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Skyrim Mod:Echoes of the Vale/Initiate's Rest

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Initiate's Rest
Added by Echoes of the Vale
# of Zones 1
Respawn Time Never (storage is safe)
Console Location Code(s)
Unknown (?)
Forgotten Vale
Special Features
# of Alchemy Labs 1
# of Arcane Enchanters 1
# of Tanning Racks 1
# of Smelters 1
# of Forges/Anvils 1
# of Grindstones 1
# of Workbenches 1
# of Cooking Pots/Spits 1
# of Fishing SuppliesCC 1
# of Wood Chopping Blocks 1

Initiate's Rest is is a player home added by Echoes of the Vale. It is initially accessed after traversing the Frozen Glade.

A clue from the Imperial Battlemage who lost her way in the Frozen Passage will lead you to discover this glade nestled in the mountains of the Forgotten Vale. Once you have found it, a map marker will appear that allows you to fast-travel to the Rest from anywhere in Skyrim or the Forgotten Vale.

The worldspace consists of a valley surrounding a large shallow pond. Two Vale Deer, Spiky Grass, and respawning butterflies inhabit the area. The player must restore the ruined structures in the valley to their former glory as a usable home and crafting area.


The entrance from the Frozen Glade looks like an ordinary cave, but the name will match the translated text from the Imperial Battlemage's journal.


When you first enter from the Frozen Glade, there will be an old Snow Elf structure with no roof east of the pond, north of the stream. Go to this structure to set up your home. (Unlike most houses in Skyrim, including Nchuanthumz which similarly has to be refurnished from scratch, the home area of Initiate's Rest is outdoors and open to the sky.)


Enter the structure through the doorway.

A prompt will appear on the screen, conveying your thoughts that "This looks like a good place to set up camp..". There are several rubble piles that you can interact with to clear them.

Once you clear the rubble from the house, you will have an Arcane Enchanter, two tents with bedrolls inside, a workbench, a tanning rack, four Ancient Falmer chests, an alchemy table, and a cooking spit. Two strings of lanterns span the area from the front wall to the back.

Beyond the house itself, an anvil and other debris lies half-buried in the snow. You can clear this rubble as well, revealing a large smithy the same size as the Skyforge. Another Empty Chest sits to the left of the forge, allowing for more storage. The restoration also creates a Wood Chopping block next to the water.

The old broken pier can also be cleaned up, revealing fully functional fishing supplies. Cold-water fish can be caught here, such as Angler Larvae and Arctic Grayling.

Portal back to the Forgotten Vale[edit]

North of the forge, across the bridge and up a flight of stairs, is an archway with a pedestal next to it. On the pedestal is a lever, which when flipped opens a portal back to the main area. The corresponding exit archway will let you out near the entrance from Darkfall Passage, south of the Wayshrine of Sight.