Skyrim talk:Promises to Keep
- 1 Using Objects Through Walls
- 2 Removed bug from article
- 3 Easter Egg?
- 4 Letrush Clone exploit (Should this be added to the page?)
- 5 After Completion
- 6 Double-crossing Louis Letrush?
- 7 Louis' Late
- 8 Thug Kills Louis Without Snitching
- 9 Quest is simplified and/or altered by Bethesda
- 10 Maven "knows" about the plan before me
- 11 Letrush Unkillable Now?
- 12 Frost at Katla's Farm
- 13 Based off Poem?
- 14 If you steal & directly go to Maven
- 15 Claimed event with Black-Briar thugs with bounty
Using Objects Through Walls[edit]
Apparently, while in the Black-Briar Lodge, I can use objects that are behind walls. Like, stealing from a wardrobe that is in the next room. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:53 on 10 December 2011
Removed bug from article[edit]
"If you talk to Maven, the option to steal Frost's papers is marked as completed, however you still need to take them for the quest to continue."
This doesn't happen to me on PC. Can anyone confirm this? I removed it for the time being, feel free to put it back in if it can be confirmed. ThuumofReason 23:10, 19 December 2011 (UTC)
- I can confirm this bug on Skyrim I spoke with Sibbi (and persuaded him to give me the key to the lodge's stash), then told Maven about the plan. Right after maven ends talking the "steal Frost's Lineage Papers" showed up as completed. Ytsejam91 21:42, 21 December 2011 (UTC)
- Seconded here. I had it happen when I did the quest (on PC). I actually did it before the comment was removed, and it did prove useful. --Tremayne 21:50, 21 December 2011 (UTC)
- Me too (PC, v1.3.7.0). So i re-added this to the bug section --Psychomc 22:49, 23 December 2011 (UTC)
- Happened to me, and I'm on PS3 (ver1. --Gimee 06:35, 9 March 2012 (UTC)
- Weird, definitely happened to me as well, I saved before hand so went back to the auto-save and stole frost's papers before returning to maven black-briar. I wonder what condition could have caused the quest not to fail? ThuumofReason, did you intimidate Sibbi (threaten to go to Maven) or did you just accept what he offers you? -- Haravikk 12:33, 9 March 2012 (UTC)
Easter Egg?[edit]
Could the title of this quest be perhaps a reference to the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"; specifically the last verse:
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.
The poem is an early one by Robert Frost; the name of the horse in question?-WalB 22:41, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
- OK I just saw a previous edit saying this precisely... my apologies. Please remove if inappropriate.-WalB 22:41, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
Letrush Clone exploit (Should this be added to the page?)[edit]
Prerequisite: Finish this quest by telling Maven about Letrush's plot, stealing Frost and then telling Letrush you're keeping Frost.
When you fast-travel to White Run, upon leaving the city, a clone of Letrush will usually be standing next to Frost. He is apparently marked as an essential NPC because you can't kill him. You can exploit this to build various skills by attacking him. Be aware that if anyone witnesses this, you will get a bounty and guards will attack. "Jango Letrush" will attack you with a dagger until you drive his health down to zero. At that point, he will kneel for a few seconds then instantly recover full health and begin attacking you with elemental magic. (360) — Unsigned comment by EnigManic (talk • contribs) at 16:29 on 27 December 2011
After Completion[edit]
The quest is marked complete and Letrush is riding Frost away when he's attacked by two spriggans.
I back off and watch,Letrush dismounts and Frost runs away. The spriggans attack him till he goes to one knee then they turn on me. I kill them and talk to Letrush, he says " good day" and runs off back to Riften I assume.
I go find Frost and take him back the the lodge.
I will update if I discover this has an impact on something else. --Jdguellich 20:51, 9 January 2012 (UTC)
Double-crossing Louis Letrush?[edit]
In the "Consequences" section of the article,it mentions "double crossing" Louis Letrush. Would that be killing him,or using the persuasion option, or what? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:44 on 16 January 2012
Louis' Late[edit]
I have completed all three items under the quest "Promises to Keep": Got the lineage papers, got the optional stash, hopped on the horse. But Louis never appears on my map as a way marker. I road all around the eastern Rift looking for him. But never found him. Frost is still considered "stolen" and doesn't follow me. He currently lives at the stables gate of Riften.
I had spoken to Sibbi, then informed Maven. I then informed Delvin (of the Thieves' Guild), not that he cares. Then went to complete the quest. I wound up killing the guys at the lodge. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:09 on 6 February 2012
Thug Kills Louis Without Snitching[edit]
I didn't snitch on Louis and gave him Frost fairly. Later on, I witnessed a thug with Louis. He exclaimed "Maven sends her regards!" and killed Louis with one hit. After quickloading, I killed the thug before he could kill Louis and confronted him expecting gratitute. However, he was aggressive and said something along the lines of "you must have told Maven! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in this mess!" and proceeded to slash at me with his dagger. Noots 23:07, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Kill him. I won't tell anybody.
- If it wasn't that glitch, it'd be some other glitch with him, and it's possible there's one or more other copies of him floating around in your game somewhere. So, if you paused where your story ends and you've waited a month for a I don't think they have a name for what you are. But if that's the case, I would recommend you avoid getting stabbed or seriously injured, then conjure up a daedra or undead to do obscene things to him. That's phase #1; use your imagination from there.
- I believe LeTrush should be the default ***hole to blow up in Skyrim, like the Adoring Fan in Oblivion or Tenpenny in Fallout 3, as there's a good chance the *********** will just turn back up. That ******* ******man can go get ******* ******* on by ****** eating **** ******** ***** balls. Minor EditsThreats•Evidence 07:41, 10 March 2012 (UTC)
Quest is simplified and/or altered by Bethesda[edit]
By checking out the quest through the new creation-kit, I came upon a very interesting bit of information. Apparently the quest was supposed to put a note on Louis Letrush, with the ID name MS03MavenBlackBriarNote. The script string which should trigger this note to spawn on Letrush is however prefixed with a semicolon (in programming language that means: ignore anything in this row written behind the semicolon) thus the note does not appear on Louis Letrush. Furthermore, the note itself is not existent in the game data, likely never programmed in or finished. All of this together leads to the conclusion that the quest was meant to be more elaborate than it is now, at the very least involving a threat or message from Maven to Letrush which could have been pickpocketed or looted off him in the form of a (never implemented) note. --Saratje 19:52, 23 February 2012 (UTC)
- I wonder if it might have elaborated upon the history that is supposedly between Maven Black-Briar and Louis Letrush? She mentions something about it when you tell her of his intended theft, so it may have been intended to have a more fleshed out story. Riften does have a very strong feeling like there was supposed to be another major quest-line, probably as a good option instead of joining the Thieves Guild. Probably was abandoned when the decision was made that Maven would become Jarl of Riften for the empire. All speculation of course, but it could mean that this quest may have been intended to have others to follow? -- Haravikk 12:37, 9 March 2012 (UTC)
Maven "knows" about the plan before me[edit]
I met Letrush upon entering The Bee and Barb. Agreed to the first step. Have not talked to Sibbi yet. Met Maven in market next morning. There's a prompt to tell her about plan to steal. I know of no plan to steal.... Should this be listed at the bugs section?
--DayDreamer 17:31, 1 April 2012 (UTC)
- Done.
--DayDreamer 03:13, 11 April 2012 (UTC)
Letrush Unkillable Now?[edit]
I was not able to kill Letrush at all. He simply falls to his knees and then gets back up. I also tried letting the thug kill him, but the thug got the same result. Denise (talk) 16:29, 4 September 2013 (GMT)
Frost at Katla's Farm[edit]
After stealing his papers, I couldn't find Frost outside, so I checked the map and found the arrow pointing at Katla's Farm by Solitude. I used the console to teleport to Frost and he was indeed at Katla's Farm, standing directly in front of the other horses there. I have done this quest on many prior occasions and have never encountered this before. This is on the Legendary Edition, and the only mods I use are SkyUI and the USLEEP. 11:42, 15 November 2016 (UTC)
Based off Poem?[edit]
Whose woods these are I think I know. / His house is in the village though; / He will not see me stopping here / To watch his woods fill up with snow. / My little horse must think it queer / To stop without a farmhouse near / Between the woods and frozen lake / The darkest evening of the year. / He gives his harness bells a shake / To ask if there is some mistake. / The only other sound’s the sweep / Of easy wind and downy flake. / The woods are lovely, dark and deep, / But I have promises to keep, / And miles to go before I sleep, / And miles to go before I sleep. ~ by Robert Frost — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:59 on 12 December 2016 (UTC)
If you steal & directly go to Maven[edit]
If you return with Frost without speaking to Letrush & speak with Maven Black-Briar asking the following: Are you aware that Letrush stole Frost?
She will say: I'm aware that he stole Frost, & why.
Truepremise (talk) 22:18, 17 April 2019 (UTC)
Enjoy putting this in the article.
TruePremise out
Claimed event with Black-Briar thugs with bounty[edit]
The consequences section claims that you can "be tracked down by Black-Briar thugs who have a bounty on you". I have found no evidence for this in any quests related to MS03, unlike the other two thug events which are easily found. It also claims "you will find a note instructing them to 'deal with you'", but I can find no records of any such note. My guess is this is a misinterpretation of the generic "Steal, Thugs hunt player" event which could potentially be triggered in the course of this quest. I recommend the line be deleted or altered to refer to "Steal, Thugs hunt player" if no one has evidence to the contrary. --Olaus (talk) 18:55, 2 September 2024 (UTC)