold began at once, planned intimately by Lord Sotha Sil. Under his guidance and with the use of his sacred creations, the city of Almalexia was returned to its former glory upon the ruins old Mournhold. Thus the city was built with an order and structure missing from all other cities in Morrowind.

The new city was renamed Almalexia, as Lady Almalexia chose to make the capital her home. A mighty temple was built for Almalexia to reside in at the center of the restored city. Though she often took long absences from Mournhold, whenever she was resident she walked among the populace and helped those in need. To commemorate the banishment of Mehrunes Dagon, a statue of Almalexia was erected in the new Plaza Brindisi Dorom.

After the collapse of the first Cyrodilic Empire in the Second Era, much of Tamriel dissolved into small warring states. Morrowind however remained intact due to the wisdom and guidance of the Tribunal. Almalexia was maintained as the capital and the Holy Tribunal remained the absolute power in the land. It is at this time that the inhabitants of the distant land of Akavir attempted to invade Morrowind, but Vivec taught the Dunmer how to breath water, and all of Morrowind was flooded to defeat the menace. Almalexia escaped much of the flooding, and the little damage that did occur was cosmetic only. The city was saved from the invaders, thanks to the actions of mighty Vivec.

Three hundred years after the flooding of Morrowind, the Cyrodiliic General Talos, later known as Tiber Septim, united the kingdoms of men under his rule. Only Morrowind and the Aldmeri nation remained free. Tiber Septim then turned his attention to Morrowind and demanded that it submit to his rule. The Temple with Houses Indoril, Dres and Redoran opposed this, while the weak Hlaalu proposed appeasement of the Empire and the Telvanni refused to become involved. The legions of Septim massed on Morrowind's border, and Redoran troops prepared to do battle. The leadership of House Indoril was certain Morrowind would fall to the legions and was unwilling to support House Redoran's foolhardy intention to face the legions, so an extensive campaign of insurrectionary warfare was planned.

However, the occupation never came to pass. Even as the legions invaded Morrowind, Vivec again saved Morrowind. After some initial skirmishes, he announced that a truce had been negotiated, allowing Morrowind to retain its customs and Temple, while Morrowind again nominally became an Imperial province. A king was put in place to rule over Morrowind, as a puppet of the Cyrodiilic Emperor. The throne of the king was established in Almalexia, as was only natural. After all, Almalexia was the mightiest city in all Morrowind. The city was again saved from destruction, as the legions would surely have looted and smashed this glittering capital of Morrowind. Many Indoril leaders chose the honor of taking their own lives, rather than submitting to Imperial rule. House Hlaalu also expanded at the expense of House Indoril through murder and theft, and the devious Hlaalu merchants grew rich through trade with the Empire.

General Symmachus, who had led part of the resistance against the legions until the truce, became king of Morrowind in Mournhold and married Queen Barenziah. The Queen bore two children, the headstrong Prince Helseth and the beautiful Princess Morgiah. Peace was not to last in the capital however, as the population of Almalexia became unhappy with the deterioration of relations between the Empire and Morrowind. Unbeknownst to any, the Emperor Uriel Septim VII had been replaced by his evil mage, Jagar Tharn, who initiated new hostile policies against Morrowind. Symmachus was killed by the crowd during a revolt in the year 391 of the Third Era, while Barenziah and her children fled the city. There was little damage to Mournhold, as many of the guards, with the throng, also turned on the palace civil bureaucracy. The Temple and Almalexia remained in control of much of the city by influencing the rebels and ensuring a minimum of bloodshed.

After Tharn was defeated, Barenziah chose not to return to Mournhold and moved to Wayrest, so King Llethan was chosen by Almalexia to restore order to the city. Llethan was much beloved by the people, and the crowd dispersed. Five years later, Llethan himself led a mighty army against the vile beastmen to the south, destroying their armies and taking thousands of slaves.

Throughout the history of Almalexia, it has been unrivaled as the center of administration and civilization in Morrowind. Under the guidance of generous King Llethan and the beneficent Lady Almalexia, the magnificent metropolis continues to grow in authority, the home of a God and capital of all Morrowind.